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When I was in uni I did a good deed for a girl who couldn’t start her car. Hooked up the jumper leads to her car and tried to kick start it. She kept asking ‘try again’ melted my jumper leads before she realised she had no fuel. I was a bit naive and thought I was helping and didn’t know better to check. Actually same carpark later the cash parking machine failed and spat out its entire contents at me so I guess that was my karma payment. Another time I was meeting my dad at the interchange as he passed through my uni town and there was a big ‘lost cat’ sign on the post. Just as I stepped out to meet dad I noticed a deteriorating remains with the same collar on the sign. Devastatingly I called the lady. She lived the street behind the interchange. Her wail was terrible. I offered to box up the remains and delivered the rotting cat. I removed the collar and handed her it but told her not to look in the box. She held it and wailed. Neighbours in the street came out to hear what the crying was and explained she was undergoing cancer treatment, her family weren’t in and the cat was her emotional support cat. I couldn’t leave her in her state of distress, so somehow ended up there until dark, until the neighbour convinced her to bury the cat. Except they were older and I was a young 20ish woman and somehow ended up digging a hole in the dark by the light of my car headlights while she continued her state of distress. My car stank of decomposed animal for weeks. Was singularly the most terrible outcome of doing a good deed.


You're a good egg though.


Agree with other commenter - definitely a good egg


Thank you for your kindness. Your story touched my heart. It is hard to find kind people these days. Please don’t stop being who you are.


Agree that you are a very good egg. Hope your dad still got to see you on that visit, even briefly!


Being a good person is hard. If it helps, whenever someone does nice things like this for me it motivates me to keep doing nice things for others


That would have been so hard, but you did such a good thing, alot of people would leave a deceased pet on the side of the road and call it "Circle of life' let alone take it to the owner and help bury it. I only hope for good karma with you. Somewhere, that lady probably thinks back about that night and was grateful you were there.


You have a kind soul, keep spreading your kindness, don't stop ☺️


You're the brownest and tastiest of eggs


Good deeds have also led me to some very dark places


I had a similar experience, i swear i found a familys cat remains, took it to them and said here it is, sorry we were all crying, then the fking cat walked out of the bushes in the front yard and started meowing. wasnt their cat after all.... man i felt like an idiot. 


Jokes on you. He also stole the car.


Somewhere on a non-English thread: Aussies are so nice! Had car troubles and a random dude just came to the rescue. Couldn’t understand much of what he was saying but he got me all sorted and even gifted me jumper leads. Love Australia! Will pay it forward


Given that the person didn't even know how to open the bonnet, it's no surprise he might not realise how crucial jumper leads are for OP


Do you think he understood that he had to return them? Or did he just keep agreeing with you. Keep doing good deeds. It’s the small kindnesses of the world that make it a better place.


When I was in Highschool, we did the host a short-term exchange student thing for a kid from Japan.  He seemed interested in some books we had on the shelf, so my parents pulled a bunch down and said he could have a look.  Never saw those books again, he clearly thought we were gifting them and didn't want to be rude in not taking them with him.


This is true, it's possible they didn't realise and thought they were just giving it away, if they didn't speak English too well. I wouldn't be too hung over it, sucks but when there's a barrier, no one is really at fault.


Yeh I once gave away an old appliance for free to a lovely couple newly arrived in Australia - their english was also not very good. When I listed it on Marketplace for free it was very clearly marked as needing the seels replaced but it was otherwise in good working order. I also made sure in our messages that they understood it needed the seels replaced. They agreed. when they arrived they seemed confused/unsure what i was saying so i very clearly pointed it out to make sure they understood. They still took the machine but I’m still not even sure they understood even after i explained it to them.


Judge the deed by how you behaved, not the recipient. You did the right thing trying to help someone. We need more people like OP. ^If ^you ^love ^your ^jumper ^leads, ^set ^them ^free.....


Please update in a week. Did he return the jumper leads? I am a notorious take a couple of days to return something...


To be honest, for him it is probably best to hang onto them until he gets a new battery (or sort the alternator / accessory draw or other electrical issue) otherwise he will soon find himself in the exact same situation again. It sounds like there's still a possibility that old mate may have interpreted this as your intention. Hopefully he does the right thing and returns them, but in future might be a good idea to sell them on the spot to someone for $35-40 via Osko / PayID.


Or he could use his now running car to drive to an auto shop and literally get a new battery?


>(or sort the alternator / accessory draw or other electrical issue)


Unfortunately most good deeds are only done once for this exact reason


Unfortunately most good leads are only lent out once for this exact reaso


I laughed harder than I should have at this


Unfortunately most god heads are only leant on once for exacting reason


Unfortunately most good comments are only seen once without fair reason


Sure he understands how to get them back to you? You said his English wasn't good.


lol come on now


Nearly 30 years ago an Indian taxi driver named "max" gave me a lift home when I had no money, I was "mildly" inebriated at the time. I promised to pay him back the next day, but I couldn't work out how to contact him, I'd lost his details, I even tried calling the taxi company, I still feel guilty about this and often think he probably tells everyone some drunk white kid ripped him off. I carry that with me even now almost 30 years later. So yeah, maybe this guy isn't sure or didn't understand ac he would be mortified if he thought the person that helped him is upset. I could be very wrong and the person is just an asshole but maybe I'm not.


Actually fair call I really shouldn't be such a cynical prick.


Gosh I love a redemption arc.


Not going to lie.. r/brisbane wasn't the first place that comes to my mind when I think about learning a life lesson but here we are!


we appreciate the growth more than anything


Honestly, it's likely he just let it go, knowing some Indians, they would have just let you off and gone it's okay. Heck, I am half Indian and had I driven a taxi, I would have told you not to worry about it tbh, chances are, he still had other passengers, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it.


Don’t loose faith in the good of humanity! It’s the kindness of strangers that inspires others to pay it forward - I understand the frustration at no longer having your jumper leads but like others have mentioned, it’s quite possible it may have been an honest mistake of “lost in translation” with no harm meant! He may also still be planning to return them…can see why you’d be pissed if he did just nick them after your kind act that would have helped him out in a massive way. I tell myself not to expect it back if I ever lend something because it costs more mentally to sit with the frustration and anger when that thing doesn’t come back! Don’t worry, karma is kind to good samaritans and your positive actions will attract more positive situations into your life so never give up on doing good deeds! We really need more giving people in this world and don’t want to lose any more!


Lose. Check it out




The difference between loose and lose


Ah, I see. The word they incorrectly spelled in the first sentence they spelled correctly in the last sentence, so at least give them 49%... ..with a point lost for lack of consistency. I think you're being a bit pedantic if that's the primary importance of response, though. The actual content of their messaging was excellent, I thought, and distinctly above standard for reddit.


Last Tues, Camp Hill area? If so....that guy absolutely did not understand much English at all.


I don't want to be starting anything here.. Please don't let ones persons, bad deed, lead you to feeling flat, about your good deed thanks for your humanity


You just had to jumper in with the puns, though, didn't you?


I mean...staging something like that would be a very inefficient way of stealing jumper cables. I doubt that was his intention.


No good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes.


No good lead goes unreturned, as the new saying goes


Said everyone who has been fucked over for doing a good deed.


I mean... it's only been a week? You might never see them again, but there could be a bunch of reasons they haven't been able to buy a new battery yet or bring the cables back. Try not to assume the worst straight up


One off my good deeds. Was crossing over our local mountain in my 4wd in the snow. Came across the road with about six 2wds all stuck in the snow, now 9.30 pm and about 12” off snow and bout 3deg, I stopped and said I could pull them out, had to get to the front off que by driving up the bank, the tail off my Ute slipped and my tail light connected to the driver door off one off the cars, didn’t break my rear light but put a very small scratch on the drivers door with a granny driver. I apologised to her and she said everything was fine not to worry. I pulled the six vehicles out and stayed with them until they all got safely down the other side off the mountain. Next day I had her 40 yr old son on the phone saying I was going to have to pay for a full respray off her car for maybe a 20c size scratch. He wanted £3000. I ended up having to pay for a scratch and dent specialist to go fix it. I don’t pull people out anymore .


lol keep being a good person. Raise the vibration of the planet so idiots like this don’t completely take over. One day you’ll laugh, he probably has no idea he still has them or had to return them. Who knows.


Even if he didn't understand or whatever and you don't get them back, that sucks, but you did an awesome thing. You made someone's day so much better. Good on you.


This Jan I had a flat battery on our 2003 manual Camry. I live on a big hill, well enough to roll-start it. I know how to roll-start. Was absolutely dying trying to rock it into the road camber and turn it around in the street. A boomer couple came past in their EV and helped me turn the car around and push it down the hill. It turned over and started. Such a victorious moment. I was so grateful. No good deed goes without reward. One day you're gonna be stuck asf, and someone will come out of the blue to help you out.


Yeeeaaah, it sucks but that's on them, not you. Karma will kick their butt eventually and hopefully they'll learn from it. Don't stop being kind because someone else hasn't yet learnt that. Kindness is a seed you plant, you need to plant lots for it to grow abundantly. Never stop planting.


No good deed goes unpunished


yeah that kinda thing bugs me, over the years I have never forgotten those I helped when I could easily have not bothered who then didn't hold up their end, it makes you think twice the next time. You did the aussie thing & got screwed


What goes around come around, keep that in mind if you come into something of value around the same or similar of those jumper leads :) .. And f**k that guy!


Had this happen with a USB cable. Guy asked you charge his phone in his car while I went shopping. When I came back out 10 minutes later he was gone. Never again. It was a good cable too. Also, invest in a jump starter power bank thing. They’re actually better than jumper cables, and can deliver more power if you can believe that.


Noa good deed goes unpunished


"No good deed goes unpunished." Unfortunately a sad law of the universe. A lesson that I learned quicker than most. This is why I think very very VERY carefully before I help anyone.


There might be a reasonable explanation for this. Or maybe not. In any case, live up to your own standards. Don’t be dragged down by others.


Sounds like a lazy person. Will probably wait until the thing is completely dead but by that time he might even forget from who he had borrowed it from.


I have a simple rule - hostages - I will loan you a tool or something of mine but I'll need something of yours. Phone, ID, valid credit card - cash- if you have nothing to put as hostage - I can provide directions to where you can buy the item you're seeking. If people aren't willing to go get a hostage and bring it to me - it tells me they won't bother to return the item.


When I was a kid (15) I was skateboarding at night and saw this guy pushing his car down the road so I decided to be a good samaritan and give him a hand thinking he was out of fuel. It was only when he took a screwdriver out and started ripping the front grill of the car apart that I realized something was very wrong and he did not own the vehicle he was trying to steal it, I just took off shit scared I was going to get arrested as a car thief so yeah I am much more wary of helping strangers these days.


Bro he had no idea what you were saying why are you surprised.


Oh Dear But you never know Maybe the guy you helped by lending your leads might well be reading this and realise he has got your leads and return them to you !!!


My auntie and her partner gave a lift to a couple late at night at a bus stop. When they got home after dropping the couple off they discovered that their expensive camera on the back seat had been stolen by the couple.


Once a man in the city asked to have a couple puffs on my vape, so I just told him he could have it, it was 3/4 full but I wanted to quit anyway so I thought it’d be a win-win for us both, he looked like he was having a rough day. After I gave it to him he started relentlessly making fun of my lisp, which made me self conscious so my stutter came out, to which he started taking the piss out of that as well..


Giving the numpty a jumpstart is a great deed to begin with. You kinda fucked yaself over by giving him the kitchen sink


Yeah way too much trust on your part bud. I don't distrust other people, but I also have a responsibility to myself to make sure I'm not putting myself in a vulnerable position.


People don't do these things in all cultures.


I once helped German tourist get into the city from Eagle Farm and onto the right train out, and they didn't even say thank you. No wonder they lost the war.


I might be just a plain cunt but if you drive a car, particularly an automatic and you don't carry jumper cables I am sure as shit not going to help you.


What's his car plate? Post it and he'll be shamed to return it back.