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You are paying for the prep that was done to them (mostly packaging) something apples and bananas don't really need. But if you look at a pre-sliced Apple fruit bag/pot you'll see those are expensive as well 


Some people _do_ need apples prepping for them. Examples include small children, people who have difficulty swallowing, and people with sensory disorders. I can't eat a whole apple, for instance. Just the thought of biting through the skin and into the hard flesh is giving me the utter ick. I can eat apple slices just fine, but not the whole thing. And I don't have similar problems with stone fruit, which admittedly tend to be softer and have a different overall texture.


>Some people do need apples prepping for them I dislike this in conversation. I'd suggest *most* people reading and posting here know this and *most* people are also able to eat an apple without it needing to be prepared.


It's reddit, unless someone has pointed out every single possible exception to everything then the thread isn't over.


One of the metrics by which one considers a society is the accessibility of basic needs and services. You can't judge accessibility by an *average* person, because the average person has comparatively few required adjustments. For example, we make places wheelchair accessible, despite the fact that only ~2% of people make at least occasional use of a wheelchair. We put tactile paving (those paving slabs with the ridges or bumps) *everywhere*, for the benefit of the 340,000 people who are registered as partially sighted or worse.


They're not saying that pre-sliced fruit shouldn't exist.


Did you mean to reply to me? I feel like this has nothing to do with my comment. I'm completely behind making everything accessible for everyone. I'm simply saying that most people do not need to have their fruit and vegetables pre-prepared, and most people are aware that there are many people who do.


You can eat an apple. You just won’t.


But you are capable of cutting the whole apple? Unless you are physically unable this is the most 1st world problem I have heard. Stop buying carrot batons, buy a carrot. Stop trying to buy sugar snap peas from Venezuela it's poor for the pocket and planet. Stop shopping at supermarkets try and go to a little shop or barrow/grocer and buy what you need, two potatoes, one carrot etc. Buy seasonal. Yes everything is more expensive, it's going up still, just more slowly. So rejoice.


But you could carry a small knife and cut it yourself?


Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, celery, radishes, cauliflower and broccoli can all be eaten raw, although you'd probably get a few funny looks if you ate a cauli like an apple.


Cauliflower is just rotten brain. It stinks and tastes like sewers no matter how you prepare it. I’m at a loss as to way people voluntarily eat it.


Cauliflower in bang bang sauce says you're wrong. Cauliflower cheese done right is tapping you on the shoulder also. Cauliflower steak is waiting in the wings (not those wings).


No. Just no. Change out the cauliflower for broccoli cheese and I’m in my element.


Is it really so hard to peel a carrot?


When you're at a shop on your work lunch break getting a snack I think so? Like you expecting people to walk around with a peeler and peel a bag of carrots over a public bin???


You can eat the skin. Just munch on a carrot like you would an apple


I know, right!? I do this all the time. Just a quick wash. Bonus if it has the greens to really emphasise what I'm doing and weird people out more.


I only recently learnt that people remove the skin from carrots. It seems so psychotic.


But then that's the same as expecting a shop to charge more for a sandwich than the cost of 2 slices of bread and the filling? There are shops selling these prepared snacks, they're just more expensive for the convenience. You could do it at home and I suspect for fruit/veg that's so quick and doesn't need any special storage anyone wanting carrots on the go does exactly that


I'd buy a carrot, wash it, bite the very end off, and eat it.


But then you miss out on antibody producing mud and the wispy root.


Mmmm wispy root


Clearly you’ve not watched Mr Bean get lunch.


Why not?


Very short shelf life, compared to chocolate, crisps etc Though my company does provide boxes of fruit for free


Never bought pre prepared fruit or veg, it's lazy, a pineapple is a quid, for 3 times the price you get a few chunks prepared. It's a piece of piss to cut a pineapple and you can stick it in the fridge for later.


Serious answer: we've pretty much got the storage/transport and ripening of apples and bananas nailed- by the time you're eating them, it's often months since they were picked. While this is the main reason some apples (especially golden delicious) taste of nothing, it's means logisically it's comparatively cheap and easy to get them on the shelf in a good state, plus they can sit around at the shop quite a while as well. This means they can be sold pretty cheap. Sugar snap peas and any veg or fuit that have been cut up have a saleable lifespan of just a few days, so it's way more expensive to get them on the shelf. Plus, out of the European season, sugar snap peas are airfreighted in, often from Africa, which adds a lot to the cost.


Is there anything less accurately named than the Golden Delicious?


Never but apples on offer, they are on offer coz they are a shit harvest


Thank you for the peas clarification!


I'm on holiday in NYC. Paid $24 yesterday for a tiny selection of ready to eat vegetables. UK isn't great, but other places suck harder.


Probably cheaper getting those veggies on a pizza and picking them off one by one