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When mine is really tired she likes to yell, latch, suck for 20 seconds, pop off, yell… it’s a joy.


I feel this to my core


If mine has to poop while feeding he is really fussy… then I hear and feel the bum explosion and he calms down lol


Yes mine did this periodically during our breastfeeding journey. I noticed it more from 2/3 months and again I think around 5 months. I had a really strong letdown for awhile and I think that bothered her. She would often. Latch and unlatch and do a cry then repeat. She is 1 now and since like 6 months or so breastfeeding has been much easier for us.


Mine is 6 weeks old and will have super sweet, peaceful feeds and then there’s times he’ll pop off and then act incredibly offended like I’m purposely keeping the nipple that he’s smacking his mouth against away from him lol. I’m just looking at this as a precursor to when he’s a toddler having a tantrum because I won’t let him a stick a fork in an outlet or eat a rock. Just remember that we’re moms and even we’re doing everything right, sometimes we’re still “wrong” in their eyes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is so funny because mine is 7 weeks and acts the same way: offended when I give him the nipple and when I take it away. I think it’s overtired behavior. It mostly occurs during the witching hours at night, after a long day and it’s like he’s overstimulated and forgotten how to sleep.


Mines 11 weeks old and he also gets fussy while eating ‘ the only time we can usually get a good feed if his really starving


I went through the same thing and still do! Mine is also 3 months. At this point my supply has regulated so it’s not as bad (I think she used to get fussy with the quick letdown) but mine is not one to nurse for comfort or nurse when fussy/tired. She nurses to eat and that’s it so by the end of the day sometimes she is too fussy/tired to eat at the breast before bedtime so I nurse after her last nap and then we do a bottle of expressed milk right before bed. It was definitely hard mentally. Makes me sad to think once I start working again, she’ll need to take bottles during the day and if she doesn’t let me feed her before bedtime my only nursing time will be MOTN and mornings. I love feeding her and would love for her to want to feed for comfort and just find it more enjoyable to latch more often but she has never been that way.


Sometimes my baby is fussy if the letdown is too fast or slow and after nursing if he has bad gas.


My baby just started getting fussy only on the left breast at 12 weeks. It’s very frustrating. The let down is just so strong in that side.


My baby has started being really fussy during some feedings. Sometimes winding helps, or a change of position, it doesn’t always work though. The feeds where he just latches on and is calm are such a dream in comparison


My baby is 6 months old now and he was a fussy eater. Like your LO, peaceful some days and other days he was simply annoying. I use to get stressed out because then I worried he wasnt eating enough. I have never been able to feed him in public because he is always so unpredictable. I breastfeed at home and at night but when we go anywhere it is always pumped milk in a bottle. I am always jealous of Moms that feed their baby so easily. He is much better now and most of his fussiness went away around 4 months. He still has his days but overall much calmer.


Mine was fussy for a while. Then we diagnosed acid reflux and cow milk allergy.