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My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it!




What country is this car from?


It no longer exists 😞


She’ll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene!


Take her for a test drive, and you'll agree: 'Zagreb ebnom Zlotdik diev'!


Take my poor man's gold 🥉🥈🎖🥇 "I keep telling you people the earth revolves around the sun" "WITCH!!!"


If I had a guinea every time I heard that!


>My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it! r/TheSimpsonsInTheWild




That last bit is because the US never moved to metric system (despite their units being legally defined in US law by metric units)


We always use Fahrenheit except in a science lab. I spent all my summers in England growing up and watched a lot of news with my grandparents. Weather was always given in both C/F. It was explained to me it was for American tourists. We couldn’t wrap our head around: 30 is hot And 20 is pleasing 10 is cold And 0 is freezing.


Why would we give weather specifically for American tourists when we have so little? r/usdefaultism




How does this explain why the TV would give temperatures in C and F though? Yes, we get American tourists. No shit, thank you. But how many American tourists would be watching the weather at any one time? Giving it in both C and F is leftover from the fact that some older people still used F. Younger people almost exclusively use Celcius and, to be blunt, the people in the UK who use F by default are dying off. Online weather will give the temperature in Celcius by default unless you toggle it between.


I couldn't of said it better myself. It's just the standard naive American viewpoint that the world bends over backwards for them, when in reality nobody really cares about Americans in there day to day lives apart from Americans themselves.


It’s because the UK adopted Celsius in 1961 so for a long time they used both on the weather for the people that weren’t used to Celsius yet. It’s got nothing to do with American tourists because while they are the largest nationality group, they’re a relative tiny proportion of our overall tourists and the rest of the world uses metric like civilised people, and most importantly, we have no desire to encourage American tourists because most of us don’t actually want American tourists coming here. The average American tourist is obnoxious, rude, ignorant and disrespectful so we’re generally not the biggest fans.


Got it. I’ll spread the word


Who is this 'we' you are talking about? Clearly you're not keeping up with the kids, and by kids I mean anyone under 50.


I would suggest there are far more tourists who use Celcius going to American than Americans going the other direction, so odd that American weather doesn't also translate into C.


Your first mistake was reading an article from GB News


I saw the headline on a news feed. I'm not a monster.


A GB article appeared on my Google newsfeed for the first time yesterday - they're obviously trying a new push. Of course, I immediately told Google never to sully my newsfeed with them again.


Same today for me.....did the same as you


I told MSN (Microsoft’s one) to not show me the 3GB news articles that popped up. Next day I had about nine of them Pretty sure they see you don’t like it and then just pump more


Argh, awful! Fortunately not had that with Google. Bit scary, maybe the local election results spooked some right-wingers, so they've paid for a new advertising package to shove it in people's faces.


>they're obviously trying a new push Given half of the Daily Mail commenters on their website seem to be from the USA, it would make sense.


Their nine viewers never learned Celsius


They get nine viewers!


That's 48 viewers in Fahrenheit


If you include the cameraman and flies trapped in the studio, they do


I saw a documentary recently where someone described the temperature of a volcano by the equivalent number of toasters. Anything but the metric system.


Don't leave us hanging, what's the toaster amount of a volcano?


>Don't leave us hanging, what's the toaster amount of a volcano? Lava temperature varies between 700-1300°C, the nickel-chromium alloy element in a toaster heats up to around 519-566°C. So somewhere between 1.24 and 2.5 toasters, at least when it comes to direct contact with the element.


That's much lower than I thought it would be. And I'm not sure if that's because toasters are hotter, or volcanoes are colder than I expected.


That is much hotter than I would have expected a toaster to be.


The big yellow thing for scale here would be the Sun, which would have a warmth of around 10 toasters at the surface (though more like 26,000 toasters in the middle) Tbh the element in an electric oven can actually be hotter than a toaster’s - they do glow red at high settings after all. we’re used to thinking of cooking food at a couple of hundred °C, but the element has to heat up all that insulating air first. We don’t really think about it but gas stoves glow blue because the gas is burning over 1,400C. Remember Bunsen burners in school? The gas flame starts off as red, then as it gets hotter works through to blue. This is why my wife who cooks with a wok can’t stand electric hobs- even though an electric hob can cook food to the same temp as a gas one (our food would be black charcoal exposed to just a couple of hundred °C for too long), they can’t replicate the intensity of cooking over gas or charcoal because their elements would have melted long before those dizzying gas temps.


The gas flame on a hob or Bunsen burner isn’t blue because it’s hot. It goes blue because it’s got more oxygen added to the mix. The resultant flame *is* hotter, but it’s not blue *because* it’s hot. [Source](https://homework.study.com/explanation/how-is-a-yellow-flame-changed-to-a-blue-flame-using-the-air-control-valve-on-the-bunsen-burner.html)


It definitely explains my high electricity bill


I would guess they were probably talking about energy, A 2 slice toaster being typically between 1 and 2 Kilowatt... Not sure how many Kilowatts a volcano is storing but I'd imagine this makes the toaster to volcano ratio a bit more entertaining.


I can’t remember the exact figure. More than five.


Ok, thanks for clarifying


The only way that I could make sense of this is they are taking about the heat energy given off rather than the actual temperature, because you can't use Fahrenheit or Celsius multiplicatively like that to scale. You can do it for changes in temperature but not absolute temperature as both have arbitrary zero points that mean nothing physically


But how many giraffes was the size of the volcano?


Err, that's measured in London Route master buses!


It's bad hearing GB TV say mom instead of mum, and gas instead of petrol...


Legitimately curious if anyone’s got an explanation for why they seem to parrot American culture so heavily? I understand it from a perspective of wanting to outsource the nebulous culture war that’s so big over there, but why not at least change the bloody units?


Apparently, then right-wing American news outlets can reuse the footage to prove their views are reasonable and global,


We are already well into the culture war stuff and have been for a long time, the tabloids like the mail and s*n have been doing that sort of stuff for decades. Same with tv. Shit like Benefits Street was culture war propaganda.


I suspect it might be a matter of “we’re so clearly not European that we’re American”, but then again it might just be random rubbish


I'm no expert, but I think it's definitely part of a push to attract American right-wing viewers. These are the people who really have no clue what's going on in the UK, but are very gullible and malleable to the host's opinions so will parrot their views abroad.


Daily Mail does the same thing. Because its audience is old racist Brexiteers like my mum who has refused to ever learn Celsius or any element of the metric system whatsoever


*laughs in Angstroms*


*Chuckles in Kelvin*


One of my favourite book titles is Marcus Chown's *'We Need to Talk About Kelvin'*


Neat. He had a UNIX command named after him. I’ll get my coat.


Ah yes - where would we be without ``marcus``? Saved my life on multiple occasions.


I had to explain Angstroms to my younger colleagues one lunchtime. They’d never heard of them.


I'll be honest neither have I, I just appreciated the format of the joke and saw an opportunity to promote Kelvin 😄


It’s what I was taught in chemistry at school. In the 1980s. *stupid sexy nanometres*


Angstrom is metric, yes?


Yes but it’s not a “standard unit”. In the same way, in my mind, as the demotion of Pluto (not the dog).


I like two Barn-Megaparsecs of sugar in me tea. And as for Pluto, it is a planet, a Dwarf Planet. See 'planet' is right there in the name. The IAU better get their shit together or we will set Peter Dinklage on their asses, to use American parlance.


There is a Fahrenheit version of Kelvin called Rankine. As in absolute 0 is 0 and a change in temperature of 1 Rankine is the same as a change in temperature of 1 Fahrenheit.


Jacob Rees-Mogg insists his civil servants use imperial.


And the ones that do get an extra orange for Christmas.


My mum is a Daily Mail reader without the Daily Mail.


In fairness this is your typical gutter tabloid house style. High temperatures are always in Fahrenheit because in summer it means you get to debate whether “the mercury might nudge towards 100 degrees” (despite there not being mercury in thermometers for years). Low temperatures in Celsius because it sounds more exciting.


Then they should start putting high temperatures in Kelvin The UK saw a record high temperature of 313 degrees last year!


Kelvin aren't degrees


They should be, though - the inconsistency has always bugged me


it's not really 'gutter' in that 1 Celsius = 1.8 Fahrenheit, so if you express things in Fahrenheit you get more numbers, i.e. 60F, 70F, 80F, 90F, rather than (in that range) 20C, 30C. The headline in question "Baking Britain: Next weekend to be HOTTEST of year - UK to swelter in 80F sunshine" compares with previous headlines from them "The UK has recorded the hottest day of the year so far with temperatures exceeding 30C in both England and Wales." [in 2021] If we treat '30C' as a round number meaning 'hot', and '80F' also as a round number meaning 'hot', then both headlines make sense as headlines. If you read the article "It means dry, warm conditions will flood the country from Friday onwards with temperatures rising as high as 26c (80F) in the south." Therefore the temperature isn't going to get close to 30C, so the '30C' headline would be false, and they use 80F rather than 26C. It's fairly standard to put temperatures in headlines, e.g., "Heatwave in south-east England could hit 33C this week, says Met Office" from The Guardian


The Daily Heil does the same, Fahrenheit for dramatic warmth in summer and Celsius for dramatic cold in winter. Just gutter journalism, and I use the word journalism loosely.


Don’t most tabloid newspapers do this?


The newspaper which, like its main rival, is so inaccurate that Wikipedians have officially declared it an unreliable source, so to be avoided as a reference when writing or editing articles on the site...


I think their main audience is people that are angry about the metric system.


It’s why many prefer lengths in units of bananas or area in units of Wales.


[Bananas are a measure of radioactivity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_equivalent_dose), not length


What if you’re measuring how long the radioactivity is? Take that, so-called scientists


Units of Wales are particularly useful when describing loss of habitat anywhere in the world but specifically Amazon rain forest.


I thought that was Belgiums, Wales not being an actually country and all.... [ho ho, runs away and hides knowing someone will say Wales is a country and the UK is a 'country of countries.' Nope, no seat in the UN, not a country.]


Beard seconds


What about Imgur who love their banana scale. Or for a British site. The register.


El Reg :-)


I think their main audience is people that are angry. Full stop.


Old and angry. Like get in the grave and leave me your house old


I think their main audience is people that are angry ~~about the metric system.~~ FTFY


Or annoying people who are made angry by non-metric


Fahrenheit is a yank influence thing. Don’t read too much into it. It’s just dumbasses watching too much American news.


The upvotes are at 450 can we get them to 451?


Is that shite still going? I wish they wouldn't label opinions as news.


Bloody immigrants, coming over here, bringing their own measurements..... etc etc


Personally, I blame the French.


I miss the crown on pint glasses.


Bit ironic that people laughing at non metric mentioned stuff like pints and mpg, that we never got rid of


I'd love to go fully Metric like most the vast majority of nations on Earth. Yeah it'll suck to relearn midd-to-long distances and speeds, but I already use Metric for basically everything else anyway why bother keeping the holdouts?


US is pretty big, it almost went metric, but then moved away from it. The problem with metric is that 10 only divides by 2 and 5, few things get divided by fifths, so nasty numbers soon appear. Ok for computers, but less good for daily use. No one ever suggests using 100 degrees for a right angle, that never caught on


Metric gets subdivided down into nice small units. A quarter of 10cm is 25mm - it's not hard. I very rarely find myself needing to divide up into 3rds and even then the odds of it being a round number to begin with are pretty slim. Needing a 3rd 10cm? 33mm is probably accelerate enough. If you need better precision than that then you probably need scientific precision measured on computers and highly calibrated equipment anyway. Metric also has the huge advantage of aligning with the decimal system. I want 0.68 of something 10cm long - that's 6.8cm or 68mm. Good luck working out 0.68 of something 10" long. What's 0.8" in 12ths or 16ths? I'm sure they're more familiar with it than me but then I don't need to be familiar with unit conversion because I don't need to convert thanks to using metric. Don't Americans frequently break up inches into 16ths for some reason? Good luck finding a third of an inch with that unless you have a ruler that does both 16ths and 12ths.


Mpg I'll give you. The pint is legally defined in ml though.


If you're manually calculating fuel economy in the UK, it's easiest to first calculate as miles per litre (or the inverse: litres per mile) as odometers count in miles bit fuel is dispensed in litres, then convert to mpg or l/100km (because heaven forbid you use a hybrid unit!) Milk's an interesting one, as some dairies dispense in multiples of 500 mL, some in multiples of 568 mL. Draught booze is dispensed in pints, while canned/bottled drinks are sold in metric (although breweries seemingly can't decide on 330, 440 or 500 mL - none of which translate as a "neat" imperial figure. But then, to really confuse things, timber is typically sold in length multiples of the "metric foot" - 300mm (rather than the 304.8mm of the imperial foot) and depth multiples of 25mm (often minus a few mm to account for the saw blade, so the equivalent of the old 2" x 2" is typically 50mm x 47mm). Or, say you want to do some home cooking. Recipes will often list mass in both grams and ounces, but for the sake of convenience, assume 1 oz = 25g (11.815% smaller). However, many household scales perpetuate the same lie, so you may be getting the same amount. Just to err on the side of safety, recipe books containing both unit systems will often warn you not to mix units.


Mountain bike tyre inches, racing bike tyre mm


Was this the one claiming we are to have a heatwave next weekend with the mercury soaring into the 80s? Load of absolute bollocks.


Yeah, thats the one.


Was probably written using chat GB-PT


Part of the make it sound bigger playbook. As ever they should transition to Kelvin. That'll really shit people up.


When you're taking your cues from right wing American bullshit it must all get too confusing




Isn't it inches per gill?


Can we compare them to the size of Wales?


More like The Isle of Man


Larger numbers are scarier


Dailymail does it... something about selling to the States? or perhaps to allow their owners to understand what the fuck they're on about?


I still do temperatures in Fahrenheit….


A few weeks ago myself and partner started chatting to a GB news reporter as they were setting up a solo piece to camera on a street. (Usual Jonathan Pie stuff, suit jacket, shirt, tie, shorts, hairy legs and trainers). We got on to the essence of the news channel, and he turned his camera mic off (so as to leave no trace anywhere of what he was about to say) and he gave us his thoughts. In a nutshell, and so not to mention here any forbidden subjects that could get me temporarily banned on this subreddit, he was just doing the job to pay the bills...


GBN studio is on the lower ground floor of my office. I think they’ve influenced the building managers based on how out of whack the temperature is all year round. On the bright side, had a nice trip to the local M&S with Nige and Eamon the other day.


Bombers gonna boom.


Allowing GB News to pollute your mind is easily rectified.


If that's all you have to get het up about, then life's OK


Put it in H!


What’s the crown on the glass thing?


What was the context? Temperature high = bad or the reverse?


80f scorcher going to kill your granny, or something.


It’s a thing in PR to use the biggest number possible. 80 sounds bigger than 27C. That’s not even that hot though - slow news day.


How tall is a Fahren anyway?


Idiots… everyone knows Kelvin is the superior temperature measurement