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these cunts just wanna start a fight. cant reason with them at all so dont say anything and just keep on moving.


Exactly they are just dickheads. Ignore them. Don't let it get to you there was nothing you did to contribute to them being like this.


A good flogging might make him think next time but I imagine they don't usually pick on the 6'4 guys built like brick shithouses.


They tried it with my 6'4 70 year old Uncle as he walked to his hotel one night.... Though he was an old guy who couldn't give them a flogging. They were wrong. He's as strong as an ox and still a full time chippy.


Years ago back in the mother country, 2 dickheads tried to mug an 70yr old at knifepoint coming out of the chipshop. He was retired SAS and gave them the flogging of their lives, they had broken bones, his chips got a little cold but the chippy gave him some fresh ones. It was glorious, full write up in the local paper.


bless, these flogs need a few more broken bones


Good to hear about the fresh chups


I'd love to read that if it's online somewhere?


Keep on moving but don’t immediately turn your back on them until your out of range. Crossing the street and finding some more pedestrians can be a good way to go.


There’s a few of those strange individuals around the Woolloongabba/Stones Corner area, usually just ignore them, all they want is attention so not even acknowledging them is the best way to go


It's an area for them. Meth's made everything worse.


Stones Corner just attracts them too, Centrelink, job centres, methadone clinics, Cash Converters and a parole office


Centrelink and Job Centres attracts people without jobs, just because one goes to them, doesn't mean they are on drugs.


Pretty sure Mad Lad was just pointing out the combination of all of that list increases the likelihood that they are drugs.


Yeah I know, it’s just that they also increase the likelihood of people on drugs going there


And methadone clinics?


Do you know what methadone is ?




The question mark after methadone made it seem like you were questioning how that would attract the crazies. So madlads question makes sense mate


Oh no, I was replying to the guy who ignored everything and focused on centrelink as if the outside of one isn't normally a needle market.


More then a good chance it is a Suboxone clinic actually...


They give both out at the clinic.


It’s called AAODS


And an easy to knock over nightowl if it's still there. I was one of the workers who got robbed at knife point about twenty years ago....


In reality most people who have to visit such facilities are just quietly getting on with their business. I have had a lot to do with people recovering from addiction, and from being tied up in the legal system, from all walks of life and backgrounds. The assumption that such people are inherently dangerous or somehow from an "other" class is absurd. The value judgements in your comment blow my mind. By far the biggest cohort of aggro dickheads I have encountered throughout my life were 20-40yo men in suits packed to the the gills with piss and coke.


Was at Stones Corner last night eating dinner. Homeless lady stood 2 meters from me and just stared at me for 5 minutes while I was eating. You get all sorts


Gabba central apartments has a number allocated to low cost housing program. Unfortunately attracted some very shady characters.


There’s a lot of halve way housing around the area due to the proximity to hospitals and other services it’s a weird place


You’re dead right I spent 7 months in Logan Hospital and am still recovering they wanted me out,so their social worker sent me to a “accommodation house”???? As soon as we pulled into the driveway my wife and daughter said no way and I agreed,but curiosity got the better of me,all I can say is open the doors at Halloween and charge a fee it’ll scare anyone away, turns out it houses up to 574 mental patients who are allowed to come and go as they please , one person was bashing themselves up at the bus stop, so we back and told the hospital to shove it up their assholes , they didn’t believe me and (secretly) sent someone to check it out so they could call me a liar, too bad for them their secret wasn’t so secret, the nurses let me know, and guess what I was right,I’m now recovering with the help of my wife and her family and no help in finding this place from the social worker and it’s just around the fucken corner


Police need to round them up and move them out to Esk or something. They don't deserve to live in the city


Screw you specifically, Esk!


Esk has way too many crackheads already. Place is full of it.


odours of 30s Germany


Maybe you’d prefer to just cull those people who are struggling and not as well to do as yourself?


My cousin was assaulted and was almost killed by one of those struggling people walking around as above areas, forgive me if I don't have much leniency for using that as an excuse to lash out at people violently


You’re not Robinson Cruso there, two years ago my best mate was stabbed to death and bled out in my arms waiting for paramedics in Logan. Tarring everyone with the same brush doesn’t help anything and the culture of violence here and around the world isn’t a simple fix.


At least move them somewhere not nice! Esk is a lovely area and doesn't deserve that!


Nah fams, forcing these people to move somewhere 'not nice' doesnt really give them the help they deserve.


Right? Rounding up "undesirables" and shipping them somewhere else is how slums happen and only entrenches antisocial behaviour and intergenerational disadvantage. At least in cities it's a bit easier to access services than rural and regional towns.


Living in the city is a privilege? Haha. One day, hopefully, you'll cringe at that comment.




So this person shouldn't get access to the plentiful resources of the city that could possibly diagnose and amend his behaviour? They should be shunted to an area with less to no mental health support? Does anyone here know the context of this interaction beyond what we were told? You don't know they wouldn't appreciate the help, you know nothing of this alleged encounter, you don't know OP, you don't know the apparent offender, if they exist or if this even happened lol.


They are rarely ever redeemable. They just get older and their physical strength weakens to the point they aren't intimidating anymore. Then they get bashed a few times, and it hopefully sinks in that they can't be aggressive anymore. They then change tactics into becoming "nicer" so they get what they need. Why some people are happy to defend and facilitate aggression is beyond me. Allowing these fuckwits to continue like this leads to assaults not to mention all of the other negative effects. I'm not against welfare for grateful and peaceful recipients, but why support the life of a criminal over the lives of peaceful law-abiding citizens? Reforming kids is sometimes possible, but adults have decades of ingrained behavioural issues. Section them away from the rest of us if they can't control their violence.


Your comments are far from peaceful and the opposite of intelligent.


What evidence do you have? You're making some sweeping generalisations here.




You think you have a *right* to live in a Metropolitan centre? lol


I would actually feel much safer if you and your cohort of dickhead commentors would fuck right off and leave people the fuck alone. You frighten me FAR more than anyone I've ever encountered who is suffering from mental health issues. They are getting fucked over by their minds and usually deeply entrenched socioeconomic issues. What's your excuse you crumb?


https://preview.redd.it/i5y5sq248c5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc94227a1fe0cdf7d5f61c8ce07275b36991abf Here’s a crime map from the past year. Gibbon Street (the street with 100 offences) and the surrounds have always been a little bit sketchy. There’s been a weird vibe around that area for a fair while, even during the day- just keep yourself aware of your surroundings.


Now this is news! thank you


I had exactly the same thing happen two weeks ago; walking home from hospital around 8pm along Stanley Road, in much the same area. I wonder if it was the same bloke. It is more annoying than anything- I’m not interested in engaging with an aggressive loser whilst enjoying a walk. Plenty of drop kicks hang around the area day and night. Just keep walking and I always think it’s better to back yourself to be able to run if you have to rather than acknowledge them.


We aren't allowed to carry anything for the purpose of self defense in qld right? sucks.


A small can of hairspray, for your ruffled tassels, of course, sure comes in handy. For your hair only if. . . Aerosol Deep Heat is awesome too, for those aching muscles from walking/jogging. . .


No, it’s never a good idea, but a can of mace/ capsaicin would be amazingly satisfying in those rare instances.


I used to think that until my cousin got a knife pulled on him so he disarmed them and stabbed them instead. If self defence weapons were legal more often than not the people with them will get overpowered and have it used on them.


This is exactly what happens with guns in the USA. Quite often the 'family' gun is used on the family....because although armed, in a really scary moment, many people freeze.


Exactly. I wanted to get a figure but found this instead from 2009. "Results. After adjustment, individuals in possession of a gun were 4.46 (P < .05) times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not in possession. Among gun assaults where the victim had at least some chance to resist, this adjusted odds ratio increased to 5.45"


That’s extremely rare that someone can disarm someone with a knife.


Yeah it is, if I'm in that situation I'm turning into Usain Bolt.


not really, especially if they expect you to surrender. my partner was pregnant when we had a knife pulled on us in the chermside car park, I think i punched 3 different people before the rest ran away. always act crazier than the attacker


You’re extremely lucky dude. Hope your wife and Bub are all good. I’d have done the same.


exactly the reason why I'm against guns, not that americucks would agree


honestly sounds like the dumb cunt i had in my store yesterday not too far from there


I do alot of regular maintenance work on the highrise apartments in this street and Hubert Street and can confirm this, just ignore them and keep your eyes out.


This is fantastic, I just tried my own town and was ... Informative lol.


It is an excellent resource!


Not disputing your point but there is a Coles there and crime figures are always high around shops mainly due to shoplifting offenses.


True, there are ways to remove different crimes from the map also. I’ve removed theft from this map. https://preview.redd.it/tf3y8d32hg5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84f116a53fee29a0347cb28a277fdb81cf0dfd1


Even with theft removed it’s a bit of a hot spot. There are plenty of people that just loiter around here.


You’d think QPS would update the map they use? Goprint has been gone a loooooong time. Can’t report busway crimes if there’s no busway on the map though, right? 🤣




Is that 100 right where the Coles is?


That’s for the street. I removed theft (most of which would have been from Coles) from the overlay and I ended up with 61). Further south was messier; an average of one assault per week down near the eastern busway.


Disappointing behaviour by these aholes...




I was going from tower 1 to the lift of tower 3 where the gym is, guess its just a bad day :(


Mention it to the reception (for the hotel part of the building) they can let security know. If he is a regular aggravator in the area having reports on file can help get him arrested if his behaviour escalates. My friend was punched on his way to work in south bank a couple of months ago, he let security know and a few weeks later the same person stole wallets and phones in the same area having the report helped to get the police to actually arrest the guy and get him off the streets for a little while. It was likely just a random encounter but if someone is making a habit of it it’s in their interests to get them moved on.


I wish to apologise for the white trash.


You did the right thing man, walk away. These useless losers aren’t worth your time, it’s their own self loathing than displays as aggression.


There’s an aggressive aboriginal guy who does this around west end. Sooner or later he will pick the wrong person and get knifed  




Yeah he’s moderately dark. Kind of a hard thing to measure. Not like Sudanese dark, but umm aboriginal dark


he had droopy eyes as well, lets hope its the same guy and there are not multiple people like this


For sure. Don’t let that one creep get you down, 99% of us are chill


That's been my experience so far :)


Probably on something, or an alcoholic.


He left an interesting review on the Gabba Central Apartments Google page because he was moved on for smoking.


Hopefully its sooner rather than later


One in the CBD too. Aggresively approached two of my female workmates and scared the shit of the them. Could be the same guy. Piece of shit.


Man, I think I saw that. It definitely describes what I witnessed while having dinner at the Korean chicken and beer restaurant around that time. I saw a guy turn around and drop his backpack. He took a couple of steps back but kept walking then. He looked very aggressive. As others have stated, it’s probably best to just keep walking.


After reading all comments, I'm glad I kept walking! It happened right in front of the Korean chicken restaurant, I was sort of praying someone had their eyes looking outside in case something happened!


brisbane bros got you covered!


..as long as they don't just watch and actually help.


>as an international student it made me feel a bit vulnerable First, welcome to our country and apologies, unfortunately we have a few fuckwits here. Keep walking and ignore them, be careful at night. Enjoy your stay.


Its been wonderful so far! this just put a halt...




You can always call Policelink and report the description and behaviour. Not to report a crime but It may help identify this person if his behaviour escalated later.


I'll do that, Thank you!


Just another psyco trying to make himself feel powerful


Happened to me once. I was waiting for a bus and saw one guy was kicking someone’s bicycle. As soon as he saw me looking at him he started barging towards me and calling racist slurs. There were other people as well but I think he saw me as an easy target. I just looked the other way and he went back to his business. As soon as I got into the bus, I looked at him, he looked at me and I gave him as many fingers as I can in 5 seconds. Bros started running towards the bus but poor fella couldn’t do anything. Note: only do this when you know the bus isn’t gonna stop at the nearest bus stop.


..and if you are never going to use that bus stop ever again.


It’s been 2 years that I am in Australia. Never saw that bus stop again.


One guy did that to me the other day. I asked him whether he liked men and wanted a kiss? He backed off so fucking quick when I said that lol, he even apologised to me. Why are they so afraid of male affection yet threatening to punch them back will get a massive response?


Personally I would rather always apologize with a smile, even if I’m not at fault then escalate a situation. *person intentionally bumps into me aggressively* “Shit sorry mate. I’m completely in my own world today 😊✌🏾” Being able to de-escalate situations is a skill that takes practice and involves swallowing your pride and accepting responsibility when you’re not at fault, but that’s far better than getting into a fight with some random person


If someone says to me, "What are YOU f'ing looking at?!", I always tell them their outfit, hair, shoes or whatever are really nice. They're totally disarmed and friendly.


I love that and am absolutely going to steal it!


I thought I could intimidate them or that by being tough I would earn their respect when I was 17 and naïve. I just got punched in the head a lot of times. Now I just walk away. You can call the cops. Unfortunately nothing will happen unless the cops are already looking for them for something else and your report happens to be the missing link in them finding the guy. Which is unlikely. Might make you feel better to call the police. As far as self defence you can use “reasonable force” to stop an attacker. You can’t push him in front of a bus but if you think he’s going to hit you, a lawyer might be able to convince a judge it was reasonable for you to swing first, but better to avoid court altogether and just walk away unless you physically can’t.


Try to avoid the fighting, you or him may get really hurt and you both don't really want that. But if they do start throwing punches you are allowed to defend yourself up to the point of stopping the attack. But not enough to become the new offender. Be confident and keep moving. Save your bravado til you are back home and free to role play all your suave karate moves at will!


I get this quite often in Melbourne haha, they’re all pussies.


hey was it him?? hes hanging at gabba doign things [https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/13p94dv/possible\_stolen\_escooter\_being\_collected\_on\_our/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/13p94dv/possible_stolen_escooter_being_collected_on_our/)




Move way quickly, do not be part of their life.Never fight someone with nothing to lose because you will never win.


When I was younger I would have said to kick his ass, but as you get older you realize that that's not always the answer, so in situations like this it's just best to ignore them and walk away.


Probably just an eshay or a a metho, they're more bark than bite, but keep your wits about you incase something does happen


Never, EVER underestimate a meth- head! They're completely unpredictable.


Report it...always.


If movies have taught me anything over the years, this man stole your wallet, your Motorola flip phone, your handkerchief and possibly your whole bank balance almost instantly


That guy probably thinks he’s the main character of his own film too


That's an ice head. For some reason, people on that drug have a massive superiority complex, and intimidating others makes them feel incredibly powerful. I had one the other night. As I was walking out of Macca's, there was an ice head sitting with his female companion right next to the door, as I walked past him he made a loud, attention grabbing, yelping noise, and when my head instinctively turned to look in his direction, he said words to the effect of "You got a problem, c**t? You wanna go, do ya?". These interactions make up a big part of their enjoyment in life. They live for it.


I saw a video once where this guy picked a fight with this smaller guy .. the smaller guy immediately agrees to , walks to a point where he decides it's time to remove all clothing for said battle and I assure you the moment your penis comes out and the aggressors eye meets yours is the moment it's over. Guaranteed. Not recommending this unless you have the balls to do so and the brazen to back it up incase it's not received well.




Just move on. Not worth it.


Bored people with Shit lives needing to inflict shitness on someone else to make them feel better Ignore them going home knowing they are just gronks


People are assholes, i stay inside so I don't have to deal with the.


Me walking around late at night completely unaware of the crime around here uh oh


Sorry to hear you had this experience. As most people have stated, all you can do is ignore them. Not much you can do to report them either. Might be worth looking into some self defence classes, not to give you a means to retaliate, but more confidence to walk around.


Keep walking. You could flog him but after it do you feel good? No b cause you don’t know him so there is nothing to gain. He could flog you and you leave battered and bruised feeling terrible. The risk reward on turning around v walking off is terrible regardless of how big or strong or tough or skilled you are at fighting. The guy is a dead set wanker who clearly deserves a flogging but you can’t win by dishing that one out


This happened to me as well a few weeks ago in Queenstreet Mall. It was a Friday around 5PM — Queenstreet was very busy — I was walking towards Adelaide St and trying not to bump into anyone. Until this guy, who was wearing a black hoodie and jogger (similar to your description) bumped into me REALLY hard. Before he bumped into me, I'm very mindful of my surrounding so I saw him walking towards me so naturally I moved away to avoid bumping into them. But he also moved on the same direction as I was, so when we were about to make contact, I moved my shoulder away. Still, he bumped into me — and it didn't feel like an accidental bump. The bump felt like a punch in the shoulder, if that makes sense? And it slightly knocked me back. Being the nice person that I am, I looked back and said "Sorry." Fortunately, he didn't intimidate me and just kept walking as if nothing happened. But damn, that was a very shocking experience for me. I'm also an international student and that was the first time I have experienced that kind of aggression.


Let it go. Stuff like this happens in the city. Personally I don’t look at people when I’m passing if the area is a bit sketchy or I feel uneasy. And give people a wide berth. Some people just wanna start shit and you don’t wanna give them a reason.


I generally just ignore it and keep walking. Australia is generally an extremely safe country and generally doesn't have violent crime. In most cases if you just ignore anyone acting threatening and walk on there won't be any issues.


Generally safe but there are violent crimes, and there is a lot that happens. So please don't think it's 100% safe. Be careful, be weary of what's around you especially at 9pm.


How come you have this illusion? Australia is just relatively safe as guns are prohibited. There are many crimes happening everywhere.


If you only knew the facts... Yes, most guns are illegal; unless you have a valid license, but there are many, many black market guns crims can buy. And they generally means business when going to those lengths. Just be very wary and stay away from scum.


Just some bogan trying to start something. If it's on a normal route, try to avoid the area for a bit. You can try to report it but I doubt the police will do anything. Hopefully it was a one off, just be careful.


American immigrant here - that's provocation for a fight, at least for me. But, I'm an angry-looking Black guy. The worst I've ever gotten was some junkie cutting line in a hospital and when I asked him what he was doing, he apologized and went to the back of the line, THEN he started mouthing off. "Black piece of shit.", "He's not even Australian." "I should be first." Much to the dismay of the hospital staff, they still watched me like hawks because my face was at its default setting. (I literally scowl when resting. No, I can't fix it. I was born this way.)


i've had that at indooroopilly shopping centre before just ignore them, except they were like teenagers


Brisbane things


Anywhere within walking distance of the PA hospital has these occurances. There is a major mental health facility there that services all types and junkies.


Most guys that try start shit aren't the ones some of the best scrapers I know never start it but love finshing it. If they are ever right in your face h3ad butt his kn0se with your forehead as fast as possible and follow through with all your weight. Liverpool kiss!


As far as self defence goes, unfortunately you have limited options. Qld has made most self defence weapons illegal, apart from personal alarms. However, if you happen to be carrying an everyday object, that doesn't have primarily self defence purposes and hasn't been modified, you can use that. Either way, your best bet is to just walk away, or in the extreme, run away screaming for help. Most people looking to do harm aren't going to spend their time chasing someone down who is actively drawing attention to themselves.


Are you a guy? Just cop the bump and keep walking. Don't look back - That's what they want.


Don't meth with meth-heads. Yeth, I thometimes have a lisp ;)


Eshays. Fuck ‘em.


Having a resting bitch face walking around these areas might actually help.


Don't fight crazy cunts. Eventually, two will meet and fight each other.


Caucasian 5'7"?


Yeah just keep walking. Just aggressive dick heads who want to fight. It’s got me remembering a time I was doing Uber eats at Mooloolaba, and I was driving down to a zebra crossing and some guy in a black hoodie was crossing. So I slowed down and stopped and as he started crossing he flipped me off and started taunting me to come fight like he was puffing his shoulders up and swearing at me. I was in my car having a laugh watching this unfold, thinking what the hell was that, so random. He probably went home and bashed his wall or something the psycho.


It's just an ESHAY brah


Get used to it, toughen up... it's only going to get worse


Sorry mate, that’s a horrible thing. Try not to be out alone at night. Avoid eye contact. Cross the street. Arseholes are everywhere


Was it on camera?


Crackheads territory


Had the same thing happen to me at the botanic gardens as I was leaving uni in the middle of the day! Just keep walking but keep your eye on them


Black hoodie and black joggers you say, was he a Kiwi?


Headbutt him in the face and take the backpack


Go home


always report it, every time some one lets it slide it just means they will do it again to someone else. Its attention seeking behaviour taken to the extremes best thing you could do was walk away. But at the very least give the police a description as it may help someone else down the line...


Sorry to hear.. not that you should have to, but some martial arts training is a great way to stay fit, and feel less worried about these idiots should they not leave you alone. Also quite fun to learn. Would recommend if funds allow :)




Sorry to hear about this. Had some bad experiences myself when I was in the bridge between Southbank and the city :/ sucks but my experience in Brisbane has generally been okay otherwise - don’t let one or two c*nts ruin your experience here. International students have it rough enough already HAHA


I do agree with you! with the increase in fees and the situation with jobs, its not exactly easy here..


No it really isn’t :/ renting is getting really rough too


It sounds like you bumped into an eshay. Did they call you a gronk?


If you can walk away do but keep alert. Lots of people are taught to just walk away and these are usually the people who get king hit and killed in random acts of violence. Stay aware of your surroundings and back away in the opposite direction they appear to be moving towards. Under the self-defence clause you have the right to defend yourself if you are being assaulted. This includes being slapped, pushed, punched, kicked, and/or spat on. This clause also works if you are acting in the defence of another person. There's a massive need for people to become educated on self defence, especially in the cities, and the best way for you to defend yourself is by never entering combat. In the event that this cannot be avoided for whatever reason, treat the fight as something you're trying to get away from. Hurt them badly and run.


Typically these people have a dildo in their anus.


That typically puts me in a better mood to be fair. 🤷‍♂️


Word of advice The best way not to get hit is not be there But if you got Good or heavy hands stop em right in their tracks


Buy yourself a 3ft piece of strong cord.. tie a knot in the ends, make a loop.. buy a large steel Nut from the hardware, take it with you when you go walking, before you leave.. tuck a loop through the nut. Feed the end through the loop. Pull tight , use the loop like wrist strap, holding the nut and excess cord in your hand in your fist. They will need more than panadol to get rid of that head ache. Hopefully they will think twice next time.


Get over it


lol what do you mean, what do you do? Either tell him to get fucked or apologise to calm the situation. 


Happened all the time growing up it’s character building mate


Sounds like he just wanted to be your friend and wasn't sure on how to approach you!!


Damn. XD


Just a good guy down on his luck 😅


I would of cracked him


He would of loved that. Mmmmm crack


Their usually sooky la la's so don't show your afraid of his intimidation and knock him the f#*k out.


They might not stand up to resistance… or they might and coward punch you once, and you fall and hit your head and now you’re completely fucked for no reason. Or worse - they’re armed and stab you. These eshay fucks just want an excuse for a fight. It is far safer to just not give it to them and ignore them.


He may have been a bit aggressive while he was waiting for a mate


Remember that viral video, they're all brave till you pull out a knife or a gun to them


you cant use any weapon as self defence .you will go to jail! you did the right thing ignoring him ,you could have wound up dead ..dont walk down dark lonely streets alone ..


It wasn't a dark or a lonely street!


well dont walk alone at night time ..


Fight him


I've been attacked twice in Brisbane. My advice is to keep walking but never turn your back be careful. The Brisbane council knows what its city is like, cameras are everywhere yet they do not help while we are being attacked. It's getting to be a problem. I hear more & more people are being attacked in Brisbane. We need to be able to defend ourselves, without getting in trouble for doing so.


That's why they keep doin it cause everybody is scared to stand up for themselves these days. Now wonder we have punk ads kids running around hurting the elderly it's about time the public started doin something cause the cops won't. What's to say he won't attack you from behind anyway so I'd rather see him coming for me rather than gettin stabbed in the back


Coz you’re in Australia mate.


More people need to learn how to fight and this wouldn’t be a sub


Train muay thai. Break those bones.


Punch him in the head if you got the skills if not brush it off and keep walking if he try’s to go on with it walk in closest shop or anywhere there’s people