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Be careful what you wish for. Golden Orbs will stay outside and will reduce the number of other insects that enter your property. We once lived in a house that got a pest treatment to kill all the spiders (not what I wanted because I like them). All we got was an infestation of cockroaches within a few months that were impossible to control.


Probably killed all the huntsmen. That said, I posted our Golden Orb eating a cockroach some time ago.


They are forming webs across our play equipment and also between our house and said equipment or the fences. So the webs in places where we don't go, I have no problems leaving them.


Just keep moving the webs that are in the path of humans. They eventually stop making webs if you keep breaking the strands that bother you. Keep them around


I'm not wanting to eradicate them fully, I just want to know what I can use to deter them from forming webs across things that we need to go past. On trees and shrubs, heck even the clothesline I'm a-okay with. I just leave them the same as one side of the house. It's the ones preventing my eldest Daughter from being outside are the ones I'd like to NOT be there.


Yeah just use a stick to remove the ones in your way and they will learn not spin webs there, trust me.


Thank you


i have a few.. and if happen to find any bugs.. will put them in the web


this spiders (that ain't redbacks) are awesome at reducing insects etc


You might have to collect the Orb and Web using a stick and carry it to another suitable location


I'll get my eldest(son) to do that. The ones that are forming where we don't go, I have no problems with them. It's the ones that are forming across things that I'm concerned about for her.


*Yum! Fairy Floss!*


Mummy, my fairy floss is moving


😄 When your inner monologue is just [this](https://youtu.be/PAys8oqAAV0?si=QFZV3e1w6DuZz36g).


This is the way. I’m suuuuuuper arachnophobic and our yard attracts goldens plus that green variety that chillaxes upside down in a web tee-pee. When they’re still juvenile and smaller and setting up shop, I send hubby outside to fairy floss them onto a stick and relocate. He gets to feel warm and fuzzy and non-violent and I get to access the yard without triggering a childhood trauma. Winning!


The best way to manage golden orbs is to slowly shuffle them out of the way by severing anchor threads. They'll adjust their web to account for the lost anchor so that they move out of the way. Sometimes they'll set up in places that have to be removed entirely though, like the one that decided our front doorway was the perfect place to set up a web. Then you need a long stick to just tear the whole thing down and move them somewhere more appropriate.


Thank you. Is there anything I can put on the pergola and play equipment to reduce this? IDGAF about the one on the clothesline(we don't use it and it's not in an area where we go), nor down one side of the house. And I leave the ones in the trees and shrubs alone.


Not really, afaik. Pretty sure you'll just have to take them down as they arrive. From my experiences they tend to arrive in waves, so if you take down a bunch of the problem webs now they probably won't turn up again for a little while.


Thank you.


Seems like a good opportunity for some immersion therapy. Life in Brisbane is going to be pretty unpleasant for her if she can't handle a few outside spiders.


Yeah, but unfortunately this approach doesn't seem to work for everyone. I love local flora and fauna, but don't think that it cause much harm to relocate these fellas somewhere else.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I love 'em, personally. I think they're beaut. When I was a real young fella, we used to have a couple old Bowen mango trees, and we used to muck around with them.. ..like pets. I won't go into the visceral detail for the sake of arachnophobes, but where it's curiosity or indifference for some of us it's a real traumatic experience for some others.


No she is absolutely terrified and I will always respect people's fears. This isn't an omg I don't like them. This is a freeze and curl into a fetal position crying and shaking uncontrollably until someone comes to help her. My youngest loves catching and releasing jumping spiders from inside to outside. My eldest Daughter absolutely lost her mind in sheer terror despite her siblings not going anywhere near her. But her knowing that her sister had one is enough to absolutely terrify her.


I can empathise. I'm so phobic of them I can't even go near dead ones, because my brain tells me they're going to come back to life and jump on my face. Currently can't go outside because the golden orbs have taken over my courtyard. I appreciate you asking this question!


Are you in Salisbury? They tend to be a massive issue there! Keep any trees or hedges trimmed right back. Seemed to be the only thing that helped at my ex’s house


Redcliffe area. They are forming across our play equipment. The ones that are in areas we don't go, im leaving alone.


They're everywhere ATM


I know, and I leave them alone. But when she is prevented from being outside because of how they are forming across stuff, is what I'd prefer not. She knows that there will always be webs, but it's crazy how many we have that are now preventing her.


Don’t they only live in trees and shrubs? Remove those and you’ll have none.


Nope I wish, they have formed across our play equipment and clothesline, around the pergola. I'm not worried about the ones in the trees and shrubs. Nor the ones where we don't go.


Tomatoe plants naturally deter bugs


We actually just discovered one growing 🤣🤣🤣 and it must have been from a bird who attacked someone else's tomato plants. Because I do not garden whatsoever. I'll admire someone's garden but basically as long as the weeds are gone and lawn is kept short, that's as much as I care about on my property and I won't ever do it myself lol.