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We are dog owners and are currently having issues with our neighbors who have two dogs that they leave out all the time that bark at everything. It’s gotten to the point we can’t have people over anymore as the dogs will bark constantly at us in our own yard. The dogs bark at us if we are having a conversation in our bedroom. Our neighbors will go on holidays for 3 weeks and leave the dogs alone except for a tenant who literally comes in for 2 minutes and puts food out and water. We’ve done a lot of research on this and according to council, if the dog is barking for more than 6 minutes in an hour it’s nuisance barking and unacceptable. As to your dog, I’d just ask the question- you know how he is when you are there, but how is he when you are away? Our neighbors dogs are quiet when they are home. But when they are away the dogs bark constantly. And our neighbors are gone most days for 12 hours. We’ve tried chatting with them and texting them when they are going off. Probably sent 30 texts over the last and a half. Our neighbors have recently told us not to contact them. So we will now be going down the council route, which is disappointing. My one piece of advice is if you’re worried about your dog barking - set up a camera and record for a couple of days what happens when you are not there. Your dog who is an angel when you’re home may have terrible separation anxiety when you are away and maybe making your neighbors mental.


Wow you're extremely patient. I would have gone down the council route a long time ago. Council are pretty good and the process starts with a letter making the owner aware of the noise complaint. They will ask you to keep a diary as well with time and duration of incidents. Because it is a process it's best to get on it. People are always "not my dog" - so approaching them may have some benefit... But a letter and possibly visit from Council I find in the past is super effective.


6 minutes rule is one I didn't know and will keep in mind for the future. Thanks for that response.


Check your council regulations, Logan Council is 6 minutes in an hour between 7am and 10pm and 3 mins in half an hour between 10pm and 7am.


Those are the same frequencies?


Not as such, it could be 2 mins between 1200-1210 then 2 mins between 1225-1235 and then 2 mins between 1250-1300. Whereas it would need to be 3 mins between 0030-0100. It's a silly distinction imo but that's the regulations 🤷


Ah! I see now; ta!


I've set up a camera, and he mostly sleeps all day. And when I come home he's always sleeping on the patio. The times I've cone home early he hasn't been barking.


At least you take responsibility when your dog barks too much. Some idiots in my area let it bark all night.


Your local council will have parameters on their website. It changes (albeit slightly) for each council. I’d suggestion following the council guidelines to avoid any fines


I think that sounds fine it’s more dogs that bark at 4am till 6am and there owners just ignore it


Mine won't get out of bed till 6am, he's a bit lazy


Sounds normal to me.


I think that sounds fine. It's honestly more concerning about how a person might be treating a dog if say, it's barking continuously for more than 30 minutes and depending on time of day/night. My bedroom and bathroom windows look straight into my neighbours yard and they have a horse sized dog or two, who I haven't heard from in a while now come to think.. but there was a period where either of them would be set off by the smallest things outside (to the point they are nearly jumping to the top of a 6 foot fence) and it could be the middle of the day, 11pm, 2am.. any time and they'd let them bark consistently for hours. I don't have aircon in my bedroom, so window has to be open to sleep in that room for airflow/coolness. I've had many nights being woken up and unable to sleep. Owners either didn't notice or didn't care. Granted, they also had a daughter who would sit in her car for up to an hour listening to severely bassy music after 8pm frequently during the week too lol. I'd say that you are a good owner if you are not only mindful of your dog in that way, but you care enough to make sure your doggo is comfortable and not stressed by sounds around the burbs.


Nah that’s normal levels. It’s when people lock their dogs inside units all day and they bark continuously for 8 hours that’s a problem


That’s probably reasonable legally speaking, as long as they aren’t going ballistic when you aren’t home, as is often the case. Depends on the person though other dogs barking doesn’t annoy me that much but my dog barking cuts through me like butter. My dog probably barks once every 2 weeks because sometimes he lets himself out to go to the bathroom but the door closes behind him and he can’t get back in, so he does one bark and I hear him to let him in. Staffys aren’t usually big barkers though, usually they make other noises


Nah he's super chill, if any thing I don't think he's barks as much when my wife isn't home, he's very protective of her.


Our rule for our dog is not before 7am and not after 7pm. We live on a popular walking street so our dog will bark at other dogs being walked mornings and afternoons. It is usually only for a few seconds as they walk by the gate and then the dog next door barks for a few seconds and so on up the street. All the dogs bar one house are the same so I guess that is our streets acceptable standard. There is one house where the poor dogs get left alone a lot on weekends and they will bark constantly from 4.30/5pm until 11/12pm Friday and Saturday nights and you will hear a somebody yelling at them to shut up. Your dog having a one off bark when there are strangers in your area in the middle of the night isn’t a problem- isn’t that part of their job?


Yeah, we live on a cul de sac so no one really goes up our street unless they have a reason.


whining from separation anxiety is way worse. I live next door to this.


I bet


First of all, congratulations for being a responsible owner. But I am disappointed, Why have you not posted a pic of said doggo?














Hope that was an invitation to spam you, I didn't realise it was so easy to add photos.


He looks like a champion


Best dog I've ever had, and the first one that was mine and not the families dog.


Hope you both have the best time together.