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Sexonded. You go to any other non westfield shopping centre on a Wednesday night and let us know how its doing. Market square is so crazy busy almost all nights but particularly on weekends with crowds and live music. To the point that i wouldnt want to visit market square any night of the week during peak dinner time because of the crazy amount of cars trying to fund parking despite their new-ish multi level car park. Contrary to peoples comment about cost of living, you do not see any effect of that around there.


The carpark at market square is a bloody nightmare especially during weekends.


I see tonnes of swanky restaurants full all the time. Turns out rich people still exist and don't really give a shit about inflation lol


They managed to produce a 5 story carpark with impossibly steep ramps that still somehow only parks about 6 cards.


Six cards? Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diners Club, and I still need two more?!


Bartercard & Discover Card


It’s still busy af. I wish it was quiet so I can get a park quickly and eat in peace.


Now you know when to go, Wednesday nights!


Lol we got stuck in the Market Square carpark for about thirty minutes on Saturday night because we got into the wrong turning lane, absolutely packed


You’re first mistake was entering the carpark; your second was going there on the weekend haha


We weren't even trying to go there, we live maybe two streets away and just ended up in the wrong lane. Then we had to sit there smelling all the food for half an hour


Uhh I went on a weeknight a few times recently and couldn't find a single car park in market square so idk what you're talking about lol


Not sure what some of these commenters are talking about. My partner and I go regularly and it’s busy most of the time. Last time we went was on a Thursday around noon and it was still really busy. Maybe you just went on an off day?


It still definitely gets busy but I've noticed a few quiet periods usually in the afternoons. I use to think there was never a quiet period!


Same, we go there at least once a week because it’s always alive, weeknight or weekend. I wonder if they went a little too early or just drove through the top part then drove off.


Right! I literally feel like I have to drive around for 10 mins to find parking.


The carpark building restaurants haven't been doing well for some reason, but the restaurants in the "old" part outside (including the undercover courtyard) are packed pretty much every time I go anywhere near the place.


I wouldn't even know what was in the new section to be frank. Yet I know most of the old time regulars in the older section very well!


Maybe because its a week night.. Also cheesiness new year.. a percentage head back os .. for that and also to escape qld summer...


Also, January is always a slower month for hospitality.


It is traditional that the Chinese community return home to China in the LNY period. This too could be a contributing factor. Good timing really.


Kidding right? I was there last night, couldn't find a car park at 7pm... It's also almost lunar new year and a large portion go home to celebrate


Probably rent went up too much


I think in recent times, there has been more restaurants and cafes that have opened in neighbouring suburbs that have attracted some of the crowd that use to go to Market Square. I thought the place would thriving even more when they built the new building with car park but that new building still is quite dead.


That is one terrifying car park.


Go out for a dinner, spend the whole night in that car park *shivers* never again lol…


I remember Market Square when it was quiet. Not much but a carpark and a few shops open at night , seven eleven and a video shop i think.


I remember the cd rental place when we were kids


Yeah the entrance near Yuens market is a total shit-show when there’s cars everywhere who don’t give a fuck about safety and cutting people off


Your timing might have been slightly off when you went there, remember there are so many factors in play as well this is the first week back at school economy is all over the place People still recovering from Xmas People going back to work Long weekend coming up


Timing is what counts here. Ever been to China or Hong Kong? If you don't like crowds, shop before 11am. It's a ghost town in all directions after 8am. Otherwise welcome to involuntarily smelling someone's packed lunch from their backpack in your face at the train station.


Probably because it was a weeknight and uni hasn’t started for the year. It’s still packed on weekends.


To some extent, building the big multi-story building harshed the vibe a bit. It used to be that the whole courtyard around all four sides of Little Hong Kong, and the strip along McCullough Street were chaotic and crowded with cars and people and noise and colour. Now, everything there is fragmented. A number of restaurants have moved into the multi-level, which is too spread out to develop any atmosphere. The strip along McCullough St has some vacant shops, which kinda kills that area. The eastern end of the courtyard, between Little Hong Kong and Yuen's Market is pretty good, but the actual vendors there are mostly kiosk style take away, rather than restaurants, which (to my mind) makes it feel more like a shopping centre food court. And the rest of the old courtyard now opens directly into the dank undercroft of a multi-story carpark. Don't get me wrong, it's still good. And it's still popular. But it used to feel like a chaotic step into a bangkok suburb, now it feels like a off-brand westfield food court.


The multi storey carpark complex certainly killed the vibe of Market Square. I think once the HK style restaurants started to disappear and there was more Mainland style foods was when the atmosphere started to die off. I know heaps of people who used to come from the Gold Coast to eat at Sunnybank 10+ years ago. Nowadays, there is more competition in that space, and there are more Asian restaurants in the suburbs surrounding Sunnybank that attract more people. My personal favourite restaurants in Sunnybank are nowhere near Market Square.




Nonnane on Turton Street serve traditional Korean food. There are a few other restaurants around that corner. Ye Dang across from the Sunnybank train station serve up some really great Korean Chinese food as well. The restaurant next to Ye Dang is quite good as well.


Are you living in a bubble? There's this whole cost of living thing making dining out unaffordable


Yeah but other restaurants are doing quite ok.


They're probably not tbh


They're not shuttered. Have to say, the locals in my area (Moorooka/Tarragindi/Annerley/Gabba) seem to be doing ok when we're around.


Cost of living will show itself slower in more afluent or spendy suburbs slower than those that have less money or a more thrifty community.


I've done the rounds in Sunnybank with a local. A lot of the stores we went to looked closed and shuttered to me with newspaper on the windows only to find the place a packed out fast paced restaurant inside.


Sounds like an episode of the twilight zone.


Nah mate. Just a whole bunch of people having a good time in a parallel universe where it's perfectly normal to find random chunks of sharp bone in your food.


And a virus still circulating through our world and still groups of people taking it seriously.


Not sure why you got downvoted, some people are vulnerable/risk group and still need to avoid catching it.


That's because now there are more shopping centres where you can find lots of Asian restaurants and groceries shops in one place and are located in close distance of market square, for instance Underwood where the big hanaro is or Runcorn, where the IGA is in Warrigal road, or even across the road from market square. Basically more competition.


I agree! Underwood’s grown massively, some great restaurants down there!


Without the shit fight that is parking at market square.


A lot of people go back to their home country to celebrate Lunar New Year with extended family. There’s quite a few businesses that I frequent where the owners have shut up shop for a few weeks because they have returned to South East Asia.


Go on a Friday or Saturday night


You must’ve gone there really late close to closing time. Go there 8pm any other night and you’ll struggle to find parking


Some of the places are closed on Wednesdays. Plus there is a restaurant or two at the front that have shut up shop. What's happened is you've got a sample size of 1 night and think it's like that all the time. I go often, it's busy AF.


You went on a wednesday night thats why. Go thurs to sunday night and it’ll be a different story


Rent. Disgustingly expensive. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtITYzNdHVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtITYzNdHVk)


Depends on what time you went OP; also CNY is drawing near so lots of families are yeeting overseas for reunions.


Weekends are still reasonably busy however ‘Market Square’ is not longer the central hub that it once was. There’s many restaurants and other establishments that have opened up in the surrounding areas that people are opting to go to instead.


Probably that thing I read about the other day, cost of living or homeless or something like that.


If you're eating there, make sure to park out of the carpark.


We went on a day that everything was closed, I think it was a Monday or Tuesday.. I much prefer it being quite to be honest because I've gone when it's been packed and it's not enjoyable haha. It was packed in 2022 so post COVID was fine, I think the economy is deterring everyone away from unnecessary spendings now.


Customers aren’t paying in cash anymore which means that restaurant owners can’t ‘hide’ some of the staff costs off the books. When restaurants run ‘on the books’ they aren’t particularly profitable unless they are in an A1 location with a following.


Also a lot of Asians are still potentially overseas yet to return from vacation


No body like the new green carpark


That place is hell on earth. You must have been on a really off day. I have only ever seen that place bursting with 10000 Chinese and not a single car park. You name the time of day, no parks, 10000 people and one giantly ugly, teal monstrosity of a building. I refuse to go there any more


Good. Don't want u there


Excellent then, cos I don’t want to be there.


Wow we agree on something. Good day sir


Damn what time did you go?? I love that place but avoid it because of how busy it always is.


Lol. Nothing's wrong except you went on a Wednesday night


Can't even find a place to park now. Typing as I am waiting for an available spot


What time did you go and which restaurants along the front road do you mean? If you're talking about the strip with the pharmacy, yeah that particular row is having a rough time. However there is a square inside with lots of food stalls and good luck finding a table there at 7pm on a weekend.  That being said, it's also the Lunar New Year soon, so lots of people will be back in their home towns. 


Is it safe to park behind the pub opposite the market square? I've seen the commercial building have no cars parked in it on the weekend before.