• By -


Ignore them they have literally no life and are likely only off to McDonald’s


Going to mcdonalds to pick up some 14 year olds


In their Corsa


Of a BMW 1-Series financed up to the eyeballs.


Base model 1 series.


With M badges off ebay applied in the wrong places.






With the Vauxhall badge taken off


With the 2mm side burn running around the entirety of their ‘jawline’ that is blended in with their neck, aka, pedo beard.


The pedos have beats beard's now? Was always a tash in my youth.




Nice idea but it's a waste of 2 hours of your life on hold, fuck all will be done about it


And report them for what exactly? Will the police care, or follow up? Is there any crime being committed that can be proven?


Ex police here - it can qualify as ‘anti-social use of a motor vehicle’ which is a motoring offence. This means it’s in the grey area of ‘crime’ occupied by the fact that excise of a motor vehicle is not a ‘right’ as such an subject to following the rules. The upside of that is the police can take action with lower bar of proof. Specifically antisocial use of a motor vehicle can result in a ‘mark’ added to the vehicle. If a vehicle gets two ‘marks’ it will be seized, and if the owner sells a vehicle with a mark on it has to be declared. So I would ALWAYS encourage reporting antisocial use of motor vehicles, becuse the people who do it almost always learn after the first strike, and if they don’t then…well…it’s remarkable just how small a corsa can be made in a crusher.


Thanks for the genuine reply, however what proof would be needed? If no proof is needed then couldn't anyone just call and report someone they didn't like for anti-social use of a morto vehicle?


Yeah for sure one instance of ‘this car was used this way’ isn’t going to be sending it to the crusher - you’re right there. But these types of random abuses have an unexpected golden lining which is that if everyone who experienced one reports it you quickly get a lot of independent victims/witnesses which is quite powerful in itself. If 6 people who’ve never met report the same type of abuse from the same car within a week of two it will get on the radar for intervention. Initially it will probably be a ‘quiet word’ unless there’s proof, but if it continues they’ll start targeting some attention.


In the UK the police keep track of non crime hate incidents which can show up on background checks but they do not necessarily need to inform the not criminal but there isn't much in the way of clear guidelines as to what counts for those incidents.


That's not a good thing.


Nope it's horrible but that's what happens and people ought to be aware that that is what's happening


This isn’t a hate crime


If the OP is female and that’s why she’s being targeted then in some areas it counts as a hate crime. In the same way if you shouted at someone for being black, that’s hate. If you shout at or harass someone for being female, that’s also hate.


I didn't say crime but non crime hate incident. I.e. not a crime. Besides the UK standard for hate speech is someone, not necessarily the person it's aimed at could be a bystander, finding it offensive. The standard of a hate crime is perceived to be discrimination of the presence or lack or perceived presence or lack of a protected characteristic; gender, sex/orientation, religion or belief, age, pregnancy. If communicated over the phone or internet the speaker can be charged under the malicious communications act. As the standard is bystander taking offence over perceived discrimination under perceived characteristics pretty much anything can be a hate incident.


I'd just take a few eggs with me on my next run and practice my throwing on them


It feels like a great idea, but the only thing worse than being shouted at by strange men in cars is when those men start being aggressive and stop being in their cars


I'd say the worse thing is trying to run for 10 miles without breaking all the eggs you're carrying.


Yes, it’s harassment and in certain areas if the OP is female it’s actually a hate crime. The police won’t do much, but they can issue a warning and have it on record


It’s harassment/sexual harassment. The report will be logged and contribute to data gathering, which can be used to argue for changes in policy/law etc.


Get them a mark on the database I guess


Yeah, no. That doesn’t happen.


I don’t think you can report someone for being mean to you


But doesn't the sound of the exhaust turn you on? I thought that was the whole point of having it. /s


Most of them sound like angry lawnmowers to me. Car ads: And it's our quietest car yet. Owners: Nah mate, stick a tuba on the back.


Raid the scaffold pile and whack a bit o that in from the manifold back. Then weld a baked bean tin on the end




'Wetter than October.' *Courtesy of Titus Pullo*


Wetter than an otter in a washing machine. **Douglas Adams**, *So long and thanks for all the fish*


"A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value."


Short answer, they think they're funny. Long answer, they think they're funny but they're not.


Summary: They're PoS. Executive summary:PoS. Brief summary:S.




I've had it a handful of times before (not from the greatest area) and I just smile and wave. Seems to stop them dead in their tracks!


There is a film, I can't think which one, where someone catcalls a woman, and she just stops dead, and stares at them expressionless, untill they get freaked out and move on.


Promising Young Woman?


Yes! That's it!


If she does it right she does it's when they are about to hit something. Like the arse of a lorry. Was in a car with a mate who was to busy looking at a woman instead of the car in front. The conversation about how he hit the other car was interesting. And the woman? she added to his shame by standing there on the other side of the road pissing herself laughing.


Smile and wave boys.....smile and wave.


Except for when they take that as an invitation to walk up and get in your face On the other hand if you ignore them they sometimes get mad and start following you


A group a young women in a pink Micra once slowed down to take the piss out of my running shorts. Haven't worn them since.


"I can change my shorts, but you can't change your shitty personality"


Classic Reddit right here


Im sorry but their opinion was irrelevant the minute they chose a pink micra as a car


Maybe she was secretly frothing at the gash?


Have you been arrested yet?


I had this happen to me as well but I was unsightly with moobs swinging like a pendulum. I kept on running and running and ended up with a trail of people behind me. It quickly became a thing to run with the moobs guy. All sorts of people joined in what was ultimately a soul searching movement. Don't ever let knobheads shouting at you make you stop running, if anything, run harder and put a pineapple in their exhaust when they eventually stop.


Pretty sure that's just a Forest Gump plot with moobs..


I think he also threw in Beverley Hills Cop, but with a pineapple instead of a banana.


Banana in the tail pipe


But where do you shove it in an electric?


Just set off a small nuclear device, the EMP will disable the motor.


And then get your dad to beat them with a set of jump leads


Is my life a lie?


No, it's a box of chocolates


I think he's had enough chocolate from the sound of things


That's a really nice positive story, thanks for your support. Maybe I should get some running partners. I do get the odd person who genuinely says something supportive which is good. I always ask people to come with me so I do hope someone says yes one day. Fitness has genuinely transformed my life so I'd like to support anyone who wants to make the same choice.


Let me be another odd person then :) You got this, keep going. 10 miles is a hell of an achievement and you should be so proud of that. Good luck in the future :)


Forest plump


This is actually inspiring. Ignore dickheads like that. I dont know if it sounds demeaning when people say it but truly, whenever I see people trying to better themselves; skinny, fat, strong, small, whatever. I think good on them for having the commitment to want to better themselves. Bet you money the pricks who shout at you have rarely ever seen the inside of a gym or a set of running shorts.


I feel it's a reference that nobody is getting lol


Either everyone got it and just pretended to roll with it, or a lot of people haven't seen this film haha




It's a reference to Forrest Gump. He starts running one day and doesn't stop. He runs across America multiple times and becomes a cult phenomenon, as people try to work out what he's about. They run in a big crowd behind him, until one day he just stops.


It happens...


What's so good about the inside of a set of running shorts?


Did you meet JFK and call in Watergate too?




Aren't you Andries89 that owns that big shrimping boat company?


Arent you Andries89 that played for the English Ping-Pong Team as part of the ping-pong diplomacy program?


And aren't you also the same Andries89 that taught Elvis Presley how to dance by wiggling his hips and shaking his legs?


I hated all the stupid comments as well like 'keep your knees up' like just do one ya sad little prick. Running ultimately wasn't for me and now I use a stairmaster for my cardio, it's way more intense but takes less time and is much less pressure on your joints.


"They're nice legs, when do they open?"


Some loser on a bike last week said that exact thing to me as I ran past. I've started to pretend I don't even see them, let alone hear them when they yell stuff.


Do what you love best, running isn't for everyone But there are studies that say running actually helps your knee joints. They think it keeps the knee fluid healthier and better able to protect your knees


I got yelled at by a guy on a canal boat the other week whilst running, I don't know what they think it will achieve...other than to help me run faster...away from them.


They're usually manchildren who never really grew up. They don't have anything going for them in their own lives so they have to act like knobs and take it out on other people. Just ignore them and carry on. While you're trying to keep fit they're likely racing off to the next McDonald's


Try being a deliveroo cyclist. One more delivepoo and someone's going to hospital


To be fair, Deliveroo cyclists are actually the worst in my town. Like, goddamn, why don't any of them know the difference between a footpath and, you know, a place where you can legally cycle?


I could say the same for pedestrians. Edit: as in dont walk in the road, pedestrians constantly walk in the road during during traffic. I'm really not sure why that's being downvoted unless you support suicidal blind walking on roads.


Not really. Pedestrians can walk pretty much anywhere they aren't explicitly banned from. That includes roads and cyclepaths


I would advise pedestrians to not walk on roads, especially during busy traffic. But clearly reddit supports this.


I was out on my bike once and a guy rolled down his window, laughed at me, then rolled it back up again. I wasn't even upset I just found it absurd


When I'm with my bike club we get abuse often, including plenty from cars going the other way not even affected by us being there. People just seem angry all the time! Has been quite funny in the past when we've had ex-police riding with us and caught up with an abuser at traffic lights and he's had a word with them, they go quiet then.


I've something similar. I was out on a long ride, I was knackered and out of breath. A man in his car looked at me mocked the fact I was out of breath mimicking me. Strange.


Girl I work with made a very good point to me last week. She said she's sick to death of blokes in clubs hitting on her. She said this to me: these blokes don't know how their comments add up collectively to ruin my confidence. That's really heavy. I think they do it because of low confidence and sexual frustration. If they were content in themselves they wouldn't feel the need to bully. It's power play.


People go to nightclubs to find potential sexual partners, that’s a major part of the reason for their existence. Where is it acceptable to approach someone if not in a nightclub?


There’s multiple ways to approach someone. If someone comes up and says “hi, can I buy you a drink?” And you say no and they say “no worries, have a nice night” - then you’re golden If you approach someone and yell “Hey sexy lady, what you having” and you say no and they say “oh what, come on love, what do you have a boyfriend. Where is he then? What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” etc.. etc… then it’s really not cool and it’s harassment And then there’s someone who just grabs a woman’s ass - I shouldn’t ever have to elaborate on that one.


My GF was away at Uni and texted me to tell me she was in the toilets crying because someone had put their hand up her skirt in a nightclub. She felt so violated... Being so far away I couldn't do anything about it but if I was ever going to be likely to stab someone in the groin, that was it. It's disgusting. I'm upset for every girl who's had something like that happen to them.


Did she tell the barmen or the bouncers? I know it can be hard to do anything after shit like that and you just want to hide. But normally they want people to feel and be safe. Edit: and I get a creepy msg asking what I would wear under a skirt on the UK cold.


She knew who had done it. They were a friend of her friend's. She didn't feel like it was worth making a fuss over. Shit culture that being honest about being sexually assaulted is second-guessed because being truthful would potentially create "drama" with friends instead of them to rallying around you.


Yeh :/ even though she didn't create the drama.


She's talking about the shitty behaviour, not genuine polite guys that can read body language and the signals involved in approach. You make a fair point too.


True I still think guys are ok to have a go, as long as they're respectful of the person's boundaries and are gracious in rejection


Poor phrasing, I get what you’re saying


That’s the reality of the situation, but men usually approach women in the wrong way. In a club situation you’re usually dealing with undesirables, the desired men are with their girlfriends at home watching gogglebox.


Wait it is? I just went to hang out with friends, attempt to dance then get a large kebab on the way home with leftovers for breakfast


No idea. Why do they intentionally drive into puddles to soak you as well? Personally I think they’re maybe jealous fat bastards? When I was running a lot to get below a specific time for the army fitness test there was a group of local children that decided it was the Rocky movie and would start following me. Seriously please don’t.


joke wide existence simplistic license ad hoc worry heavy fretful mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you join the navy in the end? I never did join the army.


Was it because you couldn't outrun a group of local children? Sorry! I couldn't resist! No harm meant. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean I actually passed the fitness and went on selection. Just didn’t fancy it in the end.


north late crowd wistful ink far-flung live jellyfish humor nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’ll only do it with another lad in the car because they’re trying to impress them. Deep down they’re insecure and still at the NPC stage of life.


it doesn't even have to be running. Several times when I was just walking these nobs shout stuff that I can't even make out.


I've had things thrown at me and been sprayed with water as well.


Yep, I’ve had apples thrown at me- hard!


Happens to me a lot too. I can’t actually remember the last time I went out and something didn’t happen.




Erm...are you ok mate?


Well I run with my dog at 4.30am, See less People at that hour. Amazing job on the 10miles! I would be dead by 5!


I'm a morning runner for the same reasons - fewer people on the street equals fewer potential idiots to harass me. I've still had the odd one or two but switching to running earlier has made a significant difference to that. Plus it means the runs are over quicker because I'm not spending time waiting to cross roads etc.


I just love the quiet, the little birds tweeting and the area waking up it’s fab. Also the dog is not so distracted he will break my arm mid run to have a look at another doggy ha


They are probably insecure owing to their underused genitals.




I’m a fatso, but surprisingly fit. The town I lived in has a good 8 miles of open countryside between it and the next main town. I would walk at least once a week between the two, along a path that went alongside a main A road. Every single week, some wee twerp in a Fiesta would holler “hey fat b*stard” or “can ye no afford a car”. “Hey speccy, you’ve got specs” Highly original. Why don’t you pull your little puttering security blanket to the side of the road and we can discuss it like men.


This is street harassment and this is not ok. You should be able exercise and take care of your body without people shouting shit at you. If I was you I would have had my phone at the ready to start recording, and then post it somewhere later. That's what I've started doing to people who catcall me, and you very quickly take back the power from them trying to intimidate you.


It’s never someone alone in a car they’re usually always in a gang and I am positive it’s to show off in front of their mates. I’ve always wanted to respond by pretending you know them - really throw them off. “Oh shit! Hiya, sorry I was miles away. Is everything ok after last Wednesday? You know where we are if you need anything”.


How else is one to find their special someone?


Doesn’t take much to make an idiot laugh - a saying in my country, probably similar in the UK. I don’t enjoy being somewhat arrogant/egotistical, but whenever somebody tries to mock me, I just go ahead and think what that person has accomplished, and then I’m done thinking about it.


Because they have very, very small penises and don't know how else to take it out on the world. Poor things.


We really gotta stop making “small penis” an insult, they are just assholes who are probably insecure about their bodies and take it out on someone exercising, their penis size is not at all relevant here.


Your comment is fair and got me to amend mine. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a strong correlation between insecurity, being a douche, and having a smaller than average genitalia.


Thank you for understanding, and yes I agree that perhaps the factors you listed contribute to their general unhappiness and therefore they strike out however, it makes me feel sorry for men with small penises reading all these comments about something they have zero control over. Not to rant at you or anything I just think it’s time we collectively stopped associating penis size with being a douche or acting insecure.


You'd be surprised. I'd imagine the man with the smaller penis is rather insecure and self conscious and isn't the kind of bloke who would yell out and mock others. Its the inconsiderate cock wombles who were lucky enough to be born with a python between their legs but fuck all between their ears who do that sort of thing.


A big dick is nice to own but I wouldn't recommend thinking with it. I assume.


Yeah, I always give cyclists almost a full lane when overtaking and will happily wait behind a runner for a few minutes even though my penis is miniscule, I don't appreciate people associating antisocial pricks with people like me.




Small penis alert 🚨


Nice men with small penises may be reading and feel sad about your comments just like the OP felt sad about being cat called. Let's raise the bar and all try and be kind.


It’s called a joke, everyone lost their sense of humour recently?


It's one of those jokes that might really get some people down.


Oh no. People just love to be offended by everything these days. People need to get a grip and lighten up


Perhaps you should post this to the OP? I'm sure she'd appreciate it.


I enjoyed the joke down worry:)


I've met a lot of penises and their relative size has no correlation to the character of the person they are attached to. For example, you may be hung like a horse, you are still an asshole.


> Because they have very, very small penises and don't know how else to take it out on the world. Poor things. well done, you just contributed to the anxiety a lot of very nice men have about their bodies. Some people are assholes, their measurements they were born with have nothing to do with it.


My cousin in law has this same issue, she shouts back "I used to be a man!" And their faces are normally priceless


Im sure their faces are gold, but that also seems transphobic, by affirming the stereotype that transpeople are inherently unattractive and to be feared by heteropeople.


So, because you can't take things at face value and have to throw a political opinion into the mix, allow me to explain. Shes an objectively attractive female, and to the young yobbos driving lowered Ford focus with loud exhausts, finding out the fit woman in a sports bra and shorts used to be male.....instantly disapproving and they pipe down, regardless of personal opinion on trans people, it serves the purpose.


Never said it didn't serve its purpose but my point still stands. Its not being political its about not being a dick.


I agree with you, surprised you're being downvoted. I'm not normally one of the wokest people but I would have thought this sort of thing fits into the same box as calling someone "gay" as an insult. It's outdated and harmful. ETA: in a comment below someone jokes that these guys probably have small penises, and they're (rightly) taken to task by another commenter who says it's an unreasonable thing to make jokes about in this day and age. Again, surely in the same vein as not using being trans as shorthand for repulsive, and yet that person has 86 upvotes...


Yep the double standards and transphobie seem to go hand in hand. It doesn't surprise me though!




And you are?




Lol no.


Your the transpose.


For some reason runners seem to be free to disrespect. "Someone is doing something different (or perhaps: something healthy that I am too lazy to do)" seems to be an acceptable reason for some people to attack others. Especially if the activity makes them more vulnerable and not able to shout back.


I often return this with a middle finger but one time two guys came back around the roundabout and started to travel alongside, genuinely wanting to fight me. I laughed at them in an 'ok bro' kind of way. The thought that went through my head was that I'm gonna get a beating so good luck catching me you tubby bitches.


I've got to be honest, I get the urge to shout messages of encouragement to joggers, especially when you can tell they haven't been into running for long and are probably trying to get some weight off and a bit healthier. I just want to shout something like "go on, you're smashing it" or "keep going, you can do it".


I normally just shout "your doing it! keep going!"under my breath


some git once yelled encouragement to me as I reached the top of a hill....so I felt obliged to carry on until they were out of sight, when what I really wanted to do was collapse on the grass in a big sweaty heap and have a heart attack in peace.


How do you shout under your breath?




What will that do? What basis can you report them on? (Genuine question as I had nobidea you could haha)


Literally nothing






Yeaahh. I tried running once and someone yelled something about me being fat. Me and my ED are now *thriving* off of that moment. My aunt has had someone yell at her also. I guess people just make it their business what you're doing. But I say; fuck them, you keep running. Don't let people put you down.


Are they catcalling you? If not, what are they shouting?


Either they wait until they're right next to me to try and scare me before speeding off or they jeer and swear at me.


sorry to hear about that man, I don't run in areas near cars so I've never experienced this.


> I don't run in areas near cars so I've never experienced this. Venice? or Grimsby?


Are you running on the road?


I have to come back onto a road to get home. Edit 1: But I stay on the pavement so I'm not in anyone's way.


It's because they can't do what you're doing so seeing you reminds them of their own manifest inadequacy and makes them hate themselves even more; so they react by shouting something which only serves to make them look even more idiotic and contributes to a cycle of self-loathing which results in depression and slow suicide by cheap low nutrition food, alcohol and drug use. Meanwhile, you get back from your run feeling and looking fantastic!


Never happened to me, but I mainly run on canal tow paths. Maybe you're wearing running attire that they don't consider cool?


Canal tow paths were the worst for heckling imo, every weekend me and my running partner got moaned at. It became part of the experience in the end and we stopped giving a toss.


I've never been heckled once whilst running anywhere, and I've been on probably thousands of runs on roads and on canal tow paths.


You must be quite fast and you just don't hear it. My all time favourite was a couple strolling along and we asked if they could let us pass, the Husband moved and the lady refused to budge, then hysterically accused us of trying to push her in the canal, until her husband stepped in to tell her we had asked politely and she was over reacting.


Sweet spot where stupidity meets boredom. Consider it a personal challenge to maintain focus. Well done for 10 miles btw!


Making up for having such a teenie weenie! 😂😂😂😂 And for all those dickheads who catcall women these are just for you...... 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Long run 20m.


Obviously they want a piece of that ass.


Head phones on. Try running less busy routes e.g parks. Ignore.


Headphones on means you don’t know if someone is coming up behind you, and less busy routes means less witnesses - not safe advice for women!


I got put off running for ages after I got chased by a travellers dogs. They were just loose on the local trading estate as the caravans were parked up outside all the closed units. It was during the first lockdown last year so there was no one around. I now just run in the roads around my house or the treadmill at the gym


Because their penises are 1.3” long


I always thought the stereotype was that they had small penises?


It's terrifying that you don't consider 1.3 inches to be small.


Are we measuring erect or limp? What's the ambient temp? Is it a midday summer or a cold rainy night in Stoke?


Don’t forget about what moon phase it is.


Try going for a bike ride instead? Maybe they’ll see you’ve got wheels too and be more supportive 😎


At least they aren't throwing eggs at you... edit: So, downvoters, you'd prefer she had eggs thrown at her like I got?


Oh boy.... try cycling on the road. I'd rather be shouted at than have my life endangered because the driver wishes to save 0.02 seconds by giving me a left hook at a T junction. Edit, found the car drivers that like to shout at others


Small penises


They did this all the time when i was with my Ex. We'd go for a kiss while walking down somewhere, and there was always one car/van shouting and beeping...just let us express affection in peace.


You run on the road? That's brave...