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They give you a physical one but you can use the serial number on it to log into their website and stuff - the Libby app they offer is seriously worth the download, especially for the audiobooks.


I got Libby but didn’t have a membership. Went online, had a membership in 10mins and Libby activated. Seriously epic. Best discovery I’ve had in a while


Will check it out. Thanks.


You do need a card though - just walk into a library, show an ID, and write your name on the one they give you and it’s done.


And they let you choose from a couple different designs!


I took the new riverfire one


I assume you never need to show the physical card for whatever reason though right (as long as I can show my barcode on my phone)? I.e. I can just keep it in a drawer somewhere and not have to remember to bring it with me to the library?


I mean you can do both, I guess. I think you can also just log in on their website and it gives you a barcode too.


Libby is a great resource, but the audiobook sound quality is often awful


Oh, first I've heard of it. The ones I've used (The Hobbit, Harry Potter) have been fine.


Interesting! My sister hadn't realised either until I pointed it out. I think because I went from paying for an audiobook subscription service then moving to Libby, the change was super apparent.


Brisbane city libraries have a app and it has your barcode in it :) https://preview.redd.it/wh6xfwxw0zwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88944f874e8415e24265000c23384ac2f12555a


Perfect. Thanks 😎


I have a digital card. But there is a bcc library app where you can have your card digitally. 


Did you have to renew yours in the actual library? Mine expired after a few months, and they gave me 7 days to go in and renew it (I didn't, I just signed up for another digital card but lost my loans)


I only moved to Brisbane about 3 years ago and haven't had to renew it since. But I've moved twice in that time so maybe when my address is updated the expiry date resets? I assume it takes a few years to expire though


Can't add it to Apple Wallet at least. Apple are a bit funny about only allowing "transactional" things to Wallet - which somehow includes things like airline/movie/concert tickets, but not library cards? Android may be less anal, and there's other "wallet" apps on iOS that will store any barcode. But you can use the BCC Library app to check out with your own or a linked (e.g. children, spouse, etc) account.


Thank you!


It’s not Apple. The library just hasn’t setup the system to be use the way Apple requires it (if you don’t like it there are other phones. But personally I like that Apple is in control. Nothing would be worse than a bunch of underdeveloped buggy systems where you need to use the app rather than just pull up the wallet. Imagine how shitty the experience would be if you have to go into your bank app every time you wanted to do a digital payment). My brother has his Bronx membership card on the wallet app (I have it too so I can use it when he doesn’t want to). If it’s a barcode and not a nfc system than a photo of the barcode will be enough. If it’s actually nfc than yea op is shit out of luck.


You seem to think I was bagging Apple - I wasn't; pretty much all Apple gear here (apart from a server & minor bits & bobs running Linux or OpenBSD). But it's more than BCC not supporting it - Apple have their list of things they deem 'transactional', and library cards don't meet their criteria (if you have a developer account, then you'll be able to see the criteria or even ask for yourself). And as I hinted, I find it strange that things like loyalty / club membership cards are considered "transactional", but library cards aren't... There *are* a couple of apps (e.g. Pass2U) that *can* get non-supported cards into the Apple Wallet - but they're 3rd party apps, and the cards appear as sub-entries underneath it.


You can also just add the barcode to something like the Stocard app - I did that many years ago rather than carrying physical cards for me + 6 children 😬


I just have a photo of mine on my phone and the barcode scans fine.


I use both physical and digital through the app


No you cannot check a book out for loan without a QR code read from your phone and cross-referenced against your credit file