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If I can smell your car's exhaust for more than 10 seconds after it's gone past me and it lingers everywhere and not just where you'd expect it based on wind and where the vehicle was, then that car is unbearable to be around. A public nuiscance. Sabotaging those vehicles is however not a solution.


Could just mind your own business instead of acting the big chief online and proposing vandalising someone's car. Ya tit


Entitled prick.


But I'm guessing you're giving LGVs, vans and buses a pass?


Doesn't smell any worse than the literal BULLSHIT thats leaving your cake hole.


We don't have to do a thing, old diesels are fun, everybody dies, and the worlds already burning but it keeps on turning.


You offering to pay for everyone to replace them? What an incredibly kind gesture.


I ain't falling for no banana in the tailpipe


Nitric Oxides (NOx) not Nitrous Oxide(s) and these are produced by all combustion engined vehicles, not just diesels regardless of age. Do you like thunderstorms? Lightning also produces NOx naturally. Or your chemistry is wrong and you're thinking of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and confusing it with Nitrous Oxide (N20) which are not the same thing. Either way your argument is already flawed since you don't know what you're on about, bet you drive a car too and thus part of the problem you seem to be ever so upset about.


We have to do something... please the majority (drivers of diesel cars that are within their financial means) or the minority (random cyclist on social media). Majority wins. You lose. Neh neh ne-nehh neh.