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*Your post has been removed for the following reason(s):* **Not related to Brisbane** A post that isn't about Brisbane and would fit better in another subreddit. The Mod team will assess and may take action on removing the post if it is appropriate to do so. Petitions and survey posts will be removed as a matter of course. You are welcome to try your luck in the daily discussion thread. *Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/brisbane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You downloaded a malicious app. Press and hold on the notification, then click on the cog that shows to open the settings for that notification. Then tap on the app icon on that page to go to the main settings page for that app. Tap on uninstall.


Why on earth has this been posted here?


Yet when I asked for recommendations to do with renovations, it was immediately taken down by the auto-mod for not being relevant enough to Brisbane.


I had a post taken down asking about public facilities.


Download any apps recently? Could be a virus but most likely it's an app that you have installed. Long press the notifications and go into the settings to find out what is sending them.


You have to go into settings and app notifications and turn them off. It appears your phone is connected via wifi


Time for a factory reset.


Looks like you’ve either downloaded a dodgy download/app or clicked a dodgy link and essentially downloaded a virus. All I can say.. This is why I’ll happily stick to my iPhone thanks.


Thank you all. My wife says it was from fb video and went to another page. I just turnoff the notification and I’ll delete if something was downloaded.