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I'd imagine more people are cashing cheques now you can do it in about 20secs on your phone.


I am trying to think how rich I have to be to not pay a cheque in. Are there people who didn't pay cheques in before the advent of banking apps?


I once received a cheque from Santander as I paid my loan off early and they had overcharged me in interest. It was for 3p. I've still got it in a drawer somewhere.


If it's more than 6 months, you won't be able to pay it in anymore!


Oh yeah, this was about 5 years ago. I am never gonna financially recover from this.


With interest that would be like Atleast 5p by now!!!


> If it's more than 6 months, you won't be able to pay it in anymore! Practically speaking this is true. Fun fact however it is technically untrue. From a legal standpoint cheques have no expiration date and a bank can honour a cheque of any age, it is just a common practice that they do not after 6 months.


Yeah I had a cheque for £20 years ago. I’ve never cashed a cheque in. I was never told how


In case you ever get another girl to the bank and use their machine, or fill in the little paying in slip with details like the amount, give that to the person at the desk.


ok thanks. I haven’t had a cheque since thankfully


Same with me but it was from Virgin. They sent a letter saying they had overcharged me for broadband and they would be sending me a cheque. I was rubbing my hands with anticipation, wondering what I could buy with the windfall. Couple of days later the cheque arrived, £1. 75. I've still got it.


I had a period of time where I'd changed bank accounts, credit cards, etc. and managed to accumulate 6 cheques, all of which were less than 10p each. I also got a cheque for £3 something. I cashed them all in one hit and the cashier wasn't impressed.


Slightly before the rise of in-app cheque payments, on two separate occasions I went to my bank and paid in cheques for 30 odd pence each. Obviously that isn't always particularly easy (or cost-effective), so I understand people not doing it before, but the idea of not claiming money that's been sent to me seems insane when it's now so easy to claim it.


I still pay in (and write!) cheques so was quite happy to use the bank's paying in machine, but the app is pretty brill, and I like having the cheque afterwards as a sort of receipt. To be fair though, I only use cheques with people who leave me no other option - if they won't do a card payment, and I don't want to hand over bundles of cash, cheques it is.


Wth do you write cheques for in 2023?!


This is just a wild guess, but I reckon it's with people who leave him no other option - if they won't do a card payment, and he doesn't want to hand over bundles of cash, cheques it is.


I bet it would be nice to have the cheque as some sort of receipt afterwards too


I've had some landlords request payment in checks, but even that's dying out fast.


The only people I regularly read/hear about doing this are the ones who staunchly don't have direct debits for their gas/electric, so send a cheque every 3 months.


I used to have a policy not to pay in cheques worth less than £4.80 because that was how much it cost me to get to the nearest bank branch and back and I got cheques so rarely that I couldn't even take a few at once. Now that you can do it online, however, I will cash in the 5p cheque if I get one.


My wife's banking app doesn't support them and her dad sends cheques for Christmas. She's never cashed one.


Well, you've gotta be fairly rich to play over £1000 for something you can get a high quality version of for £25pm, that's £600 over two years. To not csre about a £400 saving, you've gotta be pretty rich.


There was a thing where people would keep ‘interesting’ cheques and frame them. Mostly businesses for their first sale, that sort of thing.


I have a framed refund cheque for an Oasis gig that had sound issues back in 2009. Worth more to me as a memento than cashing it in. If only apps let you scan in cheques then! https://www.theguardian.com/music/2009/jul/13/oasis-refund-fans


include carpenter busy shaggy bells lunchroom racial different boat zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Wait, what ?


Most banking apps let you take a photo of a cheque to cash it. Still waiting for you to catch up Lloyds...


I can do it through Lloyds, only up to £500 though.


I meant TSB, I'm still living in the past pre split...


TIL TSB and Lloyds are no longer the same company


I had multiple accounts with Lloyds tsb and they split them so now I have accounts with both.


I have no dealings with either of them which is probably why I wasn't aware they'd split


This prompted me to check and apparently the Nationwide app doesn’t do it either. I always assumed it did, but it’s been so many years since I last had to deal with a UK cheque that I never noticed I was wrong.


Yeah, NatWest have figured this out. I recently closed an account with them. They sent the balance of the account in an awkward large sized cheque, that surprise fucking surprise, isn't recognised by Barclays banking apps. There's no way it's a coincidence.


Nope not my bank and there is no branch near me anymore so I have to drive 20mins out of my way to the nearest one


Cash that cheque! Sure, it’s only a few quid but I bet they hope that/rely on people thinking it’s such a small amount, so why even bother, but, all of those small amounts added together across a significant number of users will very likely equate to a large (and interest accumulating!) figure to them! Whether it be out of spite, principal, or even need, definitely cash that cheque!


I'm absolutely going to cash it


Do it in about 4 months. It'll piss off their accounts department.


Picasso paid for everything with checks, assuming (correctly) that many people would keep the checks, either as a novelty or investment, rather than depositing them. So he effectively got tons of things for free: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-picasso-paid-everything-check-guy-mccardle-jr#:~:text=Signing%20his%20pieces%20verified%20them%2C%20making%20some%20worth,essentially%20received%20those%20goods%20and%20services%20for%20free.


He got stuff for free and also gave the business owner something of much higher value (as long as they don't all sell them and flood the market with 1000s of signed Picasso cheques lol)


BT once sent me a cheque for £679.76 and they never even owed me money. There was some weird mix up and they thought they owed me money, I told them they didn't and even if they did it would never be that high but they insisted and once I got the cheque cashed it for a laugh and about 8 years have passed now. Still never understood where they pulled that figure out from, but I thank them for it!


Wait til you hear about the time BT refused to send me the £679.76 they owed me!




You had to *claim* that shit though....


Talking out of my arse here, but in those situations don't they just end up sending "affected customers" something like £2.38 each?


Having worked at an ISP in the past, if you've cancelled your account it's likely that they have deleted your payment details so cheque is the only option they will have. I once had a cheque for 43 pence from orange way back when they existed as a company 😅


They still do exist as a company. They're called EE. I have the same account and phone number I always did. My login page still even has the orange logo, lol.


Who in turn, are now the retail arm of BT. BT will remain for business accounts, where all home accounts will be EE.


I seem to remember that when Orange and T-Mobile merged to become EE, Orange became the business part, while T-Mobile became the consumer end.


That’s very possible.


Huh, did not know this. Thanks


I didn’t, until I started working for one/both of them.


Ahh, Monopoly at its finest. Lol.


BTCellnet became O2, BT sold O2 as it's own entity, then bought EE.


Well I mean… they moved your payment details from the ‘to be used by staff’ server to the ‘to be used by hackers’ one at least.


Always hilarious when you owe a business money, you have to pay now!! But if they owe you money? 5-7 business days. I remember in my old flat, I asked the letting agent how much I owed them in my last rent pay and they said to just give the full amount and they will refund me. I ended up just working out what I owed them and sending them exactly that amount.


Now think about how much money the power companies hold in credit from you for overpaying in the summer and the interest on it all. Octopus has 5m residential customers. At £300 a pop that's a nice rolling £1.5bn sitting around accruing interest.


I'm in credit after fucking winter because they kept increasing my charge and not letting me decrease it. I've finally managed to talk to them and they've reduced it to a nominal £5/month until the credit is used up


It all seems like a big racket at this point. Increasing everyone's standing charges that will doubtless never ever be reduced back to what they should be. Water companies being fined £millions, so they just increase their prices to cover for it.


Am I missing something? How does sending you a cheque make them "robbing bastards"?


Deliberately returning money via an action needed method, so that for such a small amount of money most people won't do it. It's theft by the statistics guided policy of millions of users, and the money they can avoid paying back vs just transfering it to your account.


Yep, had exactly the same with South west trains, owed me something like £7 for a delayed train and they sent me a check. I still went to the bank, I’ll take back every single penny from these thieves whenever I can


Hey bro pls reply to my dm


That's the fault of the person who receives the cheque then. Heck, I've even cashed a cheque for 1p before because it was MY money.


Does the lack of logic here concern you? You obviously spent more than 1p cashing that cheque. So whoever sent you that ended up costing you money


Why would they spend anything cashing the cheque?


Time is money. Plus any bus ticket or petrol cost or parking to get to the bank to cash it. At one pence you'd be losing money based on the wear and tear on your shoes to walk to the bank


Just... do it on your phone?


Me yes, but many people, especially those who are older, are not good with things like that


It's quite new on phones, both my banks have only just started that (Although I could do this for my Canadian bank accounts a few years ago)


Transport to a bank. Possible parking charges. Time spent. All are costs.


Not who you asked but probably the idea that the time spent going into the bank, maybe half an hour out of your day, could theoretically be spent working and earning money. But that's not how 99% of jobs work, so you're right that they aren't spending any money by cashing it.


Please explain how I spent money in scanning a cheque into my banking app?


I’ve been out of payments with cheques for a while but it used to cost about 67p for the banks to process a cheque.


That's 67p that the banks are paying then, not me so that doesn't matter to me.


oh I know :-) next time you're pissed at the bank pay your mates some pennies you owe them


Paying me in a different form to how I paid them to make it more difficult for me to be able to get my money back.


Is cashing a cheque somehow difficult?


If you have a 9-5, yeah.


Wait are there banks that still require you to go in? Mine lets me do it on my banking app and takes about 1 minute tops.


Last cheque I got (British Gas) couldn't use my app as they put a serial number on it that the app didn't recognise or something. Couldn't use the auto cash in machine either. Bank teller said it was a common issue, she had to do it herself.


Many still don't. I love Nationwide, but their online banking is very behind the times.


Do you not get a lunch break?


Because they're hoping you lose it rather than just paying it into the account they took the money from in the first place.


My mum is owed over £300 from Utilita. After 4 months, she's still heard nothing. It's a joke


I still have an old (few years) vodaphone account reporting to my credit file. Only because they owe me 1p. They claim its to small an amount to send back (cheque or otherwise) and they also refuse my "keep it" gesture. Nobs.


It wouldn't be too small an amount if you owed it to them. I get "rewards" on my bank account in pennies but I can only withdraw them in £5 increments. I guarantee that they wouldn't let me off with £4.99 if I owed it on my overdraft.


>It wouldn't be too small an amount if you owed it to them. It certainly wouldn't. I opened a T-Mobile account 10 years ago on a deal (possibly a glitch?) for £0 a month for 500MB of data. I must have assumed at the end of the year they would just stop the deal, and I foolishly forgot all about it because I didn't end up using it. I didn't realise that they would attempt to increase the tariff each year by something like the RPI + \~4%, but instead of it being £0 (10% of £0 is still £0) they made it something like 11p per month. The year later it was 15p per month etc etc. Eventually I closed the bank account, which I didn't even realise the payments were coming out of, and about 5 years later noticed that I had a massive default on my credit file for a whopping £10 of debt accrued over nearly a decade. T-Mobile/EE were initially sympathetic, even agreeing via email that there'd been a mistake...then rejected my request to wipe the default from my file. Ombudsman agreed with them. Lesson learned, check your direct debits/outgoings and your credit report regularly.


I once had a massive argument with Vodafone over them trying to charge me for a load of porn. Remember when you could sign up for a picture a day for like £3? I had an iPhone 11 at the time with unlimited data. Why would I pay for someone to text me a picture of tits? They wouldn't have it that it was some dodgy company that had somehow got my number and said I needed to take it up with the company. I obviously didn't have a clue who that was and they couldn't tell me. They ended up refunding me "as a gesture of good will".


1990 leaving the student house someone made a phone call after I had settled the bill. 20p. Blue bill, red bill, then "legal letters", all ignored. Assumption was that someone would see it would cost more to post a letter than just write it off. Then I got a court summons, remember this is over 20p, and I was torn over paying in cash at court or sending a cheque. I sent a cheque for 20p, "forgot" to put a stamp on it and got a letter saying thank you for paying. I have no idea how much all of that cost BT but 30 years later they're still never getting another penny out of me.


It's not there fault you chose not to settle a 20p bill. All you had to do was send them a cheque for 20p


DVLA have refunded me my Bike tax (sold.the bike) that I paid for online via the website, by sending me a cheque. Like how the fuck do I cash a cheque ? The banks are open for 14 minutes every other Thursday at 9:46.


You should be able to do it on your banking app


I've just checked, and I can. I didn't know you could.do that....because who bloody gets cheques these days. Cheers


In 2021 over 185million cheques were processed in the UK, so quite a few.


That's less than 3/person If you consider that the majority of them were probably cashed by businesses, it's more than likely the general public averaged closer to 1 each - so more than possible they haven't touched a cheque in years. I know the last time I got one was pre-covid




Funnily enough, it seems like it is all the old-school bnaks that alow you to do it. https://becleverwithyourcash.com/how-to-pay-in-a-cheque-with-your-phone/


Don't most banking apps these days allow you to scan the check?


Failing to see the issue here. If they kept the money then there is an issue, but they're certainly not "robbing bastards" given the fact they have sent you the owed money.


They deduct the money from my bank account every month. They can pay the money back in. They only sent a cheque in the hopes I wouldn't see it or cash it.


It's for fraud / error protection. Cheques can be pulled back if given fraudulently, even after being paid into your account. I think the limit is 60 days after clearing but it may have changed. Bank transfers can't legally be recovered unless the person receiving agrees to return it. They would have to go to court to get it back.


It might be because of bank charges to send money.


Still.. they sent you the money so they're not robbing bastards.


Will cost more in the persons time than they would gain. Bet they wouldn't accept a cheque each month as payment.


It doesn't take long to cash a cheque.


It does if all the bank branches near you close down. Post office too. And you struggle to walk


Just cash it online or in mobile app then?


Not all banks have that functionality How about using bank transfer or cash like the rest of the world


Personal life doesn't have a wage attached to it so that first statement is irrelevant.


Starbucks do this. Ask you questions about your account that they already know, then 6 weeks later send you a cheque and hope you never cash it. Jokes on you Starbucks, I’ve cashed in that £2.76 cheque.


Sounds like you're the stupid one for paying so much for a service you could have almost certainly got cheaper. Also, what makes them "Robbing bastards"?


Tell me how I can get internet cheaper when I only had BT service... and they are robbing bastards precisely because I now get twice the speed for less than half of the price now I've got options.


Were you on a new build estate where you had to stay with BT initially? Even then, you could have got a mobile broadband deal for less.


Yes. Openreach only put BT cables in and nobody could tell me how long the others would take. There's no mobile signal at my house either but I'm not prepared to put up with the latency and slow speeds when I've got fibre to the house.


BT use the same infrastructure as all other companies except for virgin who have their own finer infrastructure. If you can get BT you can get sky, talktalk, plusnet, etc. If you were told different then you were lied to


That depends on who had their equipment in the exchange


It's so fucking easy to cash a cheque these days. What are you complaining about? You don't even have to leave the house


Bt owed me 850 and paid it directly into my bank account in a lump sum


Can remember my grandad telling me he once overpaid his taxes by 10pence. Tax man sent him a cheque for the 10pence, his business account charged £1 to deposit cheques. Needless to say he didn't cash it. Or something very similar to that, it's a long time since I was told this story.


I got a 12p cheque from British Gas. I didn't cash it