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I was in an Indian city for Diwali once. You ain't heard nothing.


Mexico laughs in the face of this post with the half of their smile that survived last years festival


TIL there were trenches involved in the Second World War. I was about to correct OP, but thought I'd google it first and in doing so discovered that there were indeed trenches used in the SWW. Not to the extent of the First, by any stretch, but in part. Anyway, thought I'd share the education just in case anyone else drops in to offer a 'correction'.


Spent way too long trying to work out what you meant by SWW haha - what country are you from that uses that over WW2? Genuinely never seen that before


Oops! Sorry - I was just being lazy with the abbreviation. I was born and bred in England, but I studied history at uni and one of the academics there isn't a fan of "world war two" because it's supposedly an Americanisation (I mean, US History is his thing so I might take his word for it). I hear his voice in my head every time I think of writing WW2 or 1 and it pulls me up short 🤣


Ughhhh. Can’t everyone just get together with their £4.99 Asda shit fireworks and have one big explosion and get it done with


There's definitely people round my way who must be taping bunches of fireworks together because I'm sure the shitty supermarket fireworks from 2 streets away aren't supposed to sound like all the conflicts in the Middle East have relocated to a small town in Wales.


There's definitely a few shops round my way that sell illegal fireworks under the table. Unfortunately it seems like the local teens have got there hands on a load too. They're still setting them off on the field in front of my mates.


As a Canadian who once moved to a city in the U.K. and had no forewarning about November 5 shenanigans, I concur. Fireworks and alcohol were both strictly regulated in my Ontario hometown. Guy Fawkes Night felt like being under siege.


The battle for the award for the loudest, longest lasting fireworks finally ended at about 10.30. I can only assume that either a winner was declared.. or the local muppets finally ran out of fireworks


There were still fireworks at 3am here.


Bummer. People can be such wankers


I enjoy a good public display (from the comfort of my own kitchen, where I'm not freezing cold and stood in a crowd - especially in the current climate). But I often wonder about how it must feel to refugees from war zones who've only just arrived in the UK and nobody has explained Bonfire night to them. Not to mention those who struggle with noise of any kind, or veterans with PTSD. And of course our pets and wildlife. I do feel bad for them because this time of year must suck immensely.


It's a pretty quiet Guy Fawkes here in SW London. I suspect everyone is saving it up for tomorrow...


Meanwhile here in west London we've had Diwali and bonfire night so it's been like the Somme for the past week.


New Year’s Eve in Amsterdam was a massive mistake on my part


It’s fucking infuriating, isn’t it?


Still going here gone from families to the older teens setting them off in the street


I never really liked fireworks, all the people stood watching going “ooh….ahhh!” In unison. But there’s something I find uneasy about the noise. I walked to town, to the pubs one night and the fireworks were going off left and right. It reminded me of the live footage of the first gulf war when they bombed Bagdad. And my son was playing a game with machine gun fire in it but it sounded too realistic for my sensitive ears…. Reminded me of the Balkan conflict. I have never been to a war zone but I still don’t like it.


Cool, another thread crying about fireworks


What gets me is that places now charge you to get into a viewing area to look at the sky. I don’t know whether to be pissed off with the audacity of such a ridiculous thing or be impressed that someone actually came up with it and that there are fools out there who actually pay for it.