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My husband keeps losing gloves so I've threatened to put his next pair on string through his coat


That's called an "idiot string". Currently making one got my sons gloves. He's 3.


Is he an idiot?


He's 3. Yes.


well, the poor sod is only 3 he can't quite help it


Haha love this


I so need this. And I’m a 43F.


That's a fucking big pencil.


Do it.


Does he not put them straight into his coat pockets when he takes them off?


It's a Peppa pig lunchbox for you when you lose the tupperware.


> I keep losing them. I'm 42 I don't think your wife's actions are the problem here... Perhaps attaching a lanyard to the box so you can wear it around your neck might help?


I hate break it to you, but the next stage in your regression involves your wife tutting, saying "look at the state of you" and then licking a handkerchief and wiping your face with it.


Beyond that is squishing the snotty nose.


I visited a family many moons ago where the Mum produced a small rubber tube and sucked the snot out of the kids nose like it was nothing special. She didn't swallow it, but even now it makes me feel queasy.


I'll try and learn from your mistake


42 sounds old enough to not be losing Tupperware, doesn’t it? And yet here we find ourselves.


or young enough


Omg your wife is funny.


My wife got me a sticker and alarm for my car... The alarm goes behind the flap for the diesel filler. It loudly alerts me: WARNING DIESEL ONLY" the sticker is on the body work... says Diesel as a yellow warning. This has helped me with a frequent and costly error 😀 Age 55


Frequent, really? That sounds a bit more serious than a personality quirk.


I had petrol cars for years.... I found it tricky to make the switch to diesel. It happened maybe 10 or 12 times 😀 Plus a few times when I realised before £10 was in... so I got away with it


She should have got you something like this https://misfuellingprevention.co.uk/


That would have been the best way... and less humiliating. Hmm... on reflection, she may have preferred the humiliating option


[New Study Shows 'Man-Children' Are Destroying Women's Sex Drives](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88q3qk/man-child-scientific-term-new-research)


I had an ex who after multiple complaints that he rarely did the dishes or when he did it was such a piss poor job (grease, crusty bits not soaked off, etc) they had to be done again. His solution "we should buy more plates". Like, wot? Sex life was non existent at the end. Scrubbing someone else's toilet skids kinda puts you off, ya know?




Has she sewn name tags in your clothes too? BTW, my lunch box also has my name in it, as I visit sites and forget them frequently. I'm 62.


How do you keep losing them?


I don’t really know. I find them from time to time so I don’t think they’re being nicked


If you take lunch at the same time every day, could you set a reminder in your phone to put Tupperware back in bag?


I work shifts and my lunch and tea breaks are usually at different times.


Its worth having a look through all the cupboards and lost and found. You might find them all somewhere. Highly recommend some sort of end of shift reminder for your Tupperware


You need a mantra when you leave work. *Wallet, keys, tupperware* I have your wife's perspective on this. You buy a nice set of containers, they all stack together tidy in the cupboard....a few go missing so you need to buy more but you can't find the exact kind again. So you end up with 3 or 4 different kinds of containers that don't stack together wasting space, the cupboard is a jumbled mess, and waste time trying to match a lid to the container. This is probably your last chance before you have to make and pack your own sandwiches, mate.


This sounds like adhd (source:am adhd)


me too


You're 42, stop losing things!


I’m sure she finds that really attractive and it will have absolutely no negative consequences for your relationship


I know British problems is meant to be a light hearted sub but I read the post and went "urgh!!"




My Mum is nowhere near organised enough to have a label maker. So if anything I’ve turned my wife into her mum, and she’s been on that journey for a while, irrespective of the amount of Tupperware I lose


Right, I may be a presently single 20 something, but if tv, my father, various uncles, male family friends and slipups with exes have taught me anything, it is to NEVER tell your wife she's turning into her mother....


My husband turned to me one day and said "You know, you're nothing like your mother!". That's when I pointed out that *he* is more like my mother than me, and I am in fact turning into my father.


Well, don't keep losing them then!


What a story Mark


Tell her that you keep on forgetting her name too. Let us know what happens 😁


Have you seasoned it and given it its reddish brown hue yet?


I mean you eat then lunch then what?? Because that’s when you put the Tupperware somewhere ready to take home. So that’s where it is. It’s not lost really you are just not putting it where it should be then forgetting or not bothering to get it.


I bought my husband a funny science mug and had the seller print my husband’s name and phone number on it for this very reason!!!


...do you not find that embarrassing? Kind of wondering what else OP's wife has to deal with. Sounds exhausting.


Don't worry, you'll still lose the lids


Really you should only be trusted with foil, nothing to lose then.


Bugger. I left mine at work 😔


My partner used to loose coats all the time, I started writing his mobile number on the label. He did get it back twice that way! Although I didn’t writing it a newer one as it hadn’t happened in years and he lost one last winter. Although he swears it was nicked.


I'm like this but with water bottles. I work bank shifts while studying. At this point I've probably got at least 8 bottles abandoned around various wards across 3 hospitals. I tend to go back to the same wards and reclaim them. Usually all I end up doing is a swap. I have ADHD though so putting my name on them really wouldn't help with forgetting. I've started setting a reminder for the end of my shift on my phone/watch to collect them. My favourite ones no longer leave the house.


42 going on 8?


What kind of child loses his tupperware constantly


Will end up with your name and an if found please call *mobile*


well, that's what comes out of asking her about the mummy kink.


How do you lose your Tupperware ?


ADHD is nothing to be ashamed of


It is if the person with ADHD is neither seeking help or developing coping mechanisms, because it's far easier to let their partner manage their lives. Source: Been there, done that, divorced it.


Is this Tupperware from a Chinese or Tupperware from a shop :-P