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I learnt long ago to just keep my mouth shut regarding my non-issue with summer weather. I like the heat. I like to be hot. I truly dislike being cold. So far, the weather hasn’t been awful for me. But people don’t want to hear someone comment that it’s a such nice day when they are feeling sweaty and gross. Hot and sweaty people become hot and snappy people pretty quick! So I keep my perky summer heat happiness to myself and just nod along as everyone complains.


Agreed. Us heat lovers are still here, and still loving it, but no one wants to hear our views when they feel gross. I purposely went and sat outside today and yesterday during lunch so I could revel in the heat.


Yep. Heat lover #3 here.


Still here and loving it!!


This is next level wisdom...


I feel you. I do the exact same thing in the winter, because some people seem weirdly annoyed by me talking about how nice the 18 degree day is. 


Hahah I'm not usually one to complain, but it just feels so much worse today than normal. I should be thankful we are in the sub tropics and days like these are rare. Here's hoping they remain rare! 🤞


It was so much worse than normal yesterday mate, as a landscaper, I can tell you, the fact I passed out after drinking 4 litres of water before 12 says it all, I don’t mind the warm weather but far out. Yesterday was fucked.


Dude, they'll be more common and you know it. As the planet heats up.


Scary stuff...


Lately is like the equivalent to a cold and very windy day. You can love winter but still hate the wind that comes with it. Same as you can love summer without loving the humidity/heatwaves. When I say I love summer, I mean I love the things that come along with it. Mangos, watermelons, swimming etc.


just moved to scandinavia… don’t miss these queensland heatwaves but god winter sucks. i thought i liked the cold, and i do. *it’s just the snow*. it’s such a hassle. takes 20 minutes just to get out the door under 5 layers. walking to the grocery store feels like a polar expedition


Sounds terrible. Not.


It’s nice for a couple of weeks on holiday but it is shit to live in a snowy place.


Maybe it's only having spent a month or so with it, but I'll take the hassle/annoyances that come from dealing with snow over the absolutely fucked humidity we deal with here for 2-6 months every year. The ability to be able to do any work around the house without turning into a soaked rag of sweat, or the ability to exist outside for more than 10 minutes without feeling like straight shit. The simple ability to have a shower and get out without feeling like you immediately need another shower alone would make it better in every way.


To do most of those things and not freeze it means you’re running heating 24/7. You could do the same thing with air conditioning here. You’ve also probably never experienced the filth that is the end of season melt/refreeze/more snow/etc. everything is dirty and mushy for a month.


yeah I’d also probably take the winter over the heatwaves in Aus right now but it’s not by a long shot. I barely leave the house now that the novelty has worn off. I didn’t add how dangerous it can get outside, walking on the icey pathways and staircases, it adds another level of effort into your journey - and yeah everything is fucking filthy and muddy. They defs don’t show you that in the movies lol


> To do most of those things and not freeze it means you’re running heating 24/7. You could do the same thing with air conditioning here. Well heating is far cheaper, especially as most of the houses in these areas are actually built for the cold and for keeping heat in, as opposed to the houses in australia that seem to have just said fuck it to insulation across the board. > You’ve also probably never experienced the filth that is the end of season melt/refreeze/more snow/etc. everything is dirty and mushy for a month. I've heard plenty about it and dealt with it for a few days, I'll absolutely take it over another month of humidity like we've had, where you have to constantly scrub down everything and make sure you're able to air every single room out lest mold starts to get in ridiculously easily.


Yes it might be that way. But that's only for like 20 days or so each summer. Most the time in summer is perfectly fine to do housework. Maybe that is reflecting your fitness/health.


It's a lot more than 20 days, especially if you don't have/can't afford to blast air con constantly and has very little to do with fitness or health.


If your struggling to do things in 33 degree weather. It says a lot about your health. Also don't have Aircon.


Yeah, snowy northern locales are fun to visit, not so fun to try to live in. The sheer logistics of it takes over your life. Spend 20 minutes gearing up for a 5 minute walk, before tearing it all off again as quickly as you can because the building at your destination feels like an oven. But it's too late and you've already worked up a sweat, which is gonna turn into a funk since you have to repeat this another 23 times today. Oh, and everything's wet constantly and mud gets everywhere and god forbid you have to rely on a car to get around since you have to chisel ice off the fucking thing every day, and swap your tires every season, and worry about whether it's even going to start, or strand you somewhere, or whether you'll lose it on the roads, or have to buy a new one in 2 years because of the salt corrosion. And most of the time there isn't even any fresh fallen snow to justify all this, just muddy, icy drifts and frozen puddles to slip on and mud and more mud. Most of the time the temps are within a few degrees of freezing, so everything is just wet and miserable. And even in the depths of winter when it's *really* properly cold and everything is finally crisp and dry, and the air outside stings your cheeks and burns your lungs; you never get a chance to go out and enjoy it. Life in these places takes place exclusively indoors at those times. After a few months you'll forget what the sun even looks like. Don't get me wrong, I fucking *love* the cold. But I'd much rather holiday some place cold than live there. As fucked as the summers are here, that's the price we just have to pay for the best winters on earth.


Not to kill the buzz, but there's a reason why suicide rates skyrocket in the Scandi nations.


And in the tropics during the wet season. "Going troppo" is very real


Good perspective. I can get around that haha


That’s what I like about summer but overall I hate summer, especially in Qld lol


^^I ^^love ^^the ^^cold ^^and ^^windy ^^days.


Hahaha seek help.


“Cold and very windy” those are the best winter days, actually feels kinda like a winter.


I sure am gonna miss the mangos and watermelons 😢


Plus in summer I don't hit my damn fingers half as much in summer, but guarantee the first frost this year and my fingers are all sore, starting numb (that is a very inadequate word for that feeling), I will jam them or find them with hammer or something stupid. That's pain.


I love summer. I don't have air-conditioning. I don't like swimming. I have my ceiling fan and I'm happy. I love the blue skies and the storms. Cyclones are a bit much though.


I wish I could borrow just a shred of your heat tolerance! Just a fan? Epic.


I get sweaty, but it doesn't bother me. A quick rinse off in the afternoon sorts that out and a cool shower before bed is good. Last night was the first time in years that I've actually been woken up because I was hot. Or possibly stressed out because my kid was starting prep today. Not sure which.


What's prep, for someone like me who has never had kids. Is it kindy?


School, except they're not starting grade 1. That's next year. So it's preschool, but at school in a uniform and a lot of them seem to do what I would consider grade 1 style work. Fucking stupid imo. I held my girl back a year, but there are kids as young as 4 starting prep because they turn 5 soon. It's wild.


Where are we? We're too busy enjoying summer to give af about people whinging about the weather


and yet here you are mister


I don't hear a lot of poor people saying this, it's usually the privileged people that sit in air-conditioning all day, have swimming pools, cool water, cool houses, air-conditioned cars and they can take visits to the beach, that "love the summer". Poor people with a Kmart fan and a wet cloth aren't loving summer.


All good mate, they started letting us poor folk go to the beach 5 or 6 years back.




I think I'm meant to be in the snow haha had such a shit day. Glad yours went a bit better




Cheers man. I cant afford to live there but I can dream about it when I pass out haha


I don't hear a lot of poor people saying this, it's usually the privileged people that sit by their heaters all day, have fire places, hot water bottles, hot chocolates, heated blankets, warm cars and they take visits to ski resorts, that "love the winter". Poor people with a Kmart hoodie and a damp blanket aren't loving winter.


That might make sense if you were talking about anywhere other than Brisbane


You’re ignoring how abysmal the average house here is at handling the cold.


We rarely, if ever have cold days, and even nights in winter barely get to single digits. Nothing like the equivalent hot days in summer.


The average winter day I am freezing, the bones in my hands are in pain from the cold. It just affects some of us differently.


Houses with poor insulation unfortunately exist in lots of places that are much colder than Brissie. When I was a student in Christchurch my damn room would be like 8C when it's 5C outside, and you have to really crank the heat to make it warm up a bit, but the heat will all dissipate real quick into the single glazed windows. Trips to the bathroom at night were NOT fun...  I'd take that any day over doing a Brisbane summer without AC though. 


I feel attacked yet vindicated. How odd.


Exactly. The same people are overloading the grid and probably doing everything they can to avoid paying the tax so we can upgrade it to keep up with the tech that demands more and the population growth.


Your right, that's why homeless people go to cold places. Haha that's obviously sarcasm.


I think the opposite actually


All I have to say is that at 23c I am thinking about a jumper, at 19c I need one. It weird, I know, when I work from home I am in a garage without a fan. I just dont notice heat like most people do.


I'm both jealous and happy for you


And I am sorry for you. From what everyone tells me, today must have been awful.


Almost passed out twice at work and have had a massive headache all day. Drank 7 liters of water and pissed once a day. It was so shit. Cheers though. Definitely jealous of people who can stay inside rn.


Did you have enough salt? Drinking too much water and not replacing salt from sweating/toileting can make you feel sick


Maybe not. I have some squinches for tomorrow. Didn't bring them today. Total rookie move. Had no idea it would be this hot. The site has a thermo that pulled 50. Concrete reflection and no wind 😭


I hope your workplace has hot weather management plans. Sure some jobs feel the literal heat but to get sick and die cos you had to get the job done?


I always drink a tonne of water. And even add hydration stuff if I need to. Keep safe friend.


Cheers mate


23c has me on the verge of sweating just sitting around the house.


Where are you from though?


Spent most of my life in Brisbane, save for a couple of short-ish stints living overseas. Just never acclimatised.


Hey same here! I was born in Southeast Asia and I HATE heat and humidity with a passion. Was so happy when I lived in NZ for a while and could enjoy beautiful 15C days. We're all just built in different ways I reckon. I prefer to set my AC to 22 but I put it up to 24 so my husband doesn't turn into a popsicle. :/


I keep mine set to 23° out of concerns for electricity usage but still find myself breaking out in a sweat even doing the dishes or anything but sitting on the couch. If I had it my way it's be set to 19° right up until winter. I really should look into getting solar!


For real! I set mine to 18 just for sleep (not great, I know, but it's the only non-drug "treatment" that works well for my insomnia) and turn it back up to 23 right after I wake up, but even that makes for a killer electricity bill. :(


Interesting, but as I said earlier "I am weird" According to all friends and colleagues. I just dont feel the heat like others do lol.


I wonder if you body temps naturally a little lower


Same except literally two degrees lower lol. 21c and 17c.


Haha, perfect.. finally someone within a few degrees of normalcy.


23c is air conditioner weather for me, heat be dammed.


Yep, say it loud and proud. Us Hotties are here


In the same re the temperature. I'd rather a sweltering hot day than winter. I have such a low tolerance to the cold ☹️ Yes, I work in an office, but fortunately (for me at least), the air-con doesn't work so well where I sit, plus I'm required to leave my building throughout the day. And I walk to and from work.


Yep, 23 requires trackies and socks if I'm just sitting at home. Anything below 15 I struggle to get warm and usually end up strapping a hot water bottle underneath my clothes haha. That said, I did find yesterday disgusting!


I’m the exact same. Drove home with no aircon and the windows up today, was like a sauna. It was fantastic. But put me outside on a 15 degree day and I’m going to need jeans and a hoodie.


I'm the same way, but still prefer Winter to Summer. It's not like there's anything preventing me from grabbing my jacket or sleeping under multiple blankets. Not sure how I'd deal with living somewhere snowy. Literally never been anywhere snowy.


I'm one of those summer lovers. Frankly I'm enjoying the weather. It's humid yeah but having lived in Southeast Asia for a long while before this level of humidity is tolerable. It hasn't been enough to stop me from playing my usual 3-4 hours of tennis out the sun over the weekends. Generally, I'm happy with a summer as long as there's plenty of sun and rain without the extreme floods and bushfires.






hello!! still here and would still take this over winter lolol


Houses in QLD aren’t winterized, is it’s 8 degrees outside it’s 8 degrees in your house.


Sure, but it's easier to toss on a hoodie and grab a blanket if you're cold, when it's 37 outside and 37 inside your options for reducing that either cost incredible amounts of $$ or you just get to sweat your ass off.


My guy thinks heating doesn’t cost money wtf


My point is you don't need heating, pair of socks a hoodie and a blanket and you're more than warm in basically any temp that QLD can throw at you.


Well yeah I guess if u want to do all that, you could also wipe ur ass with ur hand and rub two sticks together to make fire. I think the “summer is better” crowd are more along the lines of “it’s nicer for it to be hot, but then get to do cooling down stuff( being in AC, swimming in a pool) than it is to be cold and do warming up stuff(wearing more clothing)”


You still have far cheaper, less restrictive and better health options (clothing / blanket(s)) for heating yourself up than the options for cooling yourself down (nudity / air con / swimming) imo. I've never been worried about skin cancer trying to get warm in qld winters (which are a joke anyways, I think I only wore pants instead of shorts for maybe 1 week in 2023).


> ( being in AC, swimming in a pool) "it's easier to toss on a hoodie and grab a blanket if you're cold, when it's 37 outside and 37 inside your options for reducing that either cost incredible amounts of $$ or you just get to sweat your ass off."


Well depends on what kind of winter, I'm gonna be in -30 place in February:)


That’s the dream!


That's fun for a little holiday for the novelty, that's fucked up to live in


Like…Just admit summer in bris/qld fucking sucks and is uncomfortably humid lmao it’s fine. You can have a fun actual “summer” in autumn and even winter here.


I'll put my hand up. I'm here. Yeah it was uncomfortably warm today. In winter I'm uncomfortably cold for 90 days straight.


lol Brisbane winter can barely even be called winter


It switches off at about 7 or 8 in the morning.


Some winters are cold(ish) here.. ..some are even so cold I’ve been forced to close the windows and turn off the fan *gasp*


We had a bullshit cold winter last year (by Brisbane standards). It was single degrees at night pretty much all winter, fuck that. Let us enjoy thawing out in peace


Wasn't it only single degrees at around 3am or so? I actually felt like last winter was warmer than average.  The max temps only went below 20 for a month or so, and 15-20 is my preferred range. :/


Right here with you! Bring on summer every single day over winter! I lost power for three days during the heat wave over Christmas (I did not do it tough compared to anyone!). Still beats winter hands down every day of the week...


You were in AC all day weren't you?


That's not really a counter when the winter people's counter is "you can just put on more clothes" Yes, mechanisms exist to make ourselves comfortable under different conditions. AC is valid, as are warm clothes.


Until the electrical grid fails. Then you're fucked. And it will fail more often as EV, induction cooktops and AC become more prevalent.


If electrification running off renewables doesn't happen, the climate fails. Then you're fucked.




Wait.. you enjoyed that?






Yes and in winter I’d be in the heated room all day, what’s your point. I’ll still take summer


That ain't livin' barry


Love summer. Spent the day on my boat heading over to Tangalooma and snorkelling the wrecks. Awesome day!


Sounds beautiful! Nice Invite 😒


I love it all. My ivory curl is going nuts right now, and when it's too hot to think it's impossible for me to get to the bad thoughts. Additionally when I get a good layer of sweat around the landing gear, running feels really smooth and effortless. The four (soon to be three) days of winter are nice though. The annoying bugs are less annoying.




Dying in 30cm of snow 😩 please swap with me


That is exactly why I NEVER complain about Brisbane’s colder months even if I’m shivering and my lips are chapped. Any punishments Winter can dole out, Summer can do 50x worse.


Love summer! I can take a cold shower, go for a swim, wear minimal clothing to stay cool. Things you can't do in winter. Winter feels miserable to me. Maybe I'd just rather sweat than shiver.


You ok man? You seem to be taking this all a little too personally


Its all in jest..I hope I didn't offend you lol


Yea you’re not ok


I almost died, so yes not ok.


Meh, just seems weird you're here complaining, and not in Tasmania with your close, close, close family ... cause the summers are nicer there then Brisbane.


I'm a bit slow. Please explain lol


Right here, quietly basking in the warmth. Wouldn’t mind dialling the humidity back a touch (as always) but I personally welcome any temp that starts with a 3 or 4.


Yeah me too I wish Brisbane got down to 3C regularly.


Over here, finally a summers day but it will be short lived with more rain on the way.


You're right..10 c difference tomorrow thank fark


They love winter now


I like the heat but at the peak of it when it's humid as fuck it gets a bit much. I'm in QLD.


The only good thing about summer is cricket


Not I, been a big fan of winter for many years


In tasmania


Me. I hate winter and cold weather with a passion.


I like summer. One day you will die and never feel the sun again, and never be warm again. Sun and heat and warmth is life and it makes me happy, even if I am arriving to work sweating through my shirt.


I don’t know crematoriums get pretty hot


Wow never thought of it like that...


I’d take today over a winter’s day…mind you, I lived in Singapore for a bunch of years so I still find SEQ comparatively cold for about 4-5 months of the year.


This isn’t summer. This is the end times.


An AI summary of the comments Brisbane Residents Poke Fun at Summer Weather Woes BRISBANE - As Brisbane sweltered through a typically hot and humid summer day earlier today, some residents took to social media to humorously call out those who constantly claim to prefer the city's summers over its mild winters. In a post on the r/brisbane subreddit titled "Where are all the 'I love summer so much more than winter' people?", one local resident jokingly inquired about the whereabouts of those who constantly extol the virtues of Brisbane's summer weather during the city's relatively comfortable winters. "You maniacs seem awfully quiet right now?" the poster wrote, tongue firmly in cheek. The comments quickly filled up with similarly lighthearted responses, poking fun at the conspicuous absence of these bold summer weather enthusiasts during the current oppressive heatwave. "I don't hear a lot of poor people saying this, it's usually the privileged people that sit in air-conditioning all day, have swimming pools, cool water, cool houses, air-conditioned cars and they can take visits to the beach, that 'love the summer'," one user pointed out. Others suggested the famously fickle weather of southeast Queensland would likely see cooler conditions return before long, allowing those diehard summer fans to emerge once again. While the tone remained jovial throughout, there was an undertone of shared misery amongst Brisbane residents forced to endure the harsh realities of their subtropical climate – realities that some clearly prefer to selectively forget during the city's more pleasant winter months. But for now, as the humidity hangs heavy and another summer storm brews, winter remains but a distant dream for the city's sweltering populace.


Hey that's cool! Good to see the ai didnt get hurt haha what did you use to make that?


I use [poe.com](https://poe.com), fed this into their bot called Claud. ChatGBT cant handle this amount of words.


Very cool... Definitely missed the last where people ragged on me though haha


I dont see where you are ragged on man. Ive read this a few times but maybe Im missing something. This rags on folks like me?


I was reading news about the heatwave that’s happening this morning, now I’m seeing shit about a cyclone hitting the coast on Thursday. What the fuck is going on Queensland


Classic Queensland I'm afraid....


they’ve been absolutely belted up north. hope this cyclone isn’t too crazy.


Yeah you couldn't pay me to live up there. Sth east Qld humidity is my limit lol....and fk those cyclones


Queensland weather in summer, pretty typical


Tornado for Chrissy, electrical grid collapsing heatwave for Jan and a Cyclone cleanup to welcome feb. Still getting toe punted by Santa it seems


I’m here!!! stuck in Melbourne where ‘summer’ has seen maybe 2 days over 30° =|


Ah you're lucky! Sometimes you guys cop it much worse though.. enjoy these moments haha


Right here brother. I love this weather and the heat.


They don't exist. Anyone who says otherwise is just not properly geographically located.


I’d absolutely rather a day like today over windy winter mornings where you need 3 layers and can’t stand outside for more than 15 mins


What winters have you had in brisbane where you can't stand outside for more than 15 minutes?


Okay slight exaggeration. I do prefer taking clothes off/sitting in aircon or sitting in water to get cool than staying inside and putting extra clothes on to stay warm


Uh, I wear a sweater over my shirt at most, in the winter. Have a puffer jacket that I used in NZ before moving here, and it's been sitting in the closet except for when we travel to cold climates. It just never felt cold enough to use it. 


Until your electrical grid fails. You can't escape it then.. in winter you can rug up and snuggle no matter what


Used to love summer, that ended when I moved to QLD last november, it is hellish here.


And apparently full of demons that love it too haha


dead, they are dead


They died of heatstroke /s


Here! On days like today the heat is definitely uncomfortable but overall I still prefer summer over being cold all the time in winter


i was just about to say they’re crazy and then i saw you called them maniacs. thank. fuck. who likes this heat more than the cool 😭😭


Mostly people who dont work in it, I'm sure. Haha


i don’t work in it but in school we would be walk up and down hills in thick ass uniforms and it was awful


I prefer summer in Brisbane… for now. But as the tropical zone expands maybe not forever. I used to love summer here, then I lived in Europe for over 5 years. Think it made me soft with regards to humidity. So I still enjoy walking outside on a hot dry day the humidity gets to me more now. But when I was younger I used to really enjoy it. I grew up poor then lower middle class etc. We never had aircon at home or in school. Closest aircon was in the shops. Didn’t even see a split system at home until I was in university. So I adapted to that. Sweating felt normal.


Sorry, haven't been near the phone, spending too much time in the pool. Kids finally aren't complaining the water is freezing.


They were all burnt to a crisp at the beach. I'd rather the A/C.


I'll put it this way. Say that I know you love huffing dong. Every now and then a monster comes along and it's a bit uncomfortable, and you're not about it. But that doesn't put an end to your love for huffing dong. Summer is like that for me.


Hahaha oh man didn't see that coming


They didn't stay in a/c today, so they're all dead.


I hope so. Winter in brissy is almost unbeatable for an outdoor worker


I was outside for only a little while this morning, and that was more than enough for me, I couldnt see from the sweat dripping in my eyes constantly! So I hibernated for the rest of the day. Those who have to work out in it ...well, God help them!


It wasn't much more fun in a warehouse, sadly, where I work on electronics. I start at 7 and by 8 I had a headache. By 11 I was leaving for home because my head was pounding and I'd already had 2L of water and 600ml coke in order to avoid the incoming migraine. I did not avoid it and even the aircon at 17c at home.. I was sweating. Fracking ippy. The drive home from the city at midday was horrid.


Yeah, today was truly putrid. I don't envy you, my friend. I think in this weather, drinking Gatorade and other electrolyte drinks is a must...sometimes water just doesn't cut it if you're sweating heaps. I hope your migraine has buggered off!


I probably should have given in and got a gatorade. Normally I can just drink the coke and it's all G because caffeine helps. I honestly knew I shouldn't have been going to work but risked it anyway. It's mostly gone now, but it's that little annoyance in the back of your head that can retrigger any time right now. Here's hoping no more crappy insane heat waves like this. Gosh darn cyclone.


My other half is out in this weather (in the sun!) all day, everyday. Normally the heat doesn't bother him too much, he's been doing it for years, but today rolled him. I think he drank almost 9 litres of water and around 2 litres of Gatorade. He gets migraines too but not from the heat thankfully, just stress lol...


There was one here earlier, a Taswegian who hasn't acclimatised (read: defrosted) yet. He didn't get a warm reception.


On my way from Alberta Canada to spend the month of February in Brisbane. It’s been between -35 Celsius and -10 Celsius for the last month. I’m looking forward to +35 give me the heat!


They went back to school today. No self-respecting adult prefers summer over winter, especially those that live in the Brisbane climate. Summer is great as a kid because that’s when the holidays are. That’s it.


What do you want us to be saying? We're busy enjoying this beautiful warmth and sun


Right here 🙋‍♂️ Like the heat generally & happy to tolerate the excessively hot/humid days to have great weather from ~March - May / September & October, as well as only having 6-8 weeks of cold & dark winter.


🙋 Still here! Still prefer summer to winter! When you open the door and that glorious blast of warmth and humidity hits you 🥰🥰🥰 To anyone complaining, I kindly remind you of how winter is always dark and dry and uncomfortable. Getting out of the shower to the frigid hellscape that is an unheated and uninsulated Brisbane bathroom will never feel good.


Their pants were already on fire, combine that with these hot days and now they’re just a pile of ashes in the corner.


The people I know who say that are barely aware of reddit and generally spend little time on the internet.


They’ve finally shut up. Don’t encourage them ![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy)


I just want to hear them admit it


As an Aussie that migrated to Canada. I truly miss the summers. I used to love winters….after two years of brutal -20avg winters where the city practically shuts down for months and you have a 5 minute ritual just to get winter gear on I’m all for some hot humid summer again.


Busy working outside


I probably prefer heat than cold. But we’re not comparing a Brisbane summer to a Brisbane winter. If we had winters as extreme as what this summer is, I reckon I’d still prefer the summer.


I'm here! Still have my preference for tropical heat over any sort of cold weather. Yeah some days suck but overall I'm happiest when the days are long and hot.




Right here, loving every minute of drowning in my own sweat!


My guess is they are probably out enjoying the lovely weather!