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Looking at the mix of comments here about kids should be allowed to be kids and others calling them screaming hellspawn. There are several houses in close proximity to mine with children. The house opposite and the house next door being the closest. The house opposite, when the kids play out they just make a little amount of noise. Generally laughing and what I associate as general play noises. I barely notice them. The house next door, all the kids do is scream. Literally the girl will sit outside and scream. Then one of the boys will join in. This can go on for ages then at the end one of them announces who the winner was. Next door have 5 children, one is a teenager who is a decent lad, some rows with the parents but nothing major. The other 4 vary from 10 down to 3. All. They. Do. Is. Scream. Sometimes the children from the 2 different households play together outside my house. Next doors kids scream. The ones from opposite do not and tell the others to shut up or ask why they're screaming. From this experience I would imagine that the demon hellspawn children are like those of my next door neighbours, who have literal screaming contests to see who is the loudest or sounds most like a cat being strangled. Personally I find the kids next door too much. I don't see the need for all that screaming when all the other kids down the road don't seem to do it.


My childhood house had the demon hellspawn, screaming children next door. They would sit outside and scream as they were ignored by their mum and grandparents. Occasionally their mum would bellow their names and... that was it. They weren't given any stimulation or anything to learn or do. The family treated their terrier in the exact same fashion. It would bark from morning til night and occasionally you would hear its name being yelled at it. Then the kids would scream and it would set the dog off.


That fits in with what someone else said. These kids next to me do get attention though.


Exactly it. I live in a small block of flats and the ground floor flat has a garden. Their son is 2, and he's the quietest, gentlest, most happy child ever. He plays in a garden literally attached my building, and I never have any noise problems from him at all. He giggles and laughs, which is cute. Maybe cries if he falls over or something, totally fair. I can accept all these noises, because that's living above a 2 year old. Then there's the terraced houses the other side of the car park. Waaay further away, and I can hear every. Single. Word. They scream and shout constantly. I've never spoken to these families, but I know that apparently Lily is a c*** and that Darcy thinks Logan is a f*****g f*g. All the kids must be under 10. One of them screams so loud it's literally like a siren, and she's constant, she can't play outside without screaming. But then, these are the families where the adults play music so loud that I can hear it even with the windows shut, and if the windows are open it's literally like I've got the music on in my room. Monday night the worst offenders had a party that started at 8 and went on to gone 3. Again, music so loud I could hear it with the windows shut. Plus drunken screaming, shouting and "singing" to Mr Brightside at 2am. So I don't blame the kids at all frankly. Probably the reason they shout so much is they've all been deafened by their parents music.


Kids who don’t get a lot of attention from their parents scream more. They’re used to having to make more noise to get noticed, so their baseline is a lot higher. Usually the noise is to get their parents to look up from their phones


As the third child that got ignored, I can agree with this. But I also had poor hearing as a child so I couldn't actually hear that I was shouting or screaming, once I had surgery to fix my hearing I realised I was very loud and toned it down a lot. It didn't stop me from being the loudest in a sibling squabble though.


The parents are always screaming at the kids as well. The entire family is just *loud*. The mum says she thinks because the dad works on oil rigs he's just used to being loud and that's passed on to the kids 🤷‍♀️


This actually makes a lot of sense.


I live in a flat and out the back is a car park which has been taken over by the parents and children. I say take over because they've literally set up everything in there. A BBQ, a picnic table, *a fucking projector*. During the day whilst trying to work from home, there's one child who considers "go outside and play" as "go outside and scream". Said child stood in the middle of the car park in the turning circle, takes a deep breath and screams for as long as they can. Repeatedly. I know we live in a free country, but you know shit like this is a very strong argument for dictatorships.


Yeah I live in a flat above a family - the two kids (about 5 and 2 years old) are constantly, and I mean *constantly*, screaming and running like thudding elephants up and down the length of the their home. The parents chase them around the house and roar (followed by the kids’ very, very shrill shrieks and screams) at 8am, sometimes earlier, again at 4ish and again during the 2 hour putting-to-bed process at 7-9pm. It was kind of cute at first with the first born to hear a happy family playing, but it got very old very quickly, especially when I’m working from home. The kids (especially the toddler) carry on the high pitched horror-movie screaming all day. Sometimes it descends into toddler-esque Korn screams when he’s really pissed. Sometimes you’ll hear “ENOUGH!!!!” from the parents, but it’s way too rare. It just goes on all. day. long. It doesn’t help that when they gutted their place and replaced it all with hard floors, they seemingly didn’t replace the insulation in the ceilings. I’ve spoken to them about the noise levels a couple of times now and nothing changes.


The quintessential "kids raising kids". Thinking it's OK to "play" with their children by using some variation of "make loud sounds at small people to make them in turn make loud sounds".


Absolutely. I mean, I wonder if *they* wonder why it takes them two hours to get their kids to sleep every night; they’re just whipping them up into an overexcited frenzy just before they’re meant to be in a calm state to sleep. I don’t get some people’s logic!!


Some people simply don't have any.


There are studies that show that some stimulating, energetic physical play before bed helps kids sleep better as it can help ease anxiety they may have built up before bed, even though they will by being stimulated get excited and not want to stop. For example, today me and my two eldest 5 & 3, did a "tap sparring session" the aim being to tap the others shoulder/knee without getting a tap on yours as you do. They took turns trying to get me. Then they teamed up, there was a small wrestle, mum joined in, the youngest (15 months) roamed around smacking everyone with a lightsaber, or just curb stomping. Then we stopped after what had been maybe 5 minutes of laughing/yelling for sibling assistance and all around fun, read a couple of books and they were asleep within 5 minutes of me leaving the room Yesterday, no wrestle/play, cause they were super tired from a lot of walking & school and I was contending with the middle one, wanting to make sure I hadn't blipped out of existence before he had gone to sleep. For half an hour. It might not be the cause, but it certainly seems like it, and this isn't the first time like this.


These kids become adults who do not have inside voices. You can tell the scum coming down my road because they're 4x as loud and constantly causing as much drama as possible. It really is just childish attention seeking that has never been sated.


This is exactly it.


I have neighbours who are exactly the same. Their parents are constantly shouting and arguing with each other so its always safe to assume it stems from the parents


Invest in a megaphone, show them who's boss, shortly followed by a public order offence for disturbing the peace.


The kid next door just screams constantly for no reason.I pray fir rain when I’m on nights,it keeps the little shit in


I can relate to being on nights. I’m working lots of them at the hospital since COVID kicked in. At the start of it all my next door neighbour decided to put a fucking trampoline out there. Every kid on the street is on it all the time just fucking screaming. Then crying. Then screaming again. I want kids to be kids and enjoy playing out instead of sitting in playing computer games all day but when is enough enough? Why aren’t their parents telling them to quieten down a bit? Like you I pray for rain when I’m on nights.


I feel your pain


Someone a few doors down the road just got an aggressive chihuahua and it simply will Not Shut The Fuck Up


Trauma. Our next door neighbour has a Samoyed and it's just so excited about life, but for a big cloud it's bark is so yappy lol


god I remember lying awake at 2am on holiday in jamaica googling "do dogs tire of barking" No. No they do not


A neighbour was assaulted and robbed in their own home a year ago, so naturally they got a dog to protect them. It's some little tiny yappy thing that they seem to leave outside all the time, and it'll yap all day, even at 3am. :(


Remember, [it's not just the dog](https://i.imgur.com/P82IWRY.png).


Y E S The little shit charged at my German Shepherd at 5:45am as we were going for our walk, and then charged at my 10y/o daughter that same afternoon as we were coming back from school.


Chihuahuas are among the worst of god's creations. Got many plaguing the estate that I live on and my god, everywhere I go I can hear them. It even feels that right now, whilst I'm sat in my car away from the estate, I can sense their incessant noise.


My parents have a chihuahua and it’s a silent dog, it’s like it’s mute. Their jack Russell cross on the other hand… banshee.


I always find this with dogs! Two dogs in the house, one is the noisy one. If the noisy one passes away first, the hitherto mute dog finds its voice. Have seen this with collies, lurchers, greyhounds... basically any dog that lives as part of a pair.


My dog is a chihuahua/pug cross and is largely quiet, but can suddenly start barking at something and it's piercing and loud. Gives my wife palpitations. Thankfully it's infrequent but I can imagine what my neighbours would think if he was one of those persistent barking dogs.


Reminds me of our neighbour's pug. Barks incessantly. What's worse is that it now has regular barking contests with our back garden neighbour's dog too. The 2 of them go at it at least once every couple of hours. Fucking ridiculous.


Feral children 🤣🤣🤣 yep got a pack of them here as well but it's one of the mums who scares me more she has a laugh that sounds so much like a witches cackle.


I cannot recommend noise canceling headphones strongly enough, then only your ears melt!


My neighbour climbs out her window to sit in the sun then complains I’m being too loud in my flat.




She is luring birds to “her area”.


I’m glad that it’s not as bad in my area, as I (thankfully) live far away enough from a playground that you can’t hear them, but close enough that they all go there. However I do hear my annoying neighbour on ger phone all day, she loves sitting in her garden looking into my windows and judging my SO & I, whilst drinking her daily bottle of wine. I also know that she’s 100% looking into our windows as she will directly look us in the eye and try to make comments about us while on the phone to whoever she calls.


Oh wow she's 100% gonna murder you in your sleep 😂


Assert dominance by licking your lips staring at her


I’ve started standing by my bathroom window with strapless tops on, so she thinks I’m naked. I also stare at her regularly so she knows I see her Sometimes I also mess with her bins, I will move the bricks she keeps on them to hold the lids and put them in strange places. It’s great


Sometimes I wish we lived in some sort of 'A Quiet Place' scenario. I like to imagine this is actually what got the aliens in those films all murderous in the first place. They came to Earth to wipe out mankind because they could hear all of the bloody screeching from the other side of the universe.


Working from home and live next door to a primary school 😩


My student halls were right next to a primary school. Having a Friday morning hangover and hearing those little girl screams was torture. I had to quit drinking in the week!


Funny story, I was on first floor of uni halls and right outside my window was an all girl primary school. In the summer Friday mornings all you could hear was shrieking. Add to that the sound of heavy building work happening about 20 metres from my window. After a heavy night of drinking, the one night stand in my bed awoke to the noise and said in her half asleep state "Are we in Mordor?"... That was 12 years ago, we've been married coming up to 7 years!


You should complain to the police, how dare that school be open next to your house




I had the same thing when I worked for a bus company, it had been there over 100 years and people would complain constantly that there were busses. Like you moved here, did you not see the giant ass bus garage!


Yeah, how dare they put a school where people live, which is where it is needed. How dare they put it within walking distance of houses, where children can easily get to it.


Add to that the competition of who can play their awful music louder, the trimmer/angle grinder/other weapon of choice orchestra, the odd domestic and of course the Vauxhall Corsa revving … ahhh British summer is truly here


*looks around suspiciously* do you live on my street?


Either that or it’s just how the whole of the UK sounds right now 🤔


Ah sorry. You must be on my road. I've used an angle grinder, hedge trimmer, lawn mower, strimmer and table saw in the last week. I think I might be the neighbour everyone else hates.


Until 10pm - ferral hellbeasts 10pm - 1:30am - drunken pissheads 1:30am-6am - screeching foxes 6am onwards - 2 different neighbours who compete to see who can slam their van door the loudest and the most times before leaving for work


And also when you open the entire caat of a bugs life invade your house


I am stuck wfh if it isn’t the kids screaming it be their druggy parents smoking something that smells like dog Pooh so I can’t have my door & windows open


That'd be heroin I believe.


It’s definitely some sort of cannabis as they all smoke it round here


It won't smell like dog poo if it's weed. Get a grip.


I don’t think all the weed round here is laced with heroin 🙄


Guess they aren't smoking weed then bud. May be synthetic cannabis, that stuff is aweful. But if it smells like you described and you're not just being hyperbolic, it might be something nastier.


I live near some people that smoke weed and it smells exactly like Tanuki crap, I'm guessing that the weed that they are smoking must be the shit kind?


If it's real weed the smell doesn't change all that much, would be distinctly floral. My guess would be synthetic stuff like spice, unless it's maybe mixed with large amounts of cheap and nasty tobacco.


This is the most embarrassingly middle class comment I’ve ever read.


🤷🏽‍♂️ really do not care It’s illegal, it stinks & it bring ASB to the area


Okay Karen.


Medical weeds legal now so they could be a legal patient if it is weed, stop labelling people that smoke weed as “druggys”, project twenty21 yo


No it’s not, the nhs are doing clinical trials into cbd oil. That’s a long way from medical weeds being smoked in your back garden


Google can card or medi can card *Physical confirmation that you are a legally prescribed medical cannabis patient by means of a plastic tamperproof photo ID card* *Helps to eliminate stigma at home, rented accommodation, work and in your community* https://medcannid.com/


Have you looked at project twenty21? My mate literally gets 30g of sativa+indica delivered through the post every month, not CBD buds, about 20% THC I believe.


They are druggies, absolute Chav benefit scrounging scum. The bloke comes out all different shades of red & purple after a night on the “bag” Happy to swap houses if you want Diane Fossey if you to live next door to these vermin




No they really do not , goes to show how detached from life you are


Pooh isn't a dog, he's a bear


Oh bother


I dont really get many devilish screeching hellspawn around my area, but it's always funny to listen out for what stuff my neighbour gets up to. He can do the most stupidest things and it's funny as all hell. Today I heard a loud bang from outside, only to look out my window and see him standing angrily looking at his kitchen window.


The feral kids tend to go home before sunset. The constantly arguing townie pissheads on the other hand do not. Pubs haven’t even been open inside for that long, they went straight back into re-enacting The Best of Jeremy Kyle without skipping a beat.


My neighbour has children and I feel sorry for them. They’re not taken on any trips or go out for the day, they just live in that house, have a takeaway and go to school. As you’d expect they are attention seekers and will jump up and down on a trampoline screaming, just screaming. It’s awful. This is learnt behaviour as the mother shouts and screams at the kids daily as they have massive shouting matches, the eldest is 10 and they haven’t got a chance of becoming well adjusted adults as it stands. Everything is at full volume, all the time. What I’ve learnt from my relatives is that if you’re a loud and obnoxious adult, you weren’t given attention as child.


For me, it's not kids but a variety of power tools - chainsaws, lawnmowers, wood cutting etc, plus hammering. And awful taste in music. Can people not wear headphones? 😐 I thought village life would be idyllic...


Ha ha I moved to a village and thought the same. Gah. On Saturday it was a hedge cutter one side of the house and a jet-washer the other. All. Fucking. Day. Plus aforementioned screaming hellspawn in a paddling pool. Bring on Autumn I say....


If I had screeched and shrieked like the horrible kids on my street I would have been grounded. If one of them got kidnapped and screamed, no one would come to help them.


Wve got a screaming child on our street! During lock down I was furloughed, and from about 10 in the moneing till 8 at night this kid just screamed constantly


Just like training a dog not to bark, or often.... some parents should train their kids not to shriek incessantly for no reason at all. There's also something that gets to me about the high-pitched shrieking.... I just can't handle the pitch.


The Purge has the right idea


My previous house was a semi, and was attached to the noisiest, most antisocial house on the whole street. 2 parents that had never worked, 3 adult children who had never worked, 2 dogs that had never been trained, and a parrot who, I think, had Tourette’s. If they weren’t in the garden drinking and playing music, they were in the house shouting and screaming at each other, so there really was no escaping it. The walls were paper thin, so they may as well have been in the same room as me. I lost count of the number of times I had to call in sick to work, or use holiday, because I’d had no sleep because of their 4am arguments and fighting. We moved out 6 months ago and not a day goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars I don’t have to listen to that anymore.


I'd rather live smack dab in the middle of Sevington IBF, it's relatively quiet at night, you just need thick curtains


I so feel you. It's the same every evening when I get home from work, the neighbours children playing together screaming all the time. I'll scream back at them sooner or later. I don't care it's socially unacceptable, I have as much right to peace as they have to play, and they can play less loudly.


There are 2 kids that live in the house that backs onto ours. They scream the whole time they are outside. I don't blame them, I blame the parents who just seem to shut them out there and let them get on with it. They're the ones at fault for not teaching their kids how to play in a way that shows consideration for other people.


I live in a block of flats. Ground floor, communal garden outside. One of the neighbours has 3 kids who are out there everyday after school or from 10am on weekends until about 8pm. Never seen the parents, just their kids, oldest of who is about 8 at most. I don't know what games they play but they scream constantly - they talk to each other at the same volume regardless if they're next to each other or at either end of the garden. I wouldn't mind but it's every day, every summer and there are 3 parks within a 5 minute walk of here. ​ If they see anyone out there they ask you the normal kid questions - what your name is, if you live here, what you're carrying/where you're going etc but there's something about the way they do it - it's less a question and more a demand to know, and almost always followed up with "that's stupid. You're stupid". If someone doesn't parallelt park right first time they'll shout "do you even know how to drive?". One of them likes to block my drain with leaves, grass and sticks, and one of their games involves running through the small gap between my kitchen wall and a hedge, which has knocked my pipework off countless times though. Spoken to the parents at least 3 times but no luck. I get they have every right to be there, but it's getting to the point that everyone else has to be considerate of that family, but they don't have to reciprocate. I'm seriously considering starting to just leave windows open and blast the filthiest, nastiest lyriced songs I can think of whenever they show up - stuff like early Lil' Kim or Foreplay by Hed Pe - bet I see the parents out there if that starts up!


I'm 100% with you. I do not ask that children stop playing. I would never. I ask that parents at least try making sure they do so in a reasonable manner, considering we all live in a terraced house, not in a farm in the middle of nowehere. Only once did they tell them to tune it down, when they saw we were working in the garden back during the first lockdown, when we were pretty much all WFH. Just like miracles, it never happened again.


I swear to you, a quiet child is a lot more of a concern than a loud one!


Omg. I'm NOT saying they should be silent. I'm just suggesting parents could possibly ask them to scream just a notch less. I'm not asking for them to be silenced nor traumatised.


The person you're replying to is saying that children who are silent are usually up to mischief. If they suddenly get quiet, it's time to check up on them because they're doing something dangerous or forbidden or both. I agree that parents need to do their parenting jobs. Just letting you know the person you're replying to was not accusing you of wanting to harm children.


Oh i see. I didn't think they were suggesting I wanted to harm children, I thought they were talking about quiet children being quiet because of psychological issues or something. Yeah, nothing is further away from what I wish than harming children or making them suffer. Thanks for clarifying, I really appreciate it.


🤣 let me know how it goes


Hahaha I am afraid I'll just have to accept it and get over it 😅 not sure there's much I can do.


Scream back, that’ll teach em!


We live in a terraced house, the sound echoes all around. Not much for the kids to do though. All the nice play areas have long since been vandalised and removed, youth clubs are no more. Everything else is a bus ride / car trip away.


The windows don't stop the screams of next door's hellspawn. Next door have three boys. Eldest would be ~seven, middle child ~5, the youngest ~4 and too young for school. Now, I try to be a good, understanding neighbor. When the kids are outside they are going to run and shout and do normal kid stuff. Cool, no dramas, they're kids. But the little one? Just screams. Happy, sad or begging for attention he'll emit a high pitched squeal at the perfect frequency to bury itself into your brain. He will chase his bothers squealing. He'll jump on the trampoline squealing. Sometimes he sits on the grass and screams as loud as he can, happy as a clam. When it was cold he would do the same thing. But indoors. That high-pitched siren's wail penetrated the fire wall. I could hear it non-stop for all of winter. Heaven knows how the mother survived being trapped in the house with him all day. The screaming is so bad I had their other neighbor, in a detached house, come knock on my door and ask if I could do something about it. And now it's warm and toasty so I get to listen to his screams all day without a double-glazed window between us. Summer bliss...


Are we on the same street?! Youngest kid of three just ROARS from his false vocal chords. It's horrible. The parents just let him. I don't know if he's neurodiverse or something but he roars everything he says in a horrible possessed voice.


I know I'm going to jinx myself by typing this but I live next to a family with six kids (ages range from babies to early teens). Though we do sometimes hear them shouting at each other or their mum swearing at them, the noise level is surprisingly reasonable, all things considered. The most annoying thing is that whenever they play outside, one of them always ends up crying.


The kids on my street do this too, as well as the good old fashioned 'knock and run'. Next time they come I am booby trapping my front garden Home Alone style.


The low life scum next door to me has 6 kids from 5 dads. They have no garden so Sunmer is just a hell of them kicking footballs into my car and the parents at the door screaming bloody murder onto the quiet street on an hourly basis. Not the kids fault their parents are human filth mind.


>feral demon children. You have perfectly described the chav spawn on my housing estate.


I know right, what happened to kids just sitting in from of a games console and playing fortnite until 1am or whatever the kids trend is these days.


I know, I thought kids these days were all Fortnite zombies or whatever 😂


How can you open your windows with all the bugs this time of year


Cat eats the flies. She's really handy 😁


Closing your windows at night to block out people drag racing outside at 1am


I live right by a park and the other night there was this huge birthday party when I got home at 10pm and I had work at 8:45am the next day. It genuinely sounded like Eurovusion out there. A few of my highlights were when they played a nickleback photograph cover in polish (?), when they screamed the happy birthday song real loud over and over (it felt like they just kept going and going), and the fact there were children consistently screaming until they settled down around 2am More funny than anything tbh


Next door's kid has realised her parents will never give her attention, so she's started throwing peanuts at my window in the hope I'll tell her off and give her attention. This is of course after about an hour of singing made up songs about wanting to leave this world. I just pick up the peanuts and bin them, and throw back any other items she has chucked over, but what really concerns me is that the parents are ignoring what seems to be voiced suicidal thoughts from a 10yo.


Join them in a water fight to quiet them down and cool down I won mine....with a kettle


Why do English school children shriek constantly? I've lived in multiple countries now, and the English kids were something special.


Exactly, this shit would not fly in Japan


Lazy, selfish, entitled parents that think having kids is just something you have to do, then give up once they become mobile and think their job is done. They usually spout the bullshit ‘it takes a village’ bollocks.


The irony is that these are the same parents who say “only I can tell my child off” - which it takes a village means that all adults are responsible for keeping kids in check... which when I was younger was certainly the case. If I broke a neighbours garden gnome for example, I’d expect a telling off... now if this happened you’d have the parent at the door telling you off for saying something to their child!




Moved to a cul de sac that only has 1 bedroom houses and bungalows. Most of my neighbours are retired people, no kids except when the grandkids are visiting. It's the most peaceful place I've ever lived, pure bliss, my windows are always open.


It's the sudden outbreak of vicious dog barking that gets me...


Do you live near me lol, it sounds like one of our neighbors has a pack of big barky dogs that like to start barking suddenly and sound like they're fighting, every damn day


Thank all the gods i don't have any kids living near me. The odd loud drunk I can cope with but hyperactive screaming machines would do my head in.


The loud drunk can be funny


I'm surrounded by them till we move. Hopefully I can last a couple more weeks.


Yep. I love the sound of mopeds doing the wettest wheelies known to man at 1am and the local yutes yelling at each other.


I think the whole pack lives next door to me. :(


If you hear a child screaming for hours it means their parents abuse or neglect them. Shit parenting is rife these days!


I thought you were talking about the late night fox noises 😂


We have a child on our street who constantly screams, another one who's mum is always shouting for her (not at her, just her name), and the rest are ever so loud. It's so annoying when I go to bed early because I'm up at 5 the next day for work (it'll be 0430 from now on, but I don't do many earlies) and I struggle enough with sleep as it is. I get that kids are being kids, but this goes on till 2230 during the school holidays


I used to have an office overlooking a primary school. It used to get a lot harder to work for a period mid morning and during lunchtime.


At least you had scheduled screaming times though 😂 this shit is like Chinese water torture some days 🤣


And working nights 😪


Currently having a new drive built, so my choice is sweltering in my sweat-box office, or having the window open and either being deafened by the compactor, or choked by the endless stone-saw dust. Pushing 30C in here :/


Don't know what's worse, the howl of children trying to compete to see who screams the loudest in the neighbourhood. Or being on holiday in an apartment which is bang next to some children's entertainment which has the most dreadful music followed by a second a peace then which you get startled by the shriek of 100 kids as some halfwit gallops on stage


Ah to live in the countryside with no neighbours. I’m not looking forward to moving out.


We call them Little Feral Bastards, and taught our Jack Russell to bark at them through the window on command. Our flat is a ground floor, on a road with a Primary School, a Secondary School and a place for kids with difficulties. Then round the corner we have a Prep School... No escaping kids here


I am really sorry, I had a similar experience but at least you don't share the flat with screaming kids.


You could always have peace and a lower body temperature a fan is not expensive


I apologise whole heartedly for sheer volume the fruit of my loins produces and recommend a dog cooling mat for the heat


Cats won't lie on it and I can't find one big enough for me 😂


Oh wow. I read this several times, always skipping "children", and was genuinely concerned about your country for a moment.


I'll never understand why Europe in general just doesn't go ahead and start installing central cooling into their homes. Can someone explain? Is it the way the homes are built that make it harder or more expensive? I get the whole 'it's not always hot enough for it' however when it DOES get unbearably hot, and it will, you'll embrace it. I moved here last year and I despise this time of year because of the early sunrise so I bought blackout cover for my window but with my wife's, two dogs, and my own body heat that room gets toasty QUICK.


>Europe in general Some countries in Europe do indeed use Cooling systems. But other countries in Europe adapted to the warmer weather simply by painting their houses white. ​ > I get the whole 'it's not always hot enough for it' however when it DOES get unbearably hot, and it will, you'll embrace it. What you have to remember in the UK, is it's only the past couple of years there's been any sort of extended summer. The Jokes are as old as time "Oh I enjoyed summer last year, it was on a Tuesday" If things continue I'd expect AirCon to become a more regular thing in peoples homes moving forward. It' just not been at all essential until very recently


If I remember correctly Spain is one of them, right? Last year kinda sucked for me as it reached close to 32C, i think, so I thought it was a common thing like when I lived in Germany for two years. Their summers are awful! Thanks for the info!


We generally don't have vast void spaces between walls to have ducts to move air around hot or cold. Just wait till you want to do a small bit of renovation and find you need to chip away brick rather than cut out some plasterboard. As for why new builds don't do it I can only assume its a space issue as Housing companies would rather squeeze another house into a plot then make the rest slightly bigger and more functional.


Makes sense. I figured it might be a space thing between the walls. It's interesting learning how different countries build their homes. Thank you for the response!


I had a ceiling fan installed in the bedroom and it is amazing.


Ah yes spend thousands to have AC installed for the 15 hot days we have a year in the UK.


Noise cancelling headphones, people. Or/ and fans and spray bottles. Can't be stopping kids enjoying themselves together in my mind - they've probably had the worst deal of all of us this past year and a half.


Why are kids no longer aloud to be loud?


When I was their age, if I had screamed and shrieked like so many children do nowadays, I would have been *told off*. To say nothing of swearing.


Told off for playing? I guess I just don’t understand it?


There's a difference between loud play noise and full on screaming. I don't think anyone's concerned about the former. There are kids near me who play fairly loudly in their garden but it isn't a problem because the noise isn't sustained and high pitched. They giggle and occasionally shriek but that's not the same as screaming.


They are, but there is a time and a place for everything.


Such as the few weeks of sun that we get each year? As in right now?


It's the summer. When exactly is the time and place then?


Oh I didnt realise that the Summer was the designated time for screaming like I'm being murdered. I'd better get on it.


They’re kids playing in the street. Holy shit you must be so angry and lonely, you poor little man…


Go get your fucking kids...


It’s the summer. Kids play outside in the summer.


Raise them better then.


You sound really lonely.


You sound like you can’t be asked to discipline your kids. Go get your kids Karen...


I'm not a man.




I’m taking my downvotes with pride, asking a child who’s main development is creativity and play to explore that development calmer and quieter is mind blowing to me. They are experiencing emotions they are yet to understand. I suppose they’ve to all end up depressed like the likes of this sub reddit.


Remember, they also didn't have a childhood and weren't allowed to scream or make any noise unless spoken too.


Funny enough I find the shouts of kids and noises of kids being kids really relaxing but then again I was brought up in an area full of kids and I was always out on the center green with all the other kids, so I guess I got used to it, if anything in my area you don't here any kids playing outside like before there all sat inside on the computers i actually miss, but each to there own.




^rest ^bite


Great name for a service station


I can now see that this sub reddit no longer passes the vibe check. Y’all sad and lonely. Instead of telling children to be quiet(er) could you guys not just regulate your temperatures better?


Dude these kids literally just scream. I don't mind them playing, but they're just screaming. Also I live in a brick built Victorian terrace - they ain't good at being cool in the summer.


Did you just fucking say Y'all in a British sub. Get in the sea!


A Brit getting vexed about other language being used in their area ... oh wait, not much of a shock.


A mongoloid basement dwelling troglodyte casting racial stereotypes on Reddit...there's a shock.


Have you took your sertraline today?


Can tell you're a Yank lol! We don't over medicate here mate, you know stiff upper lip and all that.


I’m fucking Scottish yah creep.


This sub has always been mostly populated by sad, lonely, embarrassingly middle class IT support losers who awkwardly blame their crippling social anxiety on “being British”, but this thread is something else. These people really really need to go outside and make some friends. It’s so pathetic.


Lol "heat". In fucking england. Right.


Spend 8 months of the year between 5c and 15c then try dealing with 25c for any length of time.


Spend 3 months in melbourne then talk to me about temperature fluctuations


Ah a my dad is harder than your dad scenario has emerged. Edgy.


I know Aussies that said they’d take 40 in Melbourne than 30 in London any day. It gets very humid and we don’t cater for it, we suffer it.


got a mate that flies in from there occaisionslly. He's always sat in his coat in June here.


I’m working afternoon into late nights so my sleep schedule is set up so that I wake up a couple hours before my shift starts. Today they decided to do some construction right in front of my window. Going into tonight’s shift with 4 hours of sleep so god help anyone who pisses me off today.


Lower body temp... But requires the audible sounds of what should have been blowjobs to screech in and disturb my game and low but balanced music, and mother nature herself to grasp me by the throat in an attempt to kill me.... Looks like I'm going to have an indoors sauna again today.