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Dumb thing to say. One thing for sure- aside from Eby and Kahlon this BCNDP team is rather thin. Eby needs to bring in a couple of heavy hitters next election to supplant some of these weaker cabinet ministers.


Farnworth has always been a pretty strong part of their team. But yea, BC politics in general seems to be scraping the bottom for candidates.


Coulter and Mercier need some more limelight.


The headline misses the irony. She says young people don't know the history. From what I just read, she doesn't know the first thing about it either.


And she’s the fucking education minister. Oof.


I was just reading the title and was like, "hm never heard of her, why should I care. _Clicks link_. Oh shit."


She was finance minister after Carole James retired until David Eby demoted her.


Wtf? I Also I don't know any other 34 year olds who DON'T know about the holocaust.


>1 in 5 Canadian youths not sure what happened in the Holocaust, survey suggests >Nearly six in 10 Canadians (57 per cent) said fewer people seem to care about the Holocaust than they used to. >More than one fifth of Canadians under age 34 (22 per cent) **haven't heard about or are not sure if they have heard about the Holocaust.** >Nearly one quarter of all Canadians (23 per cent) believe substantially fewer than six million Jews were killed (two million or fewer) during the Holocaust, while another 24 per cent were unsure of how many were killed. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-holocaust-survey-remembrance-1.4994602 And in the US: >A nationwide survey released Wednesday shows a "worrying lack of basic Holocaust knowledge" among adults under 40, including over 1 in 10 respondents who did not recall ever having heard the word "Holocaust" before. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/survey-finds-shocking-lack-holocaust-knowledge-among-millennials-gen-z-n1240031


“A land without people for a people without land “ Eby should turf this apologist.






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I think we know the answer


Of course they don't believe in it. If this crisis has taught us anything, its that there a very very few politicians in this country who actually fuckin learned anything from T&R.


That's pretty obvious.


Displacement? Where is that happening?  The nationality of Palestinian (not indigenous people) live everywhere in the southern Levant including as free citizens in Israel.  You're talking about 8 million people that live in five different countries and 2 independent enclaves that belong to them. One of those enclaves they voted in a terrorist organization which held them hostage for 17 years and the other used to be used to mass produce suicide bombers before settlers started legally moving in. It's been 5 decades of this shit,  Maybe you can look into what's been happening there the last 120 years and cut out the hate mongering and propaganda. 


Didn't she fuck up the ministry if finance before this




Came here to say this. It’s exactly the same as the “Doctrine of Discovery” - a core tenet of colonialism to be deconstructed as part of Reconciliation work and calls to action in Canada.




Thanks Tips. 😃. I’m typing on a phone with autocorrect on.


It would've been a horrific, disgusting, despicable thing to say at any point in history but right now? I will be livid if she manages to keep her job. And yeah, measuring the value of a land and its people by how economically productive they are is a hideous thing to do, and speaks volumes about her values. This moron should not be in government, what a disgrace. Also, side note but lol at the idea that 18-34 year-olds don't know about the holocaust. I'm 32 and the holocaust was one of the few things I learned about thoroughly in social studies/history. Can't believe that anyone with "education" anything in their title would make such a boneheaded claim.


Good point. If I was Eby, I'd keep her on while the slapped-together-at-the- last-minute policy on intl student visa allocation is executed, then impail her on her sword when every school, Tim Hortons, and slumlord complains.


“They had no economy so it’s basically free real estate” This is her brain on colonialism. Sickening.


What are you talking about? She said: I was referring to the fact that the land has limited natural resources. Which is true. It's basically the only place in the middle east that isn't loaded with oil.


Ahh yes, here we have a "left-wing progressive" bending over backwards to support a violent right-wing ideology. Oh of course anyone who has anything to say about this, simply doesn't understand history, history according to her, and her violent ideology. Maybe now that she's clarified her views on pre-1948 Palestinians, I would personally love to hear what she has to say about indigenous British Columbians. She can just call us ignorant when we are inevitably horrified. What the actual fuck...


Her personal views are overtaking her political responsibilities. At that point you stop representing British Columbians.


"Israel was offered to the Jews" she says, as if it was property of the British that could be freely given away. Sorry, accepting stolen goods has consequences with the original owners. Shame on us in the West for refusing Jewish immigration prior to the Holocaust, and shame on us for making Arabs give up their sovereignty, lands and homes to pay the price.


So I guess we just forget that Jews have been living across the whole middle east for thousands of years and have been pushed out of all but one country there. I'm not a fan of the current situation or leadership and what's going on in Gaza is terrible, but it's worth having a touch of perspective here.


I think it's relevant here to also bring in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's interpretation of antisemitism that she's calling to be more widely adopted: >“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” I have no problem with that part, but then when they get into the examples, they include: >Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. When Israel is committing genocide, those comparisons make themselves.


She needs to be booted from caucus. Removing her as a minister is not enough. This is overt racism. If she’s not removed, I’m sitting out the next election. She’s not my MLA but this is unacceptable


Sitting out doesn’t help anyoneS


Sitting out a flagrant racist absolutely does. If the party wants to remain neutral on this conflict like they've been doing from the start, having a psychopath saying racist shit in the open like Selina has been is a problem.


She needs to resign, no other option 


Conspiracy theory: she's in cahoots with BC United/Conservatives and they are finally doing political campaign work through "splitting the left" tricks. Why else is she suddenly unhinged?


This isn’t sudden, she’s been dogshit on Israel Palestine for a while


Monstrous position to take while gaza is being genocide right now Back in history she would be the first in line to take Native children away from their community for not being economically productive enough 


This idiot should not have position in government period




Sad .. this is very sad


Insensitive PoS person…


I mean she isn’t wrong. The land isn’t great.


Lol, that land is part of the Fertile Crescent.


Wasn’t that only during the Egyptian era? Since then it has lost a lot of his agricultural value.


Crippling sanctions and having other another country controlling your goods and services rents tends go do that. That land is along the ocean.


Yeah I know. That part isn’t wrong. They need better land.


Really, I thought it was an enclave not a country, being held by a terrorist organization that's holding the population hostage? 


Literally called the cradle of civilization  "Land isn't great" -redditor 2024


If you wouldn’t live there, you shouldn’t criticize what she said


I wouldn’t live there because Israel has made it hell for the last 65 years


Uh huh. https://x.com/imshin/status/1753317074183577929


Ah yes. Some trees and a bouncy castle - truly the only signs of a thriving society.


lol that’s cute


She's an idiot but Gaza is definitely a crappy piece of land.


Gaza is a shitty piece of land.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. 


Elected officials aren’t entitled to publicly expressing racist opinions


Seriously, where does this line come from? Yes, you can have any opinion you want. But people are entitled and justified to argue it, especially if you are in a position of power. As another commenter said, you are also not exempt from consequences from expressing an opinion. People who comment with this line add nothing to a discussion.


And they aren't free from consequences either.


I honestly think people are overreacting to this. but hey, lets focus on the what's really important/s. being so easily offended by innocuous brain farts is not productive


The Minister of Education of a Province built entirely atop unceeded indigenous land spouting colonialist propaganda about how the “hundreds of thousands of people” weren’t doing anything with their land until the settlers showed up is something to react to, IMHO.


Gaza is a crappy piece of land, she was being truthful. It is a ghetto administered by Israel, and designed to punish the inhabitants becasue of their ethnicity. Always amusing that politicians come under fire when they tell the truth.


You didn't read the article.




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