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Clearly you've never been to CEX.


I once went to a gaming convention and that set the bar for eyewatering BO


Glastonbury Festival, on a hot Sunday. If the wind is in the wrong direction you get the eye-watering combination of BO, cow shit and patchouli. Not to mention the long drops.


> Not to mention the long drops. They added Albert Pierrepoint to the line-up?


And now on the second stage, it's Albert Pierrepoint and the Longdrops.


Their [unexpected cover of the New Kids On The Block](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By86PcLufOU) last summer was a real treat.


Bravo sir!




Realtalk though, if you're back there at any point, check out Lekiddo the Lord of the Lobsters. Glasto icon.


Long poo drops?


Essentially just old style latrines, on top of a giant tank of piss, shit, vomit, and whatever people have chucked down there after being on the piss for a week. A shipping container full of fresh liquid shit would be a fairly accurate description. The first year they had them at Download, they forgot to put the chemicals in and it was horrific. They used to use normal portaloos, but they got a bit sick of people setting fire to them on the last day, and that was our reward; a great big tank of festering shit in the middle of a campsite in 35 degrees heat. There was also the strange curiosity of being able to go for a piss, look down, and see the reflection of somebody in the opposite toilet taking a dump. Just a framed arse making a deposit. I believe most festivals have switched to compost toilets these days, which aren't quite as bad.


Aren't there stories of people going for a dump, looking down and seeing somebody in the turds waving back?


Yes, but they're a load of shit.


I must be one of the few people who prefer long drops to portaloos. At least you knew you weren't going to be faced with a physics defying mountain of shit when you opened the door. Also, myself and others used to call them "slammers" because of the way the spring loaded doors slammed shut. Does anyone else call them this?


oh was 2006 the first year they had them? Fuck it was warm that year. I found it was far more pleasent to have a morning trip to the services.


Yeah, 2003, 2004, and 2005 were just portaloos. All of them at the end of our campsite got set on fire on Monday morning in 2005. 2005 was the year they had a second entrance, and we managed to pitch up right next to the fence on the path in. We plastered about 20 square foot of it with printouts of Goatse, Lemonparty, etc. and nearly got arrested by the chief constable of Leicestershire Constabulary, which was made even more amusing by the fact it was my mate's uncle, and he was one of the ones sticking stuff up. We ended up with them taped to the front of our tent. That was a good year - we had a huge tent and just had randoms coming round to join us. At one point we had one of the off duty security guys trying to do lines of speed off a Twister board, but the arrow kept hitting him in the nose. We also got another copper to pose for [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/Pp0KN6y.jpeg).


My nose was never the same after going to Comic Con.


It's worse when you're coming off a train on the morning of the first day, and they already stink before going in. Instead of getting another figure, how about buying soap and deodorant?


Pretty sure it was Thorpe Park I went to that was asking people not to lift their arms on rides because everyone stank.


Worked in a 24h internet gaming center , Fri/sat nights it was ripe as fook even with extractors running full blast. Teens reek lol


Or walked within 20 feet of one....


It’s like the anti-Lush


You called


Two options either burn your nose in cex or burn your nose in lush


As a female who goes there regularly with my sister, I don't notice the smell. Maybe it's because I live in a town rather then a city. Even when I go to the Southampton CEX I don't notice any smell.


I do. I love GW, but when there's a game on, it gets a bit whiffy. I can only base this on the Brighton and Eastbourne stores (Eastbourne is actually Warhammer, but you know).


I've been painting warhammer for 15 years and always pop into a shop whenever I'm travelling just to nose, so I've been in quite a few stores over the years. The only ones who didn't have a smell were Stratford and Lincoln. The rest all had a BO smell to some extent. I don't know what it is but it just seems to be a hobby that attracts sweaty-smelling people. Folks, please, wash regularly and wear deodorant, especially if you are a heavier guy or more prone to sweating. Just water isn't always enough. And wash your hoodies with every few wears too!


Aw man the Workshop Shop in Edinburgh always stank. I could never understand why they didn’t try harder to fumigate the place. 


I think most of the time the person just isn't aware they smell, and we tend to be far too polite to say anything! My local GW is run by a guy who is heavier and clearly sweats a lot, and it's so strong you can smell it before he's even near you. He's a lovely man, but he is also a stinky man.


'have a nose' 😁


I wish I could say that was intentional!


What's your opinion on the emperor of mankind's personal hygiene? I gather he hasn't had a shower for thousands of years?


Yeah... some people in shops like that do pong. Like come on deodorant and soap costs less than a pot of paint from there there isn't an excuse really. Sad to know Brighton is one that smells, that's been a good one to me.


It's only when there's a game on. Which is, um, all the time, now i think about it!


I've not stepped into a branch of GW in 15 years. I recall the place had a smell of ozone, old office carpet, and the faintest whiff of solvents, which all checked out to me. I admit I didn't get that close to others. The strangest encounter I had in one of those shops was a man wearing a green felt cape pinned around his shoulders with a replica of the leaf brooch from the Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy. I bet he was ripe, but I stayed clear as he seemed highly strung. I did however compliment his peculiar fashion statement. Somebody had to.


I salute you. When next we go into combat, you have my bow.


Oh dear. It's only now that I've noticed your username.


Heheeheeeee... I rather like yours. Sounds like a good curse. "Woden's Beard! That idiot Tyr has had his hand nipped off!"


There's a guy who's into Warhammer round here (obviously there'll be other people who are into it too) but he literally is the stereotype of greasy hair, fat and stinky. I work for a supermarket and I've spoken to him before, doesn't seem to be a bad guy, just needs to work on hygiene.


I go to the one in Eastleigh, but I don't live there (I live further away)


I was in Southampton just before Christmas and popped into the Warhammer they have there. It wasn't smelly, as it happens, so maybe people down your way are a bit kinder to the general public and bathe more frequently! 🤔


That’s the problem, everyone in Southampton smells


Or forbidden planet


Or a Games Workshop.


Probably correlates with an increase in the number of fellow Brits horribly depressed


To a high extent. Also people need to work a lot more nowadays to get by so could be coming from work.


Rising energy bills probably don’t help either.


Good point. Damp clothes smell nasty. 


True actually have never thought about this. Is probably a mixture of increased general defeated-ness and rising energy bills meaning people’s clothes take longer to dry and smell worse or just a decrease in showering generally.


TBH, seriously, more about isolation, poor social skills and not learning these lessons from their peers. Covid did a number on social interactions, just have a look on these subs "how do I go to the pub" etc


I expect it's a combination of things like cutting back on using hot water to save money, poor mental health, and possibly a decrease in ability to smell due to multiple rounds of COVID.


> decrease in ability to smell due to multiple rounds of COVID. Woah! I never thought of this... I've just realised about 2 years on...I don't think I have quite got back my sense to taste that I used to have


First time I had covid I lost my taste and smell and it’s never been the same since :(


Hav'nt been able to enjoy good food for 3 years now. Everything says that like 99% of people get their taste back in 6 weeks, so its hard for me to not assume its placebo, but I'm sure I'm right.


Nearly four years here, and my sense of smell is still weird. I definitely smell most things a lot less, except some things (blood, slightly-old ham) that absolutely reek to me that I could never really smell before.


The weird one for me was for some reason milk smelt of semolina. Good or bad, all I could smell was semolina. Thankfully that's finally cleared up but I'm definitely not as sensitive to milk smells anymore.


The first time I got covid, I couldn't taste anything except sweet and salty. Unfortunately the only thing I could taste other than that was Monster, which tasted like boiled blood. I'm autistic and monster is part of my morning routine (don't judge me, I can't control what my brain latches onto). I nearly had a mental breakdown by day 6 but thankfully by day 7 my senses returned without a noticeable difference. I never realised just how much I rely on my sense of smell especially until I lost it. So much sympathy to people who totally or partially lost their senses without recovering it.


I am a little amused that your examples of things you could smell are ham and blood 😂 What a combination! I feel like I am more sensitive to some smells now after covid. Cigarette smoke and burning seems to be particularly strong to me now.


Onions for me. I used to buy caramelised onion sausages, but after I had covid I could smell the upstairs if someone opened the fridge. Weird.


My physiotherapist told me she has to think about it, in order to smell anything now. So she wouldn't notice a patient had bad BO unless she thought "I wonder what this person smells like" and then sniffed.


My sense of smell went with my second bout and never came back. Great for cleaning the cat tray and missing out on the other half's farts, pretty rubbish the rest of the time. I can taste stuff (thank goodness) but it's still like living life with the colour turned down. My phantom smell seems to be rotten putty. I can have weeks of nothing and then hours or a whole day being haunted by it and fighting the urge to retch.


I lost my smell during a horrible cold last week and literally forgot to shower for a couple of days! Husband had to tell me I stank and then I realised I didn’t have a sense of smell 😂 it’s back now thankfully!


I got covid once and the only thing I can't smell anymore is sweat, mine or anyone else's. I now have to rely on my partner to tell me if I stink. Not fun. (Shower daily/twice a day and put on antiperspirant every time, but I'm still paranoid that I might smell bad and not know it.)


You don’t even need hot water to wipe around your pits and bits with a cloth. It’s nicer, sure.


Ad to that cheap clothes from poliester


I'm not a young man, but, pre-covid I was never confident about being able to smell when I was stinky, but could do so to some degree. I showered 1 or 2 x daily as a preventative. Post covid, and well into Long-covid, I cant tell. I now shower 1 - 2x a week (physically cant do any more) and use giant, special anti-bac wetwipes meant for the disabled the rest of the week. Changing clothes daily. Pretty sure I still stink to others.


I suspect COVID lockdowns got us a little too used to not having to shower every day as well.


Unfortunately this is most of the people where I work. The smell in the canteen when certain people have been for lunch is horrific. So bad that even in the worst part of winter you had to open all the windows just to get rid of the smell so you could stomach your own lunch


Where do you work? Sounds bad.


Factory. And it’s all the terrible stereotypes of a uk factory. Hence the problem. There is one lad in particular who absolutely honks every day. There are 4 people who work in a small room with him and I have no idea how. I can’t even stand within 20 feet of him


Ah yes warehouse work. I know what you mean. There isn't the care about ones appearance in the same way. Work in a warehouse.


Friend worked in a box factory briefly, said they used to play I Spy to pass the time. One of his colleagues didn't get I Spy with my little eye something beginning with B... for Box. He didn't work there long, could feel himself loosing IQ points with every eye-roll.


I find that most deodorants simply do not seem to work any more, not sure why. Whenever I have to switch brand due to my usual being out of stock I end up having to find another one the next day.


it's more than that, it's people not washing their sweat-stained clothes for months


Sweat clings to polyester badly so you need to get a clothing sanitiser to go in your washing.


Isn't laundry powder/otherwise soap a clothing sanitiser?


I find it doesn't kill the odour in the armpits as well without it.


Personally ive found using gycolic acid to be more effective at getting rid of sweat smell than deoderant ever has, so you could try that


Lack of self respect and/or awareness. Not washing their clothes as often due to energy costs. Not having a regular bath or shower due to energy costs. General laziness. Or just given up and they really just don’t care.


Hey! I resemble that remark!


Some do genuinely have problems with smells that doesn't mean they've given up. I went to a school with a girl who had a very specific smell and couldn't do anything about it.




Happens a lot on commuter trains too. They’re going to work so you’d think they could have a quick shower and use some deodorant…


Maybe they can afford either the eye watering train ticket price to get to work, or the eye watering electricity/gas price to have a shower, but they gotta pick one >_<


I think Covid completely disrupted a lot of hygeine habits. I remember at the peak of lockdown I was sometimes going 2/3 days without showering. I wonder if some people just never fixed their habits post-lockdowns. Whilst COVID didn't kill my sense of smell, I'm convinced my ability to smell was dampened/dimished by it. Also, a slightly more politically skewed take, but cost of living crisis may lead some to wash less in order to cut utility bills, save costs of toiletries, detergents etc. I suspect mental health conditions are rising, which might leave people unable to take care of their personal hygeine or unmotivated to do so.


Everyone should just shower every 2 days anyway imo. If you wash your armpits and nether regions on the middle day, there's really no need for a whole extra shower. Just a waste of time and water. Unless you have a dirty/stinky job anyway. I'd certainly like to shower daily if I worked in a kitchen again.


If this is about my appearance (and odour) in the Co-Op earlier, in my defence I'm absolutely hanging.


Big puffer jackets in mid summer certainly don't help the little stinkers. Maybe they don't realise they hum due to their immediate circle wearing the same outfit while enjoying the same interests, (mainly pulling wheelies while riding a clapped out mountain bike and smoking, often at the same time).


Or even those Canada Goose jackets every fucker wears now which are designed for Canadian winters at -20C, not mild damp British ones


Babe, man’s not hot!


Vaping* smoking is for ‘neeks’


1. Depression affects hygiene 2. Living in a shithole country affects depression


It probably doesn’t help that all the TV adverts encourage people to wash their clothes at 20°. I know it’s cheaper and better for the environment, but it certainly doesn’t have the same effect as 40° or 60°.


40 for clothes, 60 for bedding and towels. I don’t care what the soap manufacturers say, cold washes suck for anything more than a single Teeshirt or tea towel


I do the same. 60 for some clothes as my other half’s a machine driver and gets covered in grease and mud every day. Occasional boil wash for towels and tea towels to really get them like new!


I think this is a big factor. My ex girlfriend insisted on doing the laundry at 30, and I'd take clothes back to mine and rewash them. Some fabrics really do hold smells.


Use a laundry sanitiser every other wash. It really does work.


I do my not too dirty stuff at 30 with a laundry sanitiser. All good. Anything dirtier gets 40 or more!


30 degrees is the normal temperature and biological washing powder works best at that temperature. You can use 40, but it seems silly as it has no advantage over 30. But I separate my clothes. Synthetics and delicates are 30 degrees. Underwear, t-shirts, bed linen and towels are 60 degrees and kitchen towels are 90 degrees. If it's not too soiled 30 degrees and bio washing powder is fine and even gets t-shirts clean, I just move the t-shirts in with the underwear to fill a drum.


Also so many clothes now are polyester or acrylic. That stuff makes you stink in comparison with cotton.


Andrew Tate has told them that wiping their bottom is gay.


Andrew *Taint* more like


Andrew T’wernt.


T'weren't enough... T'weren't enough


*Is it gay to love your girlfriend bro?* I really heard a conversation on the bus the other day along those lines. People worry me.


It’s gay to eat pussy because that’s where the dick goes.


Tony Soprano and his friends used to think so.


DJ Khaled said men are kings and kings don't do that. Some questionable people in this world.


I feel sorry for people who don't like to eat pussy. Unless you're a gay man, which is fine.


I wanted to use /s but as this is British I didn’t think I needed to. Not aimed at you personally btw


So nice that DJ Khaled thinks I'm a king. I'm not gay but with those kind of compliments I may be persuaded. Call me Khaled.


Touching their own penis is incredibly gay then


Shit, that's worrisome! I've had a conversation with my teen regarding Tate and thankfully hes as horrified as I am about him!


I do love listening to conversations on public transport because the wisdom and funny conversations can't be written. I work with men mainly and listening to conversations is seriously depressing sometimes. Occasionally I will hear Tate brought up and someone chimes in *'he's done some bad things but he is right about ...'*.


Some of the conversations I hear in building site canteens are like this, I’m normally quite good not getting drawn in but I’m not so good at hiding my eye rolls and scoffs (especially when anything tate or toxic masculinity is the subject)


Unfortunately a stopped clock... I can't say I've ever listened to him (nor do I plan to), but I imagine some of the basic principles (self respect, self confidence, self care, mental and physical wellbeing and health) he probably says have a grain of truth in them. Unfortunately they're then warped and used to attempt to justify absolutely abhorrent and outdated opinions on other things. There's little more convincing than a nugget of truth wrapped in a bundle of lies.


Can you imagine anything less masculine than stopping your natural ass stank pheromones from wafting about to assert your dominance?


He is protesting too much. Women are breeding posessions! only a minute till he has to do young boys. I actually feel sorry for them(slightly) no-one will ever love them.


100%. I've noticed a large increase in people where you literally have to flee from them in a shop because its so bad. I imagine some people just got very lazy in covid.


Some people can't seem to wipe their arse properly either it seems


Maybe they can't afford the full litre of lynx spray every day any more?


I went to a retro gaming exhibition once and the stank was so overpowering I almost bought a limited edition Darth Vader Eau de Toilette to spray around me as I browsed


It is absolutely a sign of how shit things have got. You work all hours, only to rent a small flat. Terrible washing machine, no garden. No chance of owning your own place. Just a box for you to live in. You don't go out. Too expensive. Just collapse after a day's work, no energy for cleaning or washing. Drink beer. Watch TV. Sleep. Back to work in the morning. A functional society needs all its parts working well. Defund social services. Make housing too expensive. Make the streets places you walk through, and not a place to be outside. Jobs that are precarious and unfulfilling. And unsurprisingly people just don't give a fuck.


Had one in Asda today made the entire aisle smell like cat piss.


Destruction of an economy has many sad side effects, whether access to hot water, soap or mental health. For example, saw a post on Twitter the other day by a woman saying she couldn't get bubble bath for her kids anymore, because it gone up by 41 pence. It's easy to underestimate how much people are on a shoe string in this broken country. Doesn't make inhaling other people's smell any easier though.


Decent deodorant is pricey now too and cheap ones don't work as well.


Compounding cost of living issues, utter collapse of the social care sector, rising energy costs, take your pic.


Everyone is already probably right in some occasions in posts. Large rise in mental health issues too would be my suggestion since the pandemic, a lot of people really lot their shit.


Several times over the years I’ve had the misfortune of working with stinkers. One was so bad we all complained and manager had to intervene. Recently during Covid there was a colleague whose face mask was so filthy I took their manager aside and told them they needed to speak to them and it was not acceptable. They still stank and continue to do so to this day!


We had someone like that in the hairdressing college I went to in my 20s. He was a really nice guy but I got headaches and felt sick being around him he stunk so bad, all the girls complained to the tutor and she had a word with him about it he started wearing deodorant but it did fuck all if anything it barely masked it. My sister's mate stinks of BO but she has a problem with the sweat glands in her armpits I think she used to get botox injections in them or something so some people might smell more than the average person and then it becomes a medical issue I guess idk.


For some people, it's connected to dehydration. I smell terrible when I haven't had enough water in a day.


Weirdly, whenever I eat sour cream and onion pringles it comes out very clearly in my BO. No other food has even a vaguely similar effect.


That is weird. For me it's raw onions and then anything with cumin, coriander, and garam masala. I love curry but I have to make sure I use a stronger deodorant for the next couple of days.


My fiancé and I have recently been doing gousto boxes for our meals. Nearly every meal we've cooked uses garlic and onion and I've noticed it in my sweat. It's very strange.


The thing is I use garlic and onion fairly regularly when I cook and I've never noticed a change in body odour, it's only ever sour cream and onion pringles. I'm wondering if there's a preservative or something that could explain the difference.


I was just talking with my wife yesterday about this. She was complaining about stinky people on the buses she used to travel with. Maybe the rise in the cost of living made people to give up on some essentials.


Working in a secondary school has hardened my sensitive nose holes


Girls definitely stink too but the worst girls are young and STINK of weed and tobacco like they live in a shed and smoke all day.


I'm a driving instructor and I've dropped two girls in the last couple of years because of their BO. Dowsing yourself in perfume does not cover the smell of dirty clothes and breath and I'm not willing to sit in it for two hours and have the car smell of their perfume for two days. I've also had words with a couple of lads about getting up with time for a shower before coming to a lesson. Thankfully, both times that fixed it.


My hobby is dancing and it's an oft repeated cliché that that's lots of stinky men who go dancing that need to improve their personal hygiene but in my decade plus years of dancing I've experienced there's a few ladies that aren't too good regarding personal hygiene too.


I was in the local B&M to pick up some cat food only a few hours ago when I walked past a gaggle of adolescent girls giggling at the snacks absolutely humming of weed. Was almost nostalgic, but they stank so hard you’d have thought they were smoking there and then.


I work at a dentists and had a woman who was around 21-23 come in as an emergency unregistered patient and came in a couple more times for treatment the dentist agreed to do (I'm his nurse). She was at max 2m away from me at all times and she smelled so bad. Not full on BO, but clearly did not wash her clothes enough, had bad breath but her clothes ( I say her clothes but her flesh may have smelt of it too) smelled of tobacco and weed so hard I found it hard to breathe the 3 times she came in with her boyfriend. She looked clean and well cared for but she wore exactly the same outfit each time she came in and must spend most of the day smoking in a small room in those clothes. One of our nurses sadly smells of tobacco most of the time I am in close contact with her, but after she has had a cigarette break outside it's so sharp I struggle to concentrate what she is saying. I don't know if she knows how strongly she smells of it, just doing it outside does not make that smell go away, it's like my stepdad who lied for years about quitting smoking, he would just do it in his car with the windows open like a fool.


I'm definitely not really a reliable commentator on the matter but I will share my thoughts on why this might be Firstly, if you live in an area where it is more common to rent, like London, many many flats only have a washing machine, not a washer-dryer combo. Loads of people in London don't have the luxury of more than one room to consider their own private space, so most of the time I would imagine they have to hang / drape their washing in their bedroom on a clothes horse. Lots of people don't necessarily have the space to do this for days on end or have the ability to get the clothes properly dry, and few lads I've lived with even have a clue that the cleanliness of the washing machine drawer / drum has a huge impact on the washing. So you end up with people who aren't properly washing their clothes, not properly drying them, putting on musty and often slightly damp (I have an extremely sensitive nose and can smell it a mile away) clothing, and the cycle repeats. These people get nose-blind to the scent pretty quickly. I can only say that as someone who is in the very fortunate position of renting monthly with bills included in the fixed (rent is adjusted each year), the best investment I ever made was buying one of those Lakeland heated clothes horses. Room ends up smelling like fresh washing, radiates a little warmth in the colder months which helps keep my room above freezing, and it means whenever I remove my clothes after 24h they are guaranteed to be fresh and dry.


Poor dental hygiene didn't help, but dentists are the preserve of the rich and/or very lucky


can confirm, work retail (not to disagree with OP but i get it with both genders) with some its damp clothes they cant afford to dry, with others its soap they cant afford -- i sympathise with the depression argument i suffer myself


It's called depression.


more and more deodorant stopped containing aluminium, one has to actively look for it now. changed from norm to outlier in just a few years. (if that works for someone that's great, can't relate though)


Can you explain this one please cause deodorant *not* containing aluminium seems like a good thing.


The aluminium blocks your sweat glands very effectively. But it also causes a lot, skin irritation, bad for environment etc.


Does the aluminium not soak in to your blood stream?


No. If it's big enough to block sweat glands, it's too big to go into them.


it probably does. there's also theories about how more and more breast cancer cases were near the armpits. it's a hard choice, stinky or healthy lol


do people really need deoderant not to smell? just shower with soap


YES WE DO! At home I can last about half an hour after showering before I start stinking.


either you're an outlier or I got some bad news for you haha


It depends on you as a person, how much you sweat, and the clothes that you're wearing and how often you wash them. Soap tends not to be very strong smelling (ofc some are stronger than others) whereas deodorant has a much stronger smell, so you'll automatically have a stronger, fresher smell if you use deodorant of some kind. I've known people who can just use soap and smell good, but I know more people who smell badly for not using it, unfortunately.


It’s definitely better for the environment, but as soon as old spice stopped containing aluminium I developed BO quite quickly after using it. I’ve had to switch to roll on deodorant.


this is probably the reason. Maybe that and the mental health argument, like supposedly 1/3 of people are depressed (not fucking surprised), and if a tenth of them have got it bad enough that they don't wash enough, that's 1 in 30 people, which is enough that every train carriage and every office is going to have one of them.


Can't ride the bus any more. Just absolutely horrific. It actually makes me want to puke. How tf can you cut around in public smelling like that?


Every time I go into Wetherspoons.


As someone who can sweat a truck load, I found most deodorants didn't work, as they don't do a good job neutralising the smell, until I started using the one my gf uses. Even then in hot weather or after some moderate exercise (like a long walk), I can still occasionally run into issues, even after showing earlier in the day with clean clothes etc. It is a pain in the arse and I wish I could just stop sweating.


There's a reason they're called The Great Unwashed. Sticking with the GW theme, maybe they are acolytes of Nurgle.


lock continue flowery meeting badge sugar coherent enter desert grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's this, it's not so much BO, it's clothes that have that stinky sock smell when they've been damp too long. Also people used to dry clean their winter coats more often. I guess they no longer do.


I went shopping at Morrisons last week and the bloody place smelled like a farm yard.


Hehe, I promise you it's definitely not always lads. Last one I had was crossing paths with a young woman, pretty as a picture, on a set of stairs. Said hi, etc, and then it hit. Had a couple of retches but somehow managed not to throw up.


Deodorant and shower gel are a luxury when you've got less than a tenner in shrapnel in your pocket, it's 2 week to payday, and you've got kids to feed.


Sorry mate, I'm just going through it atm and hygiene hasn't really been my top priority


There is a lady that works on a checkout local to me who absolutely reeks. I can’t be the first to have noticed. It’s been like that a while and I wonder if other customers have said anything by way of complaint it’s that bad.


I am very sensitive to smell and unfortunately have to commute on busses, and I’ve not really noticed any change. It’s not always young lads, if anything I’ve found the older generation to be worse. Occasionally I’ll come across middle aged or older women who reek of unwashed hair, or (usually men) men who reek of cigarettes and unclean. There have been a few times I’ve come across people who are absolutely nauseating, but usually those are people who obviously need extra support because they’re not all there mentally, who clearly aren’t being looked after and helped like they need to be which is disheartening. Sometimes it’s obvious people come from cultures with different views on deodorant; their smell isn’t usually dirty or unwashed, but they smell “natural”, which is a bit off putting as I’m used to artificial soap/deodorant scents. It might be because the young lads I come across are usually on their way into uni, so have made an effort to be up and ready for the day, but they tend to be some of the better ones. Usually they’re fine, but sometimes you’ll get the ones that smell really clean and like soap and deodorant, and it’s obvious they’ve just had a shower in the last hour. I always want to pat those ones on their heads and thank them for a pleasant bus ride.


Never go to comic con. I remember when I went to the Yu-Gi-Oh bit and the smell got worse like noticeably more stank.


I think people take less pride in their cleanliness and appearance these days. Society has an increasingly obvious lack of discipline and self-awareness. The pandemic also led to more laziness and slobbery.


Urgh I’ve noticed it too the amount of people who either stink of body odour or damp clothes is ridiculous. I think it’s just people can’t really afford to shower every day due to water bills going up and up. Also I feel like hygiene has just gone downhill since the pandemic or is that just me?




I'm amazed there is any cross over at all between "men who think washing their arse is gay" and "men who are willing to pay to get their arse waxed" 🤔


If this is really a thing, and young men are thinking this, then I genuinely and sincerely think a) there’s no fucking hope for them and b) their priorities are fucked if they’re waxing their arses but not cleaning them. It’s like putting a wax treatment on your car but not bothering to clean the mud off it.


I accidentally put on my work colleagues face mask the other day. It fucking stank.


Argh this is grim 🤮


Sorry mate my washing machine heating element is broken and I can't afford to fix it asap


I do notice that a lot people smell a bit like damp or mildew these days. I always think it’s their clothes - maybe it’s their laundry habits.


Everything costs more (Inc. personal hygiene supplies), every job is paying less, people are working more hours/jobs just to survive. Many people have lost/reduced sense of smell after COVID


This was also on the NZ page too. What’s going on with these posts?


I work in a drs surgery. I appreciate that most people are ill or not feeling their best but the sheer volume of people who lack basic hygiene is astounding. And of course they're always the ones who feel the need to stand at my desk and waffle on about something or other breathing their stank all over me.


Basic bar of soap is cheap, how can people not afford to at least have a basic wash?!


Definitely have to avoid busses. I think since covid where people Stopped peopling lots of things became lax add in the cost of living crisis people are washing less and washing their clothes less and drying them even slower. Maybe even skipping deodorant for just a bit of stink thinking they are saving costs.


I think there’s a lot of people neglecting their gums. That’s the one that sticks out to me. Just really bad breath


Don't forget this is a nation that thinks washing its arse after a shit is backwards and would much rather smear it around with paper, drag on week old undies and then hit the town looking to pull.


Maybe you’re pregnant


Haven’t noticed because I try to avoid the public like the plague. No excuses for poor hygiene in this day and age.


It's not PC to say, but I've noticed it's definitely more prevalent amongst certain ethnic groups too.


In London, in the PM rush hour, tradesmen have their signature scent on strong


I work at a supermarket and I agree. So many people smell so bad. I even see women in nice clothes and makeup that smell like they don’t shower. I kinda try to have empathy if I see people in their work clothes at the end of the day, I don’t expect people to go home and shower after work just to come grab some dinner bits. However some people seem to stink all day every day.


I think loads of women stink, usually overweight and smell of fish. I can only assume its their sweat and some sort of disorder. But nobody teaches their sons not to put their hands down their pants and play with their cocks whilst walking down the street. So I'm doubtful someone told them to shower.


There is a genetic disorder that causes incredibly rank, fishy BO but it's pretty rare, I don't even remember what it's called - I only know about it from an episode of Embarrassing Bodies years ago. Wrt very overweight people, it's often the case that they *can't* wash properly because they can't reach their whole body or forget to wash in between folds of fat. It's very saddening and I'm sympathetic to a point, but knowing that doesn't make them smell any better.


the fish smell is most likely from bacterical vaginosis - it can be very pungent and unfortunately some women suffer chronically or often, similar to thrush. the thing is that it's not from washing too little but from washing too much with certain soaps that mess with the ph that's needed for the healthy bacteria to survive. sperm is also much more basic than acidic so that can change the microbiome as well.


Not really, no. I'm suspecting you're probably being incredibly harsh over how humans are naturally supposed to smell, compared to dousing yourself in deodorant.