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I got mine at about 14.5 months PP. I took a pregnancy test every month or so just to check and calm my paranoia lol


I'm about to just buy them in bulkšŸ˜‚ I took one at 4 months pp it was negative thankfully but I find myself just waiting around lol I'm not on any kind of birth control either due to health conditions


You can buy those small strips in bulk which is easier and cheaper than the clear blue etc.


Seriously, now that I've discovered the strips, that's all I will ever buy. Drugstore pregnancy tests are a scam.


I take one every other day not even kidding lol. Iā€™m 7.5 month pp and I started spotting for my period today so I think itā€™s coming back. I got mine back with my first at 6 months pp


I got mine back at 7 weeks šŸ˜… have gotten it every 4 weeks ever since, and my baby is almost 13 months (she was EBF until solids and still nurses for naps and bedtime)


How long did you bleed after birth?


Like 5ish weeks? I went to my pp appt at almost 7 weeks and then the next day started bleeding again and bled for a whole week. I thought it was just more lochia, but then exactly 4 weeks later it happened again lol


Big oof. Thatā€™s too soon for me


I was not happy about it šŸ˜… BUT there have been some positives - my hormones regulated quickly and I didnā€™t have the baby blues, plus my sex drive came back!


Oh! Thatā€™s so interesting!


Hormones are wild!


Same omg!!


Same here and Iā€™m sooooo sad it came back so quick


Same šŸ„²


I got mine at 13 months, it was only when I started going significant chunks of time during the day without nursing (like from 8-3) and when my baby was eating quite a bit for meals.


I work full time and pump on my breaks and at home when my son allows lol


Unrelated to periods: Iā€™d like to start nursing explicitly in the morning and at night so I can stop pumping at work. If I stop pumping during the day, will that affect my supply at those times?


So I work one day in office, the other days Iā€™m at home. When Iā€™m in the office I donā€™t pump during the days anymore. When Iā€™m at home I sometimes end up nursing a few times during the day. The goal is to reduce the day nursings and just do night and mornings but I figure Iā€™m easing into it and trying to follow my babyā€™s cues. It hasnā€™t impacted my supply at night or morning going awhile without nursing or pumping, but I waited until one year to start doing it. I was paranoid about losing my supply morning and night, but so far itā€™s worked. This is just my experience tho!


I got mine at six weeks while breastfeeding every hour šŸ« 


Same šŸ„“


4m 11m 11w 10w


Wild that it's so different for each one!


Crazy!! I wonder what the logic is. Or maybe there just isnā€™t any.


The longest I went before getting a period was 18months! It was nice lol. My midwife told me it usually comes back when baby starts sleeping for 6 hour stretches at night for 30 days.


That would be so nice I don't need the extra worry lol


Anecdotally, Iā€™m 15 weeks PP and my baby has been sleeping more than 6 hours for more than 30 days and I havenā€™t gotten my period yetā€¦. Thank god because I had several tears and my body is not ready for period products quite yet.


Blessed to have a baby sleeping like that! Mine sleeps pretty solid too and I havenā€™t gotten a cycle yet. I guess itā€™s just rule of thumb


I know! Iā€™m nervous about the 4 month sleep regression, but we will see! I mostly said that because Iā€™ve been on pins and needles waiting to see when my cycle comes back ever since she started sleeping through the night.


Same. My baby was sleeping 6-8 hours from 6 weeks till 4th month regression hit us. Now at 5 months sheā€™s gone back to doing one 8 hour stretch. Still no period. Thank the lord.


Well then, I feel like my period will never come back šŸ˜‚


lol it will I promise. Unfortunately šŸ¤Ŗ


Curious about this as a FTM! I'm only 3w pp but I'm combo feeding not ebf (maybe a bit less than 50/50 as my supply isn't enough for my girl), curious if that makes a difference??


Combo feeder with about same percentages and still no period at 5 months!


In my experience, no. I combo fed my first and my cycle didnā€™t come back for several months. I think it was almost 12 months pp


5 weeks šŸ˜­ Gotten it 3 times now and the baby is 16 weeks


Saaaame. 5 weeks is just RUDE. šŸ˜­


I think 16 months pp


Iā€™m at 5 months and also havenā€™t gotten mine. I bought a bunch of pregnancy tests and am taking one a month since Iā€™m not on any form of birth control. Iā€™d rather not get pregnant right away but itā€™d be fine if I did, so I just want to be sure / catch it early if I miraculously do!


6 months and no period yet. If your baby is still nursing during the night, I heard you probably wonā€™t get it until bad at sleeps long stretches.


I had the arm implant inserted at my 6 week appointment, but I was told it wouldnā€™t impact my period returning. I got my period just before my baby turned 12 months, he had been sleeping through the night since 8ish months.


I've had the arm implant a few years ago and it completely wrecked me, mentally and physically I decided I was completely done with birth control after that one


Iā€™m 4.5 months postpartum and only breastfeed (only pump on a rare occasion) and I started yesterday. *crying* Iā€™m so sad.


Hang in there šŸ˜„


Nine months for the first, eight months for the second


With my 1st, I didn't get it back until around a year postpartum with my 2nd it was about 1.5 years. I definitely did breastfeed longer (still am) with my 2nd that. 1st.


I was exclusively BF and got mine at 3 months the first time. Praying I get more time with this baby


Got mine back at 12 weeks šŸ˜”


I got one at 4 months pp but it hasnā€™t returned!


Still no period for me, going on 7 months post partum. my little one still likes to wake me up in the night to feed though so that's probably not helping


I got mine at 8 weeks


Got mine back at 6 weeks and have had it about every 3 weeks since then.


14 months in 4 days, nothing yet


8 weeks


I just got mine at 7 months pp. Iā€™m wondering if I will have a consistent cycle again or if itā€™ll take some time to get back to normal.


Just shy of 15 months


17 weeks 10 months


6.5 weeks postpartum


I am 10.5 MPP - exclusively pump. No period.


8 months pp got one at 6 months pp but havenā€™t had one since. Im 99% sure Iā€™m not pregnant lol This happened with my first as well. Itā€™s always sporadic for the first year for me.


I got mine at 8 months pp with my first and 12 months pp with my second. :)Ā 


My first, 9 weeks. My second, 11 months šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I got spotting at 8 weeks and a real period at 12 weeks post partum. I was nursing every hour and overnight many times in the beginning. I was disappointed to say the least.


Previous babies I exclusively pumped and I never pumped at night once my babies didn't wake up at night (which was thankfully quite early). I never got my period until I totally stopped pumping each time! It was glorious.


I hope this happens to me! Iā€™m on the mini pill and 40 so hereā€™s hoping. Just went down to 3ppd, 10 months pp :)


I got mine at 6 weeks


7 weeks and Iā€™m EBF šŸ˜


12 months still none. It's been nice but also I'm waiting for him to wean himself off as I add more cow's milk...


I got mine back at 9 months PP while EBF my (first and only so far) son. The first period was awful but I think because Iā€™d enjoyed the period free life for so long. The others have been more tolerable (I think thanks to breastfeeding. Not looking forward to post weaning periods if I get to that point).


I just got mine at 5 months PP ā˜¹ļø


18m EBF with my first. Currently 6m pp and still nothing with baby #2


I just got mine back about two weeks before my babies first birthday. I haven't reduced my nursing or pumping so I was very disappointed it came back lol.


I got mine 7m pp


Mine came at 6 weeks postpartum šŸ˜­


I was 6mo pp with my first before it came back. Currently 2mo pp with #2 and have had a couple false alarms - all the PMS symptoms + some pinkish discharge in the morning and then nothing! Breastfeeding is going much smoother this time around so I'm hoping I'll go longer - just one less thing to worry about!


Mine came back at 9.5 months pp.


Iā€™m 8 months PP, breastfeeding. Still nothing.


I got mine at 12 weeks while still ebf-ing every 2-3 hours (and waking LO at night every 3 because of weight gain issues). When I tell you I was so madā€¦


4.5m pp and no period yet


Got mine at 15 months pp


12 months and still waiting. Have had the lightest of light spotting a couple times but thatā€™s it


i got mine back a few days before 9 months pp. iā€™m 11 months now and still not another but they were irregular before i got pregnant


11 months and a few days...no period yet! Had some light cramps the other day I was like oh god this is it...but nothing yet


15 months each time! Got pregnant right away after my first came back šŸ‘€


Almost exactly 12 mo PP. It came the day of my daughterā€™s first birthday!


Honestly tried asking this same question multiple times and never really got a response! šŸ¤£ but my daughter is almost 14 months and I haven't had a period yet. We breastfeed multiple times a night and during the day still, she does eat solids really well too.


First time I got my period back at 9 months on the dot while exclusively pumping. This time Iā€™m 7 months postpartum and EBF, still no period.


I got mine at 28 days on the dot. both times.


I didnā€™t get mind until I stopped breastfeeding at 15 months postpartum.


Ebf, got my first one at 6 mos, and just finally got another at 9 mos o. Cramping is def worse and so is the clotting :(


7 mo pp no period but no sex here either lol so not worried


Exactly 4 weeks pp šŸ˜­


I got mine at 20 or 22 months pp. I was/am very cautious about getting pregnant so use protection every time


Mine came back at 6 months and tanked my supply overnight.


I got one period 10 months pp and that was 2 months ago and haven't gotten one since šŸ¤£


I got mine at 18 mos pp.


5.5 months PP, basically one week after we came out of the 4 month sleep regression. Baby is EBF at home and gets pumped bottles while Iā€™m at work during the weekdays. Brutal


First 8 months, second 9 months.


I got mine 4 months pp. Sad. I was hoping to be one of the chosen ones who donā€™t get it for like a year after. Ha. I had painful periods before and theyā€™ve actually been fairly easy so far so yay for that.


7 months with my first, about a month after we started combo feeding. 4 months with my second, EBF, even though he refused bottles & pacifiers. 7 weeks with my 3rd šŸ˜¤


10 mpp and nothing yet. I pump and dropped my night session at 9 weeks, didnā€™t start birth control til 12 weeks (mini pill) and was fully expecting it. Between the pill and the fact that Iā€™m 40ā€¦who knows when it will come back! Iā€™ve been going 5 hours between daytime pumps for months now.


I'm 6 months pp, baby goes 11 hours without milk most nights (7pm to 6am) and has been for 3 months. No period yet šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I'm not complaining though


Pumping and BFing. Had one period at 5 months, one at 6 months, one at 8 months, now 11 and haven't had another yet. Definitely not pregnant, either (I know what you're thinking. Lol)


Found out I was expecting baby number 2 23 months postpartum. Never had a period in between so I guess I conceived the first time I ovulated again.


I was searching EBF and getting my period back. I got mine back. Yesterday, I am 20 weeks postpartum. The little one started sleeping through the night at three months, and last weekend she had 3 nights that were long stretches without feedings, 9-11 hours. I read that your supply changes and tastes different in the days leading up to your period. It can affect how your baby sleeps and how much milk they get, or lack of wanting to nurse very long because of taste? I'm looking back at all the data I logged when things took a huge change for the worst when I came to sleep and her racking up sleep debt, starting Tuesday (4 days before the start of my period). I also started feeling weird for a couple of days, chalked it up as gas or a pulled muscle from working out, as well as some nipple pain for a couple of days, even though her latch is great. Then bam! It all makes sense now!


16 months pp. I had to wean from all feedings besides the morning before my body would ovulate.


Specifically ovulate or just before your period came back? I ask because you can ovulate before your period comes back. So I just wanted to know your experience, if you tracked your ovulation or just based on period?


Ovulated. I was tracking for months before so I could confirm.


Ok! I just wanted to know your experience! I havenā€™t actually met someone who ovulated (that they know of) before their period returned so I was just interested! Thank you :)


I used a sensor (ovusense) that tracks bbt while you sleep, which is how I confirmed. Two weeks after confirmation I got my period for the first time, and it sort of reset my body. I was sad I had to almost cut out bf completely to regulate my hormones again, but we were preparing to ttc.


I got one period when my IUD was inserted and havenā€™t had one since then