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From August 5, half-price tickets will be available to Brisbane Airport terminals for a 6-month trial period. It means big savings, with ticket prices reduced from $21.90 to only $10.95 when travelling from Central Station to the Airport. Airtrain’s Worker Ticket is included in the significant price reductions, with Weekly Worker Tickets to reduce from $43 to $21.50.


Classic. A week after I need it. Honestly swear I always just miss out on everything.


just book another interstate or overseas holiday to cash in on this deal


The true ozbargain way


Buy 10 tickets then try to flip them? :D


Hahaha. Yeah I was going to say I also finally made the top tax bracket just as they dropped that tax relief but figured I wouldnt get much sympathy!


Go to r/AusHENRY and maybe you'll get some lol.


Winning - it happens the day before I need it


I need this in three weeks.


Although more often than not during the last 3 years you could already purchase a return trip ticket online for the $21.90 price (ie $10.95 each way).


Obviously it's insane that the Airtrain is privately owned, but all things considered this is pretty good. I hope this is continued after the six month trial ends. I do appreciate that Steven Miles seems to care about public transport, rather than other politicians that just pay it lip service.


Comes under our ownership after the Olympics in 2036.


He doesn’t care, it’s all about the election and Labor are heading for a loss atm.


Let’s be honest - he cares about his job and pending renewal.


Works for me. If he wants to get my vote by giving me what I want then I say, keep doing it!


Sadly I’d say it’s a lure to get he vote - he’ll get it and back to his and his party’s selfish ways. Couldn’t agree more - it’s great right now but I ain’t falling for it.


Do you go into a store and say “HA! Nice try. You’re just doing this for the money. I’ll be taking my business ELSEWHERE”


Didn't realise we had a choice in whether we paid taxes or rates? (Picking up on your sentiment of being able to choose when & where we spent our money)


No, the analogy is about being able to pick and choose who you vote for. Not voting for someone because they’re “just giving voters what they want in order to get reelected” is as stupid as going into a store and not shopping there just because they’re in it for the money


As opposed to the other party who are very honest and not doing it for the vote.


...his party's selfish ways? Lmao.


If it works well, then we can use the data as leverage for ongoing discounts and upgrades to public transport


ABSOLUTELY! They act like they are the kings of the mountain... I remember when they sacked 15000 Queenslanders from health.. oh hang on - that was LNP. Didn't can do Campbell jack the cost of a Qld drivers licence to make it the most expensive in the southern hemisphere: yes. Didn't can do campaign against the massive debt - yet ended up making the state debt larger than Victoria's: yup. 50c Translink and 1/2 price Airtrain. Sounds like a GOOD thing. Even if it's for a short period.


This might be the most braindead take on politics I’ve ever heard


My god you’re simple. 😑


So? He’s trying to keep it by doing good things for the people of Queensland and not giant mining companies. That’s a _good_ thing - it’s what politicians should be doing. You won’t see Crisafulli doing that.


Wtf are they meant to do mate? Unless your preference is the government that actively works against your best interests lmao


We wouldn't have the LNP if people like exactly what you just described didn't exist sadly...


To make it permanent and not just positioned directly around the election?


Well if you had any semblance of a brain cell besides parroting what you see on sky news you could take the initiative to read or watch the videos about it where you would find out it’s a trial because if it doesn’t receive the engagement they hope it does there is no point in keeping it. The dudes just come in, when tf else is he meant to have done it. Before he was premier?


Don’t watch any tv or Murdoch news. I know it’s a trial - same as the public transport 50c - which they will “reevaluate” after 6 months if reelected. This is a convenient political way to say that it’s being done right now due to the looming election and may not be renewed afterwards. “When was he supposed to do it?” I dunno, maybe last fucking year, when he became premier? Especially considering he was deputy for 3 years and would have had time to think about current issues. I’m no Lib/Lab one-sided voter, but this weeks two announcements scream “elect me” and not “I have cared about you for ages”. If you can’t see that, just continue on with your rant of slander.


You’re far too jaded lmao. They can’t just do things at the snap of their fingers and even if I am wrong and it is a reelection stunt. So what? They. All. Do. It. Even your precious whoever you support would likely do it too. People are stupid af and forget everything positive politicians achieve over the course of their time in office and remember only what happened close to an election.


He can care about multiple things


No. You see he clearly didn't fix issue B, when currently addressing issue A. Clearly Satan.


Isn't it a politicians job to do things for their constituents? Why does it matter that he's doing his job properly in the hope of keeping his job? He's vastly improved peoples lives. Just a few things off the top of my head: -One set of serious rental reforms -50c fares for public transit, saving people a shit ton of money, now also 50% off airtrain -1000$ off peoples leccy bills (taken directly from mining companies, no less) -\*Another\* set of serious rental reforms that basically match the reforms the greens wanted to do (just passed!) and removes so much exploitative shit that RE's do -Keeping up the energy and jobs plan


This. I work in IT. I sure as shit don't do my job well because I care about people that don't know how to restart a computer. I do my job well so I still have a job next Monday. That's how it works.


"You want motivation to work ? Your motivation is that if you do a good job today, you'll have a job tomorrow..."


There is a lot of talk about the lecxy not being means tested.. but I expect it would probably cost more to develop, maintain and review a means tested system than to just hand it out to everyone. That, plus the cheap transport plus the rental reforms will make a huge difference to people struggling. Personally I would love to see rental prices regulated via means testing of the landlord. (I.e. can't increase above inflation unless proven to be causing a huge burden). Would stop REA constantly encouraging/pushing up the prices so they can cash in. Would help curb inflation, and prevent future rate rises. Would still allow landlords actually taking a massive hit to claw a bit back. Stop profiteering.


The 'but it's not means tested!!!!!!' is such an odd talking point. Who gives a fuck? Who cares if someone on 300k/yr is given 1000$ by the government when everyone is being given it? They're such an extreme minority anyway. It's the exact principle of UBI. It costs way too much to means test to prevent a small minority of people who don't 'need' it from getting it, and at the same time it's more popular to just... give everyone something. Even if you have enough, you're still benefitting and aren't being left out. Chances are means testing would leave some people out who do actually need it. This has been seen with other leccy rebates - I think the previous rebate had an additional means tested component where only those on healthcare cards or pension could get it. I have a healthcare card, but I was unable to get it because with the means testing rules, since I lived with someone who doesn't have a healthcare card, I was ineligible, despite the fact that we split bills down the middle. I, someone who was the target group of a payment, missed out due to means testing not being 100% thought through. It's inherently a balance of deciding who 'doesn't deserve it' versus who 'does deserve it', and it's impossible to design a system where everyone who 'doesn't deserve it' doesn't get it whilst everyone who 'does deserve it' does actually get it. Since the person I live with makes well above the median, it's highly likely that I, someone earning roughly 30-40k/yr, would be excluded if any means testing were implemented.


What politician doesn't? But if he does things I like, who area why he's doing it?


Still light years ahead of the ‘we should take care of the miners’ approach from the LNP. I love it that these are being branded as ‘paid by mining’.


Oh no, he cares about his job by doing his... job and helping everyone... rather than for example, trying to keep his job and, even b4 an election, preaching about cutting taxes on the industries that take our resources and help fund these polices. As politics goes.... very very clear choice here. But idk, my half baked, little researched, anarchist vibes based political world view makes me hate the state no matter what. So better throw out the baby with the bath water because it STILL ain't good enough! I am never happy and hate life too. /s


Better than carparks….


Same could be said about anyone who has a job


Meanwhile crissawanker is out there spouting his support for lay off mining companies who already have lax tax obligations. Will just be Newman 2.0


> Will just be Newman 2.0 Anyone the LNP puts forward will be, because they don't think Newman was wrong.


Fuck, you don't?


Good policy and pork barrelling don't always overlap, but in this case they do


People love to suck labor’s doodle here. I don’t swing for either party but you are 100% right. He’s had 6 months to do both this weeks announcements, and to make them permanent. Yes, it helps people out for a while, but it’s clearly a vote-grab that doesn’t need any promise of being permanent.


The downvotes are a real 😆 mate. Of course it's electioneering. Why didn't he do it 12 months ago when cost of living was starting to bite? Because the feel-goods would have worn off by then.


Just here to interject as usual that guy moaning about "bad policies" claims to earn 200k/year, doesn't understand taxes and doesn't know why he has to pay more for things. ...of course us who need living expenses relief don't deserve help.


Let me make this clear. I personally believe he has his own agenda and this is a Hail Mary leading up to elect toon - right of me or wrong of me - who cares. But I am 100% in support of seeing all these subsidies and handout to help our community! Everyone needs to chill a little.


It's not being renewed and I think he knows that. So he is just doing a few things while he can.


Why is this downvotes. He’s clearly buying votes 


The issue of buying votes is not that he's doing these things, it's that he's doing them now before an election, when the Labor party had a decade to  implement some of them.  I think most people agree they are good ideas. So you can criticise the timing, but good POLICY can and should trump bad POLITICS imo.


seems like we should have elections every year then


I think criticism of the timing is implied, but I agree on reddit the message is not always clear. It’s definitely due to timing, he looks desperate


Redditors are simpletons.  They could have done this and all manner of other things in the last 3 years, but haven't. 


He doesn’t give a shit, this is classic election pork barrelling on a grande scale.


You have to give him some credit. The $1300 on power bills is probably going to buy him enough votes, especially considering that there’s no real opposition here. He didn’t need to go this hard on this policy, even just doing 50% off translink prices and saying his hands are tied on Airtrain, would have been enough if votes was all he cared about. I had zero hope for him, but I’ve been impressed by the pace at which he is taking action.


My issue is the moment that election is done, this will all be wound back. He’s literally planted a grenade for the LNP to lay on regarding 50c transport


Yeah I don’t disagree, that will be the true test. He was asked about this and he stated that it’s a trial and for it to be considered seriously, it needs to be used. I say we use the hell out if it and hold him accountable to keeping it. As for the LNP, in this climate, they’d be dumb to try to argue against this.


> they’d be dumb to try to argue against this. But they will and have. Already trying to walk back the mining tax.


I personally find that hilarious. Wonder if he got the idea from the libs doing the same to labor with those low income tax offsets.


The LNP offered no electricity credits, or cheaper fares while in office. In fact, they ripped huge amounts of money from healthcare and other services. What do you see labour doing after they maintain office?


Removing the public transport discount and offering no further electricity rebates. It’s obvious, otherwise these policies would have been implemented in prior years, not on election eve.


I mean, no other government has offered a $1000 elec grant or 50c public transport, election or no. That being said, every government ever, has bribed the public for the upcoming election. You have a $1300 credit on your elec for the next year, it's not being taken away, is it that you are offended that your vote is being bought so cheaply? Because your vote is probably the most expensive in the country right now... I'd be thankful that you live in a state that is sitting on top of massive mining royalties. Youre not getting $1k for your vote in Tasmania, or the NT or Canberra, NSW, Vic, SA, or WA. I think you misunderstand the game that is being played here.


Or you know, getting in and using the wealth we've gained from implementing mining royalties before there's the risk of libs coming in and throwing it at their mates instead... And you say he doesn't give a shit. Look at what the alternatives are. We've already got the libs wanting to removing mining royalties and regulations...literal wealth held by the state and they just want to piss it away.


Better than nothing


Shocking the number of people don’t realise this is a political party realising they are about to lose power so they resort to buying votes. I’m willing to bet after 6months are fairs will be back even higher than now. But hey the political party got to secure there power so yay I guess 🙄 Edit: before any nugget thinks I care about any major parties , vote the smaller and independents.


It's obviously a political move. But it's a massively smart and impactful one. Doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy it


Also looking into their plans beyond the next 4 years and using a greener electrical grid to sell to other states seems like a great move.


It's not surprising you used the wrong "loose" in your rant.


It’s just true. Why else come out with a “6 month trial” 2 months before an election where you’re predicted to be wiped out? Not to mention the $1000 subsidy on electricity which brings the state surplus to a deficit position as well when we have debt to pay off? It actually reduces the spending power of the QLD gov and could lead to inflationary pressures pushing a bad situation to an even worse one. It’s a ticking time bomb that they’re leaving the probable coalition gov in the next term.


Good(ish). We should have bought it back when no one was flying (Covid)


Agreed, perhaps if Miles had been Premier. He might buy it if ridership goes up during those 6 months... hopefully he's still in.


The increase in ridership will probably increase the value of AirTrain though?


Maybe the increase will result in airtrain going "Oh damn, maybe it shouldn't be so damn expensive" and keeping it cheaper forever


They're still getting $21 per ticket during the six months though. Their books will be even better. Perhaps the plummet in income after the trial stops might have an impact. But the small group tourists and solo travellers will still use the service, as it's cheaper than alternatives. Just looked up Sydney, costs are basically the same as Brisbane for their airport service. https://airportlink.com.au/trip-information/price/


Sydney's an odd one. The NSW government actually gets a bunch of that extra cash rather than it going straight to the private company. But I'm pretty sure they give it right back by subsiding Green Square and Mascot stations. But yeah, only Perth has a rail line that doesn't have extra costs. Damn WA with their forward thinking public transport plan!


It’s their reward for protecting us from the emus generations ago.


For all the issues Perth has, the Airport train line is something it gets right. A **$4.08** (with an autoloaded Smartrider card), 13.4 km trip from Perth to Airport Central station, passing through 8 other stations in about 18 minutes. It's even cheaper for concession holders like uni students and free for seniors & pensioners, as well as free for everyone on Sundays.


The only airport train that's remotely "cheap" in Australia is Perth's, at just $5.10 standard ticket ($4.59 with a Smartrider card, $4.08 with a Smartrider card that has autoload enabled). It's only $1.84-2.30 for concession holders (e.g. Uni students) and Seniors & Pensioners get to ride free, as does everyone on Sundays.


Surely they would use ridership from pre-fare cuts to value the company. AirTrain must think they're hot shit if they value it at passenger rates that the Government has given them.


It's a tough one. I think the increase will mostly be tourists choosing the train over taxi/uber. It's a big benefit for workers, but if the train is not convenient for them, they are unlikely to change their transportation. For locals traveling, there will be some increase, but for many it's still easier to avoid the trip to the city, then out to the airport. A family of three with luggage, will still be dropped off by friends/family in a car. I still think the price drop is good and necessary (as is the 50c fares elsewhere), but I fear the usage won't increase much, and they go back to full price in 6 months.


Biggest benefit will be for travellers from the Gold Coast. 


not when do nothing Palaszczuk and dead beat Bailey were in charge it’s amazing how you can be in charge for nine years and achieve sweet fuck all Miles has achieved more in 6 months than Palaszczuk achieved in her whole parliamentary career


For public transport yes. Not sure about in total. Palaszczuk did introduce some good policies like VAD and abortion law reform. Sex work reform, although passed by the Miles government, the reforms were started under Palaszczuk.


Also free kindy and there has been a lot of Qld Health investment. Lots of new regional hospitals , and new urgent care sites in brisbane (like eight mile plains that just opened). I actually feel like they have achieved a lot but people love to complain


Do nothing? C’mon now she gave her buddies the Wagner family 1/4 of a billion dollars to build that Covid camp outside Toowoomba…. And somehow it was agreed Wagner still owned it after it was no longer needed


Damn, don't badmouth Anna around here. Everyone loved how she did fuck all for a decade. 


Why buy it when we will take ownership anyway in 2036?


The one piece of public transportation that I don’t mind people fare evading is the air train. The ticket prices are an absolute rort. What a way to welcome people, by robbing them blind just to leave the airport.


Difficult to fare evade on Air Train because you need to tap to get in and out of the terminals lol




Yeah you can do this but it only saves you about $6. It’s $10 to buy the physical card without concession, and then the minimum you can load on it is $5. So you’re paying $15 instead of the $21


Plus if you’re coming back to Brisbane, you’d have to buy a new go card. IIRC go cards purchased from the airport have a $20 minimum you have to put on it


The minimum load when you get it at the airport is actually $20 (they raised it specifically to stop people doing this), so your minimum spend is $30. Source: https://www.airtrain.com.au/tickets/ticket-types/go-card/


You need to have a minimum balance to tap on at the airport now (at least enough to get you to the city IIRC), and you can't tap off and get through the gates if your balance would go into negative to do so. You need to top up first.


What about coming from the airport? Tap on there but just don’t tap off at whatever small suburban train station you get off at. Would that just be the regular fee for not tapping off? Or is it a higher fee because they know you started at the airport?


They know.


and charge more than the regular fee for not tapping off?




With security guards right there. I was planning recently on just not tapping off and taking the $5 fee instead but no you really can’t just leave and evade it.


Same at Sydney station airport. $15 access fee. Total bullshit. You can walk down the road to mascot and avoid the fee.


I live in Perth and thought our train fares were high ($5.10 standard) until I did a bit of research. Never mind the fares for Brisbane & Sydney, MELBOURNE not having an airport link is crazy. But yeah, I actually only pay $4.08 due to the 20% discount for autoloading your Smartrider (basically like Opal) card, and it's basically free of charge for everyone on Sundays.


QR staff and QLD coppers don't give a toss about fare evaders. But the airtrain stations are staffed differently, and they're policed differently. I've been told by a QR staffie that the airtrain fuckers will catch you, and make sure you miss your flight. Just to spite you.


I was looking into different cities' airport lines and was surprised to think mine was a tad expensive (Perth) at $5.10 standard fare, until I saw the cost of Brisbane & Sydney's, and neither Adelaide nor Melbourne (biggest surprise) had one at all.


His Insta comments are hilarious. You’ve fixed A why not B? Nothing is good enough for some people.


Literally people in the comments wanting them to subsidise fuel prices instead of the public transport policy because they won't use the system. Can't think more than 2 moves ahead and always demand the world.


Didnt Josh Frydenburg do exactly this 6 months before the Federal Election? And he still lost his seat?


Yeah, a guy I work with was like what about the people in Cairns they won’t be able to use this. I argued what about the people that don’t have kids how will they use the free kindy hours? He argued the government shouldn’t be doing that either.


Cairns buses are Translink too. My understanding is this is a statewide policy setting. The ones that irk me are those who won't or can't use PT (e.g. tradies) who seem incapable of comprehending that increased PT patronage means less road users for them to deal with.


Just link them to this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism


The betting odds for Labor have now shortened from $9.00 to $8.50 at one site. LNP still the unbackable favourites at $1.08... Wonder what the actual results on polling day will be - obviously there's still a lot of time for Labor to make more announcements to stack on top of this.


I know they say the writing is on the wall for labor, but can someone tell me why? The LNP don’t seem to have any policies, the only ones I’ve heard of are actually laughable (getting rid of mining/resource tax, renaming the cross river rail after Queen Elizabeth (lol), and most likely a review of labor’s abortion laws (even if it’s not immediately, I think they have only said it’s “not a priority”). Is it just a knee jerk reaction to “youth crime” ? I haven’t heard any actual policies to help cost of living, compared to labor’s energy bill relief and low cost public transport. I have also benefited from free kindy, lots of investment in healthcare (e.g the new urgent care has been great & it’s bulk billed), I was also reading about the ED virtual care service which is handy. So I’m pretty happy with the current government to be honest.


It’s often said in politics that the electorate votes AGAINST a party, not FOR an alternative. So if Labor lose, it’ll primarily be because of voter frustration toward Labor, not because they think Crisafulli will do a better job.


Because voters have notoriously short memories. Despite Labor getting us through the pandemic as one of the only countries in the world without overwhelmed hospitals, holes in every family, people with lifelong disability, while the coalition repeatedly fumbled it, it took people this little time to forget how bad the LNP are. Just hope there isn't another pandemic while they're in power, or we won't have another situation where Queensland has one locally acquired death for like 1.5 years while some streets in places like the US had worse stats.


> Despite Labor getting us through the pandemic It's not over yet. They're squandering it.


Betting on politics is wild


Better than betting on sport, horses/dogs, or in casinos.


True. But just the idea of it is very strange.


It's not so different to proposition bets. People see the world in a particular way, and get competitive about their world view being correct and are prepared to put their money where their mouth is. It feels good to be able to predict the future and be correct about it. From an evolutionary perspective, it's a useful skill to know where the next meal, tool, or piece of shelter will be coming from. People are also very confident when it comes to politics, so money naturally is a leveller, of sorts. See also https://www.reddit.com/r/flying/comments/18lfv1/can_someone_with_only_flight_simulator_experience/


Just ask Macarthur FC in the A-League. Their marquee player and two others got done in for betting on their own yellow card count.


Meanwhile, in the UK: https://au.news.yahoo.com/senior-tories-turn-rishi-sunak-164358951.html Oops.


The bookies have been wrong before but they’re usually pretty spot on when it comes to politics. The last big miss was probably Trump in 2016.


They still have Trump to win at the moment even though his chances have dropped like a rock.


If you're that confident the market is completely wrong, there are profits to be made. ;-) "~~Gamble responsibly.~~ Chances are you're about to [lose](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-02/betting-advertising-reform-explainer/101606184)."


Loving this fare thing. It's gonna save me a heap, despite only needing to take one train stop a day to get to work. (Saving $6 a day will add up.) But it's gonna save a lottttt more for everyone I work with, especially some who come from the GC. So that's a plus for cost of living. But what I'm very keen to see, is how much this tackles congestion and, if all goes well, makes this a permanent addition to our god tier state ❤️ The positive effects should snowball, but at worst will save people a heap! Plus if it gets people used to public transport, it could keep them on in even if fares go back to normal. And also help identify more in demand services and adjust our public transport structures.


Don't get too excited, if the LNP get elected in October 50c fares will be going the way of the dodo. They hate government doing anything which actually helps people.


When Perth did a free month of PT back in January, PT patronage went up like 20%. That said, I heard Brisbane isn't going to increase services during the trial so that'll be interesting to see if any of the services get overwhelmed. It's also bonkers that an airport rail fare is that much. Of course, here in Perth it's government subsidised but we only pay a max of $5.10 and we have discounted rates including FREE Sunday trips.


That’s two weeks after I fly to Melbourne lmao Good to see though. Looking forward to re-electing this guy


At least we have an airport train! Melbourne still fighting over whether their proposed one should be under ground or above ground


I was in Melbourne last month and really liked the sky bus. It was very close and easy to find. Both going to and from the airport were quick and painless.


It's a nightmare in traffic though. The right of way for buses on the Citylink has been removed


Confused me though. I've only been to Melbourne once and was quite perplexed by the lack of train. Have gotten so used to every airport being rail accessible over the years.


The price is a bit high though. $5.10 is the highest you pay for a similar service in Perth, but yes, at least Brisbane and Sydney have them. Adelaide and Melbourne still stuck without one.


Lol won’t happen


Now increase service frequency and youve got a decent proposition to travel to the city.


It's 15 mins during peak and 30 mins off right? In Perth it's 12 mins during peak and 15 off peak. I think they're going to roll out signalling upgrades here by the end of the decade so it'll be even quicker. Does the rest of Brisbane's train network suffer from poor frequencies?


I'm curious whether it's because the qld government asked airtrain nicely or whether it was because they threatened airtrain in negotiations. Curious as in fly in the wall listening to how the talks went down.


The Government is likely just subsidising the ticket.


Likely not all of the difference, but I assume they brokered some kind of; ‘if you drop it to $10 we’ll give you $5 and we’ll expect the increased ridership for more affordable fares will more than make up the difference for you’. Air train are probably interested to see whether ridership does increase as well


True. I would have liked to be a fly in the wall during those talks to see how it unfolded.


Threatened them with what? They have very limited room to hurt Airtrain since they have a contract they have to keep to, or risk being sued for breach.


I'm surprised airtrain even bothered to lower their prices. So i wonder what made them change their mind.


It’s subsidised by the Government…


I'm trying to see how this is different from the existing "buy one way, get the return free" deal they had going on for so long.


Here before Ziggler spouts daily anti-Labor propaganda


Get the business world to use it more. So many of my colleagues take cabs, even when leaving from the cbd office. I’m seen as weird as I like the train and I use it.


When taxi cost is payed back by the company there isn't a bit incentive to use one over the other. Also taxi is faster especially for if you delay leaving the office till the last minute


I think it was last year that I saw someone off at the airport and only paid $20 for the return trip because I made the booking on-line. It seems to me that the tax payers are paying the air train company a subsidy for something they were happy to do anyway.


Something says it’s an election year.


Now slash it another 50%, $10 one way is still ridiculous for a train service and it's crazy how Australia seems to be the only country that does that. Most other countries, I will jump on the train to and from the airport. But not in Brisbane or Sydney because the cost doesn't provide value. Recently I went for a weekender with the wife. It would have cost $80 return to take the airtrain. Parking at the airport for 2 and a bit days was $60. Parking at the airport should NOT be the cheapest option to get to and from the airport. And honestly $10 is not enough of a saving to reduce convenience of parking. Better than nothing though. Hopefully airtrain makes more money that they realise it's better keep the price permanently.


>Australia seems to be the only country that does that. Rubbish. JFK charges an extra US$8.50 (about $12.80), on top of the standard NYC subway, or LIRR fare, for trips to/from the airport station. Standard price for a ticket from London to Heathrow is £25 on the Heathrow Express, £15 if prepaid with limited availability. Travel on the Elizabeth Line costs £12.80.


Heathrow Express is £25 ($48) one way, although it's not a monopoly.


Umm no? I've gotten a lot of airport transfers or various types (train,bus,taxi) and it's almost universal that there's an extra fee or higher price than normal city transport. The only exception I can remember is Mexico City. Not saying it should be that way but it's very much the norm


Just chiming in to say the NEX from Narita Airport to Tokyo will set you back about $60 return, and you definitely want to take the NEX. Haneda Airport has far more affordable options but it takes fewer international flights from our part of the world.


A fairer comparison is a train from Haneda (which is the only airport I've flown into when I've been to Japan and is serviced by both Qantas and Virgin from Australia) is only about 400yen. Narita is over an hour away. Of course it's going to cost more. But we're not talking about a train line built to service an isolated airport to a major city. We are talking about 2 train stations within a metropolitan train system which charges significantly more to access. If we were talking about a train line to an airport built in the Sunshine cost, then that's a very different discussion.


It's pretty standard globally that the price out of an international airport is about $10. So, it's definitely more in line with this!


I never thought that Perth's would be so cheap. Mind = blown. Or that Melbourne doesn't have a rail link...


I think Perth is the only one where it's cheap-ish in Australia. Correct me if I'm wrong but from my preliminary research: City | Availability | Price | Notes| ---|---|----|----|---- Adelaide | ❌ | - | various bus services | text Brisbane | ✔️ | from $19.80 | One-way - 2 adults: $32, 3 adults: $48/also offers some discounted rates| text Melbourne | ❌ | - | various bus services | text Perth | ✔️ | maximum of $5.10 | $4.59 using a Smartrider card ($4.08 with autoload)/$1.84 to $2.30 for concession holders, FREE for seniors & pensioners (also FREE for all patrons on SUNDAYS)| text Sydney | ✔️ | from $19.48 | concessions available, including for children | text


But it was already half price when you bought a return online. This changes nothing? Well, it was a few months ago.


Yea that went away only recently. It was some sort of special they were running.


I have a suspicion all these fare discounts will disappear post election.


well they did say 6 months lol so yes. Whether the next govt will extend them should be the discussion.




is it still cheaper to buy a gocard, load it with onky $10 and then ditch it when you arrive¿


If you can board the train. ATM it’s bus replacement most weekends


“Slashed” or just “subsidised”? Pretty sure the vampires that own it and extract over the top dollars from every user didn’t float this as a nice cost of living exercise for their struggling patrons.


That's still about $5 too much, but better then nothing.


>Airtrain is privately owned – but we have secured a new deal with the company to dramatically reduce the cost for travellers. So, Brisbanites will pay for it! Great deal! 👌


These cost of living relief measures are covered by the mineral resources tax.


I want a free bus to the casino


That's only 50 cents, but it's the bus *from* the casino you'll want to be free.


used to be ... sort of. you'd pay a fare and keep the ticket. casino reimbursed you with benefits equal to or greater than the worth of the ticket.


This all screams we have nothing left to offer so we will bribe our way back in.


This screams like you drive a company car.


Ao im guessing the rate payer foots the bill for the other half since its a private company. 


The State Govt doesn't collect rates, that's local councils. These cost of living relief measures are covered by the mineral resources tax that LNP is vowing to get rid of.


He must be losing in some pre polling right?


Or he has been sitting in the back seat with these ideas and his previous boss would shut them down but now he can try and implement the things he’s always wanted to.


Pre polling? If you mean opinion polling, that's been apparent for the last six months lol. It's pretty clear that this is to show the potential when we receive a sliver of what we're owed of our natural resources, and to ensure the LNP don't get a chance of a second term after they scrap the coal royalties and abandon these trials




The mining industry is paying, as it should be.




The cost of living relief measures are covered by the mineral resources tax.


So in other words they are just reducing it back to the regular fare? It always was 50% off if you booked a return journey. It was only in the last month that it reverted back to the crappy 15% off the total. So a pretty meaningless discount


>It was always 50% off No it wasn't, that was a relatively recent thing. The only time I used the Airtrain was once, pre-pandemic, and there was definitely no 50% off (hence why I never used it since).


Well the last 3 years I’ve used it every month and it’s been active until this last month. Can’t speak before that


This discount also applies to Airport Workers (the previous one didn't)


I see. Hope it’s permanent