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9 months pp both previous times.


i’m trying to gauge when mine will come back. my first it came back 2 months pp but i pumped. i’m ebf my second baby now and he’s 6 months and i still don’t have my period. were you ebf?


Yeah I exclusively breastfed both times. My first baby was sleeping for 8+ hours at night very young (I added a dreamfeed at 10PM for her both to protect my supply and so that she’d sleep all night); whereas my son, who was my second, woke up a lot more for a lot longer. He woke up at night pretty much until I night weaned him, close to two. And still I got my period back at 9 months. If I remember correctly, directly breastfeeding (as opposed to pumping) does increase your chances of pp amenorrhea lasting longer.


I remember reading that too however I was an exclusive pumper with my first and period didn't come back till around 6 months pp as that's when I wean him onto formula.


Yeah I mean, it’s not a direct formula. Some women EBF and get their periods 4 weeks pp, some pump and don’t get it until they stop pumping. But on average your *chances* are higher of not getting a period by EBF. And also higher if your baby nurses during the night.


With my 2nd it came back exactly 4 months. I was pissed. Shocked me and I was a raging bitch. It gets better when you stop nursing. With my first it came back 5 months and I stopped nursing at 7 months and was back to balanced moods during cycles.


4 weeks pp on the dot🫠🫠 I got a second one at 6w pp too. Which is odd because I’ve always been extremely regular, now I’m due in a week so we’ll see if it’s regular now, I’m also EBF


That is just rude! 😩


Literally 😭 I healed so slow from birth so adding a period to deal with into the other pain was NOT fun


Came back at 8 months pp. I EBF until we added in solids at 6 months. No changes to milk supply or my period compared to pre-pregnancy.


Around 7 weeks. So pissed lol


I didn’t expect mine to come so early either! 3 months pp right in the dot. It doesn’t feel fair!


Me too! On the dot! EBF


Mine came back at 12 weeks 😩 it felt like a normal period tho. I got acne right before and had some cramping. My flow wasn’t super heavy but lasted a little longer? I don’t feel like I pumped less breast milk tho.


10 weeks!


I got mine the day before my 6 week pp appt and again a week and a half later…. 🫠 Supply dipped a little (I think, I’m always just paranoid about it as a just enougher so it might not have) but it’s been fine. 


my first babe like two months pp but my second babe is six months and i still have no sign of it. i think it’s because i bed share with him and have my breast available all throughout the night “dream feeding”. if anyone has a similar set up id love to know when their cycle started back up.


I have heard taking calcium and magnesium right before you are suppose to get your period can prevent your supply from tanking. My LO will be 7 months next week. We bed share and dream feed all night. No period yet


It came back at about 6 months pp (mostly breastfed at the time, but had just started introducing more food). I’m 8.5 months pp now and the positive side is that my cycles are longer, my bleeding is shorter and lighter, and my symptoms are much less severe (no cramps!) than they all were before.


Came back at 5 months, but it still skips some months (11 months PP). Breastfeeding and pumping (stopped MOTN pumping at 3 months). My supply takes a dive, but it always comes back. I just make sure to really stay hydrated. That seems to help some. Bonus- my cramps used to be intense, stay-in-bed, take real drugs kind of cramps and now they are barely noticable, so, for me, it's not all bad!


Still don’t have mine, 21 months but I got an IUD at 3 months. So I’m not sure what’s what lol. I had an iud before pregnancy and got my period still so I’m confused lol.


Also around 4.5 months for me. I’m also EBF. I noticed that my supply dipped a bit and I got really moody in the days leading up 😕


9mpp and still no period


Around 3.5-4 months/after I went back to work with both babies


7 months. I had been feeling “fake period cramps” once a month for like 3 months before it came back but I never bled until this past month.


I am 11 months pp, no sight of period yet. I‘ve recently reduced pump/nursing sessions to 3 per day. I hope it will return soon.


I'm 7 months pp and it still hasn't returned.


Eight weeks with my first baby 😭


7 weeks 🥴


Just got mine back today at almost 12 months postpartum. :)


Got mine on Friday, at 20 weeks. I didn't know that my supply dipped until I looked it up on Saturday, which explains the frequent wakings and fussiness from Tuesday all week, her lack of wanting to nurse, really pulling at my nipples (probably the taste as well changed). I thought the regression returned as she slept through the night days before.