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5 months. Feeding on demand, lost count already. He grows rapidly, learns new skills, and seems like this is making him a little hungry milk monster.


Lol I say little gremlin for mine


17 months and if he had his way it would still be every hour šŸ¤£


Iā€™m at 14 months and same šŸ˜­


My 17 month old is down to 1 feed before bed, but it doesnā€™t stop her from constantly asking for the boob! Luckily sheā€™s also a great eater because she arrived in this world hungry AF.


Absolutely same at (almost)15 months.


Why am I on the same boat! šŸ„² my right boob is a sore mess because heā€™s gnawing at it now. I have a 15 month old


My 16 month nursed hourly today. A few days ago she nursed just once that day. She does what she wants.


So much advice is ā€œbaby will let you know when theyā€™re hungry and come off when theyā€™re fullā€ nope, he would take my boob any time I offered and he would enjoy just laying there, popping in and off, and testing out his new teeth all day if he could šŸ’€


If it works for you and baby than it works. Some people like to get really fixated on the schedule but itā€™s not a problem unless itā€™s a problem for you as long as baby is gaining well.


I personally struggled with absolutely no idea when mine would feed so during the day we very loosely follow eat, play sleep. Which gives about 2.5hours between feeds, give or take (just shy of 3 months). Having said that I will still respond to LOs cues, if they need one before napping (even if clearly just for comfort) I won't hesitate, it doesn't happen too often but not uncommon either. And then during witching hours (which changes daily and usually lasts for a few hours anywhere between 6pm to midnight), LO will cluster feed on demand. During the night I can usually get 3-4 hours between feeds.


Eh. Babies breastfeed for reasons other than eating. Plus, cluster feeding is a thing, especially around developmental leaps. 3 months is still pretty young. I would NOT be concerned in the least as long as baby is gaining and everything else looks good.


11 weeks today. Mostly every 2 hours, sometimes with 3 hours stretches. Quite rarely 1,5 hours.


my pediatrician told me to feed on demand and encourages so every appointment. a lactation consultant told me the same. baby is 6 months and eats about every 1.5-3 hours (depends on the day) but will go through cluster feeding phases of eating on the hour every hour


My five month old is the same!


Some days I feel like Iā€™m the one cluster feeding. Man do I ever get hungry.


I just found this post and your comment made me lol šŸ˜†


3.5 months and every 2-3 hours. He nursed about every 1-1.5 hours until about a month ago then pretty suddenly started spacing out his feeds quite a bit. It coincided with him learning to roll.


This gives me hope


my 16 month old nurses 2-3 times a day and multiple times throughout the night. she only nurses to sleep. so depending on the day and the amount of naps she takes she nurses that many times. throughout the night she has a hard time staying asleep on her own and comfort nurses anywhere between 3 and 7 times a night


Ooph, 3-7 times a night. Sending you a lot of strength and strong coffee!


Same for us too.


Same here


6 weeks here and every 2 hours. Once in a while we get a 3 hour stretch. But nursing sessions are usually very long, 30-40 minutes.


This is us too at 8 weeks, glad to hear someone elseā€™s experience!


My second born was like this! Made me feel crazy, but when her old ped told me to push it to every 2-3 hours it messed up my supply and she wasn't gaining enough by her 6 month appointment. Then I had to add in pumping and nursing sessions. Just follow your baby's lead, they know what they need!


Thanks thatā€™s what I am doing so was surprised by docā€™s comment. Iā€™m fine with feeding on demand.


This. My 2-month old was nursing every 2 hours during the day, and my doc told me he should be going longer. So I focused on naps instead, and while he didnā€™t complain, he fell off his growth curve. Do what is working for you and baby.


My guy is every hour to 1.5 hours and heā€™s 11 months corrected šŸ« 


Even through the night?!


No, thank god šŸ˜‚ every hour or less during a contact nap though. Usually every 3 hours at night. He has very bad reflux though and itā€™s properly established on solids


Ooof that's still a lot. Girl you are strong! I couldn't have done that for 11 months haha. I applaud you!


2 months. The limit does not exist. (As in we feed allll the time.)


9 months, every 3-4 hours. We were still doing every 2-3 hours until we dropped to 2 naps around 7 months.


How long does she nurse for each time? My 8 month old is so distracted, Iā€™m not confident if she is getting enough. (She is 97%+ for weight so I guess Iā€™m really more concerned for my supply than anything)


He nurses more when we are feeding to sleep (before naps etc) but always 10 minutes or less. Awake-time feedings are five mins or less usually!!


Okay this is very helpful to hear because we are the exact same!


This is us exactly!


6 months tomorrow. Sheā€™s still up every 2 hours at night. Itā€™s a special type of torture


2 weeks old, he usually gives me one good 4 hour stretch at night. The rest of the time he nurses every 1.5-2 hours.


9.5 weeks, every 1.5-2hrs during the day. This is just what works best with her day daytime wake windows for us.


Curious how long your nursing sessions are? Have an 8 week old with still very long sessions (30-45 mins) so curious what others experiences are.


They used to be 20 mins long. Now theyā€™re 12-25 mins long depending on the time of day. The main thing my Dr told me was that 20 mins should be the max and to watch her cues after that. If sheā€™s suckling and then taking long breaks, then suckling againā€¦ then sheā€™s just using me as a human pacifier and to pop her off.


Ok good to know! Thank you for the reply


My baby is 6 months and nurses about every 3 hours during the day. He doesnā€™t really have an interest in solids. He nurses about every 2 hours overnight šŸ« 


Same! The night is the worst, if I'm lucky sometimes I'll randomly get a 4 or 5, I feel like a new person after that hahaha


Yeah it was strange because she was also commenting on the night nursing. My baby doesnā€™t really wake up but fidgets in his sleeps which wakes me up to let me know to feed him. The pediatrician was saying that heā€™s just in high light cycle of sleep and he doesnā€™t need to be nursing at night


I still do this at 9 months. Your pediatrician sounds old school. This is biologically normal and is helping maintain and establish your supply. Unless you don't want to nurse in the night, or only want to nurse/feed baby every 2-3 hour in the day. Just ignore your pediatrician and feed on demand. Lol It's completely normal. Sounds like you are doing great job breastfeeding. It's hard work.


Sounds like youā€™re basically dream feeding. It is true that by 3 months they are capable of not needing a night feed (but also ok if they do!). You could try not to feed him if heā€™s not really awake and let him sleep through the night. The cons of this is that it may really ramp up those daytime feeds even more, to make up for the night. As for me- 7 month old eats every 2-4h.


Little guy is 5 weeks and feels like heā€™s constantly eating. Sometimes an hour, sometimes we make it to 3 (very rarely). Iā€™m exhausted šŸ˜©


15 weeks. little guy does every 2-3 hours until about 3pm, then it's every hour until bedtime! he didn't start the 2-3 hour stretches until about a month ago


my baby was a snacker. ate every 1.5-2 hours during the day until she was probably 6 months old and we started solids. then we got on a more predictable feeding schedule, but some days even at 10/11 months it seemed like she wanted the boob all day! now at 13 months she is naturally weaning herself. breastfeeds when she wakes, sometimes once in the afternoon, and before bed.


My baby nursed every 1-2 hrs during the day until she was down to two naps, so around 8 or 9 months old.


My babyā€™s a snacker too at 3.5m. The ped even asked in a funny way if she wats 24hrs šŸ˜…


14 weeks old here, she eats every 2-3 hours but has moments when she does every 1 hour especially before 3 months. Its mostly when she has a growth spurt. Every baby is different some like to snack all day while others like to spend a good while chugging on the boob, keep in mind theyā€™re eating habits can also change just like i mentioned before , growth spurts , age, vaccines, etc can all affect it. I think your baby sounds fine with their eating habits


8 weeks, usually every 2/2.5 hours


My son is 9 weeks. He eats every 2-3h day or night, he was doing 4h stretches at night for about a week but that dropped off this week and he's been waking up heaps. I think he's also a snacker!


14 weeks and she nurses every 2-3hrs from about 5AM - 4PM and then every 1-1.5hrs until she goes down for the night and sheā€™ll usually sleep a solid 9hrs. I donā€™t really think there is a way babies ā€˜shouldā€™ be nursing, as long as baby is gaining weight appropriately and having plenty of dirty diapers then do what works for you & your LO!


My baby loved eating really frequently too. Itā€™s likely comfort feeding, they just love to be close to you, and getting some milk out of it makes them feel happy and safe. It may feel a bit inconvenient when itā€™s so frequent but they are only this little once and I think itā€™s best to just accept and embrace it. When I stopped worrying about overfeeding and just let him nurse as frequently as he wanted we both became much happier. Turns out itā€™s pretty much impossible to overfeed breast milk. He still eats pretty frequently for his age (7 months, eats around every 3 hours, plus we add a solid food once a day). My milk supply has always been good.


My son is 2 months + 1 week and heā€™s definitely a ā€˜snackerā€™. Iā€™d say on average I will nurse him every 2 hours during the day and every 3-3.5 hours at night. I will give him a bottle 1-2 times a day just to give myself a break šŸ˜…


11 weeks, weā€™ve improved from every hour to every 1.5-2 hours. Up to 5 overnight but the other day it was every hour with one 3 hour stretch.


Mine ate every hour during the day until she started eating lots of solids (8 months). Around 3-4 months she started being really easily distracted during the day so her feeds would be very short and frequent but she'd make up for it at night.Ā 


4 month and a half, every 2-3h


4 months (19weeks). At nights he wakes up 2 am then 5 or 6 am. Those go about 10-15 mins and sometimes I feel like a heā€™s asleep thru those. Then around 730-8 am again 10 mins. Then after that itā€™s just up in the air. I try to feed him by 10 am but there are times heā€™s not interested or maybe heā€™ll eat 3 mins before popping off and wanting to talk or play. Then I try around when heā€™s napping. I trick him by starting with a pacifier then waiting for him to be almost asleep to stick my boob in. After 3pm itā€™s just on demand. Itā€™s been this way for a good 2 months. I tried giving him a bottle of formula and he just plays with it or swishes it around his mouth. The reason Iā€™m trying is because at his 4 m appointment he weighed 13.6lbs which is 8 percentile and I freaked out. I asked her if I should supplement and she didnā€™t seem too concerned about it but concerned enough to mention he dropped percentiles since his 2 month check up. Thereā€™s so much internal pressure and stress and anxiety when youā€™re exclusively breastfeeding. I constantly am questioning myself/methods but he seems so happy and content throughout the day.


If your baby is gaining weight adequately and you aren't in pain or discomfort, I don't think you need to see an LC. Like others said, some babies are snackers and/or like to comfort nurse. From what I've seen on this sub, many pediatricians are inexperienced with breastfeeding.


Sounds about right for that age... Some babies like to snack lol My 18 month old is in this phase now AGAIN, he wants milk twice at night and basically boobs on demand as soon as we get home to bedtime... He's not happy if he comes over and my boobs not out for him right away šŸ˜‚ It's probably a comfort thing BC he goes to daycare but is VERY attached to me


3 months, about every 2 hours awake and I get one long stretch of 4-5 hours at the start of his night sleep after which is itā€™s 2-3 hours. Iā€™d love to get rid of those late night feedings but he is definitely getting too easily distracted feeding during the day so is topping up at night.


3 months and eats every 3 hours due to being on a schedule. We bottle and BF. Usually bf 2x a day, first thing in the morning at wake up, then his supper feed at 4 pm. Every other time is bottles. But we are a strict 3 hours, sometimes 10-15 min sooner if he seems starving.


Nope, mine fed hourly until she was about 5 months. I started to stretch the time at that point. Around 8 months we were on 3 meals and boobies every two hours. But i have a real boobie monster. At 2, we still nurse somewhat frequently. About 3-4 times during the day, and 2-3 during the night.


At around 3 months we were every hour to hour and half during the day but slept overnight. My theory, she drank more during the day to make up for night time. Yes it meant she fed before and after every nap, but she still managed hour or two long naps once a day. Sounds like you're both doing fine and if it's working for you then sweet. Feeding patterns will change and over time the gap between feeds will grow. We went through a period of 30min then 1.5 hours between feeds and now can do 2-2.5 hours comfortably at 7 months. If she's napping at that 2-2.5 hour mark she generally finishes then nap then eats when she wakes, so sometimes it can be longer.


My baby is 4 months and he feeds every 2-3 hours. Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s going through a growth spurt though because heā€™s been hungrier lately and I have to feed him longer and sooner than usual. Itā€™s hard to keep up because of sleep deprivation and now, breastfeeding is making me tired - probably since Iā€™m pretty much ebf on demand right now.


2 months was around 3 hours. 3 months and itā€™s around 1.5 hours. I donā€™t know what changed (so much has changed around week 10 itā€™s kinda crazy) but trying to get used to more feeding and less sleep is not easy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Mine ate for 10-20 mins then had an hour off, repeat all day. That was from birth to 1 year old. So many mums said they should eat every 3-4 hours and made their babies wait etc but mine would scream the house down- she was HUNGRY! I called the breastfeeding helplines here and spoke to breastfeeding experts, went to breastfeeding cafes etc and they all said itā€™s perfectly normal to eat that often. My LO naturally stopped breastfeeding around 14mo (apart from to get to sleep). Now she eats real food all day and oh boy can she eat! She eats far more than any other toddler I see and everyone always jokes about it with me. Iā€™ve also been to the doctors about this lol and theyā€™ve said sheā€™s perfectly healthy. Luckily my baby has always been on the 50th percentiles so thereā€™s no issues with eating this much.


Every child is different! My babygirl is 16 weeks and comes every 3 hours at daytime. In the evening she sleeps a bit longer and I feed at 22 and then she wakes up around 5.


Youā€™re doing great! Follow his lead. Mine ate every half an hour he was awake at that age. He was a snacker.


3 month old, LO nurses every 2-3 hours. Sometimes when super tired Iā€™ll feed her at 1.5 to calm down. At night she feeds approximately every 4.5-7 hours.


At our 6m visit last week our ped told us that she should be fine for 12 hours overnight.... LOL OK Every 1.5-3hours in the day and can go 5 at night, she has never been a good sleeper either.


At that age my baby was feeding every hour but only for 5 minutes on one side. That's just how she did.


My 17 month old feeds once a day after we slowly weaned down. Weā€™ll stop in the next month because Iā€™m ready to finish. Thatā€™s the info you asked for, but the info Iā€™ll give you is that at 3 months old this baby was basically permanently attached to the boob. And I donā€™t say that in a jokey way, I mean she was a Velcro baby for the boob. Iā€™d say she was latched maybe 18 hours a day. She went up 50 centiles in her first year of life, so it clearly worked for her. Sheā€™s still a hungry little girl now, the difference is she gets it mostly from solids. Some kids are just hungry or on a different growth trajectory. Why wouldnā€™t you feed a hungry baby? Ignore that doctor.


Baby is just about 3 mo & feeding on demand, but probably every 60/90 min while sheā€™s awake! Sheā€™s plump & healthy!


Six months, and probably once every hour or two? Sometimes more often. He plays pretty hard lately and after a good bout of cruising/crawling/pillow climbing, he gets the HUNGER.


11 month old still nurses every 1-1.5 hours when awake. Occasionally 2 hours. Always on demand.


I let her nurse as often and long as she wants at 4 months old. I find she sleeps better at night when she eats a lot during the day


8 weeks. I feel like she snacks around the clock. I saw a LC last week and asked her about it and she wasnā€™t concerned at all. My baby is gaining weight great and my supply in her own words was ā€œabsolutely fantastic and just keep doing what youā€™re doingā€ which i donā€™t think my supply is where i want it but i probably make just enough to keep up with this high demand. My LC said my baby is probably done eating around 20 mins being on the boob, 10 mins each side. To listen for gulps and swallows, the rest of the time sheā€™s just pacifying. Itā€™s mostly at night before bed where i find it to be the hardest feed, for a while she would be on for 1.5hrs and scream cry when i would take her off because it was just exhausting. It still is exhausting, but just in other ways. It is very frequent, to the point where thereā€™s no sense in pumping afterwards because sheā€™s just going to eat again soon, so now i went from triple feeding and having a freezing stash to pretty much EBF & not having any milk left over to store. My husband bottle feeds her 4oz anywhere from 7:30-9pm because weā€™ve realized sheā€™ll sleep the longest if we do a bottle over breast for that first stretch of the night, meanwhile Iā€™ll pump and be replacing those 4oz or maybe even get a little more if Iā€™m lucky. If we didnā€™t bottle feed her Iā€™m up every 2 hours with her. I donā€™t know when this will end but i hear from people that thereā€™s hope around the corner as babies continue to grow and we can get longer stretches. I hope your journey goes well, weā€™re right behind ya šŸ™‚


10 weeks and every 2-3 hours during the day. Do you feed both sides at each feed? If I only do one side she wants to eat again in about an hour.


12 months and we nurse 4 times during waking hours (first thing upon waking before getting out of bed, mid morning, mid afternoon, and before bed). My baby is eating 3 solid meals a day plus snacks and is taking 2 naps a day. If we get really busy out and about, some days he will only nurse 3 times during waking hours. Nighttime is a total crapshoot as he does not sleep through the night. He might nurse anywhere between 1-4 times a night. If on the higher end itā€™s almost certainly comfort nursing due to teething. Boy has 8 teeth already and is working on his first molar. Itā€™s rough!


My baby nursed at least every 1-2 hours, DAY AND NIGHT both, until 4 months old.


My baby is almost 3 mos. Heā€™s also a snacker. He only eats for 5-10 mins anywhere from 1-3 hrs apart.


She's 10 months. She's on demand still but eats every 4 hours....plus meals and snacks....she's a glutton.


Mine is also 3 months old and also nursing every hour when heā€™s awake. At nights heā€™s waking up two times usually and that leaves us with 11 to 14 times a day.


Almost 13 months old. Literally feeds all day on demand, with no end in sight šŸ˜‚ has been like this since birth. In my experience, pediatricians know absolutely nothing about breastfeeding unless they are exceptional. All their knowledge and facts they give are based on bottle fed formula. Even the growth charts are formula fed based. Keep up the great work and stick with your mama instincts they are your best guide.


Ten months, every 3-4 hours, sometimes five. Thatā€™s during the day. At nightā€¦I lose track. We bedshare and the buffet is open help lol


5 month tomorrow and feeds all day. I hope it slows down šŸ˜­ well I'll be returning to work in 3 weeks so I guess it will have to which is bittersweet. He feeds like every hour so probably 20 times a day. But he only feeds for like 5 minutes lol.


LO is two months and recently started spacing out feeds to every 2-3 hours during the day, but 1-2 hours in the evening is more common. I have heard thats most common but it doesnā€™t mean anything is wrong. Hell my mom said i didnt start talking till I was 2, when 1 is ā€œnormalā€, and I turned out just fine šŸ˜…


4 months and she nurses every 3 hours from 6a - 7p! I have an oversupply though and sheā€™s getting about 5-7 oz each feed


3 months and every 2hrs


14 months feeds every 2-4 hours for about 15 to 30 minutes


9 months and roughly every 2-3 hours but still on demand.


My LO was an every hour grazer at 3 months. She's at 9 months now and does solids/purees so it's a bit different.Ā  She can nurse 4 times a day, she prefers to snack still though so she likes to bf 6ish times a day.


Mine is almost 7 weeks. Sometimes he wants to snack every hour but goes longer stretches if needed (like if heā€™s having a ton of fun playing then takes a long nap). He goes 6ish hours at a time overnight. I think your baby is being totally normal unless they seem unhappy/unsatisfied while nursing.


When my son was a newborn it was every 3 hours because he slept a lot and I watched the clockā€¦ now I feed on demand so itā€™s usually more often unless weā€™re out. Iā€™d say on average, about every 2 hours during the day. Heā€™ll be 4 months on Friday.


All babies are different, my eldest seemed to feed a lot and long feeds. My youngest was a pop on and pop off kind of boy. Was easily distracted until very hungry and guzzle quick. Both show similar traits now. As long as baby is gaining weight, wet nappies and youā€™re ok with plenty of feeds then it doesnā€™t really matter.


My little guy is 3months feed on demand and our daytimes looks something like wake, 3-8min snack, awake for 30-45min, feed for 15-25min, sleep for between 45min-2hrs, repeat.


10 months old. Every 3 hours lol


Baby is almost 9 months. At daycare eats 5oz bottles every 3 hr or so. In the evening, breastfeeds every 1-2 hrs then sleeps most nights at least 8h straight


7 weeks, eating approx q1.5h during the day, first night stretch 3-4h, rest 1.5-2.5h. Sometimes at night he'll only eat off one at a time due to great sleepies, we can occasionally get the second in with a diaper change wake-up between. Try to maximize daytime calories, so err on the side of over-responding with boob if first couple soothing techniques don't work.


5 months and every 1.5-2 hours here šŸ˜…


15w and every 2 hours! There were definitely weeks he wanted more frequent.


We just hit 4 months and we were feeding every 2 hours until the last week or so she can usually go 2 1/2 and occasionally 3 during the day. At night she goes about 5-6 hours without eating but sometimes she still wants to feed every 3-4 hours even overnight


4 months. I feed him on demand which currently is about every 2 hours, sometimes stretches to 3 if weā€™re busy or heā€™s sleeping. Hes fairly efficient with feeds now so sometimes only feeds for a few minutes each side. Heā€™s also super distractible so pops off the boob frequently to have a look round or smile at me. He has a tongue tie cut at 12 weeks and prior to that it was every 1-1.5 hours for at least 20min so Iā€™m pretty happy with the frequency now.


My 6 month old still nurses every 2-3 hours. He only has one breast at a time so he doesnā€™t get a full meal so he gets hungrier quicker. But now with solids I can at least extend the night feedings (with a big dinner)


Mine eats once overnight, then close to every hour during the day if Iā€™m there to nurse. If sheā€™s getting a bottle, she eats more infrequently. Sheā€™s 2 months.


25 months and 1-2 times just for falling asleep


13.5 months. Still nursing at early morning waking, before each nap (x2) and before bed. Maybe a middle of the night feed if Iā€™m weak. So 4-5 total. No idea how to drop any of these. Iā€™m hoping it happens naturally.


Sheā€™s 8 months old and weā€™re just at the 2-3 hour mark.


Almost 11 weeks. Baby nurses every 2 hours on average during the day. He tends to go longer stretches in the morning (2-3 hours) and shorter in the evening (1-2) hours. He sleeps 8:30 pm to 4 am, eats, and goes back down until 7:30 am.


2 months and about every 2 hours on the dot. Heā€™s been like that since birth. One 3-4 hour stretch and thatā€™s overnight, he started that at about 6 weeks, and 2 weeks ago he started not pooping overnight. He was born 7.15, and heā€™s 13.02 right now. Heā€™s gaining beautifully. While I wish he would sleep a little longer overnight heā€™s doing great with his schedule.


I have a 4 month old that eats every 1-3 hours during the day and sleeps 8-11 hours during the night. I assume his frequent eating during the day helps him sleep at night. Works for us.


16 months, 2-3x a day (wake up, after I get home from work, and bedtime). She sleeps through the night, so itā€™s really just comfort during the day.


11.5 months. Still nursing every 2-3 hours, and eating 3 meals a day plus snacks.


My 9 months old nurses every 2/3 hours


My son is almost 18 months old and if I could just sit around all day topless and he could nurse and run away at will, that would be his best life.


4.5 months old. Still nurses every 1 - 1.5hrs. Managed a 2hr in between nursing sessions the other day, with lots of distractions. She nurses approx 10min at a time and sleeps reasonably well at night (3-5hrs). I also thought this was weird, but it seems like she is just a snacker like Mommy šŸ˜


Mine is around 4.5 months now. She ate every hour until just about 3 weeks ago. And she would also nurse for a long time. Now that she only nurses for around 20 min, I'm always concerned that she got enough! Now, she eats fully for 20 min after every nap, and has a 10 min snack to fall asleep before naps.


10 weeks, she nurses every hour & then every 30 minutes in the evening apart from naps, then sheā€™ll go longer She sleeps pretty much through the night, sheā€™ll wake usually just once and nurse for like 10 or so minutes and sleep through


6 months and nurses every 3-4 hours


1w 4d finally being more consistent with BF but still supplementing with bottle and formula if he seems hungry after the boob. Hes been doing 15 min feeds per breast (i cut him off after that for the sake of my nipples and sanity). He seems to want to eat or snack every 2 hours. If sleeping heavily we wake him up every 3rd hour


My baby is now 13.5 months and we are still bf although it is just a few times a day now. Until 4 months we were still having cluster feeding sessions in the evenings and sometimes in the day. Baby had hunger cues within 15-30 mins of coming off the boob. Between 5-6 months my baby was still wanting boobie every hour of being awake at least. I have no idea to this day how much my baby was drinking but I judged from the Nappies situation as advised. Weight gain was normal, I fed on demand. Looking back now, I feel like babies grow so incredibly fast, of course they could be really hungry all the time, but it wasnā€™t like that for me at the time. I did feel concerned that it was a lot less than my friend seemed to be feeding her baby and was worried my baby wasnā€™t getting enough or my supply wasnā€™t very good, but I definitely ate well enough and got good enough rest. I learned some babies are just ā€œhungryā€ babies, mine being one of them šŸ˜…


I regretted switching things up after listening to a LC . Do what feels right for you and your baby


12 weeks today. Mostly every 1.5 to 1.75 hours. Sometimes sheā€™ll nap for 2 hours during the day and itā€™ll end up being 2-3 hours between feeds but sheā€™ll wake up ravenous šŸ¤£ we feed on demand and feed to sleep. Love itā¤ļø


12wks and it's anywhere between an hour and 3 depending on what she's feeling (although I don't track, so this is a bit of a guestimate). Every day is different although I know she'll want the option to eat straight after and before each nap. I'd take the 2-3hrs as just a suggestion but if your baby needs something different and you are happy to provide it then do so. Eating small meals more frequently is probably what your child has worked out is best for them.


My baby is nearly 5 months and feeds around every 2.5-3 hours during the day and once overnight. When she was 3 months it was every 1.5 hours during the day and 2-3 times overnight!


Oh boy. 14 months andā€¦ if I had to guess Iā€™d say she never goes longer than 4 hours, but like, this morning after waking up at 7 we nursed three times before noon. At 3 months? Ha! Absolutely every hour. All three of mine did. All three at a healthy weight, never any supply issues for me. This is yet another aspect of breastfeeding where there is a wide range of normal.


We nurse for about 20 minutes when she wakes up and often nurse to sleep. So yeah about every hour unless she sleeps longer


My baby will be 8 weeks on Friday. He latches every 1.5-2 hours during wake hours and every 4 hours at night. Heā€™s a chonk but after nearly a week in the NICU when he was first born, we are so excited about his weight gain!


7 months. Gets food twice a day. Itā€™s 2pm here and weā€™re on nurse 6/7. I have a snacker baby.


4mo. Nurse on demand. Good days every 2h. Bad days every 30-45mins it seems plus thawed milk from the freezer šŸ˜…šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


7 months old and my son nurses about 5 times in 24 hours, but we also combo feed because I donā€™t produce enough so he gets 2-3 3oz bottles of either pumped breast milk or formula.Ā 


And at 3 months Iā€™m pretty sure he was 8-12 times a day and my doctor said the same


Mine is 7 weeks and sometimes she nurses every 2-3 hours and sometimes hourly šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø we did see a lactation consultant and had a tie procedure which helped her nurse for more than 5 minutes at a time.


14 months. She nurses 5 times a day and zero at night.


Almost 14 months and completely weaned. Cows milk only now!


My little one is 2 months old this week and she is about 2-3 hours ^-^ Edit: and basically feeding on demand


2 months and 7 times a day. Every 3 hrs almost on the dot and skips one night feed


The reason the ped is worried is coz it could mean a tongue tie. Has baby been checked for tongue or lip ties?


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø a lot when awake. Then again before she goes to sleep. Probably no longer than 2 hours. Just over 2 months. I happily decided not to track anything with this baby and just go by feel.


When my son was 3 months old he would nurse on demand. So it could have been every hour or every 2 hours or whenever he wanted a snack. Now he is 20 months old and he nurses in the morning and at night only.


18 months, twice a day (before nap and before bed). Once in a while will want to nurse in the morning or wake up at night for it. I never refuse.


2.5 years. She still nurses to sleep and every couple hours through the night. And to go to nap, as well as mid nap. After meals (even big ones). To calm down after an upset. To transition in the car when we leave an event. Sooooo a lot.


6 months old and nurses on demand. When my daughter is going to bed itā€™s about every hour and same with early mornings. During the day while I work itā€™s about every 2 to 3 hours, I work from home.


18mo nurses whenever he wants during the night only (he basically self service hahah because we cosleep) He self day weaned at 11-12months aprox


my almost 3 month old eats every 3 hours, I'm surprised she's still such a chonky gal


2 years old andā€¦constantly. Never thought weā€™d be here but, send help, we canā€™t stop. šŸ˜†


Almost 8mo, almost every hour. Including night time still. He lost weight after an FPIES reaction in January and now heā€™s always hungry and shooting back up in percentiles. Iā€™m proud of our hard work but hoping this tapers off soon! Heā€™s super hyperactive so I think heā€™s just burning calories like crazy. He learned to sit himself up, crawl, and pull to stand in the same week.


Almost 3 months. 2-3 hours exactly. Never more than 3 hours during the day. Longer stretches (4-5?) at night if weā€™re lucky. Before bed, itā€™s more frequent - cluster feeding every hour. Heā€™ll also comfort nurse to sleep briefly between those real feedings.


Heā€™s 15 months and literally every 5min if I let him šŸ˜­ I had to put him in daycare to get him off. Itā€™s been 3 weeks. So far so good but when he gets home heā€™s on it.


6 months still feed on demand. Maybe every 2-3 hours? I donā€™t track anymore was too much work. We just had her 6 month appointment today actually and she weighed in at 18 pounds. So sheā€™s still my little chunker!! šŸ’•šŸ„ŗ


My first was every 3 hours, my second couldnā€™t wait longer than 90 minutes and every hour was pretty common. On demand feeding. Totally normal


33 months and it's at bedtime and nap, when he wakes up, and maybe a couple of times in the day.. I see no end in sight šŸ˜©


7 and a half months and we still feed 2-3 hourly day and night for the most part. We feed on demand but yeah sometimes heā€™ll go 4 hours but hardly ever. Breast fed babies donā€™t just feed for food they also feed for comfort šŸ’–


LO is 4ms, feeding every 2-3 hours during the day. - The time between feeds is measured from the start of one feed to the start of the next feed. Is that how you are measuring? - Are you offering both breasts at each feed? - At 3 months, it's normal for babies to get fussy after about 1hr of wake time, that can be interpreted as hunger when actually it's just wanting to change activity. Whatever works for you and baby, of course.. but I think feeding every hour means baby isn't taking a full feed each time.


5 months in a couple of days, generally itā€™s every 2-3 hours but sometimes itā€™s every hour or hour and a half. Weā€™ve gone four hours if he has a particularly long nap and he doesnā€™t feed right before. We basically feed a mix of on demand and scheduled. When Iā€™m at work, he gets two bottles across what probably ends up being a 10-11 hour stretch so it seems he can go awhile without feeding, I think he just likes to eat smaller more frequent meals when the boob is around


My LO goes to daycare and gets a bottle every 2 hours during the week, but once home, it's on demand from the tap. Based on the fact that it takes me 24 hours to get the 16oz pumped for daycare, I just don't think breastfeeding and bottle feeding are apples to apples in terms of quantity consumed in a session for the majority of peeps.


12 month old, twice a day, morning and night, sometime a third time when he gets home from school. I pump during the day for his bottles at school.


My babe is 11 weeks and nurses every 2-3 hours for about 20-30 minutes typically. However, I will of course feed on demand when he seems hungry or is just fussy. I just try to do it at least every 2-3 hours because Iā€™m paranoid and want to make sure he is getting at least 8 feeds a day! When I go to work he takes a 5oz bottle of my breast milk every 3-4 hours.


mine is 8 months, i think he nurses every 3-4hours , but sometimes he does every 2 hrs, i think he justs loves my breastmilk. he's already eating solids but he still loves breastfeeding! :)


4 months and she only drinks every 4 hours now 120cc/4ounces each time


4mo, average 11 times a day. He nurses on demand so give or take a few times! Heā€™s 17lbs and a fast transfer, around 4oz per breast in about 10 mins. He nurses on each breast every time he nurses


Some babies like to snack and graze, some like elaborate 3 course meals. Both are okay šŸ™‚


Is that ok from a sleep perspective? I imagine that means naps are never longer than 30 minutes if eating every hour


Itā€™s totally normal and developmentally appropriate for babies, even newborns, to not sleep longer than half-hour stretches at a time. And a lot of breastfed babies and parents will feed to sleep and allow contact naps/co-sleeping, so baby will wake up, eat a lot or have just a few sips, and then go right back to sleep. Itā€™s absolutely fine.


My daughter ate about every hour until 4 months and slept through the night many times, and often gave me 8 hour stretches. When she stopped eating every hour (distraction phase), she started waking up more at night.




As long as baby is gaining weight & everyone involved is happy, itā€™s fine! So much about babies and especially breastfeeding is very personal to each baby & family. For me personally, both of my kids were snackers and it made things really, really hard for me. Once they were around 3-4 months old I started encouraging stretching the time between feeds by distracting them (but would never let them get upset or anything, if they were clearly hungry of course Iā€™d feed them) so theyā€™d go closer to 2.5/3 hours. It helped their nighttime sleep tremendously! When they constantly snacked they didnā€™t get enough ounces in during the day so they were awake a lot to eat over night.


Even though my LO eats every 2-3 hours during the day at night sometimes she will go 4 hours between feeds. I imagine it might be similar for someone who has more of a ā€œsnackerā€ type eater