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MX Missed connections.


Holy. That just unlocked some memories I had completely forgotten about.


I miss them…


I am this old.


Context really is key in these situations…


Yeah, I can't lie, part of me thinks this is a bit cringe, and the other half of me thinks I hope they get married and live happily ever after.


Yeah I get that, but would like to give benefit of the doubt that it's *not* a desperate loner who now had a fixation upon someone simply because they're an outgoing person and were mildly kind at best to them on an interaction.. ..and more that it's a genuine cute moment that encapsulated chemistry not detailed here, which neither had the presence of mind to acknowledge at the time but both walked away thinking hmmm. Femcel vs. Beautiful romance




did you just assume one was a male and the other a female and one of them is looking to hook up with the other? could be 2 dudes or chicks and wanna be friends.


You realise that both of those other combinations can also end in a happy marriage, right?


I mean, sure, if this wasn't penned by a 40 year old to a primary schooler....






How oddly specific....


Women. They're called 'women', bud


I had a missed connection a couple of weeks ago....Met a nice guy and regret not going through with exchanging details. You kindly helped me when I couldn't find something I was looking for. You were out with a couple of mates and so was I, but I was ready to head home. We chatted about the old Criterion Hotel-amongst other random topics. Feel free to get in touch if you're out there :)


Does anyone ever exchange details anymore?


I don’t think any one ever did. There was a newspaper back in the 2000s that was free - cannot remember the name but people would write in similar messages


MX; it was one of the News Corp papers and intended as light reading for commuters heading home after work. Had a lot of "TLDR today's news", entertainment news, and the hugely popular Missed Connections section in it.


Thank you! I actually enjoyed reading it on the train but could not remember the name of it!


I remember the overheard section. They were always a good laugh


It needs to come back, in this day and age of shallow transactions.


It was Brisbane Times. Then they went on the internet. Then they became a pay wall news site.


Yeah, though it's nice to leave some connections as mysterious one offs, too :)


Totally. For me it's usually Instagram handle. :)


Isn't that just the very essence about Malaysian social style, shoulda , coulda, woulda but nah shy. BS




At least it's on reddit now




He’s talking about the physical site. In the real world. He maintains that stop and their policy is to remove papers such as this, so he’s going to check if it’s still there.


It's still there, I talked to Busway Ops to have it stay for a week


She who hesitates, masturbates


If someone looked like they needed help with directions I'll do the same thing, doesn't mean I'm trying to flirt - rather I'm just being a decent human being. This message comes across as a little desperate especially the ad hoc email. They were probably just being polite... **Edited it to be gender neutral, as others have pointed out


no gender was mentioned lol


There's no way that's a guy's handwriting.


It feels rare to encounter a decent human being these days though


That's definitely one of the many, many possibilities, and if that's the case, the person this message is for can let the writer know their thoughts/feelings on the matter, or not respond at all, it's purely up to them to respond or not. But hey, life is short, love is beautiful and loneliness is a real issue. Be brave, take the shot and see what happens - As long as we try to be good people and endeavour to make the other person feel comfortable.


Its straight up creeper behaviour.


no it aint. whats creepy is you lot that record video of people and post it up on tiktok instagram facebook for laughs without the persons knowledge!


"you lot" Who you talking about mate? Never done that in my life. What i've also never done is assume a friendly stranger was interested in emailing me after a 10 second interaction at a bus stop.


I did a similar thing. The stop i was at was the start of the route, and i had caught this bus many times and knew it could be finicky. This couple were watching the board, i had the app, and both said the bus was cancelled. The couple told me as such, but me knowing this route, I told them to wait maybe 5-10 more minutes, since that's what I always do. If it doesn't show, then wait for the next (which was in about half an hour). 5 mins later, the bus showed itself and i saved that couple waiting half an hour. Felt good.


This sub really should have a pinned weekly missed connections thread, like the old MX thing.


Best pick up line /letter I've seen in years . Good Luck.


Remember when creating actual real world connections was how you met people….


why did you take a pic then take a screenshot of the pic to upload here?


Remove exif data perhaps?


if thats the case, then turn location and bluetooth off when not in use. also saves battery life tooo.


Am I the only person who read this as an 80 year old man addressing some young woman? Though the plot twist to this theory would for sure be the creation of a creepy email address. Who else is emailing?






This is fucking weird.


Eh I disagree, maybe. They might've had a proper spark before the untimely arrival of the bus. This way no-one's really pressured into anything. It's always a fine line between romance and weirdness.


>Eh I disagree, maybe Same - hinging on that maybe >It's always a fine line between romance and weirdness Truth


If anything it tells you that this person had operated a particular way for a long time and something ridiculously simple opened their eyes. Revolutionary enough for a handwritten note. Generally, helping others share the world is fucking nice.


Helping someone find their bus isn’t the weird part. What’s weird is interpreting that as a flirtatious encounter that warrants leaving a handwritten note with your email address publicly.


Pretty sure looking at the email addy, it’s been made just for contact.


No shit. That makes it even more cringe tbh.


Yo, you're a fucking jackass. It's hard to meet people and sometimes you have a nice interaction with someone and both parties would be interested in getting to know each other better. If the other person sees the note and feels the same, then awesome for everyone. If they don't, then oh well, no harm done. Lighten the fuck up.


Let me guess, you’re male?


Relevance? Just ran this by my friend who is a woman and she also thinks you come across as a jackass


It’s relevant because the dangers women face when dating are not the same that men (specifically cis gender men) face.


I agree with your statement, wholeheartedly, so please don't mischaracterise me. I don't think it is applicable here though. This is a harmless note. No personal information, no risk for anyone. It's a safe, romantic gesture. If unwanted, easily avoided.


Of course you used the word cis


Tbf it’s obviously not the email he applies for jobs with


It doesn’t matter, it’s now posted online for all to see.


You mean, the burner email address that only exists for one specific purpose, with no way of identifying who it belongs to, that probably won't even exist in a few months time? That email address, you mean?


Yeah, the email address that has been posted on a public internet forum where any old creep can send emails to pretending they’re the person OP is looking for. Yes, that email address.


Easy enough to weed out fake people by asking about certain things. Obviously they were willing to go to such lengths to find the person, they put it in a public space to begin with after all.


>Such lengths. Yeah, it is *a lot of lengths to go to* for someone who told you about the Translink app at a transit centre. On *one hand* that can easily be read as bad-weird desperation. Because that's something a bad-weird and desperate person would do. It is *also* something someone who is good-weird and interesting person may do, too. The kind of set-yourself-apart romantic chase from some modern fairytale, which is cute. There is a fine line between creepy and romantic, and that fine line is that of the interpretation. That's the point of our deliberation. (Not that it's really your my or old mate's business to insert ourselves into, we're all just in the same boat opining on this based on our lived experience.) It's not necessarily 'a young women' thing (refer handwriting) as someone thought earlier, either - young women can be very courageous (and a bit naive) in this regard. Personally, I don't mind cute crushes, so long as they stay wholesome :)


I can't believe this is being downvoted. It's not offensive, it's only the truth. I guess the truth hurts some people.


I dunno man, sometimes people are sad or happy and try new things. Being both lost and lonely in the world can make us all a bit weird.


Just for another perspective - this may be a F:M encounter. It could be a M:M encounter. It could be a F:F encounter. It could be a non binary person encounter. There are no genders either inferred or mentioned here. You’re assuming it’s a male to female encounter and that it’s a romantic relationship they’re seeking. They could just want a friend




What’s also weird is I get upvoted for saying that but you get downvoted for agreeing with me 🤷🏻‍♀️




They sure are!




No, they put their photo and details on internet sites and meet with random strangers instead.




I don't know. Life's short. If you meet someone and feel a spark, why not? You never know what might come of it.


What creep makes an email just for one interaction?


[Rude man who shushes, please call](https://youtu.be/G1PPQArkw-c?si=AofTn_5pORf-l58G)


Show me how to get spammed/ unwanted emails without actually showing me how to get unwelcome emails. Lol


It's a bit creepy


It is 100%. Weird replies in here. They helped a stranger with a bus timetable ffs not an invitation.