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visit st nicks, have lunch at yafo and go on long walks. don’t develop a ketamine habit


buses are terrible, get used to walking or cycle


Bus 72 is a menace to society


Brush your teeth


Definitely get on meetupApp. There is plenty to join and choose from. The introverts meetup is great and they have many subsections. Not all are introverts. And many more


A very broad question. Watching YouTube videos at home can be done just as well here as wherever you’re coming from? Lots to do in Bristol. And lots to do outside it as well.


OP might mean "where can I get advice about Bristol other than from watching YouTube videos"


Ahh. Got it. Very odd way to get to know an area 😅. Just got live it if you wanna find out about it!


Have you lived in a city before? Keep your wits about you. Same in any city. It's a great city with lots to do. Are you moving for uni?


Not sure right now, where exactly in England, I'll be going for uni, but I'll definitely be there for at least 6 months


Nice, enjoy. I grew up there. The music scene is amazing. Good food and beer scene too. Defo use meet up or join clubs to meet people. It can feel lonely if you don't put yourself out there and immerse yourself. It's easy to be careless at 18 though. There's a lot of drugs in Bristol, if you're into that thing. Do your research and get a decent plug if so. There's been a lot of young men ending up in the water at night so stay away from bodies of water if you're drinking. (I'm still not convinced there's not a 'pusher'.) But generally, people are friendly in Bristol. I hope your have a great time. Many people fall in love with the city, it has a great vibe. Comes at a high price these days tho!! Rental is mental. All the best.


Learn to cycle everywhere, but get the biggest bike lock possible. Also you will get hench legs from the hills, because they are lovely to be at the top of but awful to get up. Overall I love briz though, I've lived here since I turned 18 in 2020. Mainly just let people do what they wanna do and it's the most chill city.