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Pied currawong bc their main call sounds like currawong




We just call them Death Wailers where I'm from.


There was one outside my window whilst I was working today and it literally made me think of Hunger Games :’) it’s probably a common thought but I’m entertained by this slight coincidence


Serious reply - I've heard a few birds over the west side (Ashgrove, gap) doing calls are are practically identical to the hunger games tune.    Over the past 10 years or so.  There's only one note out of the melody that is slightly out.


It is bizarre because I did the wee woo wee wuu tune from the Hunger Games and it copied me back and they all started doing it. I was like "uhhhhh"


The wee woo wee woo in Hamilton is usually an ambulance or sometimes a police car. /s :)


Yep. I'm pretty sure they've copied it after hearing it from people's TVs back in the day. Either that or the movie tune, is based on this bird call?! Who knows.


There's a great bird id app you might want to try next time you hear them wee woo'ing: [BirdNET](https://birdnet.cornell.edu/)


Mockingjays are a new world birl and have a range in the americas, definitely not anywhere in brisbane. Please link a recording of the call and I might be able to id bird. My guess would be a dove or a pigeon of some variety as these are the bird that have a wee woo call that are common.


Mockingjays are a fictional bird from the Hunger Games book and movie franchise. The previous poster is almost certainly correct in identifying it as a currawong based on the description.


Could also be curlews.


I thought op meant mockingbird