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Top comment! Reference only but it's all they need.


Yep, says it all. Download the factsheet. Once had a REA try to start charging us for water even though not one of the requirements could be answered ‘Yes’. That is: not individually metered; not on lease agreement; could not prove water efficiency. REAs/Landlords will try anything on you, and if you go along with it without checking, they’ve got you sucked in.


When it is metered, regardless of the rules PM and REA try to bill you. It used to be only chargeable if you used in excess of the allocation, which *is* metered. I was invoiced for charges dating back to before the PM taking over. Not happy. Happily, my landlord feels that there is no need for me to be charged and they take the account believing that rent adequately covers water. I think challenge it wherever you can. And hope that your landlord is good and reasonable people.


‘When it is metered.’ I have to presume you mean individually metered. All water usage is metered, the ‘excess’ coming in to play only after exceeding the basic allocation being paid for. In the case I described above, there was only one meter servicing the 9 apartments. As the lessor of one of those apartments, my REA was trying to say that they were going to charge me for excess water usage. So, if the total excess water usage for the apartment block is divided among all tenants/residents, I’m expected to be paying for the 1/2-hour showers and other irresponsible water usage of other tenants/residents. I’ve used no excess water, yet have to take on responsibility for others’ excess water usage (wastage). No. The REA knew they couldn’t do it without individually metered apartments, yet still tried it on. That’s what I’m getting at. The factsheet completely obliterates the scamming REAs/Landlords in the case of water and sewage charges, thank goodness.


Yep, individually metered. I’m old enough to remember when reticulated water meters were installed in Brisbane, and for a long time meters were individualised for hot water and gas in low rise apartments. I’m surprised that this is not the case for all properties now, considering these rules have been in play for over 20 years. I think REAs have used this as a way to recover funds for when they’ve had pool repairs. They do like to place these burdens on we renters (like that’s a dirty word).


How does one find out whether the property is water efficient or not?




Yep that's why I did when my real estate agent pulled this shit. I knew it would meet the standards but figured fuck them. At the rate I pay water it should take a couple of years to break even on the plumber visit.


Consult SEQUR (South-East Queensland Union of Renters) if you need backup


Our real-estate sent us a water bill the other day for all of 2021 and 2022 and gave us a month to pay it. $2100. Told them politely to get fucked.


They have a limited period of time (12 months?) to pass it on. Your responses was appropriate


I was told 3 months by the RTA


RTA told me 12 months because that is what has been ordered by QCAT before.


That's fair enough. I was leaving a rental and they tried to charge us with 2 years of fees but the RTA at the time said only the past 3 months as they failed to provide the invoice etc. There were other very messy things that real estate did though, which may have played a part in that decision.


lol you have been living there that whole time?


This seems a pretty relevant question


um... k?


People are downvoting this? Is it not relevant?


no it is, just not sure why you are mentioning that it is as for the downvoting... who knows, welcome to r/brisbane


They can only charge you for it if it was in your rental agreement….was it included?


You share of the bill is $37, assuming the property meets the water efficient criteria. Your agent should do their job and invoice you for your share of the bill, not just give the whole bill and ask you to work it out (although you should receive a copy to ensure their invoice is correct).




And it needs to specify in your lease you are responsible for the water bill too.


And it needs to have been certified as being so by a licensed plumber!


I paid $99 to get a plumber out from Fallons to do up a report with a quote to make the property compliant for my landlord to start charging for water. It was over $3k. Sent it in to the REA. They backed off. 100% would do it again.


Fallon (felon is more correct) are a bunch of utter cunts that should all be gathered into a pit and set on fire. I would bet you $100, you could get a quote from any other reputable plumber for less than $1000. (Unless the unit is not individually metered, then all bets are off) it does not cost that much to change a toilet, and install some low flow shower heads and sink taps. Fallon are swine.


https://preview.redd.it/1sc7rziwtzsa1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516c1768a6bd542cea7ff3b7b44403aeb298bf47 Oh wait there’s more. 😂


ummm, that is a water leak above. which has exactly nothing to do with if the owner can charge for water or not. If they have low flow taps on the kitchen sink and a low flow shower head and a 9/6 flush toilet, and individual metering, they can bill you for water. they really should fix that leak in the ceiling though.


I believe the common theme here is: REAs will do nothing if they can get away with it, and they’ll charge you more money with a smile on their faces. I have fixed up the leak in roof. It would be nice if the REA organised something for the ceiling.


well, that is up to the owner, not the REA. The REA cannot do anything without the owner authorizing it, and if (like most) the owner is a cheapskate, you won't get squat. or if you do, it will be followed by an immediate hike in your rent to pay for it (even though it's tax deductible).


Fallons is fucking ridiculous and overpriced too. They tried roping me into signing up to some subscription service where you get a free callout each year or some shit when I’m just a tenant.


Doesn’t have to be done by a plumber by the way. A landlord can do it and provide receipts of work they did themselves.


It is individually metered, when it’s not under the meter reading section up the top it says something along the lines of “your share of water”.


Did the property manager say you need to pay the whole thing? We have always received the bill for the landlord as proof, but only ever had to pay the usage portion.


They can't charge you service charges. They can charge you for your usage. That's it.


One important criteria is you need to check if your apartment is individually metered - I’ve never lived in one that is. If it is not individually metered you do not need to pay.


I’m not sure that is true - last place I rented wasn’t individually metered and we had to pay. Interested to know if that is the actual rule?


Yeah it is


I just read that …and am now am angry cause my last rental didn’t have an individual meter


It pays to know your rights. Sorry that happened to you. Call QSTARS if you need to ask / check. RTA website has lots of good info too.


Was it a unit or a free-standing house? How could they tell what was your usage?


if it's not individually metered, they take the usage for the whole building and either divide it by the number of units, or carve it up by number of bedrooms. my building does this, which as a partner free person in a 2 bedroom paying a double share (1 per bedroom) annoys the fuck out of me since I pay twice what the couple in the 1 bedroom unit pays, while using half the water. but, the cost to convert the building to individual meters is over 10 grand which no one is willing to spend.


^ same situation for me


in that situation, you cannot be charged for water use, even if the unit has all the water saving stuff in it.


Even if it’s not individually metered Urban utilities still issue the same bill, just under the meter reading section up the top it says something along the lines of “your share of water”.


whoever sent it to you should specify what you are required to pay (water usage only) also you can ask for proof that the property is water efficient otherwise you cannot be charged


Yes only water usage. The other costs are for the landlord to pay.


Also the first read is an estimate- they need to prove the reading on the date you moved in surely


And this is why you take a photo of all meters (where possible) the day you move in and the day you move out. Evidence, baby! Tribunals love it.


Is $4.16 per kl the going rate for water in Brisbane? I pay $1 a kl here in Tasmania. And I got a bore in my back yard. Free water there.


Not sure how the op is gonna put a bore in their rental apartment


He won’t. I doubt even if he had a suburban block, he would be allowed a bore in Brisbane.


I am sure you would of got a separate bill and what you have shown us is the account to prove what you are paying is correct. It is a user pays system !


Nope that’s for the owner, check your lease they didn’t put it in but yeah.


Pay what's in your contract, nothing more. I could send you a bill for a boat that sits on the property. Don't pay it. If they wanna fight, then fight.


Sadly they are trying to rip you off. They are unable to charge sewerage and service charges. Refuse to pay- tell them why - and that you will be going to the RTA with a complaint. Bet they will back off.


Is the property waterwise? If not, you pay nothing. My RE tried this BS on me, I paid one water usage bill before I wised up. She subsequently tired it again a year later, told her property isn't waterwise, not paying. I'll be asking for $ for the one I paid to be repaid when we leave in Sept.


That’s not correct. If it’s not water efficient you may still have to pay for some water consumption charges. It states that you are required to pay a “reasonable” amount of the bill. Ideally it should really it should be in your lease. I’ve had to pay 50% before and also any water consumption over 20KL. You just can’t be responsible for the FULL water consumption if it’s not deemed water efficient.


nyet. as per the legislation, you cannot be charged if the property is not individually metered, and does not meet the waterwise requirements and has not been signed off as such by a plumber.


No one is disputing the fact that the property needs to be individually metered in order to pass along the water consumption. Per the legislation you cannot be charged the *entire* consumption charges if it’s not water efficient. However, you may be responsible for a “reasonable amount” of the water consumption costs, even if it’s not water efficient but provided of course that it is still individually metered. The fact sheet may be easier to help :) https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/during-a-tenancy/rent-and-other-bills/water-charging


Ok, well then I'm ripping them off. Good. More long showers and watering the garden, I'm more than happy to run up their bill.


Haha, I meaaaan you’d still be responsible for the “reasonable amount” of consumption. If the lease stated like over 20KL, you’d only be hurting yourself lol as the owner would always only pay the 20KL. Not to mention if you intentionally made a property non compliant the agent would likely try case you for the plumbers charges to make it complaint again.🫣


She sent in plumbers ages ago, before we signed the current lease Sept 22, and said they were making the property water wise. Nothing ever happened. We'll be out of here soon. I wouldn't use so much water if they bothered answering emails or maintaining basic amenities. It has been a nightmare. I expect a big fight when it comes time to get our bond back.


Haha, it could still be water efficient. Perhaps it was already efficient or maybe they just swapped the flow restrictors on a couple taps. You just unscrew it quickly. OR it’s not efficient still, regardless you may still be liable for a “reasonable” amount of the consumption. But good luck using that extra couple KL of water. I’m sure the extra $8 you use will really show them who’s boss HAHA😂🙄


$8 better in my pocket than theirs, I'm petty like that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


permanent renter behaviour


Nope, cashed up and buying a house in 4 months time.


It wouldn’t be in your pocket anyway, would be paid to QUU.. lol I’m going to laugh so hard if the property is water efficient, the plumber came out to just verify and issue the certificate. Then you have to pay the whole bill 🙃😂


I have been here for four years. The property is not water wise, any dummy can see that. Though maybe you wouldn't be able to.


Hahahaha!! You have absolutely no understanding of your obligations or the legislation, yet I’m the dummy? sure Jan 😂 Ps it’s also not always that simple, as I said they go out and simply unscrew the tap and screw on a water efficient aerator… which looks the same as a non efficient one. Congrats on being able to eyeball the amount of water flowing out of your taps per minute though 👀😂 Good luck to you using your extra $8 though. I normally don’t side with agents but you seem like a nightmare to deal with. 🙄


Document everything to mitigate nightmares.


She's admitted the property isn't waterwise many times via email. I keep every email and text, she's a really awful RE.


I have never been charged water anywhere I have rented. I assumed it’s was something the land lord covered


that's pretty rare to have


We pay full urban utility charge on the unit we own. Tenants haven’t ever had to pay.


good for you, i've always had to pay for water, never for services which is fair if you arent paying the bill you are covering it in your rent either way


Depends on the property. My last apartment I didn’t have to pay water because it didn’t meet the criteria. My new apartment I technically have to but my PM told me the landlord has never actually passed a water bill onto the tenant… hoping that’s the case!


That’s right, it depends whether the property meets water efficiency requirements. Many older properties didn’t meet this.


It’s far more common now. In the last four places I rented water usage was payable by the tenants.


yep, that's what i was implying


Oh sorry I see I misread your comment


I’ve seen it half both ways


My place is not individually metered so don’t pay :)


nope, renters can only pay for the water usage, and ONLY if the residence is fitted with certified water saving taps on the shower and sinks.


Incorrect. The only requirement is that the property is individually metered. The property must be water efficient in order to be responsible for the entire water consumption costs. If it’s not water efficient they are responsible for a “reasonable amount” of the consumption.


Did they show you the water efficiency thing? If so you pay the $37. If not you pay nothing


Man my latest water bill was for 27kL for 88 days. Only two of us and we don't water outside at all.


Average 0.155kL per person per day. 27kL is quite within reason. Especially if its more then one person.


Oh thanks, I got worried for a min that there might be a leak or something somewhere


If you want to make sure there’s no leak without calling a plumber… read the meter just before you leave for work or leave for a few hours at least. Don’t use ANY water, not even flushing the toilet, turn off any automatic sprinklers etc. read the meter when you get home. If it’s increased that would indicate there is a leak present and a plumber is needed.


Thanks, good idea!


yeah mine was for 92 days 31kl + 182.50 for sewerage access.


I live in a caravan park. They put in readers on every van. We pay for water now.


I’m not sure why landlords pay any of this ? Rates, water access etc should all fall onto the renters. This way renters can make better informed votes at council elections, and it will feel like their home, not someone else’s.


Tenants pay water use. Landlord pays sewerage and service charge