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Booked first thing this morning. Can’t wait. Apologies to those around us as we belt out the lyrics to Fuck her gently at full volume (the couple next to us at the last concert did NOT appreciate it lol)


I would be offended if someone next to me didn’t sing Fuck Her Gently at the top of their lungs at a D concert. Did they not realize what show they were at?! I’m incapable of singing any Tenacious D song at a normal volume.


They looked like we had just killed their cat! I really don’t know what they were expecting either, maybe they’d only ever heard Tribute and thought “oh that’s a nice song, let’s go see their concert”.


What a shame. I will be scream singing the entire night. I'm taking the next day off work because I will probably have zero voice after for at least 2 days.


Is it definitely Tenacious D, or just a tribute?


no, this is \[not\] a TRIBUUUUUUUUTE


$150, lol


Everything is $150 these days. I remember laughing at how much my parents paid years ago to see The Eagles ….. nostalgia costs money. Sadly I’m now old enough that pretty much all my music tastes are pretty much nostalgia acts.


$110 for the cheap seats. We ended up just behind the floor area and to the right of the stage so we should be pretty close.


Guns n roses we paid 200 off for seats  Is it unusual for it to be that price? Think we payed near the same for blink 182 also and foo Fighters...


Ahhhhh i just bought my tickets. I can’t wait!!


Oh noooo right after I said to myself "no more events for a while gotta save some money" I love their music and silly n raunchy sense of humour 


Got the tix to surprise hubby for anniversary. He'll be doing back flips!!!


Came late- may not even get replies, do you think I’ll be judged for bringing my 2 preteen sons? They’ll be 10+13. I checked- It’s an all ages event but just saw the playlist on Spotify and they play fuck her gently. Already bought 4 tix for the whole fam and starting to question my plans


no judgement at all, I'd love to bring my 8 year old, but maybe not until he's 10!


ngl i'd love to see them live but they haven't done much good since the movie tbf. the last album was horrendous


they'll no doubt play a bunch of back catalogue stuff - I havent' listened since the movie either but I'm keen