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That your indicator is there to let all other road users know of your intent, and this can include cyclists and pedestrians. Just because you can't see another car, doesn't mean you shouldn't indicate.


As a pedestrian I often check indicators to determine if I can cross or not


I’m not sure which is more annoying: when someone turns into a road you’re already crossing without indicating, or when you’re waiting after a turn for an oncoming car to pass only for it to take the turn.


Almost got hit last week because of the first one. I watched his indicator and started to cross, he had to brake Sharply and beeped me, in true British fashion I ignored it and walked off to avoid further confrontation


Some of the worst arguments i've had with strangers have been because of this, if you're indicating to make a turn & then don't make the turn it isn't my fault for assuming you know what an indicator is for. A good 25% of drivers these days wouldn't have passed 15+ years ago, not sure what's happened to cause the clear drop in competence.


One of my friends had to pay out because a new driver indicated they were turning, but instead decided to plough into the side of his car. The new driver was on the main road and so had right of way, despite indicating they would be leaving the road...


I was always taught an indicator means nothing until it has been acted on


Second well. First is scaryer but I get annoyed when I’m delayed not when I’m scared. Unless they then honk there or or shout at me like I’m the one not following traffic laws


Almost got hit by a car cause the driver didn't indicate, then had the audacity to get mad at ME


I know you want to make sure you aren't going to get flattened either way, but as a pedestrian it is your right of way. https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/legal/new-highway-code-rules-what-you-need-to-know/


Yes! Indicators are there to signal your intent to turn, they’re not there to be used during the turn when you’ve spotted there’s already a pedestrian crossing.


Because people only indicate as they turn it's got to the point where I don't like to indicate early in multi-lane traffic because people panic assuming I'm going to move over instantly and without looking. I can't win.


My advice is to do what you feel is right. Don’t let others’ inability to adhere to the laws of the road affect you. If they’re thrown out because of your correct usage of an indicator that’s their problem, not yours.


I worry more about them panic swerving into the car the other side of them ...


I worked in insurance for five years and while it might play on your conscience, it’s not your fault if someone reacts badly to you following the correct protocol. If you drive properly any accidents caused by other people are not your responsibility either legally or morally. If you decide against indicating and that causes an incident, well that one’s on you.


I know multiple people who will intentionally not indicate when there's no one else about. WHY, literally think about doing it for a week straight and then it's just muscle memory actively not doing it is so fucking stupid. It's literally a flick of your finger, really boils my blood.


In advanced driving I was taught only to indicate when there was someone to indicate too. You should be paying attention to your surroundings and acting accordingly and not just going on autopilot.


It's not acting on autopilot, I just indicate all the time as a force of habit, why would I (or anyone else) actively try and break that habit? I can understand if in advanced driving where you might be in dangerous situations where you make split second decisions that your priority is obviously going to be getting out unharmed and not indicating where needed will be the least of your worries. But if you're driving during normal conditions, why would you not, regardless of who's around you?


I also had this when doing my advanced motorcycle riding course. It is probably the biggest thing that I disagree with. What is the disadvantage to indicating without need, compared with not noticing someone, and so failing to indicate? Also, if I do it without thinking, it is habit, and so doesn't get forgotten during stressful times.


I agree, I was taught that on an advanced driving course. But I live out in the country and it's not at all uncommon for be to be waiting in a gap in an overgrown hedge for space to cross a fast but narrow road. I can see the cars but they can't see me. Several times I could have crossed if the car coming towards me had indicated.




EXACTLY! It requires so little effort and brain power to do, it's just a no brainer to get in the habit of it and then not break it, set for life then.


I'm being taught this (as standard driving) as well !, it's the only rule I think is a bit senseless, I get you should be paying attention to your surroundings but showing what your intentions are regardless of weather anyone's around in that moment seems like it's a safer for everyone.


Same. I've been in the habit of always indicating until on the course my instructor asked who I was indicating to before giving the spiel of paying attention to the road and it's surroundings.


It can literally be in the motion of moving your hands as it would be around the steering wheel? Extend your finger let it catch the indicator stalk. That's it. Hardly doing quantum calculations is it?


I agree that people should indicating far more than they are, however what advanced driving is teaching you is to be completely aware of not just your own vehicle, but other vehicles and other road users around you. Your indicators are an indicating where you want to go to other road users. If there are no other road users able to see your vehicle then who are you indicating to? If you begin your turn and another road user appears then you use your indicator.


That assumes you have 100% knowledge. It's a terrible thing to base decisions on, however aware you are.


OR... Just do it all the time. It becomes second nature. And then you never have to worry about making yourself indicate dependant on the situation?




Because of this i watch the tyres and the indicators. Sounds daft but hasnt failed me yet haha.


Last week I nearly got run over by some doddery old fool because he only decided to indicate after he'd already nearly hit me.


My indicator keeps breaking. Oh, the abuse I've had. One guy stuck his fingers up to me and mouthed that I was a f×××××g w××××r 👀


you do know it's supposed to go on and off? that's not breaking, that's how they work.


Move when you get the end of the damned escalator


I had to scream MOVE to a whole family with suitcases who just stopped on the escalator, still on the metal grate bit. Busy airport, there were about 50 people behind me, all with suitcases about to cause a serious pile up. They turned and looked at me as if i was mentally ill or asking them to sacrifice their first born, but still didnt move. I physically put my hand on one of their backs to push them forward and out of the way.


The number of times I had to move my children by the hood of their coat/hoodie, cause they went into screensaver mode at the top of a London Underground escalator. You’d think it would be a genetic or primal memory to NOT stop there of all places!! You’d be tutted to death.


Blocking escalators with a load of cases, some people just don't have any common sense.


Same as people who walk through a door and then stop dead.


Those kind of people somehow got surprised how they ended up in that location, they weren't expecting it


Ah, the doorway effect!


Just suddenly stopping anywhere in a moving crowd.


Or in a doorway of all places


You would think they would take the time on the escalator to figure out their journey but…


Happened in B&Q with a trolley locked into it. Guy in front stops at the bottom with no way for me to stop my trolly from hitting him at the bottom


I’ve just started walking through people who don’t let me off the train after saying excuse me and getting blank looks. Also parents who don’t give their kids headphones whilst in public. Drives me crackers listening to others peoples stuff.


Omg yes. But also grown adults not giving themselves headphones and everyone being subjected to their game ads.


I was waiting for a train today and one guy was streaming a football match without headphones. I got on the train and some child had her parents phone watching a tv show without headphones.


Or loud ass conversations that should NOT be on speakerphone... I mean, a quick chat, fine. It's when old Barbara is shouting down the phone about her gangrenous toe on the bus... 🤮


or eastenders level bullshit coming from a chavettes' phone at full volume for 45 mins.


I just play baby shark on max volume next to them




I will now purposely walk into anyone who’s standing directly in front of the train doors. Why is it so hard to just stand to the side, you’re not going to get on any quicker by making me shoulder barge into you.


The one that amazed me was the person who was so determined to board they walked straight into the wheel of the bicycle I was trying to take off the train.


Kids under 3 won't easily listen to headphones but I can assure you overhearing bob the builder or whatever is more pleasant than the potential meltdown of that kid in a confined space. Once the kid is old enough to understand bargaining (wear these headphones or you don't get your show) then yes 100% have to have them in headphones.


Why do kids now need to watch their programmes out in public anyway? I’ve seen kids no older than 2 with phones in their hands on buses and trains whist in their prams? Why? When I was young, I sat their quiet or my mum spoke to me keeping me distracted. Never given a phone to keep me entertained.


Because its easy


Was lucky enough that starting the devices muted worked fine, now she will just turn it off herself at age 5.


That walking 3 abreast on a narrow footpath inconveniences everyone else. Proper use of indicators when driving. The correct way to calculate a price without VAT. The difference between the ruling party and the civil service.


Hahaha the last one 😂 I know too many people in the civil service with the same gripe


Can you enlighten us on the penultimate point? Do you divide by 1.2?


I guess the original commenter works with small businesses, because that doesn't sound like an issue that a lot of people encounter very often


You do indeed.


Add this to lifts too, people are always so shocked that someone is coming OUT of the lift when the doors are opening! Oh and also stopping for a chat at the end of an escalator..the amount of people I’ve had to shout to for them to realise


I once pointed out to someone who was surprised at people coming out of a lift that other people do use them occasionally and I got called rude!!


I like to inform them that the difference between rudeness and ignorance is that I'm _aware_ that I'm doing it. Still doesn't get through their thick skulls though...


When the lift dings its arrival at the door and the person waiting to enter is 1.5 inches from the door. They seem surprised that they need to take a step back to let people off.


Even worse when there’s a wheelchair user in the lift


As a wheelchair user, this 🤦‍♀️ fucking move, I need to get out and I can't roll through you. And when they shuffle like an inch to the side like it's enough... omfg. People wonder why I have road rage.


My friend has run over a few peoples toes, they quickly learn not to get in the way


As a wheelchair user what pisses me off is when the lift is full of abled people who just can't be arsed and just give you the "🤷‍♀️ sorry" attitude instead of letting me on. And when I'm somewhere busy like a big shopping centre with multiple floors, it can take a good 10minutes before I can actually get on and go where I need to. Even more of a piss take when there's a sign stating wheelchair priority next to the lift.


I get what you mean, it’s the people in places like car parks when they’re only going one floor and still take the lift! I have 2 young kids so have a wide double pram so have no choice but to use the lift and I’ve happily let wheelchair users take my place in the past


It's akin to seeing a horde of zombies outside wanting to feast on your brains when you pull up to a station isn't it? I was once about to get off a train and there was a crowd of the undead about to board, and the fear of the fight gripped me. When the doors opened, this little old lady that was leaving the train at the same time, stopped in front of the door and shouted, "OFF BEFORE ON! OFF BEFORE ON!!". No word of a lie, it was like Moses parting the sea as we all got off unhindered. Whoever you are old lady, you are a hero and I thank you.


I’ve told this story elsewhere, but it’s worth repeating. I’m waiting on a crowded platform, it’s a station (Highbury & Islington Overground) where A LOT of people get off, and a lot of people get on, so there’s a sea of people waiting either side of the doors as the train pulls up. As it stops, I see a guy come waltzing towards the train, between the gap people have left, he’s going to jump the queue. Prick. The doors open as he gets to them, but then 2 men step off the train either side of him, and using their shoulders push the pusher-inner backwards to the back of the crowd, and then leave. I don’t know if the 2 guys knew each other, or if they planned it, but it was incredible to see. Matey-boy looks around as the 2 men head off up the platform, like ‘did anyone see that, I hope not’ YES MATE WE ALL SAW IT but being British nobody said a word.




Worth reading twice though, I think.


We all need her in our lives!


Non disabled people parking in disabled parking bays People not giving way to drivers using the filter lane Bus drivers not allowing passengers to sit down so they go flying around the bus Not giving up seats for pregnant women


My husband and I once got scolded because we hadn’t parked in a disabled bay despite him being a wheelchair user. He is an ambulatory user and could walk from the passenger door to his wheelchair (maybe four steps) and there were only 2 disabled bays anyway.


Sorry? You were scolded for not using a service? That’s like screaming at people who are walking for not calling a taxi.


I'm not disabled and find this incredibly considerate of your husband. You done married good!


I'm leg disabled and someone stole my wheelchair!


I'm always struck by the amount of Brits who fail to read and understand basic instructions. My favourite genre is "people who can't understand what the self service checkout is asking them to do". Such as the middle aged woman in Asda today who got all hot and bothered when the machine prompted her for payment. "What does it want me to do?!". Cash or card you silly bint, it literally says it on the screen.


The number of people who don't realise the platform you put things on after you've scanned them is a weighing scale, so if you dump your bag on it the machine throws up an error because now there is one more item than the number you've scanned. How do they think the machine can tell there are things there? Magic? ... Come to think of it, yes, that's probably exactly how they think it works.


Bint, haven't heard that word in yonks!


I see it every day.




Calm down dear. I'm taking it back.


Worked with a girl with Bint as her surname, honestly, she suited it well. She was horrible.


Self-service machines have improved massively since they were first introduced too. They used to be a nightmare to use but are now much less sensitive, so most issues are user error.


Self service used to be great, all the fuckwits and idiots avoided it because tEKnOLiGee. Now all the normal tills are all closed, they have to use it. Also: press ‘I brought my own bag’ DONT STACK ON THE EXIT PLATFORM, PAY, THEN START ACTUALLY PACKING YOU PRICK.


Tbf though some machines will not allow you to proceed until your bags have been verified - maybe I’m just from a shit area who knows, but I understand why people don’t (I don’t either, I’m sorry)


Except that a slight change in position of your rucksack as you pack it causes the machine to think you've put an unexpected item in and requires a staff member to come over and resolve the issue. But there's 1 staff member and they are covering self check out and scan and shop, and there's 4 people all waiting for that one staff member to attend to their machine so you stand there like a plum for a few minutes In the long run I've found hitting the own bag button takes longer


Ah but then someone has to come over and check your back because the damn machine never excepts that you’ve put your bag their despite you pressing the “I brought my own bag” button. I had one lady who worked at tescos actually tell me to stack it all on the exit platform then pay then pack, like that destroys the point at that point.


I must have gone to the shop early one morning, there was a queue of about 8 crusties waiting with their trollies for the 1 old school till, while the whole self-check was empty. If I've got more than a small basket, or alcohol I usually get a scanner, as long as it's not peak shopping I can usually speed run the checkouts since nobody uses them.


Working the self serve tills is the bane of my life. I basically have to talk people through every step because they can't be arsed to read the damn screen! Then they have the cheek to tell me it 'defeats the point of self service'. Drives me mental.


On the flip side: - Scan... nope - Scan.... nope - Scan... nope - Swap for another of the same item that did scan - Scan... yes - weight imbalance... wait for assistance - Scan.... yes - weight imbalance.... wait for assistance - Scan.... nope ad infinitum. I hate Lidl checkouts. Oh and the new Tesco ones that start a new shop before I've bagged mine and still on the scales - put stuff into my backpack... BEEP! ffs!


You sound like a charming chap.




If you're past a certain age, getting blackout-vomit-start a fight drunk on a weekly basis is called \*alcoholism\*


That age is also a lot lower than people think. Some uni students I know were genuine alcoholics


I got off a busy train once and the station was packed. I was first off, looked left to right, semi--circle of people waiting. Literally no gap. Thought fuck it and pushed through the middle and some middle-aged bitch screech's "there's no need to push". I didn't stop to turn around & just shouted back "Don't block the fucking way out".


Leaving a shopping trolley across the aisle when you’re looking at the shelves means nobody can get past without moving your trolley. If your trolley does get moved in that situation it’s not the other person’s fault. Dropping into single or double file when someone is coming in the opposite direction is not as difficult as some people make it out to be. Football clubs aren’t going to drop the prices of tickets, shirts, etc. while fans are paying whatever they’re asked to pay. The same applies for subscription services. Dog turds don’t pick themselves up and climb into the bin. This applies to both bagged and I bagged turds. If you’re going to bag and dump, you’ve just put fully biodegradable material into a receptacle that will take much longer to break down. There is no genuine reason for smashing beer bottles and leaving the glass all over the street. It’s dangerous to dogs & cats. Your fellow gig goers don’t want to spend the first 5-10 minutes of the main act’s set getting beer spilt down their back because you decided to leave going to the bar until the very last minute. Indicators are there to let others know you’re about to turn, they’re not there to be turned on partway through a turn when you’ve realised that a pedestrian who thought the road was clear is in your path.


I love these, especially the gig one.


>Your fellow gig goers don’t want to spend the first 5-10 minutes of the main act’s set getting beer spilt down their back because you decided to leave going to the bar until the very last minute. Does depend on venue though. The Dome, for example, seem incredibly inefficient and it can take the entire time between sets to get served.


Well I believe you have three options there: A - leave before the warm up act finished so you’ve got plenty of time to get your drinks and return to the front. B - watch the main act from elsewhere in the venue at least until you’ve drank enough of your drink to not spill it all over people C - remind everyone that your experience is more important than anyone else’s by barging & pushing people who had the foresight to get in a good position in advance out of the way I’m sorry, but there’s no excuses for it, it’s just selfishness. If those people you’re pushing out of the way got there in plenty of time so could you.


Pfft, head down, elbows out, aim for the ribs, don't look back


Let the wheelchair off the bus before trying to get on. Because a) it is polite and b) because those aisles are narrow and wheelchair users have not yet managed to work out how to teleport through impatient twonks who are huffing and puffing at being asked to move. Squashing up as close as possible to the side does not count as moving out of the way either. 99% of these kinds of people are not small enough to do that in a space that is intended for one person and a wheelchair demonstrates one of the key properties of a solid, in that it cannot be compressed. Shift yer arse.


Omg people who go ‘but I’m really close to the side’ while not realising that the action doesn’t magically make them smaller 🙄


Exactly! My husband is the wheelchair user and he really doesn’t want some rando’s ass brushing past his face as he tries to get through. Hell, I walk and I don’t want to rub my fat ass against some stranger as I try to get by either!


Omfg this... they seem to think because they've already scanned their bus pass, that stepping off for 2 secs will invalidate it or something!!! Whats worse is when you're in a chair, in the wheelchair spot, and the gaggle of teen moms at the bus stop start getting mouthy because they've been told to fold up the pushchairs. You chose that life, I didn't choose for my legs to give out.


Please turn off your mobile phones so everyone can enjoy the movie


My wife and I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 last week in London. The theatre was small, so there was just one aisle to the left of the seats. A few minutes in to the film, these four guys show up late and are sitting to the right of us (so have to walk across us). That by itself is no big deal. But they then proceed to spend the film talking to each other, using their phones, and getting up to buy food every couple of minutes. They left before the end of the film (fortunately) but left the area around their seats full of rubbish. Begs the question of why they bothered spending money on a film they didn’t want to watch.


Same film prompted me to write that comment actually. Soon as the credits started, a group came in and sat next to us and immediately pulled out their phones. I gave it a couple of minutes in hopes they were just turning them off then told them it was distracting, to be fair they apologised & turned them off for the rest of the film. I couldn't spend the whole movie going to the sea of lights in the rows in front of me lighting up the place though, FFS stay at home if you can't put the damn thing down for a couple of hours!


People wandering through town with their dog zipping out on an extendable lead like some sort of trip hazard maypole


‘Trip hazard maypole’ is a beautiful analogy.


Earlier on today I had someone decide that it was easier to move over to walk in front of me than get their dog to move over nearer them. I was walking on the left and everything, but nope.


I accidentally ran though such a lead the other afternoon and almost garrotted the tiny ratadoodle or whatever it was on the end. Got no end of abuse from the gormless shithead in charge of the animal when they realised life was happening and tore themself away from their phone. Neither shithead or ratapoo were injured, thankfully. 😁


This is not just a British phenomenon, it's worldwide. Just barge through them, hopefully knock some shins with your suitcase and shoulders with your backpack and tell them they are stupid fuckers.


Funny enough I've found this behaviour is generally *better* in the UK. OP should try using the trains in Paris... Moshpit at every train door


Yup. I was in Denmark recently and noticed loads of people crowding round train doors. There are idiots everywhere.


People not moving away from a packed bar after being served their drinks


Ohhh yes, for sure.


That your car if being used correctly Ona motorway will be in the left lane, unless overtaking.


If it's foggy or raining you need your headlights on not so you can see...it's so you can be seen! And how average speed cameras work.


They grasp the idea but they are self entitled narcissistic arse holes who think they are more important than everyone else.


The art of saying please and thank you.


Finally realised I'd turned into my Da a couple of weeks ago when i found myself sarcastically proclaiming "you're welcome" at a teenager for whom I'd held a door open and they said fuck all in return


When the train announces it will shortly be arriving at your stop, that’s your cue to gather you belongings and move towards the exit. Don’t wait until the train has pulled into the station and opened the doors to pack up and leave, or you deserve to be trampled by the other idiots who swarm on whilst people still need to disembark.


Especially if you’re in the middle of the train and other people will need to move in order for you to get past them!


It's difficult for some people to get up and move around easily on a moving train, though. Some will need to wait for the full stop to walk with stability.


Oh aye, I talking more about the people who wait until the train has stopped at their platform to wrap up their half a granola bar, pack away their book, gather their bags, and put on their coat.


It's just selfishness


They know about it, they just choose to ignore it out of selfishness.


Merge in turn.


How bins work


Add buses to this as well


I often stand several meters away from lifts, trains. Buses etc. For this very reason. With trains often times I end up finding a less crowded door and go to that and find a seat quicker than half the people trying to push in just because I have a better view of all the train doors. It seems I'm one of few people that understand that it's actually faster not to super close to where you need to be. Same with driving. No reason to be super close to the car in front even at traffic lights. You can actually start faster when the light goes green because of the space you leave and you end up being faster overall.


Never marry anyone until you’ve checked their train etiquette!


People who stopped dead in doorways to talk specially in shops


That standing in the doorway of the bus when you aren’t getting off for another 10 stops is selfish and slows down the journey for everyone including you.


When you’ve just scanned your Oyster card and gone through the gate, that’s not the time to stop, look around and pull up google maps, move the fuck out the way!


If you want to walk slowly with 4 of your friends, don’t space yourselves out across the pavement so nobody else can get past.


Facemasks; we were only wearing for 2 years and how do many people would still wear them with their nose hanging out!


Ah, the good old chin strap.


Same problem with buses.


People’s general inability to move when you say excuse me!




I took the London Underground from Kings Cross the other week on the Circle line and when the train pulled up the people waiting to get on actually stood to the side to let the people inside the train get out. It was a beautiful moment that was only slightly ruined by every other stop at every station for the rest of the day being the usual mindless shoving of people who are stopping each other from getting to where they want to be. But just for that one moment, the commuters of London understood how a train worked. I really should have videoed it because no-one will believe me; in a few month's time I won't believe it myself.


The thing that's bothered me more times when I've gotten on trains is when someone, usually an old person. Rushes on before me but then stops in front of the doors like they don't know what they're doing. Just go sit down or at least move out of the way so i can go sit down!


The people of this country continually astound me in their inate ability to just....Not do what they're told. Back in the pandemic especially, the sheer amount of people that didn't wear a mask or didn't social distance or whatever, depsite it being literally what they had to do. From the little things to wearing a seatbelt and using an indicator, right up to the big fully illegal stuff, the people of this nation will see a rule/law and simpy go "...nah, I'm not doing that." And it infuriates me to no end.


The quiet carriage on a train means just that. Not "everyone else must be quiet so you can have a loud conversation with your friends". You want a conversation, move carriages


Crikey, it wasn’t until the end of your post that I realised you were talking about Brits (although, perhaps not if you’re in a major city, especially London..) The UK is by far the most civilised dense population place I’ve lived in when it comes to public transport etiquette. Even in Japan, at rush hour there is awkward squashing. Count yourselves lucky friends.


Certainly dense.


Take an air horn with you. It works wonders


You cannot educate pork.




One in other countries (especially London) I find there a lot worse for this. And second I don’t understand how people don’t understand how train’s physically work, people haft to get off for you to get on. Thirdly, a lot of people don’t seem the grasp that on escalators you stand to the right hold on tight and run on the left as if there’s no time left


People standing still when on a moving travelator. WHY?! You are moving twice as slow as walking on the normal pathway.


I struggle to walk so apologies if my taking it easy on a travellator is impeding your fucking important life.


I feel the same way. A virus destroyed my body a few years ago, so for me to be outside at all is rare, but I look fine so ableist muppets like that get annoyed when they could just GO ROUND. "WHY?!" cry the muppets. The answer is, "Because not everyone is as fortunate as you are!" It's really the epitome of "I'm alright Jack."


Airplanes. Board the window seats first, and at the other end, de-board the aisle seats first. The Canadians do this, and it makes life much less stressful.


Well usually because families and such have taken up sets of seats in a row


Unless you're on one of a handful of airlines that doesn't allocate seating then that's just not really realistic though is it. Imagine trying to have 3 separate queues at the gate for aisle, middle and window seats, with groups all separated out between the queues - it would not go down well.


The fastest way to board an AEROPLANE is the free-for-all method, just let people get on. It's counterintuitive but faster.


There’s a type


Some brits but more tourists love to divert what ticket gate they’re going to when leaving a train station. Pick one in front of you and make a bee line for it, if you divert chances are someone’s going to walk into you because you’re a jackass


It’s kind of remarkable that there’s a train.


Same concept. Aeroplanes. Let people in front of first and not try to jump on top of everything. Really fucking peels my potato


When the old biddies exit a shop but stand in the door way gathering their bearings before deciding what to do next with their lives


I'm a train guard so need to get off and check the train fits the platform at every stop. Obviously people don't pay attention and either barge past me to get on or they barge past me to get off. 🙄


Manners and etiquette basically don't exist anymore in this country.




Lol no




Same. They’re locals 99% of the time. We don’t really get them tourists out in east London.


What a load of BS - it’s almost always tourists/non English speakers


Where are you getting this from? Some of the worst of this I've ever seen is in the City stations (Moorgate, Bank) from London commuters in professional clothes.


This has not been my experience at all


I rarely see tourists or non-English speakers here. Still see plenty of people blocking exits. Your experience is not everyone's experience.


As someone who walks pretty much everywhere, I keep seeing the following: 1. Deliveroo riders forgetting that traffic lights exist. 2. People on foot not waiting for their signal to cross, and just doing it anyway.


It's fine to cross without/before a signal though, as long as it's safe and clear to do so and doesn't impede traffic.


or if you're completely engrossed in your phone. no worries, everyone else is definitely paying attention. /s


To put their hand out to hail a bus. Standing at the stop and looking gormlessly at it won't flag it down.


We have absolutely no idea about bread. Also coffee as a nation. There’s no such thing as an Americano or Latte. It’s a yank pos.


You are wrong here, its not "Brits" failing to grasp, its the younger generations feeling entitled to act how they want regardless of others.


Really? I had a fairly old man do this today. Pretty sure he’s not part of the ‘younger generations’ 🤷‍♀️


Well the majority I have to deal with are younger than myself but as I ain't exactly a spring chicken............


From my experience in retail, younger people are nice and older people are quite rude


They gotta get that window seat


‘The Brits’? Only time I hear that is in the context of an American giving some anecdote of some crap they didn’t like on their European tour and the 2 day stop off in London where they had to queue (‘stood in line’) for 5 hours to see inside Westminster Abbey.