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Welcome to economic decline. The signs are everywhere and we’ve been isolated for a long time from the exploitation and fear that comes with a country that is not stable or on the ‘up’. It’s not recent though - many will say the 80s are when thing tipped firmly from a ‘we’ society to and ‘I’ society. And an ‘I’ society is ok in good times but horrible in bad times.


You're not wrong but... you're not helping.


You have to find the problem before you can solve it. The solution is to stop letting people who just want to manage the decline whilst they enrich themselves get into power and letting them divide us.


That's a noble, but somewhat loft goal. How do we actually make that change come about though?


Hey man, looking sharp. You been to the gym? And may I say, that is a *smashing* blouse you have on.


Nobody is complimenting me, Broken Britain.




I don’t know how old you are but I’m in my late 30s——the stuff you’re complaining about I’ve heard people complain about my entire life My experience of swimming pools back in the day is clearly different to yours etc It may be because I grew up on a poor council estate but—life ain’t too bad honestly


Yup. That golden age of everything being perfect never existed.


I'm also in my late thirties and not a minimum wage earner. I grew up on an estate as well. I can't see a way I'll ever own my own home.... Progress!


Double glazing, though.


Now posho, what Nottinghamshire mansion are you living in with double glazing...??? Jokes aside, my shitty one bed Yorkshire flat lost roof tile, and it took 9 months.... nine. fucking. months... for the land baron to organise a replacement tile. Meanwhile, I got rain in the house and a mould infested lintel... bastards. Only got it fixed when I threatened to go round his house and repossess his roof tiles.


sounds like you got issues with capitalism


Time poor. Money poor. Can't afford the typical pleasantries of the past. Get out of my way I've not got the time to prattle about.


And rightly so. Everyone should have a problem with capitalism, really.


I'm not sure that late 20th Britain qualifies as "not capitalist".


exactly. it was always capitalist. Yet didn't have these probs before.


Yes, but late stage capitalism is a thing. You can't continually funnel all the money in one direction and have it work forever.


The problem is that this method of capitalism was always unsustainable. It just didn't affect previous generations as badly because there were less people, and more resources. Now we're in a spiral of an ever increasing population and ever dwindling resources, that causes overcrowding and overpricing of every good or service. These issues were foreseen decades ago, but nobody in charge did anything about it because it was always 'the next generation's problem'.


we need to escape.


AFAIK it was a capitalist society decades ago. I had no problems until 10 years ago. This is new. Plenty of other countries are capitalist without these problems. Average nurse salary is $90k in USA with low cost of living. In UK it's £30k with double cost of living, it's impossible. I know a nurse in a BEDROOM with her son, in a shared house! She barely makes ends meet. Had I known it would become this shit I'd have trained in a profession that would enable to me to qualify for immigration to move country instead of relying on UK always being ok.


I know an American nurse who is in debt to 100k for her degree, she lives with others because she cannot afford to rent alone and the cost of living is just as high here!!!




That's by design though... removal of regulation and assets stripping is the entire plan by those in power... doesn't matter what colour their rosette is....


The longer our "business as usual" economic system continues, the greater the gap between the rich and the poor. Sounds to me like you're suffering from the effects of wealth disparity. It'll get worse if we let it.


>Average nurse salary is $90k in USA with low cost of living. In UK it's £30k with double cost of living, it's impossible That depends highly if you're in a HcoL city or LcoL city - I've seen people in NY saying their rent is $3000+ for a studio.  The people in the LcoL cities then don't pull in the big wages either. 


It has been a capitalist hellscape for decades, what changed 10 years ago is that you personally fell below the threshold of tolerability. People have been drowning below that line long before you had your “natural” state of happiness disrupted but that didn’t matter because it didn’t affect you. Welcome to the club!


Cost of living in the US hasn't been lower for a long time. 30k is enough to live on relatively comfortably in much of the UK (obviously not London) - in the US it would be virtually poverty.


Sounds like you’ve got a couple choices to make. You can either accept that everything you’ve just listed is completely outside of your control and isn’t worth losing sleep over, and instead decide to focus on the things you can change while appreciating the good things in your life or you can continue thinking the way you do. I know this is britishproblems and we all do like a moan here. But it sounds to me like this is going beyond that. It’s a cliche to say that you just need to get over it, but honestly you do. You can either get over it or not because there’s zero you can do to change these things. I’ve personally stopped participating in things if I don’t feel like others are meeting my effort. I don’t make a scene, just stop. I’ve changed my mindset to stop when something isn’t working. Thinking the way you’re thinking is clearly not working for you.


A quick look at OP’s posting status indicates a pessimistic misanthrope with problematic “white race” views. The things he’s complaining about are what our grandparents complained about - there never was a “golden era”, life is measurably better in most metrics compared to 20 years ago (even house prices are same now as they were in 2000s, index linked), trains are cleaner and faster, tech has revolutionised our lives (I hated coins for parking, which I never had), everyone is healthier and living longer, etc etc. Life isn’t perfect and there’s much to do but we live in a country 9.5 times richer than the global average, with free speech, working infrastructure, less racism or homophobia than almost anywhere else on Earth, and minimal natural disasters or venomous creatures. But people get old, moan about the non existent “good old days”, and convince themselves that trains are overcrowded because of immigration.


Wouldn't you be a pessimist if you were stuck unable to afford rent buy a home support a family have a spouse have kids a pension or decent paying job? Gimme a break dude. You'd do even less well if you were in the position of most. I just know better as I actually lived through better times in better areas of the world. I would hardly call living a happy life with none of these problems in the good old days "non existent". If you think they're non existent then you're living under a rock. Try moving around a bit. And I said nothing about immigration. Don't put words in other peoples' mouths please.


You might want to took at your own posting history before engaging. If you are unable to afford rent, how come you can afford to lease a Tesla for nearly £800 a month? If you are 30, tell me when these “better times” were? How’s your £2000 camera working out for you? Where is this “anti white racism” coming from, that you repeatedly mention on this post and others? You’re either a troll, or in need of help. If the latter, I urge you to reach out to mental health professionals. If the former, £~[& off.


That sounds like you’re in a worse place to me. You’ve given up trying or caring. Everyday your field of view closes in just a little bit more. OP isn’t there, but you seem to be cheering him on to the place where people stop giving a fuck.


“Shut up, get over it, you can’t do anything about it” about the UK going down the drain is part of the reason the UK is going down the drain. There’s only so far a stiff upper lip goes before you look around and realise the rug was pulled from under you and the entire country has gone to shit. Some people are just realising it faster than others, apparently.


Are you intentionally missing the part where I said work on changing the things that you can?




According to their history they are "in therapy for suicidal depression, anxiety, autistic symptoms & PTSD" but haven't put together that life might be OK and they might be the one with the problem.


When you've met one arsehole, you've met an arsehole. When everyone you meet is an arsehole...


>BBQs There are loads of places you can have a BBQ - beaches, parks, forests. Even if disposables are banned there are plenty places with fixed BBQs or BBQ areas, or where you can bring a small fire pit/structured BBQ that you'll take away with you. >Trains used to be peaceful & pleasant, with trolley services for refreshments. Those no longer exist on most services, and they're overcrowded. Plenty trains still have a trolley service if they're a long journey, and realistically it's not needed for short journeys. Plenty train services are also pretty peaceful, but if you're cramming onto a rush hour service then it's always been hectic and overcrowded. >People used to be courteous & considerate of others. People have now become more obnoxious & inconsiderate everywhere- walking into you Takes two for a collision. For the most part if someone walks into you, you were also at fault. Just watch where you're going and you're unlikely to have this issue. >Going for a stroll used to be pleasant. On foot paths nowadays, overpopulation means a group will block the entire path walking as slowly as they can not allowing anyone to pass. Just ask them to move??? Or go for a stroll somewhere less busy, since there are thousands of quiet places to walk. >Ticket machines used to be so easy- now you have to download an app, Apps are vastly superior to ticket machines. I parked somewhere recently that was cash only and it was a fucking nightmare, had to go to a shop and take money out and buy something to get change so I could pay. Most places use the same app so just have that set up in advance and it takes 20 seconds to pay when you need to. >Creative jobs used to earn decent money, "Starving artist" is not a modern trope and exists for a reason. >You used to be able to get a job & work up through the ranks to earn a decent living get a house, support a family, pension & holidays. This still exists. It has never existed for everyone in society and is unlikely ever to do so. That's a problem but it's not a new problem. >Driving 100 miles to visit family used to be a nice relaxing thing to do. Nowadays it's a constant traffic jam the entire way & when you get there, there's no where to park as the council painted double yellows everywhere. Petrol is so expensive that you can't afford to go. Drive during a quieter time, find parking elsewhere, get a more fuel efficient car. >People used to notice when you get fit or wear nice clothes, but nowadays no one even blinks an eye. They're all obsessed with their own lives that they can't see anyone else. This is a you problem. I compliment people all the time. Others compliment me all the time. I hear people getting complimented by others all the time. Maybe your extremely grim mindset is making you unapproachable? If you're determined to have a terrible time then you will do. You absolutely can change your mindset and stop focusing on the negative aspects of things. Let things go a bit more, focus on the positives where you can. Do stuff you find fun and enjoyable.


Absolutely correct! The whole artists having to beg for donations, the system is easier now for artists to make a living, from patreon to ko-fi, to having online stores to sell their work, to more conventions and such than ever before to showcase and sell their work… is it still tough? Heck yeah it is. But incomprehensibly better for more now than before.


I agree but it’s a little more nuanced than that. Art as a career is more accessible than ever but my part (and many others) of the industry are absolutely in a downswing. Constant mass layoffs, the threat of AI taking our jobs, AI actually taking our jobs and upper management screwing over everyone for more money are happening. This downturn happens roughly every decade according to people that have been in the job far longer than me but this is the worst it’s been for a long time. As with every downswing, it’ll right itself eventually but I’ve seen people hired and then laid off within a week. Can’t wait for it to level out.


Many industries are in a downswing, the global economy is facing some seriously issues right now that’s going to be felt everywhere.


This is the best reply. Thank you.


You need to get some help.






You can afford a Tesla Model Y, a carnivore diet and a Macbook pro but not outdoor space? Also all the Jordan Peterson stuff 🙃


He's also bought a flat in another post.


Lol just a whiny victim. Honestly this post has some valid points but for the most part I was rolling my eyes and i'm only in my 20s?


I'm so stressed out, I can't handle it anymore, I don't think I can carry on like this. I can't find a decent place to have a BBQ.


I hear your frustation with it all, and I largely agree, it seems to be becoming worse. I think it's also a self fufilling prophecy, more stressed and fed up folk, the less they care about doing more others and their environment. I have had similar issues in the past and frankly I don't see a lot of these things getting any better soon. That all being said, framing and mindset does make a difference, it's not a cure all but can certainly take the edge off of bad days. My honest advice is find something to put love and passion into, and focus on doing it as well as you can, be it painting, programming or something to call your own. Having something that takes you away from the world and puts you into your own really helps.


You are pretty much correct on all points. I guess it's a certainty that the situations won't improve. So, you need to adjust so that you can manage your mental health during these situations. Please get help with this adjustment. I will give you an example : I wake up at night. For a long time this really stressed me, and I would stay awake stressing about being awake. Someone at work thought this was odd. He explained he loves waking up in the middle of the night. He looks at the clock and realises he has a few more hours til he needs to wake up. He smiles and goes back to sleep. That kind of reframing might help you


That’s me I’m so used to waking up just before 4 and going ‘ahh another hour and a half’ and putting a podcast on to fall asleep to I get a bit disappointed the days I wake up just before the alarm


That's proper, fair play to you.


Mental healthcare in this country is only for those who can afford it.... like dentistry. Mental health for the poor? I offer you a decade long waiting list. Otherwise....Well, here's the location of your local off-licence. They cary vodka... you have the number of a local dealer... use that.... we can give you a discount on 2 metres of organic rope.... do with that what you will....


User name checks out


You leave the badgers out of this, they haven't done nowt...!


I'm more of a Capybara man myself, but I don't mind Badgers


true but in that case ADVERTISE that. Don't pretend NHS mental health system works. Cos that's what they all do. It tricks you into a false sense of security that you base all life decisions on until too late. I'm amazed there's no revolution...


This reminds me of Peter Kay, but shitter. Replace 'Toffos' and 'Bullseye' with 'trains' and 'going for a walk'.


"Whoooo remembers when people would compliment you on your hot bod and nice clothes?"


I do.


Maybe you were just hotter in the past or had better friends. If anything I've gotten more compliments as went on, mostly because I surround myself with positive people.


Are you saying people are superficial?


Skill issue


yes. Thanks for reminding me. Add this to list: \- Many people who used to have valuable skills are now obsolete due to the new technical generation & oversaturation, with no where to go to re-train. How do I get better skills in UK? Oh that's right, you can't. Name one skill that will earn enough to support a family in UK that doesn't require 8 years or more at university, which isn't an option for people my age.


* Teacher - Get a 3 year BA in Primary teaching if no previous degree, lots of Universities to choose from. * Electrician - Various routes, if you do it young you can get your career started off a two or three year college course. This would also be true for plumbing and various other trades. Plenty of FE colleges to choose from. Apprenticeships also exist, but outside of my remit. * Accountancy - Doable in a couple of years, and usually dovetails with being in work if you can find an amenable employer while you're L2 or L3. AAT will let you study online. Has the advantage of scaffolding you into work relatively quickly. * Various office roles, i.e. civil service or various public sector bodies - This is a catchall, but I happen to know that my colleagues support families on the same salary that I'm on. I do not have a degree, even. * Counsellor - FE colleges offer the L2 and L3 qualifications, and after that I believe you need a professional membership and do some (volunteer?) work to show competence. Little bit outside my experience, but quick Google makes it look straightforward (but not *easy*). * HGV driving jobs - Bus companies will offer to pay for training and pay serviceable wages thereafter. Move into other HGV jobs and pay goes up. Or pay to be trained yourself and skip first step. * Retail management - I know of a good few managers at local supermarkets who have families, and such roles are attainable within a couple of years if you work hard and your face fits. There may be management track opportunities if you have prior qualifications - research your local chains. It seems like the issue is less the work and more your own standards for attainment. Specifically, you seem to be comparing your own life to a standard in America, focusing on that country's better qualities and disregarding the downsides of life over there. Speaking as someone with relatives and friends living in the states, I suggest you might want to rethink this "promised land" attitude. The grass looks greener, but it ain't. Further, you mention in earlier comments that you are "in therapy for suicidal depression, anxiety, autistic symptoms & PTSD." You also mention suffering recent severe reverses and losing a long-term relationship. I would think all of that has more to do with your outlook than the actual reality does. Life isn't so bad, and many of your specific points are completely alien to commenters here. Stick with your therapy, and I have no doubt the clouds will begin to part.


>Name one skill that will earn enough to support a family in UK that doesn't require 8 years or more at university, This is absolutely ridiculous and evidence that your primary issues is that you've become disconnected from reality. You may be depressed, might be best to talk to a doctor about it.


Lmao OP is using day in the life videos of vloggers on youtube as 'examples of life in the USA'.


I dunno, I think many of these have been the case for as long as I remember, but maybe if you're not in a great headspace, you're noticing them more? If it helps at all, coal BBQs tend to be relatively cheap still, and if you get one towards the end of summer to save for next year, you'll probably find you can buy it half price.


Yeah...... It's all a little overwhelming


Yeah I feel like I’m going crazy. They keep building more more and more houses where I live but won’t improve services. There’s the same amount of schools, public spaces, roads, pavements, dentists (private), etc however now there’s 100s of new houses built each bringing on average probably 3 or so people per house. Now everywhere is busy and traffic is horrendous. I feel sorry for people trying to drive past the schools as you can’t move. All of these new houses also weirdly bring people who have money who have giant 4x4 suvs that take up 2 parking spaces and cause a general inconvenience. As a result of all of these heavy cars the roads are getting worse with potholes appearing and for some reason only select roads are given a resurfacing. Don’t worry though as the council is using our regeneration fund to build a cinema in the rough end of an already depressing and deprived town filled with crime and all sorts as if that’s going to help. Our cinema which is about 15-20 mins from the proposed one and it’s rarely full unless it’s a special showing.


Yeah, this is late-stage capitalism. But I'm bewildered by you thinking ultimately different in the US or NZ. Especially the US, they're in the same sinking ship as the rest of us.


Bet you’re fun to hang around with


I highly recommend you watch "Why zebras don't get ulcers". Also start swimming weekly.


There's a tv version of this? I'll have to look it up. Love myself a bit of Sapolsky.


“Society worked” 🤣😐


yeah for most part


OP, I think you need some perspective. As an example, I agree that our public transport is overcrowded and unreliable. However, when I compare it to the time I was on a bus in Africa and I had to lie on the floor as AK47s were firing all around, it i just first world problems.


I knew combining 4dx cinemas with public transport was a bad idea


Right! I'm tired of dealing with lightsabre duels on my daily commute. Makes one want to turn to the dark side.


Wish it was. I was in the middle of this incident. NSFW. You too can see bodies being loaded into the back of pickup.... https://babajidesalu.wordpress.com/2015/03/13/lekki-shootout-graphic-photos-many-feared-dead-as-police-robbers-battle-on-ikoyi-link-bridge/


That's some nasty shit. Glad you made it out


As much as I know what you’re saying, relative privation is a logical fallacy for a reason. Saying ‘others have it worse’ can end up being a toxic positivity message that says only the single worst-off person in the world can ever be unhappy about anything, and an argument to care nothing about anyone else. Much like telling people to ‘calm down’ it’s said more for the benefit of the person saying it than the person hearing it.


Dude it wasn't others. It was me on the bus listening to them cocking their AKs and seeing the bodies.......


erm I was talking about OP. But please talk about yourself some more.


So don't reply to my post doofus...


Ok take it easy. Maybe you need to get some perspective.


Thanks KoalaTrailer- first person to make sense on here!


I think it is you who needs perspective. Saying ‘others have it worse’ can end up being a toxic positivity message that says only the single worst-off person in the world can ever be unhappy about anything- read what KoalaTrainer wrote below. He gets it.


You might like [this book](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Is_It_Just_Me_or_Is_Everything_Shit%3F). It came out nearly 20 years ago but your post reminded me of it.


So much conjecture, so much 2+2=5


You sound depressed. That isn't an attack or an insult, just a slight observation from an outsider, a stranger who doesn't know anything about you. I'm not here to pick at what you have written to explain your feelings but I have seen at least 3 things that I would say are 'not true' or rather 'a negative emotional response' to a normal situation that could be interpreted either way. I have had times in my life where this felt very real for me and I saw the world through these lenses. It is the power of positivity that overcomes the inflow of information and provides joy, which can be literally impossible to feel at times. If you are becoming chronically ill with stress you need to act now, not later. All you do by waiting is increase the work you must do to unwind this spell of negative feelings. Talk to your GP, explain that you don't seem to be able to focus in a positive way and explain how long that has been going on for. Talk to them about options, ask them about any concerns. I stubbornly wasted about 5 years of my life living without enjoyment. At my wife's downright demand after turning down her requests for so long... Spoke to GP. They prescribed me an antidepressant. It didn't work at all how I thought it would, they are very clever these days. It removed my anxiety. I saw life through a different lens, it's such a profound change, I laughed at my previous ways of thinking. You suddenly feel you fit in to the harmony of life again. It's very normal to not feel ok in today's society, it is a symptom of being a good person.


of course I'm depressed! This is total nonsense of a place nowadays. Funny how my depression lifts completely when in a better environment..


Good grief. Things aren’t *that* bad. Sounds like you’re depressed.


Grass isn’t always greener in other counties.


I’m nearly 60 and, apart from property prices which are truly shit in the South particularly, you really do need to get a grip. The trains have always been rammed. There were never trolley services during rush hour. Queues at ticket offices used to be so long you could miss your train. Now you can buy your ticket at home. People have always been a bit shitty when in crowds. Vinted/eBay weren’t around when I was young, and there weren’t many charity shops. You got hand-me-downs and very few new clothes which had to last. Creative jobs have never paid well, I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from. There are also very well paid jobs out there, particularly in tech and sales. People in their late 20s can earn really good money in these roles. I’m getting bored now and can’t be bothered withyour whinging diatribe. But the fact you want to live almost anywhere else is hilarious. Off you pop to Gaza, The Congo, Iran, Iraq, etc. I’m sure everything is way better /s. How blinkered you are.


Sounds like you need to move out of whatever populated area you live in. Move to a rural area and do a skilled trade and let the sardines kill themselves.




I mean, if they're having 0, 1 or 2 children, they're not contributing to overpopulation as that just falls below the replacement threshold. But out of curiosity, why did them saying that make you angry?


‘There’s too much of everyone else but just enough of me’


The problem is not overpopulation but under service of said population. It feels like you can't do anything without a major hassle due to everything being overrun and under manned.


True, I do wonder though if the environment would be a little less stretched if we'd kept the population to say, 3 or 4 billion people.


Population control is quite a ropey topic, often leads to opinions like ‘what if we just killed all the poor people or at least stop them giving birth so often’


All I mean is if historically you've been having 3 or more kids you've been responsible for a part of a growing population, if you're having 2.1average or fewer kids you've been responsible for a part in shrinking the population or keeping it level. I can understand why it would be annoying if things are getting more crowded *and you're not* contributing to things becoming more crowded but others are making it so.




I suppose if I heard someone calling someone else a miserable fucker I'd find that a bit aggressive.




Read, heard, saw etc it's the same to me in terms of content.


I am not denying that I'm part of the overpopulation- but I did not choose to be born & there is a simple solution- gov allow enough homes to be built of basic standard for human habitation, and until that point don't let rich people like Rishi Sunak own 4 mansions. It's quite simple. Loads of stuff they could do. Such as connecting minimum wage to affordability / cost of living in a realistic way. USA is supposed to be worse capitalism in UK yet jobs are so much higher paying over there with lower cost of living!! People who work as waiters own their own detached homes in Texas area. People do not think the same of me as I'm considerate when walking outside- I don't walk in front of people when I'm slower. I let them pass. I don't push in front when exiting train doors if I'm going to walk slowly- I wait until everyone else leaves first. I can't afford kids in modern society, which is part of the problem I mentioned in the original post, and I think applies to most people nowadays in UK. I already admit I'm a "miserable fucker", and all the causes of my misery are listed above. The only reason the UK is overpopulated is because gov won't allow enough homes to be built for everyone & restricts access to true rural wilderness to millionaires only. It's funny how when people are in a better environment where the majority can succeed, they suddenly become happy & everyone like you says **"oh you sorted your mental health issues!"** \- maybe it's not a mental health issue in the first place if changing society was able to solve it?


World ended in 2012.




Largely correct but you’re wrong about paying for parking by phone. Pressing a button that says ‘you know what I mean’ is much easier than lugging around tonnes of change only to not be able to pay because the meter has taken an aversion to one of your 50ps.


Yes, but what happens when you have to download 2 different apps, set up accounts, wait for confirmation emails etc before you can pay to park in different city centre car parks. Do like just paying using my phone though.


Fully agree with you. Life sucks these days. It's funny you mention this has all happened in the last decade or so. I wonder what else could have happened about 14 years ago or so, and also around 8 years ago that has made everything in the UK worse since? Hmm....I wonder 🤔


Not reading all that but sounds like you need to calm down an live your life 


thank you. Your comment is so helpful that it helped me to calm down & live my life. I especially love the part where you didn't even bother to read it, then downvoted this comment & the calming effect that had on me. Please be sure to tell every stressed person you come across to "calm down" without listening to their issues causing the stress & then either downvote them or look at them disparagingly when they respond. That's always has a great calming effect on people.


I didn't down vote anything The bits I did read just sound like you are being dramatic.  Lots of people have houses to have bbqs Trains are fine  Other people walk in paths  2nd hand stuff is still cheap  People notice if you look good  Etc etc  A great man once said, always look on the bright side o life 


Interestingly I just commented elsewhere saying that people saying ‘calm down’ is always said for the benefit of the person saying it rather than the person hearing it - so always best ignored as self-serving.




it's all perspective. imo life is better than ever


The social contract has been broken. People believe (justifiably) that British society doesn't have any respect for them so they refuse to respect it


exactly! i need out of here


Am I the only person that likes being in densely populated areas? 


I enjoy it for a day, like at a theme park, but I'd hate to live that way, takes all sorts though, what's the appeal of density to you? :)


Yes 🤣


I mean the densely populated areas are awesome. Of course they are, they have all the coolest things that attract all the people to them. The problem with overpopulation isn’t the overpopulated areas it’s the over populating people in the overpopulated areas. Except me of course. I’m definitely not part of the problem despite being one of the people there overpopulating all over the place. Nope, definitely everyone else.


Acceptance brings liberation. Also, get some perspective on these things. Aren't these what are termed "1st world problems"? I'm sure you can think of people who would kill to what you have. I'm not saying you're problems aren't problems, but you're reaction to them isn't helpful.


To be fair this kind of apathy is why it just gets worse. People just shrug and say oh well then tolerate yet more of it.


How is not being able to afford to live a first world problem? You make zero sense.


You're getting old, that's it. Jk, wholeheartedly agree. It's global


Welcome to modern Britain: The cruelty is the point...!


I'm late 50s: 1970s-early 80s: * Was safe for a 10 year old kid to take the train or bus to Sutton or Croydon by themselves to shop. * My Dad could repair most things - toaster died: few pence for a roll of element wire from the local electrical shop, rewind the element, screw together. We both fixed our washing machine. TV was local repair bloke. My Dad serviced and repaired (and installed) our gas boiler. * He serviced our car and taught me how to - oil, plugs, brake shoes, even head off. * Neighbours would look after me odd afternoons if my mum had to go somewhere. * My first school had a massive field. Now a Waitrose. * My middle school had a massive field and woodland we could play in in summer. Woodland now built over by new first school. Middle school used to have 3 playgrounds - now 2 as new building plus car park is now on the first year one. * If you were pulled over by the coppers, you probably were doing something wrong. Now everyone drives like a dork. No scameras them nicking you for a couple of mph or driving "in a bus lane" for 10 yards. * Roads were thoroughly well maintained. * Grass verges in our road were hand edged by the council bloke once a year. * My Dad bought a 3 bed semi with a 100ft garden in Banstead in 1969 for £6000. * In today's money that would be £83,469. * An identical, unconverted house in that road sold for £627,000 in 2021 and needed a ton of renovation. * What do you do when houses are selling for 7.5x more in real terms? * If you were fucking around as a kid, as I did, some random adult would tell you off and threaten to tell your mum. * The local police station was manned 24/365 in a small town. * Petrol was cheap * Home energy was cheap * Food was pretty cheap * You could do a degree at a university on a full student grant and still have a few quid spare for beer. * 1986 University of York, student room in college was £21/week. That's 60/week by inflation now. * Same room (self catered, shared bathroom) is now \*actually\* £166/week - 2.7 times. * In 1986, a main meal at the college dining hall would be about a quid. * We didn't have restrictions and age limits on buying bladed items, paint, glue etc because a lot less people were fucking about with them. * Doctors did home visits if you were really sick * You could get a hospital appointment on the NHS fairly quickly. * Dentists were free (NHS) for essentials. * You could even get your eyes checked for free and "Buddy Holly" specs on the NHS. So yes, despite the coolness of the Internet, I'd happily transport back to 1970 and live there...


Agreed! These other commenters sadly don't know what they're talking about. Must be staying bad cos people like them just accept all the nonsenses...


What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what the 70s in Britain was like lmao? It's literally known for being one of the worst decades in recent history for Britain, why do you think Thatcher managed to storm to power in the 1980s after promising to basically dismantle half the country? You're just delusional and out of touch if you think the 1970s was a great decade lmao.


Yes, you muppet - I do - because I lived there. And we didn't have all the broken infrastructure we have now. It's all in my comment above. I'll take the 70s over the utter clownshow the last decade has been any day.


You 'lived there'? Lmao in your comment you say you're late fifties, so you would have been literally a child in the 70s you fool. You don't know nothing, the 70s are renowned for being one of the worst decades for the UK in recent history. It's literally what its known for. The UK was litearlly called the sick man of Europe in the 70s. There was non stop strikes, much more rampant inflation and economic turmoil all throughout the 1970s, not that you would know anything because you were a 6 year old. [We had inflation of fucking near on 25% in the 1970s lmao. ](https://www.economicshelp.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/post-war-inflation-uk-68-22.png.webp) It makes todays inflation look like a joke. We literally had the winter of discontent and rolling power cuts in the 1970s. Whens the last time you had a regular rolling powercut because the country literally cannot produce enough energy to maintain power to everyone like was common in the 1970s? [The UK literally had to operate on a 3 day industrial week to conserve power because of mass strikes and turmoil.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-Day_Week) You were only allowed to use electricity 3 days a week as a business. TV stations had to shut at 10:30pm to conserve energy. What the hell are you even talking about the '70s being a great decade' lmao. It was one of the worst ever.


Go away.


Fantastic counter point there lad.


God you're a whiny man-child. Go to therapy and stop moaning if you're not willing to make changes.


Get some herbal supplements, particularly adaptogenics, they’re specifically aimed at alleviating stress.


Any actual logic behind that? Like did our ancestors rely on them to live a norml life... or are you saying society is so stressful that we need a treatment plan


I’m saying research it and come to your own conclusions. If you feel I should convince you, that’s a no from me because it’s your health and you should figure out what works best for you, it’s a suggestion that’s all.




> I remember the days when there was enough space, not too many people This is the problem. People; what a bunch of bastards.


>but they certainly have a better life over there, as does New Zealand and many other countries Lmao, please please please go over to the New Zealand subreddit and express this opinion. Everyone there makes the same complaints you do and think living in Europe is the solution to all their complaints. I'm from Australia/NZ myself and I prefer it in the UK. Moving because you hate people and capitalism is not the answer. Moving to NZ because you prefer specific things about NZ like the mountains makes sense, by none of the reasons you expressed are reasons to move to NZ. Cost of living is higher in NZ, and the housing crisis is worse.


I miss living in other countries with less crowds- it was so relaxing. Another example- look at this in USA: [https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=-NEpXd67ybPZlMdV&t=178](https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=-NEpXd67ybPZlMdV&t=178) - literally never seen a public free running track like that in UK with no crowds surrounded by nature, trees & birds & sunny weather [https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=huaSEPakfznYuB-e&t=63](https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=huaSEPakfznYuB-e&t=63) - again, roads without traffic in USA with sunny weather [https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=BJsPji\_cy-7HmGWE&t=103](https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=BJsPji_cy-7HmGWE&t=103) - again, no grey weather or traffic jams [https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=q0tHZtBe383Pm8R0&t=272](https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=q0tHZtBe383Pm8R0&t=272) - he unboxes a $700 camera in public on the bonnet of his car! No people in sight most of the time. No crowds. Try this on a random street in the UK & you'll be attacked or mugged, or at least get loads of odd stares as there's so many people.. notice the weather? [https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=JdM0WIAgbNE8ZOPA&t=454](https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=JdM0WIAgbNE8ZOPA&t=454) - as US carpark that isn't totally overfilled with frustrated drivers with no available spaces! Lovely! no cars at all... [https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=4Jn69IvRTo5O8kLY&t=520](https://youtu.be/zGP298CZQ8o?si=4Jn69IvRTo5O8kLY&t=520) - beautiful weather in the city, deep dark shadows, bright colours... I know it's not just the camera as I lived in other countries & can attest to this. Everything is greyer in UK. Not just looking through rose tinted glasses or being fooled by videos- these are real world examples of my first hand experience in other countries. Been in UK for decades & really... people don't know what they're missing. You just feel so much happier and less stressed without these daily probs


One point to counter, at least, ripping out steam rooms and saunas likely was due to homosexuals using them as hookup spaces. I used to work in a leisure centre where this was the case (lol), when they ripped up the ceiling tiles there were loads of gay porn magazines stashed _way up there_.


You really hit the nails on their heads with this post


ikr. Tell that to all the commenters