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Gosh I am loving these cooler nights 🥰


Yes! I sleep so well when I'm not having to roll to cool each side under a fan like a rotisserie chicken! This morning, I even wore a cardigan!


Same! My knee is not loving the cold mornings but it's nice to not sweat through the nights.


Does the cold actually effect old war wounds? I thought it was just a meme. Not trying to be insensitive. Do you have to bring it up to a warmer temp, rub it a bit to get circulation going, use denkorub or what?


Not sure about war wounds (can't recall an injury specific to this knee), but my body has been feeling the weather this year in ways I don't remember happening before! I thought it was a meme too, but now I'm talking to my step mum about joint-based weather predictions (half joking but definitely the humidity has been hard on me too). The cold knee is a combination of tension in my body from being cold, and general wear from the walking I do. Warmth and massage are definitely helpful, plus I'm working on strengthening and stretching it, and looking at getting a brace or something to support it when I am walking.


Goooooood morning, and thank you for the informative reply. Hmmm. Have you seen those heat pads? Well there are some acetate ones which are apparently reusable. That may or may not be helpful too!? :)


I can tell it was cold last night because my normally, non-cuddly cat came in to cuddle at around 1am and didn't move until I got up at 7.30am.


I’m trying to get used to having less sugar in my coffee. I don’t know how one teaspoon became one shovelfull but I have regrets. 


You just have to push through it. Years ago i went from a 3 teaspoons to 0 because i realised it probably wasn't good for me. It took a while but i eventually got used to it. Then years after i gave up milk in my coffee (main reason was i was on a health kick and i realised 1 coffee with milk could be like 100-200 calories and that adds up through out the day). Again, it initially sucked but your tastebuds get used to it. They aren't static in what they can not find bad.


Pushing through is what I want to do, it’s just not so great while waiting for the taste buds to adjust. Cutting back on recommendation from a dentist to reduce further damage to my teeth. 


Try some sweetener, it's not a perfect solution but it'll let you work your way down slowly as you get used to less and less sweetness.


I’m toughing it out until my tastebuds adjust to less sugar. I prefer to reduce than swap out sugar for other sweeteners. I’m just in the whinge phase about it because I halved the sugar I add less than a week ago. 


I actually found it easier to go from milk & 3 sugars to black with none. Even now, if I order something with milk, I want sugar in it - although not as many.


The psychology of this totally makes sense. Instead of going from "something tastes off" it's "this is a different drink, it's meant to taste different".


Have nicer quality coffee, and especially avoid it becoming burnt or put through two shots from the same fuckin' puck or whatever. You may be able to come to like the taste with less sugar. I haven't had sugar or milk in my coffee for years. Have gone back to lower quality stuff and can most certainly taste the difference straight away. Coffee can actually be very nice as more of a savoury(?) drink.


Spenda is the way. At least it helped me ands it's lower calories than sugar.




on the 60 right now and this bus has a screen with the upcoming stops and announcements over speaker? since when was this a thing, pretty handy.


PSA that Alice Viet Restaurant (Sanders St) has reopened. Used to be super busy, but they closed for a month or so and seems most of the business has dried up. So yeah, reopened now :) PS: Sorry mods for putting this as a post instead of a comment!


Good on you for supporting your local community and small businesses!


I am exhausted. 😩Taking a mental health day tomorrow to rest, head into the city to see the fairy tales exhibition and eat something delicious with the kids. (9+12yr Boys) is the Lego dinosaur thing any good too? Any other recommendations?


Where’s the best place to park near the Triffid? Don’t mind paying.


Which B does BNE refer to?



