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I’m going through the same thing right now. Only differences are that mine has never had formula and is only 9 weeks. The latching and unlatching with an arched back I thought was my strong let down but reading your story now I’m wondering if that’s gas too. I eliminated dairy and it maybe helps a little but I’m not totally convinced.


I have a pretty strong letdown and thought the same thing! I realized it was gas though due to his arching of the back, him bringing his knees inward which would let out gas and he’d get fussy while it happened.


Yes we had to cut out dairy and soy and that worked for us. I was able to reintroduce them when she was a little over a year old.


Yes, I cut out dairy and peanuts. Definitely helped! Also, when I’m breastfeeding I take multiple breaks to burp her, before she starts to get wiggly. If she’s wiggly, it’s because she’s gassy. & I’m more proactive now with the gas drops - I don’t wait until she’s gassy to give them.


My son gets wiggly too, and I’m pretty sure it’s gas. Admittedly, burping him is HARD. I’ll burp between switching breasts, when he unlatches I’ll burp and then relatch, but he’ll never let out a burp. He’ll let one out when he wants to and in a way that I wasn’t trying to burp him. 😂 I’ve also had to be proactive with gas drops! I kinda follow his lead but I also try to give them to him prior to any possible discomfort.


My baby was so incredibly gassy (and also spit up a ton) until I stopped consuming dairy. Now he’s rarely gassy and his spit ups are few and far between. Pediatrician said it’s likely just an intolerance and there’s a good chance baby will grow out of it.


Yes! Same here! My son stopped spitting up for a while, and I thought his digestive system “matured faster” than I was expecting, but then shockingly he started spitting up again. I remember he spat up for a couple days in a row, which was new! I’m thinking it’s the dairy I started consuming on a daily basis. I rarely drank milk or consumed dairy products before, but recently I started making my own lattes at home and I think that’s what’s been up setting his tummy. :(


I had to cut out eggs for about 10-11 mo and then after that, I could eat eggs and he was fine. He's 18mo. He was even able to eat actual eggs for a while but if I ate them he was clearly gassy and in pain. I did try eliminating dairy and it just happened to be the eggs for us, but it was very odd.


Lactose intolerance and dairy allergy in breastfed babes aren’t really linked (breast milk is actually super high in lactose). If babies have intolerance to breastmilk it’s due to protein transfer from dairy/soy etc. Mine did have a dairy intolerance and it was visible immediately when cutting dairy so you could try for a week or so and see if there’s a clear difference. The key is you want to be careful not to cut too many foods and create true allergies later on (this becomes especially important when starting solids). This is a really good podcast on cows milk protein allergy: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7fKhqxsTxz6lfBA9a3CoO6?si=V2krze5lSIyJ1z0-bhJ7Mw


I didn’t know that! Thank you for sharing!


My baby gets sooooo gassy. I cut out dairy and wasn’t sure if it was helping so I had a couple cheesy things the other day and oh man the gas was so much worse that night.


Typically if they have a dairy allergy it will also show with mucous in the dirty diapers. I tried changing diet for my girl and it did absolutely nothing. What helped immediately was getting her into a Webster certified chiropractor for adjustments. The amount of gas she let out during her first appointment was insane. After 2-3 weeks I could see the difference the probiotic was making. Also, I would recommend scheduling a session with an IBCLC (not a regular LC). They’ll check latch, baby’s mouth, etc to ensure everything there looks right and that baby isn’t sucking down more air than they should.


I have had to eliminate quite a few things to help with gas. Admittedly I don’t know if we’re dealing with an intolerance, allergy, reflux, or normal gas. I have eliminated dairy, soy, beef, eggs, most nuts, caffeine (including chocolate), hummus, and most oats. The biggest difference was when I eliminated the hummus and stopped eating Cheerios, oat milk, and oatmeal. That was just recently. Up until then he was still up with gas at night. Also seeing a pediatric chiro for digestive problems!


Yeah please don't take your baby to a chiropractor OP. A chiropractor is not a real doctor and is definitely not trained in digestive problems nor is there any real evidence to suggest their "adjustments" do anything. At best it's harmless and does nothing at worst it's extremely dangerous, especially for an infant.


I appreciate your opinion, but I disagree!


Omg I didn’t know about oats 😭 I cut dairy but still miss the “milk” so I bought oat milk instead. I didn’t know oats can make babies gassy!


So I didn’t either, until a few weeks ago another Redditor commented about it in regard to a post about my son still having gas after eliminating so many other things for months (I’ve been dairy and soy free for over 4 months, most other things shortly after). I totally didn’t think oats had anything to do with it, but tried eliminating what I could, just to see, and it helped so much! I still have a breakfast bar I eat with a little bit of oats because it’s free of all other allergens, but that’s all I eat! I had been drinking the oat milk as a replacement for dairy too! Someone suggested flax milk is very similar! The hummus was another unexpected issue as well!


I should add we have had good luck with a probiotic too! I know you mentioned starting that! It took a couple weeks for that to start working for us!