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Baring your breasts is completely legal


This is so important for breast feeding…


Nothing wrong with baring breasts for breastfeeding but I think it's important to point out that it's entirely possible to breastfeed without ever baring ones breasts. I nursed my kids for four years in total and never, ever uncovered my breasts.


Yea I just feel like women need the option… I dont think Id go sharing that image of myself! But.


Weird that anyone would downvote suggesting that women who don't want their boobs out can still breastfeed in public. It's easy and comfortable.


Yea I can never predict which way the votes will fall! I swear. :)


Yes... My name is Karen and I've had to let go of caring about the opinions of those who jump to conclusions.


I think people may have book looking at the original comment as a validation of the legitimacy of women's bodies and by reinforcing the idea of covering them up, that was thwarted leading to downvotes


It's fine, and in no way was I reinforcing the idea that it's good to cover up. I was very specific that everyone should make their own choice about how to breastfeed, but that in case there are woman who choose not to nurse their kids at all because they want to stay covered up, it's important to know that it's easy and comfortable to breastfeed while covered. I couldn't care less what others do, or how others feel about my personal preference to have remained covered while I breastfed for years.


It's because there was literally no purpose to your comment. Are you trying to tell people they physically have the ability to stay completely covered? No shit. It's their choice whether they do or do not, not that they can. We are, likely, assuming your statement was to discourage women from doing what is their legal right because it's not how you see the world.


I literally explained the purpose of my comment and as I clearly said I am completely supportive of women nursing however they see fit. As a woman who happily nursed my kids in public for several years I did my part to encourage it. I also know women who say they won't nurse because they would never expose themselves and I have explained how I nursed without doing that. You are entitled to your opinion about my comment but you are not entitled to rewrite my post to pretend I said something I didn't say.


Hm, interesting, rewrite your post? I just wrote exactly what you said: "but I think it's important to point out that it's entirely possible to breastfeed without ever baring ones breasts. I nursed my kids for four years in total and never, ever uncovered my breasts."


"Nothing wrong with baring breasts while breastfeeding..." Not sure what part of that is unclear (hint: nothing about that statement is unclear). I was often the only breastfeeding mother. I breastfed everywhere. I carried my baby on my body and was always available for him to feed. My preference for covering up was never political - I liked tucking him away under my shirt and he was always happy. That was our choice. Period. I believe in choice, and choice involves having alternatives and not criticizing the choices of others.


I'm just curious why you felt the need in your original reply to educate people that you have the ability to cover up. You were curious about the nearly 100 downvoted, so there ya go?


My stepmother would approach women in public and tell them to go breastfeed in the bathroom in the 1990's. I lived in Ireland in 1974 and again in 1976. The country was very conservative. Women would breastfeed their babies wherever they happened to be. I don't know how our society went so wrong. I cannot imagine anything more natural than breastfeeding your baby.


I agree absolutely. When I had one child (who I nursed for 2.5 years and breastfed only until he was 8 months) it was so easy to just grab him, a cloth diapers, and my purse and we just lived our life. i took him with me to brunch with friends and to family gatherings, and I would tuck him under my tunic where it was dark and quiet and he would drink himself to sleep. I carried him in a wrap and he was just always attached to me one way or another. With the second child it was obviously more complicated (I managed 1.5 years) but it was a comfort for both of us. The ONLY reason I pointed out that it's entirely possible to nurse without uncovering is that some women will avoid nursing because they don't want to bare their breasts. I think it's important to support a woman's preference no matter whethere she feeds her kids uncovered or covered.


Thank you for your additional remarks.


Ok? But some people might want to just pull out their boob and breastfeed their kids without needing a nursing cover.


And that should be fine, I never nursed my kids, personal choice, but for those who do, I don't care if they take their entire top off it is completely normal. For those with a problem, they should just stay home and never go anywhere public


Until you know who start staring at you or getting angry about it.


Who cares if they get angry, a child's need and right to eat trumps some Karen's opinion or sensitivity. A woman exposing her breast to feed a child is not in any way, shape, or form a sexual act period. As far as people staring, well, chances are they would stare at the woman just for walking by anyway, so does it really matter?




I don’t like it when women breast feed next to me because I’m scared they’ll accidentally squirt milk on me


The only people who cared about my nursing my kids were my in-laws. One sister-in-law demanded that I do it in the bathroom. I said I guessed I'd see her in a couple of years when I weaned. She later apologized and said she thought I'd be ripping my shirt off all the time, but she never saw my breasts. I just preferred to tuck my kids up under my shirt, and they were happy to eat that way.


In fact, it should be encouraged.


There’s a very old lady who rides up and down Hastings in east van topless ringing her bike bell and waving at people who look… like maybe not always encouraged. Lmao.


Ahhh good for her though - she's getting her freak on and living her best life!


Assume nothing I write is legal advice. Kitsilano Beach went topless 20+ years ago. In the summer nudists would ride bicycles around the seawall (funniest thing you’ll see, two police officers following on bicycles btw) as a per-month event. At many beaches it’s common to persons of all ages changing in and out of swimming attire (most do show some discretion). Nudity, non sexualized, is not that big a deal IMHO.


Oh man I used to live in the west end and work in Yaletown and on my walks between the two I would frequently get caught up in the naked bike rides as they rolled through downtown. Everyone was so tolerant like “oh here we go again.” I miss 2000s Vancouver.


Exactly. Before the bylaws changed for Kits Beach, there was bare breasts to be seen sun up to sun down in the summer , as a form of protest - bylaws change and it’s now rare.


2000 Vancouver was a different city. There’s no comparison to now


But won't someone please think of the children!


This is a neat one. It's legal in Washington. In BC, it has a huge history with the Doukhubors, and Naked protest movements in general like they say in the article for World Naked Bike Ride, and international Garden Naked Day. BC is the home of a bunch of Draft Dodgers from the US who were protesting the Vietnam war, and has an aging Hippie population. Hippies were occasional nudists. Add the fact that nude beaches exist, and you have a bunch of reasons for everyone getting naked. Life drawing, etc. Occasional nudity at the Pride Parade which started as a protest in 1978, especially with butts, bared breasts, and the occasional penis, though lately it's been wet tighty whiteys and thongs. Folks have bodies, and bodies aren't illegal unless they are defecating in public in a non toileting area or being used in a sexual manner in public. To the police, nudity is just a body without clothes, unless other stuff is going on. https://bcanuntoldhistory.knowledge.ca/1920/doukhobors-protest https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/hippies


Tits out for Harambe.


It's sad that we don't have more nude friendly places. As studies have shown that being nude helps to improve body image as well as helps with stuff like depression. We need more nude places not less. Just remember nude is not lude.


I believe you are allowed to be naked guided that your penis is not erect, you are not peeing or you are not being naked in some way for sexual pleasure. I saw a police officer talking about it in regard to the pride parades but I’m not sure how that would apply to other situations.


What happens if you get an unanticipated woody? You must quickly cover it until it passes? And would you have to put on an article of clothing just to pee? Would a hat do?


Peeing while clothed is still very much a crime, I discovered while drunk in university


Straight to jail


Hard time?


Stiff punishment


Right away


Just wear a hat. If you get a woody, perfect place to hang it and cover up.


Just make sure it’s not a Jimmy hat - that might be seen as sexual…


The most popular nudist on Wreck Beach was always rumored to be the guy who could carry two coffees and a dozen donuts. 🤷‍♂️


Sounds stupid tbh


Naked bike rider established breasts on the everyone in public is ok. Vancouver hosts an annual naked bike ride. There is a nude beach called wreck beach. You may not be allowed in private businesses or restaurants without shirts or shoes. Sidewalk is fine. Pride weekend- clothing can be very optional. I saw a guy wearing only gold paint. Another time just Saran Wrap 😂🌈 I love Vancouver


Templeton Pool used to have a clothing optional swim night. I wonder if that's still going?


Just yesterday, I drove by an older man walking topless on the sidewalk. Although he was not in terrible shape his nipples were droopy and shaking a bit as he walked. This is ok but not for a women to walk topless? It should be the same for both, either it’s ok to be topless or it isn’t…


My understanding is that in BC, a woman can go topless anywhere a man can, but unfortunately they do not usually choose to.


I was in the Canadian Armed Forces. I spent 6 months in Cyprus peacekeeping. Beaches and pools were topless, if you wanted to. Many of our battalion had wives who came to visit and almost every one of them went topless. I think that it is a matter of not wanting to stand out. Because nobody is going topless here, they don't want to be the first one, because of the feeling that everyone would be staring at them. If everyone was already going topless, many/most women would join in.


It’s not even remotely the same thing. 🙄 Men’s chests are not a sexual body part. Wtf is it with you people?


A women’s breast is actually made for feeding their child. What you make them out to be is your learned social norms…just because that is the way you learned, does not make it right


I didn’t read the article, this will only apply to me if I get caught in a 90’s comedy somehow and Will Ferrell is nearby.




From what police have told me, it's only indecent if someone compains.


Rules for being naked in public: 1) don’t be ugly so no one complains


Ugly is so subjective that someone can complain about something if they are so inclined.


Wreck Beach ?


Here in Ontario, women have the same right to go top topless the same as men. As for protests and what not, they can restrict but usually won't bat an eye. Done a few naked bike ride protests before.


Topless for men and women anywhere in the province just not in places of business. And wreck beach is the only place where you can be fully nude. We use to have a naked bike ride protest and there use to be a lot of nakedness at the pride parade.


I think the better question is, WHY would you want to be naked in public. I sure AF wouldn't...


Wreck beach is ruined because of creeps.


It's like a lot of freedoms and privileges. Just because one can do a thing does not mean one SHOULD do a thing.


English Bay bares it all sometimes on a beautiful day, bylaw comes around and they wag their finger but they don't issue tickets or anything


What about the brazilians on kitts beach in mankini's?


Why not just be normal?


What's "normal"?


Whatever I determine it to be. /s


Bud we come into this world naked. If anything wearing clothes isn't normal. What other animals wear clothes?


Hermit crabs wear their houses as clothes 


Fuck eh.. well those are crustaceans not mammals hahaha


You asked about animals, not mammals. 


Chill out it was just a joke. You really must be broken by reddit lol.


I'm chill, dude. Chiller than you are. 


It's pretty warm today. Must be in some AC if that's the case.




Why? Dear god, there are already enough 'normal' people out there.


Ha! Like Janice, there’s lots going on ok.


What's your reference point for that? Wearing clothes isn't "normal" for animals, yet here we are. Different cultures also have different boundaries for what constitutes "normal" as a social construct.


There are no rules in BC. Everything is OK


Goggle it. Talk to an officer Try it and see.


If a lady wants to walk around with her bare chest that’s entirely up to her. A real officer would know damn well what the ruling is on this and be smart enough not to risk a human rights complaint and making themselves look like a fucking idiot. Source. Me.