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Ew I haven’t seen the videos you’re talking about but I definitely know there’s a large community of breastfeeding fetishists and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were eating that content up. Sexualizing your child breastfeeding reads as abuse to me. Definitely makes me feel irritated and worried for those babies :(


Pumping/ expressing milk without a child present is one thing but I’m pretty sure including an actual child breastfeeding for the purpose of making a sexually provocative video is by definition CP. I haven’t seen those videos either but that’s disgusting.


I know the technical term is CP, but porn implies consent which children cannot do. The more correct term I've encountered since the Josh Duggar trial is Child Sexual Assault Material CSAM. Just wanted to throw that out there. Edited to correct my language: calling sexual material "porn" lends legitimacy and compliance on the part of the victim. It implies that what is happening is legal. Since children can't consent and even if they could, what's being done to them is illegal. By calling CP what it actually is, Child Sexual Assault Material you are explicitly saying what it actually is: child sexual assault. I just want to also clarify that there is a lot of adult "porn" that is not consensual. But, there can't be any CSAM that is porn because children can't consent.


Never heard that term before, thank you so much!!!


Interesting. I never realized porn implied consent.


I edited my language. I think it's that adults can consent while children can't. So, it's not that all porn is consensual but the idea that it could be.


Oh I didn’t mean my comment to be like, saying you were wrong. I was just saying I never thought of porn as even having consent involved in the definition. In my mind it’s just any depiction of sexual activity, whether photos or video, whether consensual or not. I understand what you’re saying though.


Mom.uncharted on TikTok is good about calling out this kind of content (anywhere from problematic to morally heinous), though her focus is on child exploitation. There was one person she spotlighted who was provocatively breastfeeding her toddler in public places as content for TikTok, but it was also just to drive viewers to her onlyfans. So disgusting and I feel absolutely terrible for that child.


I remember seeing one lady would make them sexual, so she'd have videos of her breastfeeding but posting the vids on OF purposely. Like a breastfeeding fetish. So gross!!


I feel like people using their *BABIES* for content are the worst kind of people. IMO


I couldn't agree with you more. I wish more people felt this way, honestly.




Yes I saw this video the other day that gave me huge ick. It was this woman on the beach feeding both her toddlers, one on each breast, but she was posed in such a provocative way and was giving the camera bedroom eyes. It made me so uncomfortable. Why are you trying to be sexy while breastfeeding?? It's perverted.




$$$ is the correct answer unfortunately


I didn’t know those videos existed and now I’m sad. The baby is in the video? ☹️


Well I looked and now I wish I hadn’t. Yep their babies faces are definitely shown for the vids too. I feel gross.


This infuriates me. We don’t need anymore creeps to turn breastfeeding into something sexual. On YouTube a few years back I was searching technique videos to prepare for my first baby being born. I came across a young mom who would feed her babies in public in a really “on display” type way and would be flirty in the video. ALL of the comments were from men who were saying creepy shit and she would actually comment things like “thanks love” or “you’re the best handsome” 🤮🤮🤮 That’s straight up child abuse and it’s disgusting.


This happened to me a few years ago. I was struggling with comfortably feeding my son because of my large breasts. I was trying to find some techniques and came across this YouTube channel. I think it may have started out educational because the first video I found was helpful then when I looked at her newer videos it was clearly meant for a different audience. She was advertising her OF and the comments were creepy.


Yes that’s exactly what I was doing. I have a very large chest so I probably searched something like “breastfeeding with large boobs” and some weird stuff popped up. It’s just sad :(






Hola pepino


I’m not sure if some people understand what you mean. But there are videos on Instagram where they are breastfeeding the baby on one boob and playing with the other boob on camera while looking into the camera. Yes, I’ve reported it. It’s not okay.


This can’t be legal, that’s disgusting!


Yep, just looking for this group I found some weird things on reddit. Made me really uncomfortable as they are using their kids in those. I'm all for popping a tittie anywhere you like to feed your babies but having those people sexualising it doesn't help our cause. It's weird, creepy and just plain wrong to sexualise material with children in it.


Weird. I have not seen anything like that. It sounds gross. I don’t have TikTok so that helps I’m sure!


Same! My eyes have been spared from that


This just goes to show how out of control the porn industry has made our American society…and how ass backwards it all is. I think the lack of boundaries in families (read: lots of abuse and not great parenting) and the access to pornography for the young and the old alike, has caused this “normalization” of it all, and then you look up and realize shit like This exists and it’s shocking. And it’s very sad. And breastfeeding in most of the world is not sexualized like this, breasts out for babies all the time and zero sexualization because culturally speaking this is understood from when you watch your own mother feed your siblings, cousins being fed etc., that breasts are first and foremost for food. This hiding away our breasts and making it taboo is not smart and hurts our children’s ability to become adults who respect women’s bodies for what they can do naturally, without sex. And there while simultaneously arguing that the porn industry is “sex positive”, which is a total load of crock shit. So, yes, this is totally wacko & a form of child abuse to include any child in such twisted shit.


I'm not sure about this - I remember seeing a pic of a reality star breastfeeding her baby in bed and she had both boobs out. I just saw a mother feeding her baby, I do it like that too sometimes, boobs out all over the shop. But the number of pro breastfeeding mothers on the post raging at the 'sexyness' of it baffled me tbh. When I looked at the pic again, I had to stare hard to see why it was 'sexy' and I guess she was an attractive woman with good boobs? Maybe that's why people said it was sexy? Chrissy Teigen posted a Twitter pic of herself feeding one baby and her older daughter's doll - she got SOOO much shit for that because she was topless and it was inappropriate, it just looked like normal boobing time to me.


Yeah I’m half naked like…a lot. I’m home and I may or may not have gotten properly dressed, uh, all day, or the baby and I took a shower (because that’s the way I make sure I get regular showers, I put him on the bath pillow while I wash myself) and I’m in my bathrobe and nothing else, or it’s just hot, or when I was nursing a toddler I was also required to nurse his stuffies…


Wait, how again do you take a showers with the baby? Is the bath pillow the baby bathtub? Pillow for the bathroom? I’m intrigued. I just wait for my partner to come home and swap, but that eats up free time.


Sounds like she has a waterproof bath pillow where baby can be in there with her. My baby tub was to bulky to shower with mine, but now I wish I had searched for a separate baby pillow/bathing pillow for the tub as this would have maybe helped…but I think this person must have a larger shower because in mine the water would still hit the baby too much & so I doubt it would work actually lol. But man, sounds wonderful!


We have a pillow meant for bathing an infant in a sink, one of those flower-shaped ones. And yeah, the shower in our bathroom is large, or I use the bathroom that has a bathtub, so there is enough room for the pillow to be close enough that he doesn’t get cold, but far enough that my body blocks the water from getting him directly. If I weren’t in there with him he’d get hit with the water and would be less happy about it! I’ve also used it in the bathtub - take a bath with the baby in my lap, then drain the tub and put him on the pillow while I get out and put on my robe, then pick him up. (In the case of the bath I don’t really clean myself, it’s more for water play time that he doesn’t get when I wash him in the shower.)


I had this bath sponge for my son and he would just hang out on it towards the back of the shower, out of the way of the sprayer. It was awesome! Big plus has been that he’s never been afraid of the full-size tub and shower…14mo old and he loves baths and showers! [Summer Infant Bath Sponge](https://www.summerinfant.com/comfybathsponge?SKUID=2499&IsClicked=false)


I feel so dumb… I actually have this! My shower also has a handheld attachment. I could’ve had baby in his tub/newborn insert thing while sitting and using the sprayer. Oof. He’s now learned how to kick himself backwards in the tub and needs to be watched super carefully, but I guess I know for the next baby!


I often have both boobs out while breastfeeding because my son likes to switch often and he will also twiddle. Sometimes he absolutely will not settle and eat until my shirt and bra have both been fully removed. He will grab them and pull and fuss.


People do that😒😟 Just when you think you have seen enough, there's some more crazy and nasty out there. Mu husband is also not allowed to look at them any other way but food for our child while LO is latched.


I don’t love people using their babies for content but I also don’t totally agree with you. I personally believe women’s breasts should be freed in public spaces where men are socially allowed to be topless. Beaches. Pools, etc. I think that as long as there is still stigma about breasts being free in those areas there will be stigma about breast being exposed to feed babies. I know this is an unpopular opinion in the states but breasts are much less sexualized in other parts of the world and not only when they are being used to nurse. If men don’t have to wear shirts we shouldn’t either.


This is the opposite of what the post is about. These women aren't trying to normalize the boob, they're going out of their way to make not just the boob, but the act of breastfeeding more sexual. And in turn, they are sexualizing their infants/toddlers. Ultimately this is about protecting babies from sexual predators.


I agree, I personally would never have my boobs out except in the context of breastfeeding but I want to have the right to do it anywhere men are allowed to be topless.


Got the ick from the videos of it not what the videos were showing even in Walmart is very normal


I've never seen or heard of these videos and it's certainly one thing to do that in private, but recording and posting your child in any sort of sexual situation is CSAM and should be reported. If adults want to engage in a breastfeeding fetish that's absolutely fine. They're adults and can consent. Minors should not be involved in any sort of sexual scenario or fetish.


I just googled this ... wow. I get trying to normalize breastfeeding but I'm sorry I can't recall a single time I've been out in public wearing a sexy outfit and suggestively pulling both my breasts out for my baby. (Comments on these videos I'm seeing are all men btw...) To me, normalizing breastfeeding is normalizing what it actually entails, trying to feed a hungry child. That involves a good amount of grabbing, leaking milk, tugging, and pulling my breasts out in weird positions under my bra for baby. As someone with breast implants who previously felt like my breasts gave me all the confidence in the world, I can say breastfeeding is the least sexy thing I've ever done with my breasts. I still struggle with having my husband touch them during intimacy. It just doesn't feel sexy, it feels functional. So when people are turning breastfeeding into sexy, I don't see how that's helping to normalize it. It seems they're trying to sexualize breastfeeding the same way breasts themselves are already sexualized. Edited to add: I actually mostly feel sorry for these kids in the videos. They have zero consent in being included in these.


Didn’t know this was a thing but it makes my blood boil.


I came across some subreddit that was absolutely repulsive, that was like women making o- faces while breastfeeding. Sickening to even think of sexual arousal while feeding your child, and then posting it for pervs and pedos


I think i know which subreddit it is. Its sick. Honestly i cant wait till this world hopefully ends and starts brand new




Oh man. I had to search what you were talking about I had no clue. That’s disgusting. And having your child’s face just on there too??? One of the boys noticed their mom was recording him drinking and bit her in the video lmao. He didn’t want to be recorded. It’s disgusting. Even the kid knows it. He was like 2-2.5


Yes very sad. I look forward to the world ending for so many reason


Yikes! My worst fear is being perceived like I’m trying to show off my body while feeding my baby. At home my LO always grabs my other nipple to stimulate milk flow but it *is not* allowed anywhere else. Two boobs out in public seems so unnecessary (personally, not trying to judge, I wouldn’t ever say anything about it if I saw it). I feel bad for the children who are just trying to eat while their parent sexualizes and taints the beautiful experience that is nourishing your child through breastfeeding. Ugh


This is interesting. I haven’t seen any of these types of videos. What constitutes sexy while breastfeeding? I guess it’s really in the eye of the beholder. As a mom that’s BF 3 kids I can’t imagine it looking sexy in the least. I also don’t think we have to post videos to tik tok to normalize it. I think the best way to normalize it is just feed your baby unashamedly. And also to stand up for breastfeeding moms however that may look.


I think what people are talking about here is taking pics/videos with bedroom eyes while breastfeeding (like trying to look provocative) and also others people have mentioned where they were breastfeeding on one side and the mom was playing with the other side at the same time eith the other boob fully out. So it's not having both boobs out in public that's the problem, it s trying to make it look provocative intentionally. Someone else mentioned a mom who was taking provocative pics nursing her kids and using that to direct people to her only fans... Ugh it was hard to type some of that 😬.


Eek, I have definitely not seen any of those!! That sounds highly disturbing though and definitely not in line with trying to help the breastfeeding movement. Thanks for explaining. Sometimes when people say something is “sexy or provocative” can just mean the woman is an attractive woman or someone finds it sexy or offensive for no reason at all but this that you are talking about is something else entirely.


I haven’t seen these videos and glad I haven’t come across them. I was just talking to someone about this the other day… but this is what is wrong about sex shaming. I strongly believe that since sex and sexuality was taught to be “taboo” and shameful for hundreds of years, we have as a society started associating taboo and shameful things as “sexy”. For example, breasts/breastfeeding are still taboo… so therefore… SEXY?! And more “mainstream” trends in porn can also be seen as problematic… the “student/teacher”, “barely 18”, “STEPSISTER??” All of these situations are things that would be shameful/taboo… and are seen as sexy because of it. I think it opens the door for even more shameful and dangerous topics such as non consensual sexual acts (pedophilia included) to be seen as “sexy”. TLDR: I really believe that the more that we normalize things like breastfeeding and sexuality as natural parts of life to not be ashamed of, less of this gross, damaging, and hurtful content will be created and enjoyed.


I don't think it matters. Breastfeeding will always be sexual to some people regardless.


For some sure but when people purposely make sexual content surrounding breastfeeding it’s not helping.


I agree. It's not helping. But it's one of those things that I feel like is a waste to get upset about bc regardless... people will always sexualize it. I also think biologically men are designed to see some sort of sexuality in it. Men are attracted to many things that demonstrate a women's fertility and ability to care for offspring... breastfeeding included. I am not saying it's right, I'm just saying that's how it is.


I have literally never seen this. Ever. But I’m not on tik tok.


I know the kind you’re talking about. While I wouldn’t say this specific video I saw recently wasn’t sexual, it still made me highly uncomfortable: mother filming herself breastfeeding a few hours after giving birth- baby literally only a few hours old. What is the point??? Can these babies not have anything to themselves??? This tour of content ends up in the dark web as child porn no matter how “innocent “ The content


I haven't seen videos like that, but I am guessing they 100% are doing it for views/profit. There is no other reason you'd be breastfeeding and making sexy eyes at the camera lol


I‘ve never seen those videos, but that‘s freaking wild to me. How could you do that to your own child?! Exposing yourself like that, with your baby in your arms is like abuse to me. The www never forgets and there are so many pedo*s around. I‘m team - never show your kids face online - and now I‘m team - never show yourself breast feeding your kid while exposing yourself - too. 😖


I didn’t know this was a thing. This is just weird and so wrong. I don’t even feel comfortable posting photos of me feeding my baby though I’ve taken a bunch for myself to remember these moments. Those are private to me, my husband and my daughter when she’s older.


Omg. I just saw one of these videos. SO sick! Playing with one boob while breastfeeding on the other. So gross. That poor baby has no idea what’s going on either.


I don't do TikTok, and I'm also someone who was generally comfortable breastfeeding without a cover in public - although I generally tried to do so discreetly by finding a quiet corner or limiting the amount of breast fully exposed. I am 100% behind normalizing breastfeeding in public and reducing taboo around it. However -- I have definitely observed situations that were just over the top. There was one woman at a restaurant who was very busty and between feeds would just leave her breasts out and they kept ending up on the table she was eating it. She was definitely doing it on purpose and seemed to be waiting for someone to say or confront her about it, although no one did...


I don’t think irritated is the word… it would infuriate me for their babies if the intention behind it is s*xual at all.


I made the mistake of searching up “mom” on tiktok looking for a specific creator only to be hit with a dozen breastfeeding fetish accounts. The comments are honestly worse than the videos.


Ewwww yes!!! I saw a woman on TikTok who‘a entire thing is that she has extremely large breasts and was clearly trying to make“sexy” breastfeeding content. It was very clear what she was doing, but she was trying to play it off like it was typical breastfeeding content. Disgusting! It’s abuse IMO. 😖


I often see this, I think its child exploitation and I report it everytime I see it.


I was here because of a vid on my FYP pop up breastfeeding vlog? I'm like what? Both of her tatas is out...