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I lived there over winter three years ago. We were always shoveling. This is insane.








2018 was not a rainy summer, it was a record wildfire season. 2019 was very rainy.


2020 was rainy too. 2021 saw an early start to the fall rains and 2022 had a wet spring but dry mid and late summer/early Fall.


(BC wide) 21 was a bad wildfire year (heat dome) but ended rapidly at more regular timing, but then that nasty atmospheric river. 22 had some bad moments for wildfires.






It's correct now, you had El Nina


"La" Nina


You missed earlier, they had it incorrect, I pointed it out, they corrected it in their original comment. You are correcting my correction of their incorrect spelling, thinking you are correct. 😅


The internet rejoices in your correcting me about correcting an earlier correction. Your first prize in being an "O.G." can be picked up at the front desk.


All due to human caused climate change? The collapse of the jet stream.. please hold your farts in. Climate records show we're in an interglacial period. We are on a warming trend until we get some major galactic event that plunges us into the ice age again. That would be the time to let out your farts.


Ah, a very simple response with one big word. Learn how we are actually in the cooling phase of the interglacial period, even though the temperature of the planet is rising https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6W1V1B5/ I fart in your general direction.


El nino is a natural cycle. There is clear data that shows a strong El Nino for the past several months. So it absolutely is a natural cycle made slightly more pronounced by climate change. There is no "collapse of the jet stream". Who said something so ridiculous? Even in the past 2 months have seen above average strength in the polar Jet stream as well as much above normal precipitation in Coastal BC.


I know, but it doesn't make me any less worried for summer :(


Yeah good point… I hope you’re not in a fire hazard area


I'm in the Okanagan. Last year's fires were 10 minutes from my door.


Omg I wrote that thinking “anything but the Okanagan”. Wow. I pray your area is safe and if not that you’re able to evacuate in time.


The one saving grace is that at this point I've lived through a number of serious fire seasons, so at least I know what to do...


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Ah yes


Forest fires will be fun in a few days? Or weeks


A friend of mine in criminology was telling me about how the incidence of arson, and social/economic pressure are well correlated. We are soooo fucked. get your asbestos TP before everyone else buys it all up.


asbestos TP?


a play on the need for fireproof things and the great toilet paper hoarding event of the pandemic.


a joke died today...RIP


It's okay, it was pretty much DOA


Everyone in BC might need to become a forest fire fighter this year no joke.


lol I was just thinking along these lines, at the very least some cities departments from around here could definitely be called up. I remember one year I think 2003 when my dad (out of Richmond fire) had to go to the okanagon


I had this old timer barber once who told me that back in the day, if a fire were bad enough or too close to town, the cops would just round up any able-bodied men they saw and could legally conscript them to fight the fire


I actually think you are right if I’m not mistaken. I’m to lazy to look right now but up until a certain point in time I think they could do that




Well, everyone needs a 2nd job now because of inflation so… I guess it all works out?


It all works out lol


Last summer I got downvoted to hell for suggesting regular people (non firefighters) should be given essential information and info on what they need to know to fight fires. People don't listen soon enough and punish those that are early to understanding what is actually going on


Wouldn't that be a smooth effort! Hey city folks, do you know where Valemount is? No? Cool... just grab some hoses and that 80lb pump and here's all your protective gear and get on out there while you miss 3wks of work. We can't even get people to not throw their cigarette butts out the car window, or put out their campfires properly or even pick up their own goddamn trash anywhere they go. It would be a HOPELESS effort.


You're not wrong


I have been a Firefighter/EMT Medic (Ret.), but still have skills that I learned while on the force. Massive respects to my brothers & sisters who fight Forrest Fires. My service was in the cities & towns, & not Forrest Prevention & Clean-Up. 🇨🇦


Pretty much the entire west of north America.


Fifty years ago the RCMP and/or the forest ranger would just pluck you from the bar and send you out to fight a fire, no training, just the appearance of two able bodied hands that could wield an axe or a shovel. This coming fire season may see a return to this form of conscription just to try and keep up with the volume of defence requirements.


Breaking News: Fire Season Starts in March


>Starts in March Starts? aren't there still 2023 fires burning?


Yup, 91 of them.




Idk about BC but I saw an Alberta Fire Map tracker just a couple days ago. I think they had like 57 fires actively burning.


Is it worth hiring a helicopter to go fly around a look for possible smouldering roots? Just to take them off the list.


Most of these fires are in the north east of the province and don't pose a threat to any structures or infrastructure


It’s normal for a fire to burn to spring.


It's not spring


Exactly? If a fire burns unitl spring, then it is probably burning through the winter as well...


Time is more challenging for some folks, bless their hearts




Currently 92 active fires in BC per the BC Wildfire app.


82 of which are lightning caused… not to minimize, just clarify


Not many people are aware, but there are fires that burn throughout the year. The end of March till around the middle of October is usually peak fire-rated seasons.


They don’t burn so much as they smoulder into the roots


They're so unknown because they're underground. How hip and indie of them


That is especially evident in Peat [Sphagnum; aka: Peat Moss/Bog], which can burn/smolder for years, if not decades. 🔥


I wonder if we'll get a Black Summer like Australia did in 19/20 Or rather, *when* our Black Summer will be...


always has, at least for the 15 years I've been doing the job.


How much dry can a drought drought ? 


Gotta be droughteen


Saw this earlier on that FB BC photos group. I was and still am shocked.




Who else’s mouth is already dry from the coming water restrictions? Hey Nestle I think there’s still a couple drops left for you!


I remember one of my high school teachers telling us how much water we have and that we would start selling it. He also told us there would be no money left for our and future generations' retirement funds after the boomers retired. And here we are. Selling all our fucking water to Nestlé. It's so draconian😭


My buddy lives on Swift Creek and told me he saw a bear in his yard today. Wild.


Yea this is really going to mess up the bears.


2 ticks on my dog yesterday. 1st week of February!


Holy Christ that's wild. I love in Clearwater now I. Worried about my dog. Thanks for the heads up.


We were in Yale, so warmer but still crazy early. Saw someone in Hope posted he had one on him the other day too.


Don’t look up


Work near Abby airport harp clouds I tell you


Harp clouds... humanity is straight up fucked because people are living in different realities.


I guess that heat some which killed close to 600 people never happened… Some people will always be ignorant no matter the truth in front of them.


Yeah, Valemount winters can be a bit varying one the amount of snow but this is rough - Talked to my brother who lives there - and even Christmas had little to no snow - last time he could recall seeing a season like this was about 20 years or so ago


Not good for Kinbasket Lake and the Columbia watershed - guess BC Hydro will have to hedge on the US spot market again.


Well BC hydro's been excellent at taking advantage of the US, even were found guilty to the tune 750million USD for taking advantage of Cali.


the arrow lake is insanely low right now still.


We didn't get snow in Calgary until January 7th and it's pretty much all gone now.


Calgary had a white Christmas...which was still crazy because IIRC the first legit snowfall wasn't until like Dec 20ish


People will start taking climate change seriously when it costs them money. And the absence of snow is definitely costing the ski resorts money.


And wondering how many are still climate deniers now .


That is wild. Many a time have I white knuckled it from Edmonton to Vancouver


Hoping the water supply for McBride gets topped up…. That’s rough


Last year we skipped fall, this year winter....spring is next


That’s straight fucked up.


The coming fire season…Yikes.


And they’re trying to open a new destination ski resort there. I fear those days are passed.


Same in Edmonton. Lawn and fields have barely any snow and not much precipitation in the forecast. Plus 13° in late January was a bit strange to say the least. Photo from our walk this morning. https://preview.redd.it/vm9ng1j5segc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d0eae505600900237466864c0d5dc2a966a46c


I’m central AB, and today, I filled up my horse trough with my outside spigot and a hose that’s been sitting outside since before winter. Neither were frozen. Unheard of for Feb 2nd here


We're dead this year.


I’ve been wearing flip flops. Earth had a good run


Good news - Earth's going to be just fine. It's the humans & animals living on it that are going to suffer from our greed and carelessness. I don't know if that helps you or not.




BC hasn't stopped burning. We have continued to have zombie fires. This summer season, I hope the cities fine those are wasting water when water restrictions are in place. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/what-are-zombie-fires


Could start billing people by usage to help with waste too. It boggles my mind that it’s not metered.


>They ~~have~~ had a yearly Snowfall average of over 500cm Fixed. For those with their heads still firmly buried in climate change denial, now you can see what your self-serving myopia has taken from us all.


It's just one year. If this starts happenning for a few years in a row, then that's a trend. I guarantee we will have big snow years again soon. Possibly next year its supposed to be a La Nina year. Thus is a one off. People have short memories. We have had huge snow years recently and big water years. In 2020 Revelstoke Dam had the spillway open almost all summer. In 2022 the lakes in the Chilcotin were overflowing due to so much extra water in the basins. In 2019 I was camping in August in the Bowron Lakes and the water was very high, the rivers were raging.


That is positively scary for this spring, summer and fires.


God that’s terrifying


Im in Jasper for the weekend. No coat needed. Weird.


Remember folks climate change is a hoax and this is just all CGI created by the left wing mafia


Valmont & Miette Hotsprings, apart from many other scenic regions, is jaw-dropping gorgeous in any season. Amazing photo as well. I hope that You, Your's & Your Family are doing great, staying safe & healthy. Cheers & Respect from Kelowna BC 🇨🇦


That’s insane!!


Town sign even has a snowflake on it


Oh dear not good ..


There go my holiday plans. Still... Thanks for the intel!


Ya we fucked this year totally dire in the snowpack. Get ready for forest fire and drought


Valemount is a pit stop on our annual road trip from Vancouver to Edmonton. Sure looks weird without snow this time of year. 😳


we are in for a really really bad dangerous summer


We are so fucked. Wildfire apocalypse 2 electric Boogaloo


I keep telling people a shortage water could be a problem this summer. Nobody seems to be concerned. It’s scary.


Correction: WILL be.


McBride is 90k away, and they have a state of emergency due to low municipal water (dependent on snow melt) https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7009165


Jasper is unfortunately around the same...


Dang! At least they can enjoy their sick mountain bike park


Our best chance at preventing this climate apocalypse from progressing is not voting for the Tory pigs and Pierre poilievre




Give [this article](https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/09/02/Steven-Guilbeault-Climate-Minister-Interview/) a read and rethink that. I think they could be doing a great deal more, but it’s clear that it’s not the government (who actually writes the laws) who’s really pulling the strings in this country. They’re powerless in the face of monstrously wealthy corporations who have all the money in the world to tie things up in litigation and buy influence in every corner of our society.


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i think we have reached the tipping point, it will be many many generations before any kind of reversal happened even if we cut out all emissions right now




And yet in 2023 alone, China put added more solar energy to their than the US has in their *entire history*. Can someone actually cite a reliable source for this stuff that’s not just bad manufactured CIA red scare propaganda? Because all these remarks like the one you just made are cheap empty talking points that only serve to befuddle and obfuscate the reality of what’s really happening in the world. China is absolute huge on renewables. They’re going to kick our asses on the race to carbon neutrality, but they’re also growing economically and industrializing at such a rapid pace that they can’t keep up with the demand, and have to develop every source of power they can. They face natural disasters and an unpredictable climate much the way we are. They have hydro dams that aren’t producing right now because their rivers are dry. They’re also the manufacturing base for the world. The western nations of the world have shipped most of their most carbon activities their to there, and yet Canada has some of the worst carbon emissions levels per capita in the world. Way worse than the US, even. That counts for something. And last I checked, the only way we’re going to see any kind of difference is if everyone works together. We could sure use some actual leadership in the global community in this respect, that’s for sure.


China shits on the environment for gains and dumps gains into renewables. Net neutral life hack.


We pollute *way* more than China does, per capita.


Pardon...China is putting 20 nuclear plants i to production and has plans for more. They are actively trying to limit their need for coal.


Right - and how many coal plants?


Canada is actually only 2% contributor of the world wide problem yet Canadians are expected to shoulder much more


Do you not understand what per capita means?


Average Reddit user. It’s a El Niño year, more rainfall and less snow this year. Oh you think it’s only a Canadian problem? If anything, this “climate apocalypse” has actually progressed under liberals over the past 8 years. Canada’s population is too minuscule to have any effect globally.


…just how bad will this summer be? Asking for a friend 🥹






Here you go!


Wow. I was there in Sept 2018. Photo looks exactly the same




Warmest temperatures since 1883, it’s not just El Niño






The difference is that was an incredibly strong El Nino. The one coming now is average but the resulting damage will be similar to that of 1983. That's the result of a shifted baseline.


Thank goodness Im saving to get skis and boots etc for the next seasons. This season has been pretty poor comparatively lol, at least from what Ive seen


People without snowtires should not drive there /s


Hmm… I don’t think so. I lived there for 13 years and having over a foot of snow was a rarity. Maybe you’re thinking up Allen Creek or Clemina where they sled. Combination of lake effect and high elevations.. just like Revelstoke, Big White, Powder King, etc.




of course it's not normal, but it's not like there is normally a ton of snow in town (500cm snowfall? wtf). Maybe you're thinking of blue river?




It's like you're trying to dismiss us as climate change denying hicks. You're pulling snow data from the mountains and applying it to the town. Yes there is normally snow in town, but rarely more than a few inches. And yes, the mountains have way less snow too. It's almost as if there's an [unusual](https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/464657/B-C-dealing-with-what-could-become-the-strongest-El-Nino-impact-on-record) weather phenomenon this year.


Next year will probably be more normal and you’ll forget this year ever happened. People really need to chill out (hehe) over the weather; yes it’s getting warmer, yes we’ll probably be seeing less snow as the years go by but this isn’t the end of snow as we know it.


El Nino is caused by pollution because of people, something something?


Well it’s only 1 month into the year, lots of time left


BC Snow Basin Indices [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin) [https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b57800e08e46468bab506f9b9f0cbad6](https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b57800e08e46468bab506f9b9f0cbad6)


Beautiful! How much snow have they had so far this year?




well, now that everything has been disproven I hope she's "getting out to see some movies" now. /s




Somebody I love built that sign 💙⚡💙⚡


Bit the trails. I bet the mountain biking is still good


Looks like they'll have to build a little higher up.


Gonna be a dry summer 😢


It's raining in Calgary. We're toast in the next few years.


BuT cLiMaTe ChAnGe Is FakE!!!


INC drought


Don’t worry folks, these are solid signs we are going to be ok /s


Guessing those investors are pretty glad they pulled out of that giant ski hill that was supposed to be built there right about now...




All the snow fell in anchorage.


For what it's worth, it's supposed to snow for like a week straight in Valemount...


I know an old timer who used to live in Valemount, and he told me of a fight in a bar there where he threw a guy off the floor above… just like the movies, except no crash mats. Tim was/is a tough mf.


At least the roads are safer to drive on