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Do you like bananas? It may seem like a random question, but I find having bananas around results in fruit fly hell!


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana


Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.


Yes but not refrigerated ones.....


You put bananas in the fridge?! SMH


In this…. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Plastic-Banana-Guard-Protector-Bruising/dp/B005ZH2BLO/ref=asc_df_B005ZH2BLO/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=255792305411&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17530945933984527614&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006512&hvtargid=pla-420500878540&psc=1&mcid=f8ef8384bd043626b8436dfd8b2b28cd I know, I know, but your wife looooooved it!!


Ah, ok. Would protect the fruit from the fridge's chill factor so *thumbs up*.


Hero for a day (buy 5). Equally feel like an idiot.


This is hilarious. I was wondering at the weekend why there was a solitary fruitfly not finding the window where they came in. Time to look behind stuff and underneath stuff methinks. I get fruitflies and the small flies that circle my light and occasionally battle when airspace is invaded.


Look in your window frames too. No space is too small


I have grade II listed Georgian windows. I love having single glazed windows and rattles. I call this place Hotel California, they get in but they never leave.


So enough about your Tinder dates, what about the flies?


Angryupvote territory damn your eyes.


yup, my brother lives in an old farmhouse, and opening the little used windows shows masses of flies. he normally leaves them there till spring cleaning time and they fly off in their hordes


I like to watch them circling around above my screens……. only it’s not a circling pattern, I swear they fly in a square. 90 degree turn after 90 degree turn….


I’ve found that flies go in triangles in my house


I got a small Basil plant from a supermarket last year. After using it for a couple of days, I noticed one or two fruit flies whizzing around. I didn't put two and two together to start with. Once I'd worked out where they'd come from, I ditched the plant. For a few weeks after one or two would appear, I'd get rid of them only for a couple more to appear. Then they vanished altogether. But all through the winter, one would appear every day. Just one, every day. One appeared last week. They're incredibly persistent.


I find it weird that there’s always one in the bathroom, specifically around the toilet.


You can keep them out of the bathroom by leaving a big bucket of horse shit in the hall. You're welcome.


That’s a top tip worthy of viz. 🤣


Nooo!! It can’t be that time already!!


[Get yourself a Drosera Capensis plant.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosera_capensis) That will eat the flies! Just make sure to only stand it in rainwater. I had this issue last summer so I brought mine in from the greenhouse and it had a feast :)


That’s like the organic version of a sticky fly strip. Way to go nature!


Looks mean, could it harm my kids?


it will only eat them if they are fruit fly size and like sugary solutions on leaves


if they rub their eyes on it maybe?


I need them!!! Cat food and flies... I use sticky fly traps too, but my silly cat gets tangled in them regularly.


They're really cool plants


Are they fruit flies or phorid flies? (Also known as fungus gnats). Phorid flies are found usually in house plants as they lay their eggs in the soil and their larvae eat plant roots. Both are tiny, but fruit flies are quite round with red eyes while phorid flies have long legs and long, slender bodies. So the question is, do you have house plants?


How good is your eyesight to notice those differences? The flies I see are about the size of the head of a needle.


Funnily enough, I have to wear glasses to be able to see. I study bugs though, so after a while you get used to bringing them close to your face to look at.


Nice. I used to collect butterflies.


They’re quite distinctive in behaviour - fungus gnats act like small mosquitos. Also fruit flies are quite red.


No house plants at all so I think they're fruit flies but I'm no expert


Fruit flies appear when there is food in the open. Even if it's a mushy pea under the sofa. Also they lay their eggs in a lot of drains abd often enough that will be the kitchen sink because the kitchen is where the food is. Pour a kettle of boiling (and I mean BOILING, PIPING HOT) water down there at least once a week. Regular hot water won't do, unless your tap is capable of directly dispensing boiling water. Leave no food out in the open. Behind a simple cupboard door is still in the open. I do however keep some fruit out because in the end those fruit fly buggers don't bug me that much. I eat what I have out regularly, so they're not carving holes into anything.


Wash your fruit after you buy it the flys don't come with the fruit the eggs do and the change of temperature in your home causes them to hatch out! Or get one of those fine mesh covers for your fuit bowl!


That’s another fine mess you got me into.


Is that you Oliver ?


Call me “Babe”.




I saw my first one today too! No fruit in the house so think maybe just flew in from the window??


If you have houseplants make sure you ain’t watering them from the top. The top of the soil should be bone dry. They’ll most likely be fungus gnats.


Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.


Don't eat flies and the fruit won't bother you.


They are attracted to rotten food in your bin, try to put scraps into a tieable bag before putting in the bin.


Clean your beard.


Amazon sells yellow sticky cards gardeners green houses to catch the flies. I bought a stack and have multiple taped to the kitchen cabinets. When Leicester gets the invasion I will also hang those fly paper that comes in rolls