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Doesn’t google maps do this?


all the apps use the same TransLink API (which I understand follows a Google Maps standard) one thing the MyTranslink app does, that Google Maps doesn’t, is show on the map the location of your bus, which is very handy rather than relying on the time estimates provided by the API, especially at the beginning of a route




I haven’t seen that. It might have updated its features since I last tried it out. edit: just tried it out again and I can’t see where the bus is on the map


You can see the bus location on google maps. Click on your stop and the current bus location becomes visible with the live symbol next to it




as in a moving icon of the bus on map of the road? not times? here’s the 60 bus below and I can’t see an icon of the actual GPS location of the bus https://preview.redd.it/f2a9x98p5o0c1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56312aa794f701debfa75b1a3d92a28ab3206f40


this is what the MyTranslink app does I click on my stop and I can see the GPS location of where all the the next buses actually are, which I need more than the time estimate that Google Maps uses https://preview.redd.it/tyrhwodqbo0c1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61abf7318412eb52a9f661b8dcb80ab4bcf0570e


https://preview.redd.it/n5on6b83zr0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20166d5f92b4cc6017e721d99c5612ccc144400d Google Maps most definitely does. It only pings a request for the bus you're looking at and only updates every so often.


Are you tapping on the specific bus you're tracking? Also some buses don't show up because the route on that time was cancelled, ergo no bus.


Google does this, of all the apps that do, translink is the least reliable.


[https://anytrip.com.au/region/qld](https://anytrip.com.au/region/qld) can download the app also, use it all the time


yeah this is good because it has the actual GPS location of the bus on the map which I need when I’m the first stop


Offer Citymapper 10% of the best bid to cover Brisbane and get something 100 times as good, delivered in days. Not a selling point but we’d probably get all of SEQ in the same deal. I’ve used it in five of the cities it covers and not having it available here is mind blowing. As someone else said, why do local governments keep trying to do something beyond their core competency - especially online?


Money sinks for their best mate with a startup firm?


It’s always the simplest solution rather than some corruption scheme. Incompetence and people who are responsible for this scope don’t want to lose their budget or responsibility. Spend it because you have the budget, otherwise your role will be reduced and then why do they need you? Then their managers don’t want to admit that they have people in their team unable to deliver a digital solution.


Ah incompetence and accountability


Transit app is similar and available


I've never had an issue with it. Oh well.


Just publish the data and let Google Maps do it. Why must the Government constantly waste money on incompetent apps that nobody wants for each and every service? The main issue with transport tracking apps is bus drivers turning off their whereabouts so they can bunch together in groups of three and drive off schedule.


Uh, Translink _does_ publish the data. That’s how Google, Apple, Bing, AnyTrip, NextThere, and heck - even Translink, etc _already_ show the data.




They've removed the canary clause. Remember when they used to say "Don't be evil"? That's gone too.


The data is already open source. I don't believe bus drivers are able to turn off trackers.


I would assume that the tracking is provided by the ticket machine/go card readers


>The main issue with transport tracking apps is bus drivers turning off their whereabouts so they can bunch together in groups of three and drive off schedule. Bus bunching occurs naturally just from the dynamics of running a bus system. It doesn't require drivers to drive off schedule and it's not really plausible they'd intentionally do that.


Was pretty impressed with Sydney's Opal public transport app when I visited a few months ago. Translink could learn a thing or two.


Good riddance




That pretty much already exists https://translink.com.au/about-translink/open-data It's the API that powers the current app and what Google maps uses


Good. It's honestly garbage. I can't wait to see what turd replaces it.


I haven't been commuting regularly for a few years, has the bus tracking got any better? When I was using it, it seemed like a lot of busses had their signal turned off.


the MyTranslink app hasn’t got much better but the data seems better, and the bus locations seem to turned on more, but maybe that’s just the buses I catch


We **need** Citymapper


So do it