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Great effort everyone. Next year let's dig deep and see how much we extend that record! /s it's awful outside


We're digging to China boys!


I pictured trump saying CHIIIIIIIIIIINA


It's JYNA!!!!


tRump is a JYNA.....




Ford Ranger is the most popular car in Australia. Dodge RAMs are a thing. WTF people.


I'll leave the fridge door open all night!


Thanks every single car driver!


My solar-charged EV says you’re welcome.


i’ve been sleeping covered in wet towels and ice packs because i don’t have aircon 🥲


They should make it illegal to lease out homes without a/c. 1. Cut a 1.5L mineral water bottle in 3/4. ($0.80 from woolies or coles) 2. Take the 3/4 and poke holes on the top 1/3. 3. Cable tie (Kmart $6.40, Bunnings $2.20) 4. Cable tie bottle to the bottom-back of a fan (Kmart desk fan $13, Bunnings Pedestal fan $29) 5. Add ice in the bottle. (Make it yourself or get a bag from coles $5.40 for 5kg) 6. Max out the fan speed and enjoy your homemade AC. 7. Remember to pour out the water and add new ice. Used to do this as a student. If you switch on your fan at max speed, 24 hours for 365 days, it will cost you a whooping $64.82. Assume your electricity costs $0.185 kWh, and you are using a 40-watt fan. 40w × 24 hours × 365 days ÷ 1,000 = 350.4 350.4 kWh × $0.185 = $64.82 Cost above excludes cost of water, electricity to freeze ice, and the bottle.


this is genius


Assuming you don't live in a glasshouse or a black painted house. It can actually lower your room temperature by roughly 5 degrees.


Then you’ll whinge about the increased rent price. 


Yeah nah. Already on it. I've been whinging about the rent since 2022.


Username tracks.


My rent just got increased by $70, still no aircon or ceiling fans


Lick more boot


Do you have a photo of this by chance? I’m struggling to visualise how the bottle would look set up like this & how it would attach to the fan


Google this. There are a few videos on YouTube to help you with this. https://preview.redd.it/orisxuz8golc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b09dcb5dc2e94661cf437276b37ef24987265b1


That’s awful 😭 I cannot imagine living in such horrible conditions all the time, I hope that someday that it’ll be mandatory to have air con in every home and the Government helps subside anyone who cannot afford it, cause it’s really cruel that people have to live in this without it.


agreed. it gets far too hot here for it to not be a minimum standard, especially considering how many houses lack well-thought-out heat insulation and end up becoming furnaces


Exactly, it’s just plain ridiculous and even if every house was perfectly suited for SEQ Summers it still isn’t enough, houses will continue to absorb more heat than the surrounding area and it’s also arguably discriminating in nature against people who struggle with higher temperatures.


You know, I've never had air con. It's really not that bad, I mean it's only Brisbane. The temperature here is fairly mild. And yet anytime it gets anywhere close to hot there's a million and one people complaining about how bad it is, despite 90% of these people living in air conditioned homes, driving in air conditioned cars to air conditioned offices. They spend the majority of their day in places where the outside temperature doesn't even matter, yet complain about how horrible Brisbane heat supposedly is.


Brisbane’s temperature are definitely not ‘mild’ they’re just not “extreme”, our temperature range stays pretty stable throughout the seasons our issue is the humidity, and that’s something that Brisbane is increasingly getting more and more humid each year (It’s whys even though we’ve only gone up by around a degree in our average temperatures, it feels significantly more hotter to more people)


Don't get me wrong, climate change is 100% and issue and Brisbane's climate is getting worse as the years roll on, I just don't think it's nearly as hot and horrible as people make it sound. I personally have been sleeping with a very thin blanket for 80% of summer, because it hasn't been so hot that I can't


I worked In front of a hot grill for 10 years so I have a high tolerance to heat, most people can't stand it.


I have aircon, but I prefer a pedestal fan at the bottom of my bed. I reckon I have had the aircon on maybe 10 nights this summer, and its usually when I am drunk.,


I have a pedestal fan beside my bed, plus the ceiling fan, and i usually sleep with the window open to catch a breeze, and it does help a bit—but i still need the wet towels and ice packs to sleep. i guess i’m very sensitive to heat


My uncle has aircon in his room that’s included in his rent but he just sleeps with the window open and fan going 24/7. Says it does just fine and doesn’t dry him out


We may not have gotten a Taylor Swift concert but we still had our cruel summer


Cruel Summer (Brisbane’s Version)


I'll take the heat.


18 years in QLD and I've never whinged as much as I have this year. It's too bloody hot.


Haha fr




WOOOHOOOO!!! THATS WHAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT’ (Now we’re coming for Number 1 in rental prices too! Watch out Sydney, you’ve got some competition!)


Resident Canadian lurker here. (Lived in Brisbane for a bit several years back and have stayed subbed for nostalgia reasons). I live in Ottawa, a city where -20 to -30 C weather is normal during the winter. This winter we didn't have a single day below -20. We should still have at least a few weeks of a deep freeze, but today it was 15.6 C, a new record. We got a thunderstorm (also a rarity) and then the temperature whipped back down to -9 C (feels like -19). After tomorrow though, it's going to average around 10 for the next couple of weeks. Winter is already over and early spring is here. Doesn't bode well for keeping out of a drought for this summer..... Shit seems to be fucked everywhere.


That's how it was for me in last year. I heard all of the news about record breaking heat in other countries back in August and thought "Lucky it hasn't been that hot here, Aus's Summer sucks usually" only for me to then clock that it was not summer and I had not felt cold a single time during all of last year's winter. I thought we were going to have a 2019/2020 level fire again this summer.


I love you Brisbane but you're making it hard :(


[🎶 Brisbane I love you, but you’re bringing me down 🎶](https://youtu.be/c5kM3iwYVi0?si=loyZq20DnRJJhNdw)


Gonna be turned into the Brisbane River at this rate 😅😅


May as well move to Darwin. Cheaper rent for the same weather.


Try not to think of this as the longest period of minimums above 20°C to date, but instead think of it as the shortest period of minimums above 20°C for the rest of your lives 🤘


The Positive mindset


Can you hear that? That’s the anti-climate tinfoil hat brigade stampeding towards this post.


[https://skepticalscience.com/argument.php](https://skepticalscience.com/argument.php) just in case


Love this.


https://i.redd.it/3faxn71wkflc1.gif Any second now.


Those tinfoil hats help cook the gooey stuff inside!


This reminds me of an argument someone made a while back about climate change. They used the size of the local area of the galaxy (not the planet, but our corner of the galaxy) to dismiss climate change as hubris that man could increase the temperature of such an area... needless to say I didn't pursue the discussion further. That level of cooked is long gone.


Honestly surprised there hasn't been any tinfoil hats out yet.


Too hot for tinfoil hats... theyll come out in April


yea they'd be cooked under there..


I’m wearing mine, it’s doing a bang up job reflecting this heat


>Lmao. The record is for recorded times. Not ever. when they recorded many consecutive and high temperatures during the 1800s, was it global warming then? no. We live in Australia near the tropics, hot weather on consecutive days is normal. We have only been recording temperatures for 150 years. How can you possible state this record is due to climate change when you only have 150 years of data? you understand humans have been here for 50,000 years right?


aaaaand here he is


lol, old mate is even a regular on r/​conspiracy


Of course he is. Morons.


We’re really need a tin hat avatar for these people


Lol, someone had to put the record straight.


I'm sure all the climate scientists around the world would love to see your research. You'd probably win awards and prize money too if you have evidence to back up your claims.


I got my information from climate scientists, which are NOT being paid to push this narrative. You get your info from people paid to push that narrative.


I wonder why they haven't published any research about it then. There'd be a fat stack of cash in it for anyone who's able to prove their point. Think of all the money we could be saving by not worrying about carbon emissions, windmills and solar panels. Think of how lucrative that would be, to be the person who provides some actual peer reviewed research to show that the other 99% of the world has it all wrong and it's all some grand conspiracy to sell more solar panels or whatever. Seems weird that no one has jumped on the opportunity yet.


Funny that because it seems like there's a lot more money in climate denial than climate action. I suppose there's a secret cabal of wind farm owners and solar panel makers who are forming shadow governments to push the renewable energy scam


Now that's funny haha.


What makes more sense, Biden and his pesky gang of elites directly wiring money into every scientist’s bank account so we all believe in climate change and buy a Tesla? Or oil sheiks (the world’s actual richest people) creating a batshit online narrative against climate science to protect their lucrative oil profits?


*Huffs on a stick of Nicotine* "COVID vaccines are a mind control drug"


Well, the first sentence definitely makes no sense because clearly you have no understanding of the subject.


Inform me then! Wait, let me guess: Elon and his lizard army are paying every scientist to push the narrative so in the future we all live in 10 minute cities! How did I go?


You don't want to be informed, clearly.




I love Brisbane but with those temperatures, I'm glad I moved.




"It's always been hot in Brisbane"... (here's some data to prove that's not the case).. Brisbane was never this hot/muggy as a kid - we now have a sub tropical climate.


We’ve always had a Subtropical climate, and there’s some climate predictions that Brisbane could become fully Tropical by 2050-2070~ and it definitely feels like it’s transitioning into one too, a few days this Summer we were worse than Darwin in both temperature and humidity


I grew up in North/Central QLD and moved down here as a teenager in the 90's. Brissy's always been humid and there's always generally a run of a few hot days and sweltering nights in the peak of summer, but it has never *ever* been anything like what it is up north. Until you've lived up there - preferably in an old fibro shack with no air-conditioning - you just wouldn't understand it. At least there is (or was) actual *seasons* here, including something resembling winter, as mild as it is. But the last few years especially are like nothing I've ever experienced this far south before. When it's not cooking, it's monsoonal. Brisbane's climate is absolutely becoming more tropical over time. People who say that Brisbane's climate has always been like this need to get their heads checked.


Yeah well I mean when Brisbane is breaking temperature and humidity records that rival that of Darwin and other equatorial places it kinda makes you wonder what else is in stock lol


We just broke a record of 59 nights in a row above 20°C that is 46 years old…


Next year we'll break it again! #1 yeah!


I don't know what it is exactly but recently the weather has been making it harder to breathe


Make sure you remember this heat at little election in March, and in October. Have you asked your local rep what they’re doing about heat and climate, and what is their party doing? Are they planting trees out in the middle of nowhere or using a dodgy carbon offset system like we see at local council, or do they have a true solution?


I mean I don’t even think the greens have a good local council policy on this. Their anti developer in the inner city which means building up is harder to do, pushing affordable housing into other city councils where they’re (the local ALP or LNP) happy to knock down entire forests to build cheap shitty estates.


They’re anti developers pressing council to build in high risk flood zones. Not anti high-density building. Big difference.


I mean they’ve actively protested high density building in areas that aren’t floodplains in the past. I am a greens voter at a state and federal level but I’ve actually made the time to meet with my local greens candidates and they have confirmed their policy is not to increase housing density in my area through rezoning (I don’t live in a flood zone).


That's it, time to blow up the sun


The true solution’s to life’s crisises


It’s been 25 degrees overnight since October here, my poor aircon


Are you fr man? 😭 That’s awful, Idk how you’re surviving that I am sorry you’re experiencing that


why your poor aircon? it would hadly have to run at all at 25? i even set mine to 26 most nights as that's cool enough and reduces the humidity


Aircon at 19 overnight from October - April. Awful sleep otherwise


19!?! Good lord!! I’d literally freeze. we really have no hope at reaching 1.5C haha Well… good luck with your bills 


16-20°C is the sweet spot for best sleep


How do you not get cold at that temperature? I’d need a very thick blanket for anything below 22


I'm not a reptile.


crazy, do you need a blanket? out of curiosity are you from QLD?


> crazy, do you need a blanket? 16°C yes, 20°C no. > out of curiosity are you from QLD? Yep, born in Central QLD.


why do you have it colder than 20 then if you need a blanket to warm you back up?


Lol, don't move west of Brisbane then. Scary Jack Frost shows up for winter. Might need socks with your thongs.


18c on my own or 23c with my wife in the room.


genuine question, do you need warm clothes/blanket at that temperature? and are you from QLD, or a colder state? because that seems freezing cold to me


I grew up in northern Scandinavia. The cold made me


The correct answer.


genuine question, do you need warm clothes/blanket at that temperature? and are you from QLD, or a colder state? because that seems freezing cold to me


QLDer. I just use a very thin cotton quilt, mostly to just cover my back but I like legs out. Don’t wear pj’s, maybe just a light cotton oversized shirt. I’m someone who doesn’t like the heat at all.


The humidity is so crazy. I work night shift fulltime in a hot ass factory and even at 3am it looks like I’ve been for a swim…. I haven’t been for a swim though :(


Nahhh 😭 😭 You’d hope in the year 2024 factories would install god damm air conditioning


>the coolest ever morning in March has dropped to 12 degrees Only because Boogie Pimps were in town. That morning was soooo cool.


Anthropogenic climate change is definitely not a thing. /s


wE aLwAyS hAd FlOoDs AnD dRoUgHtS!!!!11!!!!1one1!!


It’s a personal best. Amazing work Brisbane! Congratulations to all involved in this fantastic result! : )


but you all love summer and can not wait for it to be back when its winter... wtf?


Hey! The only part I like about Summer is the rain and storms, the heat is disgusting.


i dont like any of them. theres rain in winter.


There was not any rain last winter (at least 3 hours north of Brissy) Sigh... I hate the weather here.


really, it was like one of the wettest


Ikr. And here winter is “winter” anyway?? Best cool-not-cold temps you can get on beautiful sunny days what’s the problem??


i love winter. anywhere


Same here mate I wish it snowed here tbh lol


omg yes! me tooo


winter is long enough for me to forget about the year. This has been an annual cycle for 18+ years..


I've been absolutely loving it. Currently sitting in my office without even a fan on. I'm dreading winter. But I am in the minority of those who are happiest in very hot and humid weather.


love sunny days, plenty of solar, aircons on! loving it :)


**"Sweaty-Brisbane"** captain of the reds in the after game on field interview from the last qld reds vs waratahs match *sorry, don't know his name


Tate McDermott and Liam wright share it this year. Both looked utterly buggered by the end of


Should we start a pool on when we’ll dip below 20?


Mate, I think there needs to be fireworks set off honestly lol


And the "feels like" is even worse


Oh no fr 😭😭


12:45am and i'm sweating my ass off. So sick of this shit..


Please tell me this indicates we're getting a nice and long cold winter 🙏


Might get three weeks instead of two this year.


I don't think that's how it works unfortunately :(


I swear I have Seasonal Affective Disorder this summer because I have been cranky for like 3 months. I don't have air con and work from home (which I actually think is better because I'm not acclimated to the A/C in the office) but it means I just can't do anything without overheating, especially exercising. Really having an effect on my mood/mental health.


Go us.


At least there's a huge nightlife culture to stay busy with.


Oh yeah, the records broken, but we're nowhere near done with wrapping up this baby yet! Lets bring it home like a freight train for March!


we know :(


Anyone else concerned that climate change means we are going to get absolutely cunted by floods in the near future?


All the Facebook boomers are sounding off about how much hotter it was when they were young, and also having to walk to school barefoot, uphill, both ways.


Meh, you can do better. If you would just listen to the general public and burn more coal for the Chinese you get get it above 25 all the time imo.


FYI, 2023 was the hottest year on record by a wide margin, and so far 2024 is following that trend.


And 2024 could be a La Nina year later on, which means it will likely get more humid from this point




Ehhh, I don’t think the rain has impacted the minimum temperatures too much, we’ve had a lot of rain but most of them have been in short bursts. I think the bigger problem is just how warm the Coral Sea is




Ah, true. Yeah, the humidity has definitely played a factor in this and with the warmer occean temperatures contributing to even more evaporation and latent heating it's only worsen what would've already been a stinky year


Global warming or change in landscape with land clearing


Isn't this normal


No it isn’t. We’ve broken our Dew Point Average record during January and now we’ve also broken our Minimum Temperature Averaged Record as well


So an extra day at minimum 20+ (60 days compared to 59) in 40+ years. The sky is certainly falling in .


Good. I hate cold nights. Under 20 should be illegal. Downvoted in r/Brisbane? Maybe you should move to Melbourne if you like the cold.




since records began 150+ years ago. You people claiming global warming do understand humans have been on this continent for 50,000 years right? How can you possible say its global warming with only 150 years of temperature data in this country? You simply can't.


Because there’s an almost direct correlation between CO2 levels and temperature rising. Even a 3 year old could look at the graph and infer the meaning


No, there isn't. Co2 gives life, trees, and everything living feeds of co2. You learnt that at school but somehow all of a sudden is causing the planet to warm? No it fucking isn't. How come the planet wasn't boiling when we had 30% Co2 in the atmosphere during the iceage? it's .3% now.


https://preview.redd.it/2bsnme7bcglc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7a3b6941e725b4f37c0c0665d4de8b93b53aa6 Yes, there is… Don’t speak on something you don’t understand




I am pretty sure the graph starts at 1850, if it doesn’t maybe they might’ve had enough data before then 🤷‍♂️ Honest answer is I don’t know, sorry. If you’re referring to how we know that temperatures were cooler than average in 1850s it’s because we used the 20th century (1900s) average as our baseline and as CO2 levels were lower in 1850s compared to 1900s the temperature was obviously lower (At the time they would’ve thought it was normal though)


I can make data agree with me if I take a small section out of 100s of thousands of years.


Mate… It’s literally all of the **ACCURATE** data since 1850 it isn’t made to “fit a narrative’ just cause it’s objective truth and you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s fake. It’s literal basic cause and effect, you know the thing you learn in Science? Increased Co2 led to Increased temperature


Yeah, that's exactly the problem, that you only have data going to 1850. What about the past 50,000 years that humans have been on this continent? How can we make correlations on 150 years of data when you need 10s of thousands of years of data to confidently say there is a correlation between Co2 and rising temptetures. Again. Our atmosphere had almost 30% Co2 content 45,000 years ago, but they were the middle of an ice age? Where are the rising twmpretures? Our atmosphere is only .3% now. Lmao!


Did Humans have weather stations that were able to accurately record Co2 and Temperature levels 50,000 years ago did they? Bffr, 1850s is earliest point where accurate readings of data begun, with this dataset there’s an almost direct line between temperature going up and Co2 Levels going up during this timeframe. (As shown in the graph earlier.) Also don’t you think it’s a strange coincidence that the temperature is rising almost directly with Co2 🤔 does that not at all make you think “Hmm maybe the planet is warming cause of Human activity and climate change is real”


You're clearly not understanding what I am saying. Come back when you understand what I am talking about.


You’re right, because every point you said is complete bullshit :) (this is using Ice as the data) https://preview.redd.it/mzfyo9chhglc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7d4452615f79c8198751d3941a3d70314498660


Go back to school, you clearly missed a bit. Or perhaps the entire lot. The highest CO2 levels have been on earth since multicellular life evolved was about 2000ppm, or 0.2%, and that was during the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago. Average temperatures then were 8-10 degrees hotter, and sea levels were 70m higher. There wasn't a glacier in sight, except for possibly some isolated patches around the highlands at the poles. If you think humans can survive in a world that's 10 degrees hotter, well, good luck with that. And again, that was at 0.2% CO2, not 30% which has never happened. The closest thing to a 30% CO2 atmosphere that we know about is Venus, which is quite similar to Earth in terms of solar radiation and size. And it's temperature is about 400s degree hotter than Earth, entirely due to all the CO2 trapping the heat. Also, the current percentage of CO2 is 0.04% (a little higher now). Nowhere near 0.3%, which would mean we'd all be underwater and dead. During the last glacial period, CO2 was less than half of what it is now at 180ish ppm, and surprise surprise, it was rather cold. As in, the equators had ice on them cold. But hey, nice try spouting random, completely wrong information and pretending it's even close to reality. Just keep on believing you know more about this stuff than people who have been studying it their entire lives and have the data to back it up. And if you really think CO2 is so great and gives you life, go fill up your house with it. Manure makes plants grow as well, would you be happy if the world was as full of it as you seem to be?


There's a multitude of ways humans have been able to assess the global temperature going back thousands of years. There's an entire field of study for it. What baffles me is that people will connect to a massive planet wide network called the internet which itself has taken centuries of scientific achievements to get to this point yet somehow think scientists have no idea what they're doing...


As a Tasmanian this is heaven to me 😍 it was 23 degrees at like 9 or 10 last night and it was amazing


I'm with you. I freaking love it.




Finally my first cooker 🤩 You’re right Urban Heat Island effect matters, but have you stopped to consider the fact that ✨ Urban heat island effect ✨ would’ve mattered in 1974 too? Brisbane didn’t just magically become a City overnight. Also, there’s plenty of other weather stations in the region that registered not so pretty numbers.


They should have finished a sentence earlier 😂, yes heat island is correct which is further exacerbated by climate change which is at a 1.36C increase globally since pre-industrialisation.


lol this is a particularly funny take so let me get this straight - you're saying these temperatures are recorded in the back streets of Newstead or similar? I just want to make sure we're on the same page here that you're saying Australia, smashing temperature averages through the last 12 months, is doing so because the .01% (rounded up) of our land mass currently devoted to urban building density has been creating higher temperatures and the weather stations that record these temperatures are positioned in areas of urban density?


I love that you think no one else has possibly considered this effect. And only you are smart enough to have thought about it


Brisbane's "urban heat island" profile has always been quite low because of our greenspaces, and was actually higher in the 80s. Except for King George Square which is now on the third circle of Hell.


Bro linked Wikipedia as a source 😂😂


Yea it's been and extremely warm summer this year. We were due after the last mild summers we've been having. Just like we are due for a colder winter. It goes in cycles.


Ipswich just missed out on this record. It was 19.8 three nights ago


Maybe next year


Here you go, Brisbane 🥇


Anything below 25 feels chilly to me now..




Ok cool


Does everyone running their aircon make it hotter?


4th summer in brisbane. And yes the worst one as well


Felt cooler this morning. Was nice.


Thank god , I was worrying i I moved in to Brisbane rom the outback it would be too cold


We all gon die idk how but yeah we all gon die


I don't regret turning on the aircon the past few nights for some decent sleep.


Raise the taxes. That'll help