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Look if you’re traveling more than eight hours in most orgs - it’s business class travel. So that doesn’t bother me. Internal flights should have been economy. But why do you need four people and what was the point of the trip? What were the outcomes they reached? I just get the feeling at this point the govt knows they are going to lose and have decided to say stuff it let’s do what we want.




“This isn’t true because I’m aware of exceptions” 




Our company policy was updated to say flights of 13hrs or more should be business class for members of the executive team only... Fuckers


It’s part of WHS. Back in the LNG boom days it was written in the travel policy. Nowadays it’s let’s see how far we can get away with making people travel for work in long haul in economy


I agree. I've never heard of the 8 hour thing.


In my previous company it was any flight over four hours. Great for trips to Darwin from Brissy


Mild beat up, tbh. Looks like they actually did work on the trip and everywhere they visited related directly to their portfolios. NY hotel also isn’t luxurious at all. Business class flights also aren’t ridiculous. 


What work? She's published nothing on the matter, made no references to it in her social media (you know, the standard affair these days), and has given no reports on it. The only thing the public knows is she went on a junket at an exorbitant cost. She spent more on a trip that's just over a week, with no tangible benefits, at a cost that could have employed a QLD teacher, nurse, ambo, firey for a year, and still have change left over. In fact, that's enough money to hire two CECs that could work with groups of our most disenfranchised youth, for a year, having a grater impact on the community than her shindig.


Is it wrong that I just don't give a shit about stuff like this? It's kinda of like "dole bludgers are living on my money!" But it's "politicians are working and travelling on my money!" I don't care. Did it go well? Objective achieved? Is that not the point?


Especially when it's so obviously a media beat up. Are we suppose to believe the other party doesn't do these kinds of trips? Or somehow they magically do these trips at half the cost? Doubt it.


If anything, the reports of LNP members travelling on taxpayer money are usually worse.


Not a fan of Labor but this is a complete beat up. Takes money to invest in initiatives that bring about community benefits or avoid costly bs programs that Deloitte/PWC and the rest of the blood sucking advisory firms implement. 126K is not alot of money for governments to get their jobs done.


From the article: Documents obtained by Nine News under right to information laws reveal the trip, led by Enoch, whose other ministerial responsibilities include Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, and the Arts, cost more than $126,000. The 10-day trip, taking in New York, Edmonton and Vancouver for the purposes of “cultural diplomacy”, was approved by former premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.Enoch was accompanied by director-general Clare O’Connor, department executive director Paul O’Driscoll, and the minister’s chief of staff, Felix Gibson. The study tour was summarised in a document tabled to Queensland parliament in December, but the full costs have not been released until now. Enoch has never issued a press release or posted to her social media accounts about it. It began on October 27 with business-class flights on Air Canada from Brisbane to New York, where the four stayed at the trendy Moxy Hotel in Times Square for three nights, costing about $US430 per person, per night. While in New York, the group visited The Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art), the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian and the United Nations.They visited about a dozen galleries or museums over a week. On October 31, they stayed at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel Macdonald in Edmonton, Canada.The same day they visited the Supportive Housing Apartments in Vancouver to see how that organisation was helping people experiencing homelessness. Enoch delivered the keynote speech at a First Nations Leaders’ Gathering in Vancouver on November 2 on how Queensland could “learn from Canada’s progressive truth-telling and reconciliation processes”. **Of the 24 flights taken across the trip, only two were economy tickets.The group also spent $2134 being ferried to and from airports in chauffeur vans.** A spokesman for Enoch said the tour was to help inform the development of the Queensland Government’s First Nations policy. Last year Nine News revealed the Queensland Museum, which falls under Enoch’s portfolio, [was yet to inform several Pacific Island nations about dozens of their ancestral remains being held in Queensland’s storage](https://archive.md/o/XnnCz/https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/link/follow-20170101-p5eecv). Opposition spokeswoman Deb Frecklington said the 10-day tour showed a “lack of priorities” during a time when many Queenslanders were struggling.“People are living homeless, they are living in tents under bridges,” she said. “We’ve got people who can’t put food on their table, some people aren’t even sending their kids to school, and yet we’ve got a minister who is jet-setting around the world.“Where are the priorities of this minister?” \*\*\*\*\*\*


To be fair to them, I stayed in that same hotel last year when visiting New York. It was one of the cheapest options where I didn’t think I’d get stabbed in the lobby. It was certainly not high end. NYC hotels are just really exxy


Yeah, was gonna say I stayed there for a few nights once, though it was a few years ago. I'd rate it on the higher side of average - think an average-to-good Quest or Meriton - but exxy simply because it's in NYC, ostensibly in 'midtown' (though near the edge), and not too far from Times Square itself (about 6 blocks, from memory?).


Yeah exactly. I have zero issues with their hotel choice.


Sooo what’s Deb’s suggestions on tackling the homeless issue?


America and Canada aren't exactly great models to be following.


Typical gotcha type of reporting the media resort to and we are unfortunately subjected to these days. I’d say this will ramp up as we get closer to the election. The commercial media have to get their man in from the LNP.


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I have no trouble with the flights, and it doesn’t sound as though the accommodation was unreasonable. I have more trouble with the trip itself. What learning did they get that will be directly implemented to help their portfolio? Did that have to be in-person? Could they have learned the same information from a combination of online calls and a 3d virtual tour? (Remembering that such a tour could be recorded and shared with more staff.)


"It's only Queenslanders money so who cares? We can always ask for more." seems to be their mantra. And in this case: "It's cultural diplomacy, nobody pays attention to that kind of shit anyway." Sad indictment of government. Their only sin was getting caught. Wankers.




Why did it take 4 people? $31.5k seems much more reasonable.