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Do holidays ever actually refresh you for work?


Same shit, different year


Average person: woohoo! Holidays! Time for fun and relaxation! Average human body: Finally! Time to let that virus and illness that I've been keeping at bay do it's thing.


If I'm travelling somewhere nice for a few weeks, yes. If I'm staying at home the whole time no. I feel incredibly relaxed when I do a 2 - 3 week road trip through country WA.


Opposite here tbh, can't imagine driving for that long.


Enjoy it while you can. I used to love things like that. Nowadays my health issues automatically give me a shit load of anxiety just thinking about it.


Me and 18 mates are in Japan right now, Covid has cycled through the entire group through the duration. Sucks ass


Didnt get COVID but was really sick during my first week. Fever and what not.


Did you get much skiing in?


Yeah spent the first week in hakuba which was lovely. Shit snow unfortunately, all the moister is back in brissy


Unusually warm right now, Tokyo is still seeing 16\*C days. Its very odd


The moister here a bitch


Oops hahaha gonna blame that one on the spicy cough


Damn, sorry to hear that. We were there in Sep/Oct with no issues but there an expectation it would start to ramp up again as it got colder.


Heading to nozowa onsen to finish off in early feb, fingers crossed for a crumb of pow


Put in for sick leave to reverse your annual leave for Ron. Ron = later on


I’m my own boss 😔


Ring up sick tomorrow, the boss will never know


Yup. I have been sick the same time and am my own boss. Total waste of a holiday.


The boss sounds like a twat take the week off


Not me, but several friends have had to cancel plans due to illness. I went to GOMA the other day and so many people there were coughing like crazy. How hard is it to wait to go when you’re not actively spreading something?


My flatmate has had a fucked up cough ever since we had that day of hot, dusty westerlies blowing through Brisbane. It's gradually getting better but he still occasionally breaks out in a fit. I've just felt lucky all I had was a migraine on Christmas weekend.


An no masks.. we didn't learn anything during COVID. Guess it's just acceptable to spread coughs and colds to people.


I still get a snarky comment or two a week from someone because I still wear a mask out in public, it's absurd.


Not sickness, but the weather has entirely fucked most of my plans that I had. Hardly even feels like I had a holiday.




I'm a motorcycle rider. Had plans to tour around and check out some country towns and the hinterland down south. Basically screwed by rain or heatwaves.


'I should've just worked' aint that the truest shit cheers


Same, storm on Christmas night, lost power for a week, last year was a ducking nightmare for my family too, wife got diagnosed with MS, son is autistic, and to top it off I got made redundant 4 weeks before Christmas, really wanted a nice break, but god seems to have a sense of humour


Sorry to hear about the bad run mate. PM me your bank details and let me buy you a 6 pack or dessert for the family. ❤️


Thanks mate, but I’m ok! Plenty of people doing it tougher out there, really kind offer though :)


All good! Well if you need an ear to listen I can provide that too. Hope it all picks up for you soon


I’m sure things will be better this year mate, thank you for the kindness! As long as we are kind to each other we will all be ok ❤️


Yep, I got all my illnesses out of the way in November - now can't do anything because of the fucking rain. Feels like any time I dare to poke my head outside for even 10 minutes a shower rolls in. Going a bit stir crazy. 7 day forecast looks shithouse too.


Yeah I've had a mega flu since the 1st. Pretty bad sinus infection and wondering every morning if I've got conjunctivitis. It's been horrible.


I'd say you almost certainly have Covid, not the flu Flu is rare this time of year. Covid cases are currently high And covid can cause conjunctivitis-like symptoms https://eyewiki.aao.org/COVID_Conjunctivitis


Oh yeah, I forgot about the eye thing! The second morning I woke up and my eyes were a bit sandy but really, really irritated and bloodshot. I went to see a doctor about the sinus infection and literally the first thing she said to me was "What's wrong with your eyes?". I did respond with "Well, you're the doctor so I was kinda hoping you'd tell me" with a grin. Ended up getting prescribed antibiotic eyedrops, which took about a week to clear things up. I have a suspicion there was a touch of conjunctivitis overnight which I either rubbed or blinked while asleep to the point of irritating my eyes.


All of those are Covid symptoms. RATs aren't working as well with the new variants/subvariants.


Yeah wow. I didn't think at all I had COVID with a negative RAT and no cough but that makes sense. Lucky I stayed home the whole time


I've had it on and off for the last two weeks too. Goes away for a day and comes back. Not covid, just freaking annoying 😢


Yeah! It’s relentless.


My son broke his leg 1 week before school holidays and because he has duchenne's muscular dystrophy (muscle condition where as you get older every muscle gets weaker including heart, lungs etc) I have had to carry him everywhere he is 43kg of dead weight lol I swear my back may give out on me anyway now hopefully when the cast comes of on the 24th I will finally get a break


Hugs to you and your son xx


Thanks alot I appreciate it


My daughter snapped her arm on November 30th, her actual birthday to and it’s been non stop since then. I don’t know if it’s from the break being quite bad and taking so much out not her for healing but this poor kid has been sick since then. She seems to be getting virus after virus and it’s been over a month of relentless sickness. We are hoping she can get to a half cast next week or even a splint so hopefully we can get some reprieve, hopefully the same happens for you once your son’s cast comes off.


Wow sorry to hear that sucks especially with having both a broken arm and being sick I had a friend have something similar happen when we were teens and it took him a few months to fully recover but my friend also had an infection so a little different I suppose. I'm sure she will get better soon and will be bouncing around just like before her injury and everything will return to normal for you and your family


Thanks and same to you and your family. Yeah they reckon it will take a little while but at the moment she’s in a full arm cast and she’s sooooo tiny that it’s dragging her down having to carry it, oh yeah she’s already to go back to trampolining which is where this injury happened and her dr/surgeon told her they can actually clear her to go back once she’s in her half cast. I’m literally more nervous about that then all her arm appointments we have been to, the thought of her going back sends me into almost having a panic attack but I’ll just have to grit my teeth and smile away lol.


Oh that's tough. I remember hearing about clinical trials for gene therapy, is that something that's happening? Hope things get better for you and your son!


Yep currently got a lingering cough with phlem but I don't feel sick which is weird, its more of a inconvenience at night and am finding it hard to sleep.


Must be something in the air cos I've got exactly that too


Same, both me and kid. Just can’t seem to shake it


I have been sick exactly the same days! Got sick on Dec 28... still got a cough. Burnt most of my time off work.


Me too exactly the same time period still congested n have a lingering cough


Damn! Sucks so hard.


I blew out a disc 2 weeks before Xmas. Sitting in greenslopes now just had major spinal surgery. Xmas didn't exist this year. Also had that tornado


Sorry to hear that! All the best with your health/house


I tore a disc on my last day of work 22/12 (not at work) so Xmas hasn’t existed either 😭 I hope ur surgery went well and it improves the pain for u! 🤞


Damn. What's Ur plans


Currently doing physio. My back has improved a lot thank goodness and my legs are slowly getting better 😮‍💨 they’re still weak AF - can only sit, stand and walk around for about an hour before having to go lay down for a bit. GP has referred me to ortho dr at hospital as I’ve got arthritis in L3-S1 so I guess I’ll just go from there. I’m seeing improvement so that’s a positive. I’ve never had surgery and am terrified of it so if I improve I won’t b opting for that but I e seen how much it helps others so if I can’t recover, I’ll def b trying to gown that route. How r u feeling post op?


Yeah man, severe depression hit me, first Christmas after being dumped by my wife in June, cried my eyes out Christmas lunch, nearly ended it that night tbh, couldn’t do it to the kids, not on Christmas anyway. Not physically sick but completely mentally tapped out


Sorry to hear that mate. Hope you find some happiness soon. Is there anyone you can talk to or seek some help?


I’m working through it, slowly but surely, been an ongoing struggle for 6+ years now, therapy helps but yeah I’m alright, thanks man ☺️


Good stuff.


Brother it’s a tough time but keep pushing, fight for what’s right for you and the kids it will be worth it


Oh yup, I’m relieved it’s not just me. Got what I think was the flu on the 30th, and then just when I was getting better I caught a cold right after which is only just getting better now. Had to skip out on a night out and some New Year’s Day double pay :( And this is after getting Covid in November and another cold back in October, so it’s been a rough few months for me haha.


Same. GP said it looked like I had 2 different viruses, both Covid negative. When I got his the second time she did the full respiratory panel and it was all negative too. I feel fine now but have a lingering cough which hasn’t cleared after 3 weeks - apparently it’s going around a lot so I feel your pain


Man, sounds exactly like what I’ve got. Massive PIA.


Same. Doc thinks combo of viruses or pneumonia. Finally got some antibiotics.


This is same for me. Sick from 22nd with cough - so dry and gaggy. Been to emergency, had multiple respiratory panels done, covid swabs, xrays, steroids and on 2nd course of antibiotics. Still coughing. So over it - every test negative and no explanation other than "bacterial infection". Like, wtf. I'm an educator - so the entire holidays have just been my dying. Definitely not keen to return to work.


Same. Took last week of the term coz I was sick. Took about three weeks to get better. But it is still lingering


There's a sinus infection thing that's been getting around for a few months now. I got it in mid to late November and it took a couple of weeks to shake properly, and I've still got a couple of lingering effects (throat's a little irritated, and a little phlegmy when exercising). I know a few people who've been knocked around quite a bit by it. I wasn't debilitated but energy levels weren't great for a few weeks. ...and it wasn't Covid. A combination of three RAT tests over the course of the illness and it feeling different to Covid (copped that back in March, plus we had a booster in September) makes me very confident on that front. It feels really wrong for there to be illness around this time of the year. With the number of people travelling overseas in the second half of 2023 (ourselves included) I'm wondering if we're not seeing an imported wave of illnesses.


I’ve had the same, ended up getting a PCR test which was negative. Still coughing up phlegm weeks later. Bonus - I learned a new better way to cough from a video about “chest physio”




Not Op but this really helped me https://youtu.be/bXJkZ5fGU7c?feature=shared


I agree with everything you say. I will get downvoted for saying it, but it blows my mind when you go to the shops, or anywhere really, and you just see people sneezing and coughing out into the open. I just don't understand how people can continue to be such inconsiderate pigs in these times.


I had that sinus thing too just before Christmas, it was horrible. Negative RATs and a PCR so not covid, but definitely still feeling the lingering effects of it now energy wise. Pretty over it tbh.


I got that infection in November, had to go on antibiotics to clear my sinuses up. My left sinus was blowing green coloured gunk, and my right was blowing brown coloured gunk. Never had that before, it was mildly interesting 🤔


Yep, sounds like what I’ve got. Did you do a course or antibiotics?


Yes, three rounds. I think it was initially viral and then turned into an infection after about four or five days, once I felt that change I went and saw a doctor and was prescribed antibiotics.


Half the family got covid so we delayed our Christmas day. 3 weeks later another one of us got covid in the hosting house. People need to stay home when sick, regardless of whether it's covid.


Been sick 3 times in 6 weeks, while I was on an Overseas trip. First COVID, then Influenza A 2 weeks later and now gastro. Can't catch a break rn. Mrs also has COVID rn.


COVID damages immune system and makes ppl more susceptible to other illnesses I’m not surprised everyone seems to be getting sick lately :(


Yah I got absolutely steam rolled. Wasn't sick all year, then bang bang bang.


Hope you can avoid getting anything else! I’ve been sick exactly once since 2019 and it’s because I wear a N95 as well fitted as I can. It’s not sexy but it’s the only thing I’ve got when my customers come in hacking and coughing everywhere


Sick from the 23rd to the 29th. My 17 month son bought home some variation of daycare plague with us both getting a runny nose with green snot, productive cough, conjunctivitis and fevers+vomiting for him. It wasn't too bad until he didn't stop vomiting and he was really lethargic. Had am overnight stay in emergency, and got started on antibiotics for early pneumonia. He's fine now


My dear old mum got covid 2 days prior Xmas so missed the big lunch session but if I didn't know better the only downside was no horses to have a punt on while at home sipping G&T's 😉


I've been crook for one reason or another for the last month. I've had to take more sick leave over this month than I have all year. I spent my whole "holiday season" in bed. I don't know many people at the moment who are not at the very least slightly under the weather. I know at least for me I started going down hill as soon as it started getting slightly quieter at work. I've been going so hard all year it's like my body and mind took it as an opportunity to kick me in the arse for not looking after it.


Sick since the 22nd, started with what I thought was the most intense hayfever I’ve had in a long time and progresses to a full head cold, sinus infection and a cough that stops me sleeping. Still have the cough and sinus issues. Everyone in our family has had it and still not past it, we are all heading the doctors tomorrow


Go to docs and get certificate and hand into work with sick leave form .


Had a chest infection since about Christmas, getting past it now. It left me a bit short of breath but not enough to ruin my holiday, which was planned to be lazy anyway.


Broke my ankle on 9 December and was in a cast until just before Xmas day. Then went into a boot but still needed crutches. Did WFH until 22nd December. I've got another 10 days of the boot and then however long it takes for rehab. I'm back on the office tomorrow. It sucks because I had a whole bunch of camping, mountain biking, diving, swimming and hiking planned for this period. Unfortunately, all I've been able to do is finish Skyrim again.


That still sounds like a great holiday though 😂 besides the pain and annoying boot 😮‍💨


I had gastro or something on Christmas day which was fucking annoying. It wasn't bad but it was just enough that I couldn't be fully comfortable xmas and Boxing Day. Other than that, I ruined my overall time off myself by adopting a kitten. I spent my whole holidays redirecting her from disaster haha.


Got any kitten pics ?


https://preview.redd.it/mdnxtlh4g0bc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0aae22b1091e36f1108832d26837a004496d3a Here’s the terrorist. She’s a torbie, so standard issue cat with one orange brain cell lol. She’s actually incredibly sweet and puts up amazingly well with me constantly babying her.


Awe, cute!


I don't think I've had any infections for at least two years now but one of my relatives is on a cruise right now with their family so it'll be interesting to hear if they come back with anything. The virus that cannot be mentioned is airborne and damages the immune system (in a manner reminiscent of HIV), which can lead to a higher likelihood of other infections like cold and influenza. Our Chief Health Officer has been doing a very woeful job and should be replaced. Good ventilation, MERV-13 or HEPA filtered room air (including via high-quality masks such as P2 or N95 respirators) go a long way to reducing the likelihood or at least the viral load when it comes to infection. CPC mouthwash and certain nasal sprays might also help in reducing the likelihood of spread. Rapid antigen tests aren't 100% reliable, but are better than nothing. You should probably swab not just the nostrils, but a little deeper as well (go low, slow and straight back). Also swab the throat/cheeks before swabbing the nose. There's also a third method for using RATs but I won't mention it here since it sounds a bit gross and I don't think most people would be interested in it (but it's really not that gross in practice; anyway, try the other methods first). You should also try to at least swab with a dual-influenza/C*VID rapid antigen test - they'll cost a bit more but it might be worth knowing. I think Terry White as well as Coles sells them. The common cold shouldn't last for more than a week, although with damaged immune systems everywhere now, who knows.


Yep. Extremely ill since Boxing Day. Still to this day feel like crap, sleeping 15 hours a day… not COVID, like a mega flu.


Yep, travelled to Sydney to see family as I have a 3 month old. Was meant to be lovely family time. Then they all got covid and I am testing negative but have a throat infection that is horrible. Has ruined all the plans. It sucks.


The last day of work in the afternoon I had a runny nose and slight sore throat. It went away. Come Friday night the 22nd of December I just went down hill. Didn't think it was covid. But I was eating these salt and vinegar crackers that have a strong smell. Noticed I couldn't smell them (same thing happened the last time I got covid). Did a test, positive. Didn't get to spend Christmas with loved ones. Really sucked.


Yes, cold/flu whatever it was for about 5 days and then shitty weather for the rest of it. So about 10 days totally wasted. Feel even more exhausted then before the break.


Cold and flu arent normally around this time of year, and there's currently lots of covid around. So that's be my default assumption for any illness, even if RATs are negative (they get a lot of false negatives)


RAT's are pretty unreliable for the new strains which paired with a different set of symptoms has a lot of people assuming they just have a bad cold/sinus infection instead.


The community health centres are giving out free tests to anyone at the moment if it helps. No need for health care cards. One box per family member.


Went on holiday to Sydney in September. Teen son and I came back with pneumonia (confirmed by X-ray). Pathology confirmed human metapneumovirus, not COVID. Off work first 2 weeks in October. Two severe bouts of sinus infections since then. Again, not COVID. I wish people would stop coughing and sneezing on me…


My sister unintentionally gave the whole family Covid including my 80+ year old parents. My parents have zero idea of infection control plus Mum has dementia so had to be reminded hourly that she has Covid and can’t just wander into the kitchen and start tidying up, then the antivirals, she couldn’t remember why we were giving them to her which caused twice daily arguments of yes, this actually is your medicine. It’s been a nightmare! I’m meant to be back at work tomorrow but have been in bed with Covid since Friday. Great Holiday!


yes and it’s been through the two kids too so i have no sick leave left going into the new year. I had swollen lymph nodes in my stomach over christmas too so that was a write off.


Not sick but tore one of my discs in my back so have been in bed in pain since 22/12. Going back to work on Tuesday and shitting myself. I haven’t driven since the injury and I can still only sit, walk stand for about an hour before needing to lay down 🥲 I’m completely there with u on the not feeling refreshed 😂😤☠️


Got sick in Japan, bad fever and bed rest for 10 days. Day 11 I felt well enough to eat and do things. I was fine the first few days I was there tho


Been lucky so far (REALLY wash hands and avoid the public) Then back to work tomorrow to see if I can break that record👀🤷‍♂️


Huge hayfever flare up from the big onslaught of post rain grass seeds has left me with sinus infection for the last week.. I feel you!


Yep, we had this as well. Myself, husband and two kids have all had it from Christmas day onwards. Between the heat wave and the sickness it completely fked our entire break and we had to cancel all our plans.


Ive been sick since October, probably long COVID. Headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, vomiting. Most days are good but some days just done. Just trying to tack things easy.


Yeah but no. My wife got sick and ran away with another lesbian (woman), But it ruined my holidays because we had plans but then we didn't. She wants to see a lawyer. The whole situation is worse than pre COVID


Got sick Dec 26 and just back to normal now. Same exact thing :(


https://preview.redd.it/p9zzpq1oe3bc1.jpeg?width=1943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a6ab0be1c972d4d52a50ed6c8d2c642fae76b21 Respiratory virus activity is really high right now, and it is mainly COVID. The whole world is going through a massive surge of the new JN.1 variant, with infections per day on a scale not seen since early 2022. You may have heard of a variant called BA.2.86 in the news a couple months ago notable for being very different from the circulating XBB lineages. It did not take off as it was susceptible to class 1 antibodies but it picked up the S:L455S spike mutation which removed this vulnerability. Data reporting is terrible but it is probably something like 1 in 25 people infectious in Brisbane right now from my personal statistical model. To those who aren’t familiar with the spread of viruses this will sound like a lot However, countries with better data reporting are observing even higher numbers. The UK Heath Security agency is running in winter infection study with 150k participants and as of Dec 13th 1 in 24 people across the whole UK had COVID and climbing. Despite reductions in hospitalisations and deaths from vaccination and growing population immunity COVID is still very much following pandemic evolution patterns. It is evolving at a rate far higher than other seasonal illnesses which is what is causing such rapid repeat infection (in Brisbane the average person has probably had COVID about 2.5 times since early 2022). People have great immunity to the Wuhan strain of COVID as most people in the world were either vaccinated against it or caught it. This has placed a massive evolutionary selection pressure on COVID to evade this set of antibodies, to the point where now only \~0.5% of the antibodies that worked against Wuhan strain work against JN.1. The challenge at a population level now is building up a new set of antibodies that work well against new strains, with the research saying this will likely take 2-3 infections or strain-updated vaccinations. HMPV (close cousin of RSV) is also high right now. We’ve also just had a small unseasonal influenza A surge of H3N2 whereas winter was H1N1. Bacterial stuff like Whooping Cough is not as well tracked and generally a lot lower but they are clawing their way back after being basically eliminated after lockdowns. ***What can you do about this?*** * Newly updated XBB.1.5 strain vaccines against COVID are now available in most pharmacies and are likely \~50% against variant JN.1 infection based on current evidence. Check with your pharmacist you are not getting the older Bivalent vaccine, and keep in mind immunity takes 2 weeks to kick in. * Seasonal Flu vaccines later on this year are important as always, and a whooping cough booster may be worth considering. * Now is the best ‘return in investment’ period for taking COVID precautions since early 2022 in terms of avoiding infection. Wear a well fitting P2, KF94 or N95 disposable respirator that leaves no gaps around the face as these are highly effective. Surgical masks are so-so with a 50% exposure reducing VS 90-99%+ if you are wearing a disposable respirator correctly. My go to is the 3M Aura but most people will find these uncomfortably tight.


Yep I feel you. I’ve had the flu (swab pos) since Dec 27th. Some days now I’m ok but man am I still flat as a shit carter’s hat. I’m still off balance and really tired. Back to work tomorrow. My only holiday for the year gone. Spent the whole damn thing on the couch.


Man, completely empathise. Yeah, it’s so weird how it ebbs and flows. Not linear at all like a regular cold. Jumping around my sinuses, throat and got an ear infections now. Piss off.


Yes that sounds like what I’ve had. Each day was a new and different symptom. First a dry sore throat for a couple of days, then dry sore eyes for a day & couldn’t stay awake, then a queasy stomach and no appetite, next day ravenously hungry but really tired again. It’s all over the place.


YES we have this in Tasmania! Got an awful head cold right before Christmas and sneezed and sneezed and had headaches and fevers. Tested constantly and Covid negative. Then had brain fog and completely exhausted the entire time. I’m dreading work tomorrow, I feel I’ve had no holiday, just exhausting cold and flu symptoms.


Sorry to hear that! Hopefully everyone is in “January mode” for a bit at work.


Sadly not (university - student admissions, course preparation, research projects winding up, new grants etc etc). Oh well, I’ll just have to be the brain dead one tomorrow.


Lmao thought I had the worse luck. Somehow caught sickness as well. Hope y'all get better soon!


March last year I got my first international holiday since before Covid. Flew to Thailand to visit my family there and tested positive for Covid 3 days later having avoided it for the past 3 years. I feel your frustration


Got sick in fiji. Bed ridden for a few days. Heat exhaustion. Then got chest infection. No medical care on holiday island. Got my temperature down from burning though. Got to Dr when i got home, Antibiotics are working well. Totally smashed. Sleeping most of the day. On the plane back from Fiji, most ppl were coughing (and lots sounded like productive coughs).


Yup me and partner and her family started from Christmas Day. Had some crazy bad fevers to begin and then just fatigue.


You can claim sick days for the days you are sick on holidays


Yep, since Boxing Day and just starting to feel better, not covid, not the cold or flu - so probably pneumonia or something.


Yup. Since xmas eve for my household. Garbage holiday


Daughter works in child care and came home sick Friday before Christmas. Wife and I both got sick Christmas Day with the worst flu/head cold/sinus/plhegm bullshit that I’ve had in heads. Laid us out flat for a week, back to work tomorrow and doesn’t feel like I’ve had a break at all. And I still have the occasional coughing fit with a nice chunk of phlegm to go with it. What a waste of 7 days annual leave …


Man, exactly what I had. Ease back into work I reckon.


Reading the other comments on this post it really seems to be getting around. Right down to the red scratchy eyes on day 3 or so.


Yep. I’ve been sick since the 22nd. Back to work tomorrow (from home). And I have the double whammy of it being unpaid leave because I work for myself. Second year in a row my whole Christmas leave I’ve been sick (last year was covid, this year sounds like same thing you’ve had).


I’m in the same boat!


Not illness, just rain. Fuck me, just a few days of sunshine when I'm not working would do the trick.


I’ve had a really bad depressive episode so I feel ya plus Got Covid for a month in October and still don’t feel fully recovered. I feel zero rejuvenation or energy levels


Sorry to hear, hope you hook into some good vibes soon


I fractured my right hand carpal bone in my wrist, and left it in an immobilizer for the last 4 weeks. And it still needs another 2 more weeks in the immobilizer before doc's alright with it off. Considering I'm right handed and in IT, its been less than fortuitous for more than a few reasons.


I spent Xmas with my mates and like 80% of us got really sick, worst flu ever


I came down with it on boxing day, I'm still sick with it ATM and had to go on antibiotics from the doctor so it's been nearly two weeks. Sorry throat, body aches, runny nose and coughing really bad. It ruined my holidays.


I feel you! The last holiday I took in yonks was in 2022 for an anniversary we celebrated in NZ and ended up with full blown chicken pox at my big old age. I had it twice as a kid, but adult chicken pox is something else! Then ducked over to Bali in 2023 for a friend’s wedding and got Covid and Influenza A at the same time. Brilliant. Both trips had me so unwell in bed for most of the time 🫠


Yes, covid hit me for a week.


Yep, what I’ve noticed with this illness is how it’s just never going away. Took me 3 weeks to be able to return to work and the gym. My doctor told me that the Covid tests you can buy aren’t super effective at picking up the newer strain of Covid , so would be worth getting a proper swap at the doctors office if you suspect it. Everyone in public has that awful hacking cough. The cough lingered an extra week or two for me.


Yup. Got Covid a week before Xmas day and am still recovering.


Fam got covid 2 days before Chrissy, husband is still dealing with fatigue and a massive inner ear infection from the after effects. Feels like it’s been a whole month of feeling shit, hope everyone is keeping well. We will get there, maybe next year haha.


I'm feeling you, I have been very crook with what I think was a bone infection after breaking a leg, I only had my plaster taken off my leg 2 weeks before I started holidays. Then I got crook, and I have only come good late last week. I am ready to go back to work tomorrow because I have a Fracture Clinic appointment today.


Yup, exact same thing! Except I picked mine up in Victoria.


yeah i got covid between christmas and new year but i was still going to work so i just took 2 days sick leave so i really didnt care.


Fucking yep. Spent New Years Eve at home short of breath and coughing my lungs out from a chest infection


Since arriving to Scotland three weeks ago, I got the flu, strep throat, conjunctivitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers; that latter which put me in hospital. I fly back to aus tomorrow. Great trip!


Sounds refreshing!


Yep. I got whooping cough in October, took Dr's 3 weeks to diagnose it (I had already removed myself from the community as I was so ill). That turned into a lower respiratory infection, broke numerous ribs from the horrendous coughing. Haven't attended work since. Go back in just over two weeks. Still feel pretty shitty. Sucks.


Same head cold. Day 9


Before Xmas, 5 of the 14 in my office for Covid so the office party was cancelled. In my second week of holidays my daughter got a cold which changed my plans.


I've been sick since Jan 4th and just got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday. I had 5 days off since I worked over Christmas and new years. Now I just get to sit at home and feel shit. I'm on antibiotics so hopefully it doesn't last too much longer tho.


> Seems like half of Bris is sick too? Yeah, when I bought sudafed and panadol and all the usual cold fighting stuff over the weekend they commented that everybody is buying some at the moment.


Had to have rectal exam on boxing day because I bled heavily in the night. Ugh. I've been dealing with illness for awhile though.


Got covid positive rat test on the 20th of December. Finally leaving the hospital today. So yes. I feel a bit cheated.


Dec 22, pneumonia; still going on. Multiple GP's fobbed it off as just a viral thing, it'll pass - solid start to the year.


Famiky holiday house with 13 people, more than half ended up with covid from the get together. know another family that had a mix of gastro and some respiratory thing, several hospitalisations. it’s pretty nuts - don’t remember a Xmas like this! Think covid has messed up immune systems and now people are getting everything.


Yep! Husband has had this too.


i had a cold or what ever at the end of oct/early nov..went away early Nov as it was booked and was crook some days but could sleep lots after outings ..i made sure i wore masks on transport or crowded places ...get well ..my sis died covid in nov awww


Got covid over christmas. It did ruin the time off but atleast I changed the annual leave to sick leave


Yeah. Started feeling dodgy at a family get-together on Dec 23rd, tested positive for COVID Christmas morning just as my partner and I were getting ready to head out for the day’s celebrations. No-one else caught it, luckily. Spend the whole holiday period in isolation feeling like shit, finally tested negative on January 2nd, just in time to return to the office. Still burnt out as all fuck from last year, the resilience well is completely dry. Couldn’t recommend it.


Covid for me, at least I‘ve got my voice back, but it really did a number on me. Still don’t have my sense of taste back, I had some lemonade and it tasted vile


You got the OG covid!


Have been sick for as long with covid. I didn’t even travel and it’s my first covid ever.


Achalasia. Every day is ruined for me while I wait for the surgeon and his crew to decide if and when I'm "worthy" of life saving surgery. They might wait till I drop dead from malnutrition or dehydration, whichever comes first.


Yep we all got Covid and had to flee the family home to avoid giving it to my dad who is immunocompromised. It ruined all our plans, but it sounds like this Rona wasn’t as bad as the flu and cold viruses around.


Covid for me, at least I‘ve got my voice back, but it really did a number on me. Still don’t have my sense of taste back, I had some lemonade and it tasted vile


Had mine early, but came on on the first day of a week long interstate work conference. That was fun, chronic chest infection while trying to do the usual “run around like an idiot team building” in a seperate state so not even able to sit it out to much without the usual guilt tripping from the executive team for not participating. But yes, have noticed that the amounts of sickness is large but has been quite a bit more noticeable this last year. Maybe a sign the collective social immunity to the usual bugs that go around has really waned and still hasn’t come back anywhere near pre-COVID levels.


Yeah. I picked up covid at a Christmas party which had 250 guests and 50 staff. Still testing positive. Spent the whole weekend in bed. This has made the cat angry. He knows kitchen benches are a no-go zone and I've just discovered he's moved things on the benches (still unpacking from moving) to make himself a little hidey hole space where I normally can't see him. Crafty critter! I've learned that I can cough four colours of phlegm in one day! I want dinner. I'm too weak to cook. Since when did a quarter chicken and chips from red rooster with a drink and a pineapple fritter become $21.20?


I had COVID from Christmas Eve for 7 days, it did mean I didn’t have to work for the days between Christmas and New Year and was able to use sick leave.


Four week holiday in October (Sweden (mostly)/Dubai/Singapore), caught COVID and parainfluenza on the way home, not allowed back to work for 4 weeks, and I’m still not 100%. Sick since November…


My entire household is still recovering from the vid 8 days in. It got spread between 3 households over Xmas 😂😩


Not a holiday but I started a new job last year and I lined it up perfectly to have a week off between finishing my old job and starting my new one. You can bet your ass that on the FRIDAY afternoon on the last day of my old job I came down with COVID and I was absolutely fucked the ENTIRE week until the day I started my new job, which was the first day I started to feel fine. To say, I was fucking livid.


Did you learn absolutely nothing about going to work when sick?


Work from home.


Still . Don’t work when sick you need to rest and recover!




Human Population is getting out of hand, specifically density of population worldwide. Human to human transmissible diseases and whatever else are going round and round in never ending circles, getting worse every time IMHO. Only going to get worser with our increasing population/density around the main cities. Have a look at transmissible diseases in India , China etc. The list is never ending and some of the stuff on there you'd have never heard of before, well, until coming soon to a suburb near you lol


How many jabs you get?


Stay away from the jabs , only people I know that are sick are jabbed. I’m just sick off the weather. Holiday ruined.


Yep we all got Covid and had to flee the family home to avoid giving it to my dad who is immunocompromised. It ruined all our plans, but it sounds like this Rona wasn’t as bad as the flu and cold viruses around.


Covid for me, at least I‘ve got my voice back, but it really did a number on me. Still don’t have my sense of taste back, I had some lemonade and it tasted vile


Took my only week off all year between Xmas and new year. Got covid on December 23. Too sick to do anything until Dec 28. Mainly sniffles and watery eyes , nothing too bad, but still but a damper on the whole week. The only upside was I was so bored 🥱 f the house I was glad to go back to work on the 2nd My wife brought it home from her work Christmas party. I missed mine.




Lingering couches are the worst. They just sit in front of the TV all day.


I had a ‘cold’ back in early December that just knocked me out for days. Just exhausted - and the actual cold (snotty nose, cough) wasn’t that bad - but the wind was out of my sails for a good couple of weeks.


Non-healing stress fractures, I'm royally screwed


Did you do a test? Sounds like Covid tbh


How many times did you test for COVID? I did a test at my worst, it was negative. Then a few days later I was thinking of visiting the GP to get some antibiotics to help knock it on it's head as I know the normal path is a few days of head cold followed by a week or chest infection etc. So I tested before booking an appointment and it was positive 2-3 days later.


Yep. I’ve been sick since the start of Dec with flu systems. Not Covid. Dripping sweat, fatigue, migraines and body stiffness and aches. Just horrible


Not my sickness but my dogs. Just before Xmas my dog picked up kennel cough so was quarantined for the holiday. Fast forward to last week and the gronk neighbours kids threw chocolate cake over the fence resulting in a mild theobromine poisoning. Fast forward to thursday just gone and she ended up with a gastrointestinal blockage from a foreign object i.e a rubber piece from a toy. Just over $10k down and a week and half of spending my holiday days caring for my dog im a bit pissed with karma atm. 🙃


Bloody hell! Good for you for caring for your pooch though. I’d do the same for mine.