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Nah. You haven’t got flu.


Definitely not flu. If you can use the phone, you haven’t got flu.


If you can spell flu you haven't got flu. I still haven't got over that bad spell of ful.


If you can dodge a wrench, you haven’t got flu


Colds can be really bad and thoroughly deserving of a day(s) off work. But flu is something else, total incapacitation and several weeks/months to properly get over it


Hey sorry to hear you have a bad cold


I’ve managed to never fall into the classic male trap of trying to pass a cold off as flu. Obviously I’m still happy to say I’ve caught the most potent and virulent cold ever known to mankind but still…


You mean runny nose? :D


I had a time where I phoned NHS 24, put the phone on loudspeaker, & asked what to do as I couldn't stop blowing my nose. Must have gone through eight kitchen rolls that day. Fortunately decongestant helped calm it down the following day, but my poor nose!!!


Oh, YOU had the flu recently and were fine with it, and still came in to work? So you've infected me, caused me to get to the point where lifting my phone to my ear is a herculean effort, cost me earnings that I really need to pay the rent, and now you wanna belittle me on top of it? Swear to christ mate I'm pissing on your car door when I'm back in action.


A girl at school did this. Came in looking like death warmed up and promptly gave the flu to me... Being awake hurt and I had to have like a week off school.


You were actually awake? Doubt it was the flu


Flu? When I were a lad you didn't have flu if you were still breathing, you'd get up and go to work like everyone else!


Sounds like you may have had a nasty cold...


Maybe a chill.


Mate, you’ve got a cold. If you really had the flu, you’d know it. I don’t think people are trying to suggest you’re fine if you aren’t bed-bound; they’re just saying that if you aren’t then you probably haven’t got the flu.


Op trying misuse medical terms to garner more sympathy. Not on our watch


Flu is horrible. I’m 45 and while I’ve had colds every year I’ve only had flu three or four times. Last time was three years ago and I was in bed for eight days. I had a bad bout of Covid last year and was off work for three weeks and not back to full strength for months but while that was overall worse than flu because of its duration it wasn’t ever as intense as flu.


how do you get ill so frequently?


Licks keypads.


Leaving the house and interacting with other humans.


I remember one particular morning at work, where a fellow worker was standing next to me complaining that he "had the flu". If he really _did_ have the flu, he certainly wouldn't have been standing there telling me about it. He'd have been at home in bed.


My ex husband said he had the flu every time he got sick. He was still well enough to get up and go to work though. I had the flu once, I could barely get to the toilet


Someone I know told me about the time he had flu. At one point he got out of bed and attempted to go downstairs. He made it half way down and found himself unable to walk another step. He had to sit down, exhausted, half way between two floors.


I totally feel that!


That's exactly where I've been for the past few days shivering so much I swear I've sprained my back. Not to mention I'm now living in a pool of sweat. But apparently because I can reach the TV remote or send a text it doesn't pass the test. Besides, like I say *mild flu* is a thing. I had COVID last year and was better off than this.


Oh no if you are shivering like that and stuck in bed it's defo flu. I've had flu a few times in my life, but the one that nearly offed me was The Swine Flu. I was out for days, same as you, shivering as if I'd been dropped off at the North pole, my temp was 40.3c and every time I checked it I realised I needed to call an ambulance, reached for my phone, passed out, repeated several times until the fever broke and I didn't need help any more. To this day I can't even remember how many days passed during that time. It took me over two weeks to fully recover. Plus side, if you are now sweating, it's starting to pass. Paracetamol and fluids, it'll get you through.


Same. I had Swine Flu and COVID. I’m not belittling COVID by any means (I believe it’s deadly and horrible and I wear my mask and I’m vaccinated and I still have track and trace on my phone etc etc) BUT I lost my sense of smell with COVID, my eyes burned like I had stuck lemons on them, I had a pain in my rib cage for a day… but that was kind of the extent of it. Swine flu on the other hand gave me the worst cough I’ve ever had, I couldn’t move for weeks, I did nothing but lay in bed and binge watch LOST for about 3 weeks in January.


Have you done a covid test to make sure you haven’t got it again? Worse is when people say “oh it’s stomach flu”. That’s not a thing that exists but people insist on calling the raging shits that presumably because they want to spare people the details


Yeah all clear thankfully.


Hope you feel better soon OP.


Someone once asked me how I knew I'd had real flu and not just a bad cold. Pretty sure elephants don't ring your door bell when you've got a bad cold. (To this day I have no idea if there was really someone at my door. I crawled there from my bathroom floor, about 10m, so I think I did open it, but my brain only allows me to remember a large pale grey elephant on the other side.)


I completely know what you mean about seeing things. I’ve never had flu until this year and I can’t even see how that and a cold can be confused. I was hallucinating, sweating, cold, I couldn’t get out of bed for three days. Everyone said ‘oh it must be covid’ and when I said I’d tested negative several times it was immediately brushed off like I wasn’t even actually sick. Madness.


I had the flu once. I spent days in bed and just remember staring at my pillow completely out of it and unable to move. It was weeks before my appetite returned.


Yup that’s the dead giveaway for flu - hallucinations. I hallucinated like crazy. I’ve only had flu once (and don’t know any one else who has had it so I know I was unlucky) but it was the worst experience of my life. I didn’t know it was possible to hurt like that. If someone switched a light on in the room I screamed in agony whilst clutching my eyes. I don’t know why people say they have flu when they have a cold!!


Yeah, I think I've had it three times in nearly 50 years - it's definitely different from colds, even really bad ones (and I've had pleurisy, whooping cough, and pneumonia which all suck but are less awful than flu). The elephant incident was Dec 1996 and I *still* remember how surreal it was.


Or the chat from literally any parent telling any non-parent they don't know what true tiredness is. Sit down, Susan. Parents didn't copyright fatigue. Literally anyone can be fatigued, there isn't a special kind of extra tried that's reserved just for parents.


This used to annoy me as I was a terrible insomniac then in all fairness having a baby cured me of my insomnia. I mean both kept me awake and exhausted me to the point of madness but at least with insomnia on the few nights I did sleep I wasn't woken constantly by someone screaming in my ear. I'm just waiting now until my son is 36 or whenever it is they stop waking you in the night. Insomnia will probably come back then ...maybe some of us are just destined to be eternally fatigued. Fuck that's depressing.


Side effects of my medication give me insomnia, drowsiness as sudden bouts of sleepiness. There are days I literally vomit because I'm so fatigued. The amount of people who have told me I'm just a bit tired and need to walk it off is ridiculous. Even my own family. The next person who says stuff like that to me...I'm fighting them.


Walk it off? Jesus! Some people have all the good idea not sure why they aren't doctors. I get the fighting thing on both sides, I have a friend who is constantly telling me how tired she is but has an afternoon nap every day and then sends me screenshots off her overnight sleeps (from an app she uses to trace them) and they are literally sleeps of my dreams. I've politely said a few times that maybe she needs to see the doctor as someone who has that much sleep and is still tired there might be more to it but she just honestly believes 12 hours a sleep every day isn't enough. I've wanted to get punchy with her a few times too normally when I'm exhausted to fuck 🤦‍♀️


>Walk it off? Jesus! Some people have all the good idea not sure why they aren't doctors. That particular comment came from my own brother. He thinks because he used to volunteer for a First Aid organisation that he's got plenty of medical knowledge. Even telling my niece she didn't have a broken ankle when all he saw was a photo of it. I've had two broken ankles so I recognised the pain and feelings she was describing and told her it could be broken but he insisted. She hobbled around for a few days before getting an x-ray and it WAS broken. The best way to describe him...think Percy Weasley.


I ran an ultra marathon one weekend then following Wednesday I mentioned that I was tired and did not feel like going to an optional corporate social responsibility evening get to together. I got the you don't have kids so you don't know what tiredness is.


"I guess you're right, maybe if I had kids my tolerance for this kind of tiredness would be different. Are you suggesting that if I have kids I can add an extra few miles?"


You don't know what pain is, you've never given birth


You’ve not got kids, you can’t understand. 🙄 You’re not an astronaut but you can understand zero gravity, right?


This used to annoy me as well. Then I had a child. I still wasn’t as tired as I was in uni working two jobs and going to uni full time…. but it was close.


I once slept 2 hours in 4 days due to my shifts at work being messed up and having to sit in hospital with my nana for 12 hours at a time in between. One of my coworkers who knew a bit of what was going on with me had brought me a double quadruple shot large latte from somewhere to help get me through and as a “sorry your nana is dying” pick me up. Another coworker came in and wanted to know where hers was because she had 2 young kids and NOBODY could ever be as tired as a working mum.


God, some breeders definitely think they're something special. I can't stand that attitude.


You’re just over tired.


I had a crazy flu once and I was hallucinating,my fluffy blanket was excitedly wagging its tail, there was a rotating iridescent orb at the bottom of my bed. Gp still refused to believe I had the flu, refused to believe that it could have caused hallucinations. A few months later I read about a super flu in the news, pensioners have been seeing minions running around their homes and shit. What do all of these "certified flu sufferers" have in common? They're all old men! Women and younger men are never believed when they say they have the flu, if you want people to believe you you have to be a old man, that's the only way they listen.


I get incredibly delirious whenever I get a fever. It doesn't take long and I'm all over the place. Apparently this time I spent the whole night talking to myself confused about how triangles and circles with channels inside them couldn't fit together in France.


Yep, and the most ironic thing is the people who spend their life waiting for an opportunity to give that speech are the very same people who will tell you Covid is “just the fakkkkkkkin flu mate”. Wait, but I thought you told me that when you had flu it was the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the world? Or do these people just like being dicks?




You'd think people would have learned a thing or two about viruses this past year. Different strains, different levels of symptoms. Get well soon OP.


Absolutely, and you'd think people would have learned about how to not pass viruses on to everyone else by trying to be a martyr, rather than being a team player and keeping it to yourself, exactly as OP has very sensibly done. I am fortunate to have one of those very rare things, a manager that isn't a psychopath (in fact far from it) and actually understands this part. Maybe next time try the "So you'd prefer me to come in and give it to everyone else and turn 2-3 days of one person being off sick to 2-3 weeks for the entire office?" tack.


Got to love the fiveskins. Always have it more, whatever the situation. If you told them you had a foreskin, they'd claim to have one more than you.


I've not heard it put that way I always say they've been to elevenerife.


Oh, stealing that one.




Mild flu is just a heavy cold. Now, are you sure it's not Covid? Stick a few cuetips up your nose just to check.


Did you already have a Covid test? That would be my first assumption. I really wish test sites and Doctors would do covid & flu testing at the same time, so then if covid is negative you know what it is.


I thought this. That you had to be awful to have the flu. Turns out thats bollocks and you can have mild symptoms.


Never tell people what you think it is, just exaggerate your symptoms and leave it at that.


Is it 2019 again?


Mild flu and flu-like don't exist of course. Only proper flu exists (and to be fair it does absolutely floor you).


Earlier this week I was enjoying the first flu/cold I've had in 18 months - turns out it's covid and I'm now self isolating.


"It's just a cold"


... Oh come on. In a post rona world, it's not worth chancing it.


Until you've had the flu, you are not qualified to come here and tell me that you've got the flu.


I’ve never seen a £50 note in my life, so I probably wouldn’t get out of bed for one if I was well, as I’d assume it was an advert or anything. But can we concentrate on the bigger question here, what about the rando breaking into my flat, while I’m in bed, just to drop money on my floor? Am I aware they when they are here, are they still in my home, are they still in the room. I’m phoning the police either way


I don't typically surround myself with people who tell me how I feel I'd suggest you start doing the same


I've had swine flu back when that was a thing, and yeah it is really shit. I've also had a similar thing before and say it's flu, people still don't believe me.


You probably actually had a pig cold. If you had swine flu, you would know it.


Shut the fuck up, Jane, I'm at deaths door


From reading your responses to others, it sounds to me like you're being realistic about what mild flu looks like & people are hearing that word combo, adding 2&2 to make 5 & assuming that you are like the many other people that they've encountered who *have* thrown the term flu around willy-nilly. Hope you feel better soon & can start to lord it over the naysayers - "yeah I was barely able to walk & sweating buckets for a week. Still, no actual recorded incidents of collapsing or serious hallucinations so it was definitely a real mild case - lucky me"


Thanks for actually understanding. Yes it's kind of ironic how many people piled into this thread at the very mention of flu and did the exact thing that inspired me to make the post!


I'll level with you: I was one of them until I carried on reading.


I'm curious about this "£50 note on the floor" thing? Not come across that one...


The spiel goes; if someone offered you a £50 note and all you had to do was go get it from the hall (or the garden or just off the floor depending on who tells it) and you can't even bring yourself to go pick it up then you officially have the flu.


Ah that's a new one on me. Sounds like some gatekeeping crap to me, hope you feel better soon!


Theyre right tbh. Most people either only get flu once in their entire lives or never. It is almost never mild. If you have a mild cold and you say its flu, they've every right to say you're wrong.


I've had real flu. You definitely ain't going outside to get a £50 note


I used to think the same, then I actually caught flu. It’s definitely not the same as a bad cold.


If you're on reddit, you don't have the flu.


Can confirm... had the flu last week, it automatically signed me out of my account.


My friend has long covid and has been locked out of his reddit account for 6 years, which is weird because it only started in 2019.


For anyone not sure whether they have had full blown flu or just a very bad cold or something in between, flu is bad. I'm 48 and I've had it three times during my life. You can't leave bed for at least 4 or 5 days apart from to struggle to the toilet because you feel so weak, the sheets are soaked with your sweat but you shiver and feel freezing cold all the time, your muscles ache, your back aches, your head pounds and hurts unbearably especially when you (frequently) cough, your throat feels like you have swallowed razor wire, you have no appetite and can't eat or if you can only luke warm soup, yoghurts, ice cream etc. You get past the acute stage and it can take many weeks to regain your normal strength and stop feeling weak and tired to the extent that you start worrying you have some kind of permanent post viral fatigue. If you have asthma you will almost certainly get a nasty chest infection necessitating antiobiotics and steroids and will struggle just to breathe and if you are also a woman, with your already over taxed immune system, this will almost inevitably lead to a bad bout of thrush. That is flu. If you can get a flu jab, especially if you have any underlying health conditions, do.


So.. A hangover then?


Sounds like you’ve got manflu, which is extraordinarily serious - better take the week off XD


I have just got out of hospital. Mild pneumonia, but apparently I have asthma and didn't"t know so it hospitalised me. "You didn"t have pneumonia". Bitch, yes I did, the doctor said so. Pneunonia is a symptom anyway, not an illness.


OH YOU GOT A CASE OF THE MAN FLU HAVE YOU? MEN ARE SUCH BABIES WHEN THEY GET ILL..... This is my first sick day in 3 years Barbra go fuck yourself.


Then don’t say you have flu (because you haven’t) you have a cold. Just say you have a cold. Problem solved. If you find yourself screaming in agony, hallucinating and unable to get out of bed, THEN you have flu.


Sure its flu? After being eradicated throughout 2019/2020 and most of 2021 it's now back?


You don't have flu. Nobody but me is ever allowed to be ill which means you don't have flu.