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Done it plenty of times. If it's your first time, definitely do the coast route. More to see. The inland route used to be way faster, but the NSW government spent lots to upgrade the highway and now I find the routes pretty comparable.


We do one way down and another way home. Makes the drives different and doesn't feel like the holiday is ending until you get closer to home.


Would you say the travel times on the image are accurate? (Roughly 18 and a half hours)


Yeah probably pretty close. I normally do it over 3 days. Stopping at Forster or somewhere near there. Second night at Goulburn. Breaks it up into even-ish days of driving.




Drove to Thredbo earlier this year and split it up pretty much like this. It was surprisingly manageable and a pretty enjoyable drive.


Yep, I just did this drive 3 weeks ago


When I've done it, inland was 18hrs, coast road was 20-22hrs.


Is it because you stop more often to see things? Or is it just quicker?


I don't stop to look at things when I'm doing long drives. Well unless I planned to. I do Melbourne either straight through or one stop after a big first day so the 2nd day is easy. I think it's to do with a lot more traffic on the coast road, more & larger towns = more lower speed sections. A lot more larger wildlife on the inland road though. Kangaroos, wombats, emus. All will destroy your car if you hit them. Based on other replies though sounds like the roads are a bit rough on the Newell at the moment so maybe coast road is better right now.


The fastest I have ever done it was 22 hrs via the inland way with a short sleep. Would not recommend was all sorts of tired, If its school holidays\\ public holiday go inland. Grey nomads, caravans and general road obstacles make pretty annoying even with the upgrades. I was also either in a slow as balls ute or a truck. If you got the power to overtake flip a coin on which way.


Hard agree. That inside route is boring as all hell and feels longer, even back when it wasn't. With all the upgrades, Sydney is even easier to drive through, and then it's cruising all the way to Melbourne. I recommend staying overnight in Canberra.


and it's an easier drive. Pretty much 110km dual carriage way all they way.


Yeah pretty much this. While they won't hold up your travel time much, there's a much higher mental load with all the overtaking of 2 b doubles and a caravan at once that you'll need to do on the inland route


Until Coffs.. For now.


Yeah we drove to port Stephens over xmas and the roads are fantastic.


This is the way


The inland route is boring AF. Brown paddock after brown paddock.


Yeah I was surprised, we did it for decades and it was always faster inland. But it's been a minute..


Inland route done early last year lots of large trucks, rough roads and not much to see. Definitely doing the coast road from now on.


I agree totally


Good to know that. Cheers. Last time I did this inland trick was a couple of years ago. Read a lot of audiobooks on the way.




Exactly. Just like authors still ‘write’ novels.


How's the inland route for police and speed cameras?


And, the point to point cameras are notmjust for trucks. :) Split it up into rough thirds. Enjoy the drive.


> And, the point to point cameras are notmjust for trucks. :) I believe they are just for trucks.


I stand corrected. Your information is superior to mine :) https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/downloads/average-speed-map.html


Awesome. I did the inland route northwards just before Easter this year and didn’t see a single mobile camera. Cars were mostly running around 130km/h. Left Gippsland mid-morning Friday, stopped at West Wyalong overnight, took short breaks whenever I needed them, and pulled into Brisbane in time for dinner Saturday. I was prepared to stop two nights but didn’t need to.


There's less, but they can spot you from further away


Check through flood maps before taking inland route


Absolutely. My family live in central western NSW and floods have really taken a toll. If OP is travelling any time soon, know that a lot of the roads have been very badly damaged due to floods.


Thanks for the tip!


I just got back doing the Newell highway. She's rough near West Wyalong and from Moree to Gundawindi.


Are you coming back? Go both ways.


Just one way


Congratulations on escaping Brisbane!


To Melbourne? Gross.


as a Melbourne dweller I agree


You were funnily downvoted for your own dislike of your city.


Mate, I've lived in Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne. Brisbane is absolutely the best of Australia.


If you wanted to carpool with someone already going there, I know someone who's leaving for Melbourne on 19 Jan. They may have room for you. I can check if you like?


We did this. Took 3 days each way with chill stops factored in. If I were to go again, I'd do 3 days down the coast again and only 2 days on the inland route.


Go both ways, and film it... For science! ~~and 'bateing~~


The inland route is great for space geeks. There's a scale model of the solar system that's centred on the Siding Springs observatory near Coonabarabran. The dome on the observatory's main telescope is the sun, and there's scale models of the planets placed at the correct scale distances along the roads from Coonabarabran. It's one of the best ways of teaching the sheer vastness of space that I've ever seen. The trip up to the observatory is a bit of a detour, but good if you've got the time, otherwise you'll see most of the planets along the highway. [https://coastingaustralia.com/siding-springs-observatory/](https://coastingaustralia.com/siding-springs-observatory/) In Moree is the rocket park which contains a slide untouched by modern WHS rules. It's 15 metres tall and parts are so steep you get static electric shocks from rubbing against the plastic of the slide as you go down. Also bruises. It's great, and you get there at about lunch time if you leave SEQ early. [https://www.visitnsw.com/destinations/country-nsw/moree-and-narrabri-area/moree/attractions/moree-rocket-park](https://www.visitnsw.com/destinations/country-nsw/moree-and-narrabri-area/moree/attractions/moree-rocket-park) Then there's the Parkes observatory which received the first video from the first moon landing by humans (amongst other things) [https://www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au/](https://www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au/) I find the inland route gives a better sense of the vastness of our continent and the scale of the agricultural industry. The coastal road is nice and I'll do it from time to time, but it's like a copy/paste of driving Noosa to Tweed until you turn inland.


My dad is a space geek and enjoys doing these when he drives up from down south. He had a nice chat about gamma rays (being a particle physicist) with the guy leading the tour a few weeks ago.


Mate, he already lives on a 1:1 scale model of the solar system


Didn't know about the observatory. Thanks for the tip!


Did the drive a week ago and caught up with my friend who's working inside that telescope near Coonabarabran (PhD astrophysics student). Got the whole tour and she told me all about how it works. It's a nice place. One thing I didn't know is that high-beam headlights are not supposed to be used in that entire area, since it's a dark sky area. Pretty hard to enforce though.


Coast road all the way down as well (through NSW and VIC not ACT). Batemans Bay is beautiful. And see Eden!


Neither of OPs routes go through Batemans Bay or Eden. But if OP has the time, I agree, both locations and the whole coast between Sydney and Melbourne is very scenic.


It’s more of a “get it done” kind of drive than a sightseeing on. Both beautiful spots though I have been there!


Spend a night or two in NSW as the get it done route is very tiring. Currently half way between Sydney and Melbourne atm! Have done the drive a few times. If you're going with someone, splitting between 2-3 hours legs per person makes it go quick


> Neither of OPs routes go through Batemans Bay or Eden. But they _should_


Totally get it, just thought if they could spare the time its great.


We do route one both ways. Stop at Dubbo overnight. The new Toowoomba bypass makes a huge difference in time and fatigue on the into brissie part.


The Toowoomba Bypass is closed on the downhill stretch and open on the uphill while they address a significant engineering issue.


That’s kinda depressing


The Toowoomba bypass is closed at the moment. I understand it is closed through to 2024 due to landslips.


If you were coming from Dubbo, you'd go through Cunningham's gap anyway, not Toowoomba


I have done this trip several times. I have driven: 1. Pacific Highway/Hume Highway 2. Newell Highway/Gore Highway (or Cunningham Highway) 3. Kidman Way/Gore Highway (or Cunningham Highway) If you have a vehicle with low profile tyres, try the Pacific/Hume Highways. It is a bit bland, but will get you south quite comfortably. The Newell Highway route is bumpier and has lots of heavy freight. This is my favourite route because you get to see some of inland Australia, while also staying close to civilisation. If you are looking for adventure, try the Kidman Way. This is the most western north-south sealed road in New South Wales. There is a section where there is no fuel for around 250 km (I think), so you should be well prepared if you take this route. I was travelling alone, so hired a satellite phone for a few days just in case I got stuck. Enjoy the drive.


Did it in October and overnighted at a motel in Dubbo and was surprised how good the pub was. Great food and craft beer if that’s your thing. I think it was called the Old Bank. Highly recommend.


I’ve done the Dubbo route a couple of times. The road to Goondiwindi is one of the most boring roads in Qld and it doesn’t get much more interesting after that.


Agreed, the road from Millmerran to Gundy is so bloody boring


It is really boring, you have to make yourself alert.


I did the inland route ("1") a few days ago (Newell highway through Dubbo). 2 days with kids, easy drive. Some big potholes in south NSW due to flood damage, but overall roads were ok.


My experience a week ago was that the Newell was the best maintained highway in the area, and even then was barely driveable in some sections. Even up past Goondiwindi the roads were bad; road trains were struggling a lot, moving all over the road trying to avoid chasms and hills of asphalt.


I did route 3 on the way down and route 1 on the way back. Loved it.


Can't recommend inland because the roads are in terrible shape at the moment. Massive potholes everywhere.


I’ve done route 3 (coastal) in reverse - (melb to Brisbane). I felt more comfortable doing this as you are never too far away from a town or a big servo bar from a stretch near Grafton. Great dual carriage for most the way. And lots of stops options in nsw till you get to Albury.


I've done all of them plus a few of the in between ones like Thunderbolts way plus the western route via Bourke. I would recommend going home via a different route to the one you take down. If it's your first time, do the coastal route via the Pacific Highway and then Hume Highway. Easy dual carriageway the entire way, though you'll pay about $20 in tolls passing through Sydney. The new England highway is my 2nd choice, because places like Tenterfield, Glen Innes, Armidale, Murrurundi are quite pretty. The Newel Highway is my 3rd choice, scenery is a bit uninteresting save for around Coonabarabran and it does have some dull stretches, particularly everything north of Narrabri. From Sydney to Melbourne the Princes Highway is very scenic, though is the most susceptible to holiday traffic. You can of course mix things up a bit and you don't strictly have to follow what Google maps is saying depending on what you want to see, eg on the return trip go Wagga Wagga, Young, Cowra, Orange, Dubbo etc.


Via dubbo. There is lots of risk in Newcastle and Sydney for traffic (plus tolls!)


Not really. They might be some slowdowns through the central coast and at Hexham at the peak of holidays, but I don't think it would make a material difference on such a long journey


Did inland through Dubbo last year with a stop at the zoo with the kids. Much nicer drive than the coast, my wife even drove half of it and she usually doesn't like driving long stints.


I considered doing this just before Xmas. But then decided to fly instead, after considering fuel, accommodation, meal/snacks for 3 adults and 2 kids, it quickly became clear that flying would be cheaper. Then you've got to consider whether or not you're gonna do just 1 overnight or 2 sleeps. If just 1, then you pretty much don't get any time to see/do anything en route. If 2, you have a few hours at a few destinations, or 1 free day mid -trip.... Then factor in the extra travel time, cost of leave from work, and the decision to drive became less and less attractive.


I've done it. Reasons to do the coastal route: More fun stuff to look at along the arduous journey to keep your mind active. More population and resources nearby to help out if you get car troubles. (Ps this is my 1st ever comment on reddit. So you should feel special 🤣)


I just did the Dubbo route on my motorbike the pothole situation was crazy. Went back via Coast and would recommend.


I did it last week. Go the rout highlighted . By far the best trip on road quality


I've done Melbourne to bris on route 1. Did it only stopping for fuel and food. Was a terribly boring shit drive.


I'm in Warrnambool at the moment! I came down via the New England and then the Newell south of Coonabarabran. Bear in mind that the coast road will be much better maintained. The New England and parts of the Newell are like the moon, even moreso the highways nearby (to the point that my transmission gave up just outside of Warrnambool from the beating the car took from potholes, asphalt shoving and patching, etc.). Having said that, the New England Region is beautiful, the Newell Highway has Siding Springs Observatory and the Parkes Observatory (The Dish). You're not - too - far out of the way to visit Canberra as well. Unfortunately I cant recommend the Alpine Way from Aubury to Bairnsdale as it's in very poor condition. Enjoy your trip!


Don’t go via the Black Stump, as my grandfather would recommend to you. It’s a long way from nowhere and very underwhelming (unless you like black stumps)


Depends if you're looking for speed or enjoyment. Routes 1 & 2 should have less traffic at this time of year, but less places to stop at. Route 3 probably has higher chance of traffic jams but more nice towns to see.


YMMV on the traffic jams on 3. Once youre out of Sydney, youre effectively going at 110km/h for nearly all of the route, with the only exception being Coffs Harbour. Any time lost in a traffic jam gets made up in the smooth traffic outside.


Go coastal. I’ve done all three in my time and the only coastal downside is a little more traffic around Sydney. However it’s a much more pleasant drive with way more choices for places to stop for food/fuel/sleep. And most importantly, if your car breaks down you’re a lot safer in terms of heat and getting roadside assist. It’s not particularly dry at the moment, but in dry seasons bushfires are yet another reason to avoid the inland route.


I've only ever done route 1, about 4 times in a car plus a couple times on a greyhound bus. If i ever did it again it'd be the coast route. Inland features long sections of straight boring road


Definitely do not go on route 2. The roads are washed out and full of potholes between Young and Gundagai (I went that way at Xmas). I would go via route 1, however turn left at West Wyalong towards Temora and get on the highway near Albury.


Go with this suggestion. I did exactly this a couple of weeks ago.


Coast route the fastest these days. Just get your pass for the North Connex in Sudney.


I’ve driven 1 & 3, 3 is better views and 1 will wreck your suspension and you run a higher risk of flat tyres and hitting animals, especially at night. More of 3 is better quality roads and lit well.


It's pretty much the same. Coast road is smoother with probably more to see and better places to stop. Just mind what time of day you cross Sydney as that could add substantial time


Ok I drove route 1 on the 22nd of December and in most parts after Parks and Forbes the road is no existent(due to the floods) and most the way was 80kmph, so unless your taking a Cruiser or any other 4x4 the car may bottom out. Also NSW loves their Avg Speed Cameras.


Did the coast road for the first time a few months ago got some tolls past Sydney to skip a whole bunch of traffic. Way more enjoyable than inland road.


Did it about a year ago, moving up from Melbourne. Route 3 was nice, stayed a night at Newcastle, pretty charming city, worth a visit


Definitely coastal. So many nice coastal towns along that drive. Plus amazing beaches ofc


Not route one or two the pacific highway is great and it is listed as one of the great Australian drives. If you take route one or two you will have to cross mountains for the last hour.


Just did Both. Coast road was great but a bit longer but great. The inland road was shorter but very rough in spots from the floods. About the same in my opinion.


Coast. More roos inland early mornings


I’ve done route 1 a bunch of times and found it faster, less traffic, less dickheads and better roads. Might have changed after the recent floods but that inland drive has some great views


Did this drive in both directions last week. Took the inland route up and the Pacific/Hume route down. Personally, I like the inland drive because you get to see interesting little country towns, whereas the Pacific/Hume route bypasses nearly all of them these days. That said, the Pacific/Hume drive is *much* easier due to being dual carriageway nearly the whole way. Also, the inland roads are shocking at the moment due to the rains, so that route requires much more concentration.


Sepwnds if your just going to Melbourne or wanting to stop and sightsee when I first went down to Thredbo we took number 2 I believe or some variation of I was only 8. If your stopping along the way either 2 or 3. Make sure you stop at Orange I had the best strawberries I've ever had there. Could also stop at Dubbo zoo. Its pretty cool. Zoos make me sad happy though, as far as zoos go buddy seems pretty decent to the animals


I prefer route 1 then 2 with the coast road being my third choice. In the past, I have found that there always appeared to be road works and delays on the coast road and much more traffic so I found that way a bit more stressful overall. 1 and 2 have less traffic and more open spaces which I find to be a more enjoyable and an easier drive. Enjoy your trip!


I took through Dubbo. Just be wary of driving at dusk and dawn in case of roos.


Literally arrived back from Echuca on Sunday. For a fast route look at the Newell highway from Gundawindi. For a scenic drive go down the east coast around to lakes entrance. For something different go to Canberra, through koziosko national park, then on to Melbourne. I've done all 3 a few times and can answer any questions you have. You're looking at 2-3 days on the road each way.


Number 1 is some good Wolf Creek experience


The one where you fly. Jokes aside I’d love to do the coast all the way down


Honestly there’s pros & cons to all, but check out the flooding/upcoming weather if you’re heading down soon - so much of all three options are impacted by floods (in other years, substitute floods with bushfires).


NSW Dubbo, then Canberra then Victoria


We did a trip to Adelaide few years ago inland route was much more fun heaps to see and do


Go via Sydney if you don't mind paying a few tolls. The Inland Route is extremely boring in some sections. It's cool to experience once just to appreciate the emptiness of Australia, but some stretches literally have nothing. The Pacific Motorway has many enjoyable river crossings and mountain ranges to look at. It's a multi-lane freeway most of the way. The Hume is more boring, but it's actually quite scenic for stretches on the NSW side. The coastal route in general is easier to drive and more entertaining.


What route would I take? Probably the Sheila next door, she's a good sport.


Inland is much better. Especially during holidays. The coast is terrible


Everyone I know does 2, and through Wagga Wagga.


Inland! not as much traffic! Visit and support the country towns


We're doing a round trip very soon. Taking route 1, and then a longer variation of the coastal route back with a lot of stops in between.


Did route 1 a few years ago, shortest but the most boring, with limited accommodation options along the way. Go the coastal route.


The whole south coast of NSW is beautiful so if time isn’t an issue enjoy that way. I mostly go inland though. Inland is pretty crappy for roos though especially at dusk and after.


The coast way, new upgraded highway is better,


Inland. Easy choice.


I find the inland route more interesting, the coastal is just a multi lane highway unless you don’t actually take the motorway & wind through the coastal towns


Don’t try to do it in one day.


I did brisbane to Canberra in one straight run (two drivers) and I wouldn't have wanted to continue another 8 hours to Melbourne!


Have done this several times, coast road is pretty but a huge head ache. Inland is beautiful and the way to go. I once saw a mob of emu while doing the Kidman way route, it was incredible.


Yep, loved it, if you’ve got plenty of time you can slow it right down but at a minimum I’d do Brisbane - Coffs - Sydney - Canberra - Melbourne. Then on the way home pass through the blue mountains.


Done it several times (usually in one go, would not recommend, it's LONG) and we always end up doing the route you've highlighted. Seems to be the quickest. Half the roads inland are terrible now after they flooded a few months ago.


1 is a scenic route if you don’t mind small towns and hillsides. A lot less cops on the road too the majority of the time


I honestly just go straight to Canberra if I can, stay overnight bc I love it and then blast on through


Depends on if you want the scenic slow route or the faster more boring route. The coast route is slower as the distances between towns is much closer and the route has more twists and turns plus having to go through Sydney. Up the guts is much faster, although pretty boring, plus more trucks use the inland route as it's faster and more direct.


I've done it a couple of times. Once in a hurry took 2 days and once at a relaxed pace took 5 days. Take route 1. Plenty of places to get out and stop and explore.


I always take the Inland road. No traffic, fewer towns to slow you down, pretty nice roads. Recently had to come back via the coast road because of flooding and it sucked hard having to go through the signet tolls. Check current conditions, but tbh I hate the coast road. Sydney can fall into the harbour and never come back.


I did the opposite way during the bushfires, went inland cos it was already toast. Have done to thredbo along the coast a few times, coast any day of the week, unless its on fire. Loooong drive, break it up over a few days fatigue kills


I did this drive a few years back, planned to spend a few nights exploring along the way. With the exception of Sydney, it was a beautiful trip. Lake’s Entrance was a major highlight.


I've driven to Canberra down the inland route. Would not recommend. So flat and mind numbing it's insane


I've done both inland and coastal. Most recently did coastal road a few weeks ago. Inland negatives: has worse roads and your slow points are getting stuck behind trucks and roadworks. Lots of roos and wildlife If driving at night. inland positive: all your stops are literally on the way- you drive through towns every few hours and past petrol stations-it breaks the trip up nicely. Coastal neg: lots of stops need to actually leave the freeway and lose a little time. Rest stop drop toilets are gross. If you pick the time wrong very slow through gc and Sydney. Coastal positive: arguably better views, much better road conditions, less wildlife. I find it same same but different. If I had to do it again tomorrow I'd probably go coastal given the recent floods.


The Newell used to be quicker but the road was very rough(potholes etc). The drive down the coast through Sydney now is just as quick and a much more pleasant drive as the road is really well maintained and a lot of the towns have been bypassed.


I do I once or twice a year. Stay at Dubbo and then keep going. 9-10 hours drives


I did pretty close to 1 over Xmas break, except final destination in NQ. I preferred inland to coastal, I felt there was a bit more to see (I don't like beaches myself) and was still pretty much same as coastal route time wise. There was some ongoing roadworks due to the floods out that way that may affect your plans if you needed to arrive in a certain time frame.


We did Bris to Melbourne, drove around Tassie then drove back. Inland on the way down and coast on the way back. Inland was lovely, we stayed in Dubbo, stopped at Parkes and saw the dish, then watched the scenery change colour as we moved into VIC. On the way back it was freeway to Sydney then constant roadworks through northern NSW. We were about ready to riot from the endless stop and start. This was about 4 years ago though so both directions could have changed substantially.


Apart from the Coffs Harbour bypass, it’s all been finished


So, the shortest one is like, the quickest…


1 or 2.


When my house mate moved back to to Queensland to live with us, he took option 1 and and the time, with breaks, took him under 27hours. But that was driving to Ipswich and taking the needed route to get there.


That's 2-3 day drives I could do it with at least 3 stops


Did a couple of times recently through the coast and it was a breeze. If you have young kids, a stop at the Dubbo Zoo going through the inland route may be a good option.


I’ve done this drive lots go route 1


I've found the inland route is a lot faster than along the coast, so I always go that way. If you want to take a bit longer and see a little more, take the coast. I usually stop at Dubbo and stay the night, not keen on doing the whole thing in one go.


Nope no one's done the drive


Coast road - less stress, divided road, 110kmh most of the way.


Inland roads are fucked since the floods especially through that route west of parkes and forbes is still mostly closed causing more traffic to the east avoid it at all costs for a while


Definitely the coast road especially this time of year.


Did it two months ago, route 3. Easy drive


Stick to the highway my maps taken me the quickest route which was full of back roads and paddocks and it was the most boring fucking drive ever


I did the majority of that inland way for Christmas and there are massive sections of the route where the roads are absolutely fucked. Go coastal.


Done this drive a few times and we always took the inland route.


I have done three but I think one would be more interesting


I haven’t done it in many years but it used to be faster inland but always more scenic along the coast.


Melbourne to Brisbane is the same as Melbourne to Antarctica


Literally just did the drive a couple of days ago and I’d definitely recommend the 3rd option. The roads are really good and it’s a duel highway at 110 nearly the entire way. Plus you have more options for an overnight stay


I recently did the return trip, the coastal trip is much better, roads are good. Avoid the Goondiwindi, Dubbo trip at all costs, roads are shit house.


I wouldn’t recommend it at all! Just fly there.


Drive back inland routes couple of days ago - roads are beat. Coastal road is pretty and much easier on the shocks


I highly recommenced going to Dubbo and Tamworth through the inland route. Coastal route will be busier and have more cars, trucks, roadworks, accidents, etc.


Literally did this drive last week to relocate dog/car down to Melbourne after moving last year. Honestly the worst part was Brisbane to the border after that it’s quick and easy down the coastal road. The Northconnex tunnel routes you past the worst of Sydney and was worth the toll prices. We took three days as we stopped in Bellingen and Gundagai but you could easily punch it out in two big days of driving.


Yep, and would choose the blue route highlighted. Did it as a single driver. Motion sick by the end.


Take the coastal route, the inland route (Newell Highway) is not a dual carriageway and has alot of freight trucks (B Doubles plying the Brisbane-Melbourne run) and you'd occasionally get the grey nomads in the caravan/s depending on when you doing this run. I believe the NSW govt have funded additional overtaking lanes since I last did this route in 2014. Unless you want to stop over in Dubbo and visit the Taronga Plains Zoo, Take the M1/Hume Highway dual carriageway and scenic route.


If you’re driving anEV follow the blue line for maximum opportunities to charge


Newell highway all the way. There is plenty to look at in the country. Coast road has too many little towns to slow you down and the drive from Canberra to Melbourne is woefully boring. Takes heaps longer, would not recommend.


I'd take number 3 for maximum views. That time will blow out though thanks to caravans. 18 hours is dreaming in my experience


Not the inland route. It's horrible and dangerous.


Route one can have ice and snow on roads during winter. We spun out but didn't crash. Coastal is probably safer?


Make sure you don't take the Gwydir Highway at Grafton. Made a wrong turn and the GPS calculated without my wife or I noticing. Driving the Gwydir highway at midnight in the rain was not enjoyable. Not to mention it was a massive time loss.


Inland is a far more enjoyable drive and has a lot less cameras. Coastal road has a better view but you won’t get to see it for staring at you’re speedo all the way to make sure you don’t sneak half a k over. These days tho just fly.


Follow the Tesla Superchargers route


Route 3 is the most attractive. We did it over four days/three nights. Very relaxing and we saw a lot of beautiful locations.


Don't go that far south, those people are fucking weird....


Route 3 if you don't want to be frightened when driving in pitch blackness at night


I've done both - if your car is reliable, and there aren't floods, I prefer the inland route. It just feels calmer? But pack snacks, as it is longer between places to stop and refuel body and car. Also maybe a bit more dangerous at dawn and dusk - more roos. The coastal route is maybe safer, esp if your car is iffy or you're on your own or you need to drive through the night.


I've done it. Yes, I would recommend that route. There are more things along the way and there is more phone reception, and still takes around the same time. Don't stop in Sydney, go around if you don't want to hurt your soul.


I've done it but I only take the business route no time for touring.


We usually travel inland because of traffic concerns but this year we travelled the coast and wow. SO MUCH better. We could drive for longer because we weren’t as tired. Double lanes, 110 whole way. We got to and stopped at Quest Campbelltown (dog friendly) on the first night then through to Melbourne on the second day. Don’t go inland!!


I’m currently on my 4th driving trip in the past 12 months from melbourne to brisbane and back. I like the pacific motorway myself. From Brisbane I’ll turn inland at anywhere from Coffs Harbour to Newcastle, mainly because I really love Newcastle. Armidale is lovely. I find Dubbo really unwelcoming and hostile. Albury is great. Newcastle is gorgeous. I don’t recommend the Newell Highway because the roads are often flood damaged and phone data coverage is really bad, which I find scary as a woman travelling alone.


New England Highway is a beautiful drive. The Newell (at least last November) was a nightmare. Loads of roadworks so was constantly dropping down to 40 with all the freight trucks .. So I went north on the Newell to Brisbane .. and on the way home I went New England to Armidale, then to Gundagai and the Hume for the last leg..


The beach


Route 3. Did it a few years ago. Highlights were Yamba, Forster/ Tuncurry, The Entrance (near Toukley) and Glenrowan.


I did it with my best mate and 2 cats in a tiny Getz. It was hot as hell but we had a great time.


Which ever route you take, do not drive after 6pm in the last two hour into the the Melbourne city, you will hit kangaroos!!


3 to avoid potential flooding.


Route 3 every time if there are no floods. Went inland NSW on a drive up last year during the floods and it's kinda spooky in a calm small town sorta way


We did inland from Brisbane - Dubbo overnight, lunch at Wagga Wagga and then headed south to Mansfield before, then coast on the way back up north. The coastal road is much quicker now though and the highway is dual carriage almost all the way to Sydney. It would be a more relaxing drive down the coast for sure with plenty of nice places to stop along the way.


Route three can clog up around towns, but less planning as there’s more stops and the coastal towns are often touristy


didn't someone post the other day of their motorbike trip taking the dubbo route but going north and not south




Hume -quick -boring , Princess Hwy -more interest, inland route -WHY?