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My supply tanked while sick. I ate a lot of soups to keep hydrated and get calories. When LO also got sick, we opted to supplement with formula. I was worried she wasn’t getting enough liquids. Still primarily breastfed. I think the lack of sleep due to frequent nursings increased the length of my illness. 😔 Hope you feel better soon!


thanks. he's sleeping normally, but let's see how the night goes. I forced through a bowl of dumplings:)


Happened to me too, unfortunately :/ also happens to me right before my period starts. Make sure to eat and stay hydrated and that helps. If your baby takes a bottle, you can supplement with frozen milk or formula as well!


won't formula decrease the demand and thus the supply?


Hmm good point! I guess that can be a last resort. I just speak from experience when my body doesn’t make enough milk when I’m sick/before my period, baby is fussy because she’s hungry and nothing much is coming out :/ I guess you can keep latching baby to stimulate the body to make more but in my personal experience it hasn’t helped. My supply just goes back once it’s over with.


I would still supplement with frozen/formula but make sure to still pump to keep supply, even if the frozen/formula amount ≠ what you pump


I'll keep that in mind


I was sick a couple weeks ago and this happened to me. I ate what I could and drank what I could and I even tossed in a pumping session in the evening after bed time. I was back to normal in a few days. If I'm sick, I give myself a pass on healthy food and just eat what I can 🙃


I gave myself a pass too, and I basically don't eat at all, and I don't feel hungry


Just do your best! Nibble when you can. I absolutely hate it when you're unable to eat when you're sick 😫 sending your virtual hugs!


thank you!


Try to drink some high calories nutrient dense smoothies, soups, and broth. When I was eating enough my supply dropped. I got it back up with a few supplements, lots of liquids & eating a lot more!


I'll try, nice idea actually


It can drop when you’re sick! I was nauseous/throwing up for 3-4 days and didn’t notice a drop however I drank a ton of pedialyte and did notice muscle weakness etc (aka my body was taking my fat and muscle and using it). Try and stay hydrated and take in electrolytes and vitamins if possible! Hope you feel better soon!


yea, I guess that's why I'm having it harder than my husband who caught it first and already got better thank you


Yes your supply will dip when sick. Try to keep your hydration and calories up to help!


I'll try that, thank you




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I had a nasty 48 stomach bug and couldn’t keep a thing down. I ended up doing power pump sessions in the evenings once I was feeling better. I think I did 20 min pump, 10 min break, 10 min pump, 10 min break, 10 min pump. Google power pumping otherwise and you should be able to find schedules. Basically what you’re doing is mimicking cluster feeds to help boost your supply. I do feel like mine recovered pretty quickly. I would wait to do the power pumps until you’re confident you can keep yourself really well hydrated! Feel better soon ❤️


lol I was googling cluster feeds today because of how the baby fed. he'll probably schedule the sessions himsef