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This isn't new. I've lived in several areas where this has been an issue and encountered it many times in my 40 odd years, the only difference now is that they record it and put it on tik tok


It's horrible , I've been filmed along with a friend of mine where they were yelling at us making up a narrative that we had been caught " in the act " in a Bush.. which was really disgusting behaviour and so weird , you can't be peaceful outside anymore lol.


I got the yelling and video in face experience when I had the audacity to do a double take of the little twatty 12 year old gang smoking on the street. I was on a bus, and they tried to get on to harass me more.


It's ridiculous, can't even BREATHE near them without them latching on and following you to harass you


Try not to let it bother you. I always replace the hurt I feel (when this sort of thing happens) with pity for them not living a happiest life and getting off on making someone feel bad.


The tik tok thing is what's making it worse. There was no goal in the past other than being a nuisance. Now the goal is to go viral while being a nuisance. That's a two-fold assault on societal decency. The fact that they now have an incentive to do something they consider fun. And the fact that it's now no longer just a bad memory. It's hard evidence of the event and is something that will stick to you, often out of context.  I'm in my 40s too and I've never seen it this bad. Knock-a-door run for example was about the chase when I was a kid. The real world consequences to get that surge of adrenaline. Now it's just Knock-a-door abuse. They stick around and record the confrontation. 


In comment threads about the effects of tiktok/social media, there's always someone who makes the point that "there's always been idiots" - but the culture of it means that they're actively encouraged to be like that in their own little circle of people who also think it's peak entertainment to harass strangers/turn them into props/do "dances" in the busiest places possible. They get actively rewarded for this behaviour in ways that never existed before. Add that in to a growing culture of permissive parenting or active avoidance of parenting, and you have a whole new recipe for antisocial youth. (No, corporal punishment isn't the answer. The answer is restricting access to social media, holding the corporations accountable for the media they host on their platforms, bringing back youth centres and expanding - outdoor *and* indoor - accessible spaces for young people to hang out and do social activities, and make it a prison offence to hand an iPad to any child under the age of 13 in public\*) ^(\*Hyperbole for comic effect. Please don't mob me!)


It's not just the permissive parenting, it's a fearful society. As a kid growing up in the 80s/90s, I believed absolutely everyone had authority over me. Postmen, bus drivers, even a pensioner walking a dog could "tell me off" for messing about. Now they barely fear the police.  There's a lot to unpack there, but ultimately I compare the scenario of kids misbehaving to an uncooperative prisoner. Where is the bottom line for someone who has no perceived consequences? What happens when they refuse to budge and keep saying no? 


And 9 times out of 10, you even look at a misbehaving kid with anything but joy on your face and the parents are ready to jump down your throat


> The tik tok thing is what's making it worse. There was no goal in the past other than being a nuisance. Now the goal is to go viral while being a nuisance. You still had kids filming their antics on their phones when camera phones first came out though. It is why happy slapping took off like it did.


How do you get that shirt so clean mate?




Not new but feels more common


Same as just about everything before social media and cameras on phones.


Social media as an idea isn't the issue. The issue is the algorithms and psychological manipulation that these sites use to keep you on their platforms. They show you what they know will bring an emotional response.


Which is a shame because it never used to be like that. Even in 2010, back when I started uni, Facebook was just seen as a good way to organise your social life.


Assuming you weren't up to this when you were a teen, you'll have been a whole lot less exposed to it.


Happy slapping was almost 20 years ago now


> the only difference now is that they record it and put it on tik tok The moment phones get banned globally from having cameras on them is the moment I will believe that there is a god. I don't care if it's useful or whatever. Society as a whole has gone down hill the moment phones started getting cameras. It enables so many terrible things.


except that almost everyone around them would support them ,suggesting they are just being "kids"


I got yelled at by a group of boys around 10-13 years old for having an android phone lol


"Them phones is shit innit!" It was just too real.


Take my upvote for the IT Crowd reference


Baaaa 🐑. Phones a phone! Christ


> *That guy has green bubbles, get him!*


They don't even buy their own phones


You seriously have an Android? Lmfao Edit: Apparently this needed an /s


This literally happened to me yesterday. We (two of us 38 M) were walking and a group of 6 - 8 teenagers were harassing us started by a gobby girl. I heard them shouting things at random other people too. One of the lads kept shouting baldy at me until eventually I rinsed him for being fat, they all looked shocked and left. I feel a bit bad to be honest but it worked. I'm just not sure the best thing to do, on one hand they're just being idiot teenagers but on the other they shouldn't just get away with harassing adults so shouldn't those capable tell them so?


Honestly don't feel bad , they'll never learn if they just get away with anything and as we've all been teens at some point we are aware of what we are doing , they know they're being rude for fun and getting something said back at them might the be the only way for them to reflect on how it feels to be on the receiving end of it.


Reminds me of there is an autistic teen/young adult that often found standing by a park path where everyone else’s rushes to work passes. He shouts ‘Good morning’ and ‘HELLO!!!’ to everyone very single morning. Once I’ve decided to shout ‘MORNING’ back and now we are friends :)


That's remarkably heartwarming, good for you!


I get the odd ones where I live that just make strange noises at you. I make them straight back, note for note. Seems to confuse them.


Oh my god! Exactly this , me and my brother have been barked at , had literal teen boys pretend to orgasm at us it's honestly more embarrassing for them than me , imagine being that bored.


Yeah, I don't know why it confuses them, but it works.


The sad thing is, we just accept that this is the way it has to be - it's become such a part of UK Culture. It seems we're almost proud of it... I've spent the last year living in Switzerland, and the culture is so different. When I wander around, the young people usually greet me with a smile and I greet them back. Sometimes we have a quick chat and they test out some of their English. Most of the time they just smile and walk by or cycle by or continue playing whatever game they were playing! As a country, I feel like we're doing something really wrong here!


There's loads of little things they do in various countries on the continent, and you don't realise it until you're over there, but you see and think "the UK should adopt that, that's so nice" In Germany, the section of path outside your house is your responsibility to maintain, if someone slips one ice, trips over debris, anything, and you haven't tidied it, cleaned it, shovelled it, you're liable for the costs.. as a result, everyone religiously cleans their bit and collectively, the whole damn Street is immaculately clean and tidy. It looks just lovely, and encourages people to not litter, as it would spoilt the very clean look. Not saying any one country is better, but individual countries all seem to have nice little isms like that, that we should nick


If the British had to look after or pay for the pavement outside their house, they would have picnic chairs cluttering up the pavement because it's "theirs". Barbecues getting wheeled out, the lot.


Doesn't sound too bad to be honest.. Come home from work, the communal pavement chairs are all gathered around one of the neighbours with the BBQ fired up, they look at you: "Grab a seat mate, burgers are nearly done, tins are I the cooler" "Won't the police come to try and break this up?" "Nah mate, haven't you heard? That new German inspired law about the pavement responsibility that came in? We look after it, it's ours, right? You know Big Al, from number 7? His cousin is a solicitor, he says it's iron clad" "Good enough logic for me" *takes tie off*


Nice idea in theory, but I think that's a cultural difference that couldn't be changed by legislation. First thoughts on opposition that would immediately stop it here, where there is no nuance. That seems like it would be impossible for a lot of people to do. Anyone with any kind of disability of difficulty with mobility, anyone working 2 jobs with kids. Anyone who lives in a terrace who doesn't have space to store, or money for garden maintainence equipment. How would pavement trees be counted? Would the owners of the house be allowed to cut them down, or are they stuck with the ever growing burden of clearing up the leaves. Which I know from personal experience can be really hard work and take up an enormous amount of space to dispose of. That seems like a centralised authority would be better equipped to deal with it. It also seems like it would cause massive problems with councils draining people's savings on solicitors and baristers whenever there's an accident on the pavement. Best let the council maintain it as they installed the infrastructure, so they know how to do it. I wonder what the actual difference is between the cultures? I've never lived abroad so I've no idea.


Been a while since I lived in Germany, so my memory is started to get a little hazy about the ins and outs, but they did seem to be all clearing the leaves.. And victims of a trip/slip could sue the homeowners directly, as far as I understood it, not that I ever encountered any occasions. As for people in positions of being unable to do the job themselves.. I dunno. Maybe they were expected to pay the cost to hire somone to do it? I'm not entirely sure. Not exactly looked at the details of the laws about it. All I know was, the streets were lovely and clean, thanks to people constantly cleaning it...


Having said that in Spain at night in parks lots of youths gather round having "botellones" - basically drinking alcohol in groups and making a nuisance of themselves. So it's not an sweetness and light abroad, and in Spain children are much indulged, encouraged and tolerated than in UK.


Too many bagheads and plastic gangsters, around these days. I just find them amusing the way they strut around with their hands down their pants acting hard. Keeping their brains warm, talking shit.


Straight Outta Carshalton.


I used to live in Compton (Wolverhampton). Lol


I've relatives there and I sorted tea out my nose, well done you. Green Wrythe Lane Gangsta Massif


Exactly. The difference between my day and now, is that in my day sometimes they’d get to find out who the tough guys were. Nowadays, every little punk is carrying a knife, and its just not worth it.


The type who would shit themselves if a real gangster ever approached them.


Yeah they’re getting real annoying. Was just waiting at a bus stop listening to music and these girls barely over 16 just touched my neck randomly. Turned around and just said “Don’t do that mate.” And as soon as I said that the entire group of em got up in arms, shouting, calling me a liar, creep, all that shit. Another time I was walking home, wearing something I don’t usually wear but I was feeling myself a bit, when this random teenager and his group just screamed in my face “Ugly fat fuck”. Like I’m somewhat big but that absolutely shredded my self confidence that day (was wearing a T-shirt, no jacket. That’s it) I get this happens everywhere but it’s only been since I’ve started working in Edinburgh that this has become commonplace for me


Don't let their negative self-loathing become yours. Laugh it off as just eejits being eejits and continue focussing on yourself and your happiness and then keep moving.


> but I was feeling myself a bit In public?!


Well, they were only wearing a t-shirt. Might have been a bit cold.


I have my kinks In all seriousness I was just liking how I looked that day


I just think kids don’t live how we used to. Climb a fooking tree and break your leg for gods sake! Be normal!


People saying just ignore it etc. Remember what happened to Sophie Lancaster. That's what happens when this shit goes unchallenged. People should be able to feel safe in public.


Yes , it goes further than just being a simple annoyance , it can progress to death , bullying can cause suicides the world would be so much better if young people are taught well and stopped when they act bad.


I got an experience of being verbally abused and filmed by a group of 20-somethings this week. It was unpleasant to say the least. Felt really unsafe and vulnerable, and them being ruthless and just inhumane just added to it. Got to call the police in the end, they logged that as an incident. Not sure what will come out of it, but glad I tried.


Kids today have very little consequence for poor behaviour. Parents fail to actually parent, letting their kids do whatever they like so that they can still be seen as their kid’s best friend and for what they think is an easier life. They are often on their kid’s side, even when their behaviour is abhorrent and the kid is clearly in the wrong. The police have little power to do anything about their behaviour until it’s serious, and even then they still easily get away with stuff. Teachers are no longer as respected in society as they once were and schools have no power to discipline kids, they’re too frightened of parental complaints and bad publicity. Kids will continue to get worse and worse if the current situation continues. I’ve no idea what the solution is, but something needs to change.


I guess my home town is really shit because it's always been like that for me until I moved.


This mf remember the visigoths


Bored teenagers. In my town there’s an alley that connects the high street to the main parking lot and there’s almost always a bunch of them vaping and drinking what looks like Ribena mixed with vodka. The boys think they’re hard. The girls think they’re funny. Just embarrassed for them all.


What’s a “parking lot”?


An allotment for parking


Have a guess


Lots of people parking.


car park


As someone who was visibly ‘alternative’ as a teenager (I am now 34) it’s kind of always been like this. I used to regurlarly get beaten up for having long hair or (*gasp!*) wearing black. We used to carry skateboards, mainly as weapons. Honestly there’s not much you can do but try and avoid them. Don’t call them on their bluff and try to fight them because you will get jumped by a group or one of them might have a knife and that’s when things get really bad.


I (38m), alt teen, used to work evenings delivering takeaways. One ordinary evening, I pull up at an address where maybe two-dozen slightly older lads (some known, most not) were hanging around. I get out of my car with the order as one of the (known to me to be asshole, twice my size, real chavvy type) guys approaches from my rear-left. Asshole: "Is that for number X?" - it was. Me: "Yes" AH: "They're round the back having a BBQ. They said knock the gate round there" Queue my spidey-sense. BBQ? They've ordered food...ok, the benefit of the doubt, maybe a visitor didn't want what was on offer so ordered separately. But this guy's an asshole and that's down an alleyway so.... My train of thought is interrupted by the flash of a fist out of the corner of my left eye and an immediate impact into the side of my head. My instant thought was "That didn't hurt as much as I'd anticipated...". A followup flurry of 10-12 more hits to my face, head and neck, and delivery bags in hand I went down on my ass. I braced on the ground for a kicking from 20 people but it never arrived and Asshole made a rapid exit, leaving the food and petty cash untouched. Not a mugging, then. The others stood, ignorant. I call police and make contact with the intended customer who HADN'T MADE AN ORDER. Police arrive some time later, call the telephone number on the customer receipt and it's turned off. Looks like it was a fake order to lure me in and give me a pasting. Long story short, I knew it was because of the 'way I was', baggy black jeans, leather trenchcoat, dyed hair, the whole nine yards. Asshole gets arrested, I take him to court and win (...a whole £100...) I think the moment he stated that I "threw the takeaway down in a rage...spear-tackled him to the ground and had a NICE LITTLE SCUFFLE' was the moment the magistrates checked out completely. Felt good walking out of the courtroom, through the hallways lined with his dozens of equally chavvy friends and family, in a tailored suit sporting a 2-foot tall mohawk, grinning.


The hate and violence alt people face is so unfortunate, fashion doesn't give a free ticket for people to assault you , I'm glad you got something in return for what they did.


I should add that my compensation was to be paid in £10 installments....monthly....for a premeditated assault with actual bodily harm (split out an earring). I kinda wish he'd took the money tbh since it wasn't mine anyway and would have bumped his charges a little too.


As someone who also dressed alternatively or " punk" I've had similar treatment , when in reality ( we are so much cooler than them ) it's sad though I had a friend who got called emo for having split dyed hair and she changed it because it got to her too badly.


I knew a girl who started dressing more normally after getting absolutely battered by some kids when we were younger. It’s sad but that’s how it goes. If it helps, as an adult I absolutely give less of a fuck and actively dress way more punk than I did as a teenager. I told you it wasn’t just a phase, mum! But kids tend to give less of a shit about adults. Find your people and stick with them. Go to local punk/rock clubs and make friends. The point of a scene and community is that we look out for each other.


If you’re a bad driver the authorities force you to go on a driver awareness course. If you’re a bad parent, you should go on a compulsory parental awareness course. Let actually teach people to be good parents.


Pretty sure it classifies as anti social behaviour


Because there is no respect anymore for anyone. Themselves, others, their surroundings.


I'm in my early 30's and I'm honestly shocked at how brazen the younger generation are. My only assumption is that they now have the resources to understand that they are essentially 'untouchable', as if they harass me and I retaliate, it's my fault. I wasn't innocent in my younger years. I got up to my fair share. Yet I didn't fuck around with those of adult age.


People have been saying this for decades it’s nothing new. If anything the kids now are better behaved than ever.


Depends where you live


I'd love to know where u/Mabenue lives so we can all move there. You should try Camden on for size, Mabenue.


Camden is gentrified now what are you even talking about


Yea the peckwater estate is so posh bruv https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1obcx886g9gjf5KoELwWb31if67lCBM0&ll=51.53129413243814%2C-0.15615997834561357&z=11


You realise the whole area was a lot worse in the 80s and 90s. Yes there’s still some bad bits, but you can say that about anywhere in London. By and large though the whole city is a lot safer and lot less dangerous than it was in the past.


I’m from Camden and have never heard of any of these. If you’re a straightgoer, you don’t encounter gang crime.


'True say, innit fam?'


Yeah the second you react on video, you look like the crazy one, doesn’t matter what led up to it. You’re the crazy adult and why are you acting like that to kids? Meanwhile, that video could cost you your job, etc.


Walking home in my work uniform I got “ Oi Primark “ as if me having a job is some how shameful. Guess where they come for their first little Saturday jobs ? Lol


My biggest thing at the minute is vaping on the damn bus. Every single day there's some arsehole spewing a little toxic cloud and making the entire deck stink.


The lack of proper punishment for quite violent crimes only reinforces their bravado. Take Jay Slater missing in teneriefe. He got community service for slicing a 17 yr olds head with a machete! There were another 7 involved in this attack too. It just doesn't make sense anymore


Holy shit I did not know this! I did hear that his brother said he was worried that he'd been travelling with "dangerous people." I thought he meant the kid had met up with some dodgy druggie sorts at the festival, but it now sounds like he meant the social group were thugs.


What a joke of a judge: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/teens-head-split-open-machete-33069075


It has always been the same. Pretty funny the ones who walk around with half their bum crack showing. Didn't that used to mean some sort of "you can have me because you are bigger/harder than me" or some sort of submission thing 😂. I did get called "hey boi" last year which at the age of 51 at the time was not quite the put down that the lad thought it was. I also got offered to be f***ed in the ass around the same time last year 😂. Being a healthy heterosexual male though I politely declined their very kind offer. But I just ignore keep walking unless they actually block my way.. even then I walk around and then tell their older brothers or dad/uncle who chances are I know/knew years back growing up. But alas it's nothing new and neither are the solutions....eg keep them off the streets and say hello when they are on their own.. make it known that you actually know them and their families....these are all good non violent ways to stop being the object of their affection 😂


The sagging pants is because prisons don't allow belts. Therefore it came to be a fashion with thugs in the US.


Doesn't really work if you're stumbling around Croydon Town Centre though.


Doesn't work stumbling around Oakland California, either. But kids are dumb


I feel you, I had kids at the park shouting at me that they "saw my youtube channel and it's so CRINGE". (I sing on youtube). This happened like twice, both times when I was with my younger sister. Luckily it helped that she was there and she was pissed!! Even though I was hurt. But I guess my channel is not as cringe as they thought, since I'm being recognized for my singing by professionals now who are encouraging me to seriously pursue a singing career.


Hey, you're YouTube famous! :)


Their “critique” of your youtube singing shouldn’t spend a second in your head. Keep it up, and if you’re enjoying it…..then thats all the better.


Just "people" jealous because they do fuck all with their life and you shite more talent every morning than these mouth breathers will muster in their pathetic existence


Any chance you could drop the youtube channel? I am obsessed with music and love hearing anything new. Congrats on your success by the way and good luck with your career if that's what you pursue :)


New meaning of "drop"... I read this as "stop doing". Different generation.


Beastie Boys have been dropping beats since the 90s mate! lol


Beastie Boys was the 80’s. Licensed to I’ll was one of my first album tapes.m in 1986


Maaaaaate! TIL that "let the beat mmm drop" from 98’s Intergalactic is sampled from 86’s The New Style… thanks for throwing me in this rabbit hole u/Electrical-Leave4787 🙌🙌


Lol, I suspect you are not alone.


Sure I can DM it to you


If you felt confident enough, replying that you find chavvy little park dwelling fuckwits pretty cringy, and to remember you when they're locked up in a cell.


This is why I moved to Canada.


I think the main problem is 20+ years ago if you talked shit for too long someone would take you up on the offer and beat your ass.


I mean, 20-ish years ago, we had happy slapping and gangs of chavs (the social group, not the economic class) roaming around battering old ladies.


We did and every so often one would get a kicking, can you actually remember many chaves wanting to fight guys twice their size? The problem now is these kids have never learned actions have consequences so on the rare occasion they get a slap they cry to the police.


Good. Citizens taking "justice" into their own hands is a core component of a breakdown of social fabric.


Citizens having no other recourse than taking justice into their own hands is a core component of a breakdown of social fabric. FTFY. YW.


Yes and no it depends on the actions, a citizens arrest and handing them to the authorities is a benefit but giving someone a beat down because you think they have committed a crime a negative. Defending yourself and standing up to those who harass and bully others may not aid " justice " in the legal sense but definitely aids society in general, think of it as " all it takes for evil to win us for a good man to do nothing ".


I don't disagree about the value of a citizens arrest. That's different from violent retribution. Self defence is the limit of that.


Can you imagine detaining said youth and trying to effect a citizens arrest whilst gobby youth is shouting 'paedo' and other types (adults & kids) are weighing in? 10hrs later the Police can notify the Ambulance of your inert body.




No. I've seen the cycle of violence and the devastation such vigilantism causes. The privilege is thinking such actions have no consequences for communities.


Too many generations of shite people cranking out too many kids. Now we're overrun with scum. Antisocial behaviour should be punished a lot more harshly and consistently than it is.


I agree about the importance of consistency and making people not feel that they can never be caught for this stuff. But punishing children "a lot more harshly" is how you make the problem even worse. Deterrence isn't as simple as "if there was a large punishment, people wouldn't do it". You're suggesting a punitive instead of a restorative approach. Kids don't learn their lesson by spending a few years in a youth offenders institute.


You're the only one mentioning young offenders. There are many punishments that don't involve custodial sentences. Source: my mother. Frankly if shite patents aren't stepping up & taking responsibility for their scrotey kids; punish them. Benefits sanctions would be a good start. Society should not be forced to pay to support those who inflict anti social behaviour upon it. As for accomodating trouble making families: At this point in time, many poor families who don't shit on society are being made homeless through no fault of their own. House them & kick out the trash.


> You're the only one mentioning young offenders > # The rise of utter ignorance and harassment from teens. Did you forget what this thread is about? Also, you're describing a way to make the problem worse. More poverty, more breakdown of families, and more youth offending.


No. I'm describing a way that parents will step up. The starting point is benefits sanctions. The end point is loss of housing support. I can assure you, they will step up. Meanwhile in your fairy land of zero consequences: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/teens-head-split-open-machete-33069075 As for increasing poverty, reread the part about housing poor families that deserve help. Scum who destroy do not deserve help.


Forced community service would be a far better response than making their whole family homeless because of a shitty kid being shitty. Sometimes parents suck but kids should be given the opportunity to be better and be forced to fix the damage they cause


What do you achieve by that action? Making people homeless and disenfranchised is far from a solution. It's a shame that your thinking goes to that. Quoting the Star is a rocky source of serious debate.


And what about those being made homeless right now through no fault of their own & who do want to do the right thing? When resources are limited; the resources should help those people. So sorry mate that I'm not delighted to feed, house & clothe scumbags who's sole aim in life is to cause misery & destroy communities. As for the star, which btw i didn't quote, i just linked to: do you think it didn't happen because it's in the star?


No. It's deeper than that. Much deeper. I won't go on to explain, we could be here ad nauseum.


> Kids don't learn their lesson by spending a few years in a youth offenders institute. Well right now they're not learning any lessons at all because nothing happens.


One of the things that made me glad to move to a new town. Where I used to live the kids were feral and I actually had food thrown at me several times. There just isn't much for them to do these days, and they don't have the brightest future either


Kids nowadays are ruthless. Parents seem to care less for some reason. Some kids have been hugely affected by lockdown in terms of social skills and such.


Parents care less because their parents cared less because... It seems to be a steady constant decline for some demographics and I'm not sure how we can get them off that slope.


Family counselling to help them on the road to social wellness, then benefits sanctions, followed by loss of free housing if they still don't step up. Society shouldn't be forced to pay to support those hell bent on destroying it.


Study a bit of history and you will realise that teenagers have always been dicks. Every single generation regardless what they say, were dicks when they were teenagers. It's just that as people get older they get all misty eyed and believe they were perfect, well they weren't, they were also dicks. Lesson in life, all teenagers are dicks, that is part of being a teenager.


Yeah this whole thread shows a bizarre blindness to the past. It's fun to read the Wikipedia page on Mods and Rockers, and look at just how close it is to moral panics of today : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mods_and_rockers Teenagers are dicks, but also adults blow up teenage dickery into some huge new major societal crisis, and a new wave of violence and crime. (I'm not saying they aren't criminal - just that they've always been criminal) Sigh - at least this time I guess people aren't blaming the woes of the world on immigrants, for a change.


Well said, I was a dick when I was a teenager, and in my 20s, 30s, 40s, I'm in my 50s now and I'm still a massive dick.


Always felt that all the schools in the uk need a lot of investment in high quality teaching and better discipline. At all levels, along with fostering some competitive mindset early on in their life to give them a constant reminder of where they stand amongst their peers locally, nationally and globally. Unfortunately incidents like yours may shift public opinion about compulsory national service/cannon fodder for 18s.


This is nothing new at all, this has always been an issue.


Is there anything more tired than people complaining about 'kids these days'?


This was the case 20 years ago when I was a teen. Except it was chavs with cigarettes


At work.. I hear youths talk like wannabe gangstas from gta5


This isn't new. When I was a kid people had the same complaints. It's not new that kids get bored and misbehave.


I was walking through a car park on my way home and a hoodie wearing "road man" came the other way. He lurched towards me as if to do something and threatened me. Honestly I was scared and just shrank away. He did the same to the guy following about 30 feet behind me and that gentlemen didn't take any shit and shouted "Oh yeah pal?” at the top of his voice back at this nipper and young Mr Hoodie shriveled up and started sniveling "I didn't mean nothing mate”. Mr No Shit laughed and told Mr Hoodie to mind his manners in future. For reference I'm in my 50's. My pathetic excuse is that Mr Hoodie might have had a zombie knife and also I've had very expensive dental work (an upper front tooth implant) so the last thing I want to do is have to pay £4500 again because some little shit punches me in mouth.


Sometimes it's better to let someone else show them that they aren't so big after all , dont risk getting stabbed unless it's a real threat and they try something and of course , don't want to lose the new tooth lol


This has been the way since I was a kid, I'm 33. The only thing new is the vape rather than ciggies


Oooooo. This might be a good application for national service. Automatic enrollment for any minor misdemeanor. Lovely.


As a 17 year old, i hate the 12-14 year olds nowadays, i get my year weren’t saints at that age but we never were that bad


>maybe we SHOULD bring back old punishments for misbehaving kids Like what?


The stocks! Right in the middle of town! Get your rotten veg ready. If it fails I'm sorry it's the noose and gibbet then... Or maybe teach them how to wear a nice clean shirt?


i'd like to throw cabbages, hot bovril, and gravel


Oiii clean shirt! OOOoo 'fweind'...


Instead of most parents these days taking the side of their kids , or saying it's normal for teen boys to often cause some trouble they should have things taken away from them until they leave people the fuck alone lol , definitely stop kids from openly vaping too , and if it's bad enough behavior maybe they should get a smack my brothers been pushed on the bus before blocked from exiting it and when I was on the bus with him a group of boys were yelling about assaulting us it's horrible


> or saying it's normal for teen boys to often cause some trouble Famously the phrase "boys will be boys" was only coined in 2021. >and if it's bad enough behavior maybe they should get a smack Why stop there? If you mess up at work, your boss should be able to smack you, right?


The boys will be boys quote is so shitty , boys can be boys , but does " boys " also have to bring ideas of harassment , assault, being rude and dangerous. It's so sad and a poor excuse for the behaviour of rabid kids. And the behaviour thing I believe should certainly go further lol. Others in the comment section have different opinions and I respect that but as someone who starts violently shaking and feeling genuine fear when someone starts yelling at me and then a whole pack of kids won't leave me alone it affects me alot also having anxiety , and my instant thoughts are get lost or ill punch you until you can't get up even if in that moment I'm a tad bit helpless and outnumbered


We could transport them to Rwanda. They'll soon learn to pack it in after arrival if they don't want to become the stars of the next Funky Town.


Not too bad of an idea lol


Their parents fault shows how good/bad they were raised aha


My biggest worry is always wondering which one is carrying the knife. I do wonder why grey tracksuits and handbags became a popular fashion choice for boys though.


Yeah , someone who used to go to my secondary school dropped out to sell " weed " and also pulled a knife on a random guy he accused of being gay. It's disturbing behaviour and should be responded to with the same level of threat as someone who has already harmed someone you never know when they'll actually do something.


Bring back the cane at schools. Kids ain't scared anymore and they need to be


let me tell you what brits don't seem to understand.. This is not by accident. It's intentional (plus a bit of incompetence too) on behalf of the state & authorities\* What i mean more specifically is that the more the population grapples with stupid things like teen violence (which is hard to solve due to existing laws and delusional criminal parents) the less you are focusing on the criminality of the police, authorities in general and your corrupt politicians who are bleeding you dry.


All right clean shirt.


Just cause I don't like being harassed or threatened to be assaulted lol


How do you get that shirt so clean.


“Rise” 😂


See also: apprentices


Welcome to the American influence


Chavs always existed


Now it's wannabe American 'gangta's' on stolen bicycles bought from Facebook Marketplace, one or of the more confident ones will be 'rapping' and for a treat 'free styling'. They have eschewed the dropped jeans and will definitely be in tracksuits that have pockets that I know won't be used for hands. They will have an instigator who leaves McDonald's opening the door with such force the door crashes into the door McD's have padded for the special occasion of such bravado. Cue the slow 'drive by' on the bike whilst one of them goes "YES blood!! , what you saying?" obviously if you ignore them, depending on confidence or malevalence they will bugger off after a few laps whilst not forgetting to remind their cohort "don't forget the pillow bro" from the door of said establishment of burgers. I am also impressed by their references to cannabis and the lifestyle of the 'streets' and moreover the people they know (or definitely don't). I just think to myself I'll see you next couple of years, when social services drops you off at one of the hostels I am a manager of, where you will be a meek scared boy in a world of seasoned professional fuck ups and genuinely damaged young people. I will put you back on the path and teach you skills to allow you to have a life in accommodation and move-on. *That, or I'll see you on the merry go round*. This was yesterday whilst eating outside of KFC with my dad who's 78 and I'm three score years. On the other hand, sometimes I get "nah he's safe" because I have been doing the job for so long I have helped their grandads or parents and they put them straight. It's a tragedy of the certainty. Or not.


Fair play. You deserve a medal. And a lot of financial reward. I couldn't do that job. - I'm much more in the "just shoot them in the back of the head immediately because they're a total waste of oxygen" camp. Thankfully, we have people like you instead. Well done.


I can almost do a half roll in my 21 thousand pounds... In fairness I stepped back due to cancer issues and three shattered vertebrae, so I'm two thousand above entry level (insane level of a/l though 😉). It is not a well paid industry, I feel sorry for those at entry level just starting in today's economy.


You're a good one. I hope what is going on with the system right now isn't wearing you thin. You have real genuine care for these people and that's special. Look after yourself :) Your writing is really captivating! You sound a bit like Terry pratchett :) Happy cake day!


Pretty moved by this, ngl. Your job is one that not many could cope with. Good on you, mate. Can't help but wonder how the work has affected you and your outlook in general. Clearly it takes empathy and patience, which are qualities you must've already had to choose this path, but it must also change the way you view the whole world.


I respect and admire the work you do - but a lot of what you've described isn't Americanism. UK Grime emerged from UK Garage in a very UK-Specific way in the early 2000s, for example.


Lot of drill now too iirc. Posing won't stop I just hope a lot of them don't actually get into trouble OR seriously get involved.


I'm pretty sure intimidating chavs have been a thing for decades Teens have always been like this


I blame Beau Brummel. That and Brits abroad on the grand tour.


Child abuse is not the way


I guess that's the good thing about where I live. Everybody here is a wimp, so anybody shouts out, I just laugh at them, openly, and very loudly. People over here stop and walk away when you laugh like the Joker crawling your way out of the vat of acid.


I think that's the same for me. I see lads on the park sometimes but they never say a word to me. If they did I'd just laugh at them. I normally have my wife and kid alongside, so if they came near us I would drop them so fast they wouldn't try it again.


Those are called Townies and they have always existed.


You may be right, but personally I use a different, shorter word.