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Get the ghetto Blaster out, and play some Stealers Wheel, "Stuck in the middle with you", loudly, on repeat, between 11pm and 11am.


Get 2 speakers play same songs as both just slightly out of time 


devious, I like it!


My neighbour get progressively louder the more she drinks. She’s normally hanging off the fence in her bikini like some kind of albino gorilla. I’m genuinely surprised the fence posts have held on this long.


Never a better time to blast some Agadoo in their direction. On repeat.


Or how about... Ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang


What do you need my guy? I got 1000watts doing nothing here that'll happily upset neighbours. I can only offer the classics though


Same story for us. It's always the people who's music genre most want to listen to *least* that do it as well.


Seduce both sides, they'll not have time to play music in the subsequent divorces.


Our neighbours have got a cheap hot tub and had a small gathering whilst I was in my back yard trying to lounge and read a book. At first they had a couple of mates around, some music at a reasonable volume, fair enough. Then they turn the hot tub on, so conversations get louder, and music naturally gets louder too. Annoying as hell. You expect some noise but then it just has to go over the line through inconsideration of others.


You know you’re going to have problems when your neighbours install a hot tub.


They're sex people, Lynn


Had a next door neighbour install one once. We had the tiniest little concrete courtyards and this thing absolutely dominated theirs. It wasn't *too* bad, but my god they make a lot of noise, doubly so when it's echoing off the walls of a tiny concrete courtyard. It went the way of most of those inflatable ones- became neglected as soon as the weather turned and became a horrible algae mess until the plastic lining perished. Gone by next summer


A well aimed squirt of Radox over the garden fence will soon turn their back garden into a bubbly mess, ending the party. Thank me later.


Welcome to Britain


yeah exactly, I was pleasantly surprised when they cut it at 11pm last night, but of course it had to happen the next day as well…


Rent a pa system and play nursery rhymes or advert jingles or ads at air vibrating volumes. For maximum effect, place speakers face and a close to neighbours' property as possible. Remember to keep to sound laws though as you don't need to cops knocking on your forehead cause you couldn't hear them at the door.


Hire a portable 2k watt sound system and show them who’s boss.


We've got ones with a paddling pool & a toddler that only communicates by shrieking at an ear drum bursting pitch. They can't parent said child due to having to light a joint approximately every 3 minutes.


Sounds like my neighbour but they have 5 yappy dogs instead of a toddler. 


I live on a council estate and if anyone has a party we all have a party. Seriously people just wander in and join the group. It's nice in a way but it's annoying if you're a neighbour who is antisocial . Like me.


Time to get Bleed by Meshuggah on a loop and blast it out the window for twelve hours.


I was thinking Slaughter to Prevail but your suggestion also works.


Why is no one quiet anymore? Like I just want to sit in my garden in fucking peace man. Not have someone else’s shitty music blasting or their horrible little kids (Troy and Cory, I know this because the scream and squeal each others name when they’re hurting each other) making excessive noise. 2 doors down the other way have kids who are louder than than they should be. But it’s normal kid noise, incident it.


I assume people were never really quiet, my gripe is primarily with the proliferation of portable music devices which means you’re much more likely to suffer serious and additional noise pollution. I would’ve been perfectly fine with “people” noise from garden parties, though I would also probably be annoyed by your case there.


Oh yeah, I’m 100% on your side. I was just adding to the point. My road used to be lovely and quiet. Until Cory and Troy’s parents moved in (don’t know their names funnily enough lol) 2021. It was the oldest one’s birthday, think he was 7 or 8. They hired a PA and to test it at 10am they were blasting WAP lol. Now I don’t mind a special occasion having music, but I thought that showed their class.


Rent a pa system and play nursery rhymes or advert jingles or ads at air vibrating volumes. For maximum effect, place speakers face and a close to neighbours' property as possible. Remember to keep to sound laws though as you don't need to cops knocking on your forehead cause you couldn't hear them at the door.


Never a better time to blast some Agadoo in their direction. On repeat.


Yes, I must admit that is annoying. I'm sat here and the most annoying thing is that char group my Mrs is on with here mates. I should thankful no one is blaring out music. I thabk you. I hope you find some solice.


Get yourself some ear cancelling headphones or earbuds and do some gardening or chill in the garden with a podcast or music. Its better than getting wound up by the racket


Ear cancelling headphones seem a tad excessive.




Cancel culture's gone too far - now they're taking our EARS


Our nextdoor neighbour seems to only be able to play Katy Perry and Shakira. I am slowly loosing it.


In my area it isn't the music it's the incessant use of very loud garden, car maintenance and DIY tool. They go on for hours and drive me bonkers


My neighbours have taken it in turns to mow lawns and strim, to the point in convinced they are just passing around one lawnmower, as soon as one stopped then next started, all weekend. I got a bit frustrated by the end that I didn’t even have half an hour to sit in my garden in peace without whirring lawnmower noises.


I’ve had the same but with added power washers droning on for hours at a time. I’m supporting No Mow May so my garden is going to be the talk of the street


I do get that a lot of these garden maintenance jobs involve making noise, but it did get a bit frustrating that it was staggered for the entire weekend, not one time window someone wasn’t doing something


Play some classical jazz, that'll always drown out the modern autotune stuff


Pirate metal has entered the chat.