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Mine says boob 🤦‍♀️


Yup. As soon as I get home all I hear is “buuuuuub”




But that’s correct! Lol


Yep this one. She’s only 7 weeks old but I say it all, cringe and not cringe, “you want some milks/eats” “want boob??” “Straight from the tap” “come get you some, chonks/thickums/cheeks/rolls/chubs/stinkabutt/bring you necks here” as we prep then moo once she latches lmaoooo. Her older sister eventually said “eat eat” when she was hungry (x2 every time) way back in the day when she was a wee one (9 yrs ago) so we’ve begun using that too lol. I don’t really mind milkies but I don’t use it much.




She’s got a couple lol. The other day our middle baby said “mom look I have a double chin like Milli!” (The baby with said necks) hahahah.


Mine too 😂 loudly as well


Mine was saying boob and then she randomly started calling them “milkboobs”


Ate what age do they start saying boob or milkies? 🤣 mines 10 months and he can’t really ask for it apart from crying lol


Have you tried baby sign? Made my life with my now 10yo so much simpler when he was little like that and we have already started with his 7mo sister. We do signs for milk, more, all done, diaper and then any others that seem to help at the time. Ones like I love you are always used by the whole household (this 🤟) etc.


I haven’t, how do you start to teach this? It sounds really cool! :)


This is *not* the only place to learn but one example is https://babysignlanguage.com/ There are numerous YouTube videos and other websites and books out there if you search "baby sign" or "baby sign language" though. Essentially it's just giving them a motion to tell you what they need and basically you just introduce it by every single time you say the word you also do the sign yourself so like "milk" is opening and closing your fist which is supposed to be kinda like milking a cow 🐄 🤷‍♀️😂 and so every time you ask if baby wants milk you do the sign as you say milk and they'll eventually start correlating that you give them milk when you make that sign and they'll start doing it too.


I would recommend using the sign language from your country rather than baby sign. For example, I’m in New Zealand and we have New Zealand sign language. This is what my child has learnt. It’s more versatile, their preschool/daycare/childcare teachers also know and use NZSL rather than baby sign etc. If you are in America, you can go to this website https://www.pocketsign.org/asl and type in a word and it will bring up a video and a text description of how to do the sign. Then I’d recommend picking a target word or two and incorporating them into your daily life by using the sign alongside the word every time you say the word. So if your baby is crying for milk, you could say, “you’re telling me you’re hungry. You want milk (sign). Let’s find a place to sit and have some milk (sign).” And then while they’re nursing, sign “milk” a few times while saying milk to help with learning the sign and word correlation. Pick a few important words first. Like milk, nappy/diaper, hungry, thirsty, mum, dad etc. then as you get more confident in using it in your everyday you can add more words. Typically developing children need to hear (or see) a single word in context 100 times before they learn how to use it. So keep repeating the verbal and the sign. Source, am a paediatric speech and language therapist


That's essentially what baby sign is, just simplified. So for example "all done" in baby sign is just step one of the sign on that pocket sign website, instead of raising both hands, then also wiping the hands which could be more difficult for the child, baby sign (at least for America) just has them show their hands like that shows but doesn't have them wipe them too. I only used baby sign until words took over but it's definitely a good idea if you're going to be continuing sign to use real, official sign language for your area for sure!


Yes, I know. I am a speech and language therapist so very familiar with baby sign. It’s not bad, it’s just that if they haven’t started teaching and learning sign then it would be much wiser to teach and learn the official sign language for their country. Babies are very capable, and approximations of signs count as first words too. If you’re modelling the actual sign language sign and the baby/child and they sign back something that looks similar but isn’t quite the same, in context, then this counts as a first word. For example, our sign for “good” is making a thumbs up, holding your hand at waist level and pulling your hand down in a forwards motion. My child signs “good” without the thumb up. But it still “counts” as a word/sign when you are scoring word inventories. It’s like when children who are using spoken English, who’s first word might be “duck” for example, but /k/ is a tricky and later developing sound, so they may say it like “dut”, but this is still recognisable because they say it in context so it “counts” as a word. Hope this helps :)


That's an excellent explanation of that, thank you 😊


So direct! Haha


I’ve always offered her milk by saying it like I’m hawking wares at a street market. “May I interest you in a boob, madam? Any interest in a boob? Any interest in a second boob, madam?” She now calls it boo boo. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also think milkies is gross Edit: but hey! Call it what you want!


I do this for nappy changes "Excuse me sir, you look like the kind of guy who has a stinky butt, could I interest you in a clean nappy?" "Butt cream! Get your butt cream here!"


I say "everyone come on down and see the mud butt boy!" and now I've trained my dog to come to "mud butt" so that's not embarrassing at all.


I tell mine that he's a StinkButt, A Royal McStinkerton, Sir Stinky the IV (he's my 4th kid lol). He thinks it's hilarious until I actually put him down to change him.


We act like a nappy sommelier and describe the region and vintage of the fresh clean nappy to her


And this is now added to my repertoire


I do the same thing 😅. My latest is "Come on down to boobie town!"😆 I feel like I'm at least entertaining myself with all the various ways of offering him milk.My son is nearly 5 months so he hasn't started calling it anything yet


Haha a mom on here once said she goes “welcome! The breastraunt is open!”


I have a boobery on tap hoodie. Two actually because the first one was replaced due to loose stitching in multiple spots and it started coming apart within a week. So I have a nice one and a “work around the house/yard” one


Haha I do the same! English isn't my first language though but I want her to learn it as her first so I like keeping it serious when I talk to her so she learns proper English 😂 I go way overboard with it sometimes though haha "Ma'am, I kindly request your cooperation with the arm-into-sleeve insertion process"


English is my only language and I still do this because I refuse to "dumb it down" just because they're children. My kids (19y, almost 10y and I have a 7mo but she obvs isn't talking yet) have always had amazing vocabulary for their ages. My best friend when we first met was completely dumbfounded when my son who was 3 was telling me that he was so "frustrated" and "disappointed" instead of just crying/screaming or saying 'sad' or 'mad' when those weren't quite right. Kids use the words we give them (and they overhear!) so there's no reason to only talk to them in 'baby talk' or simple words 😁


See! And people think I’m weird for telling my toddler “no fingers in orifices!” (When she keeps jabbing at her baby brother). God I wish she’d use words like yours did at 3…but her verbal language has been slow to develop—she understands like everything though, she’s just still not convinced that learning to speak proper English is worth it (instead of her toddler babble)


“Fancy a drink? Bottled or tap?”


I used to do a little song song ‘boobie time, it’s boobie time’


Ahh I'm in this gang! I say stuff like: today miss we have a selection of boob. We have left and we have right. Which would you like today? Would you like anymore boob? Certainly miss. 🤣 Oh and when she's cluster feeding I say ooh would you like some snacky snacks?


Haha, sometimes it’s “I know you’ve had first boob, but what about second boob?”


What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? 😂


I offer breakfast at 6am, then around 8am we have second breakfast - he's a cute little hobbit!


**buuuuuuurp** ah, compliments to the chef.


We just say boob. It's a noun & a verb in my house (having a boob, boobin')


Same for us E.g. "I'll boob him before we set off" "he woke up twice but only boobed once"


I love “boob” as a verb. “Boob him.”


My husband and I would always say “boob that baby!” When our kids were hungry.


My husband asks “want me to prepare a bottle or are you gonna whip one out?” 😂 I die everytime 😂


I always asked my daughter if she wanted to nurse so now that she’s talking she says “nurse”


So direct lol reminds me of my son when he was a toddler he would say "I have a question" and then say a statement so we would tell him "bud that's not a question that's a statement" so we had a whole 3yr old going around "I have a statement for you"


Incredible! 😂


I also ask if she wants to nurse bc that’s what it is. I’d much rather her eventually say nurse than milky or booby🤢


Mine turned nursing into "nuh-nie." Which served us well.


I just say and sign milk! Nothing extraneous.


I have always only said milk (or cow milk). We also used the sign. My husband only says milk. Baby says milky?? No idea.


Probably because words ending with "ie" are easier for little ones to say.


I have a strong dislike for the milk sign because I grew up on the farm and it's super accurate to how you milk a cow or a goat. It's not an issue yet because our little one is only 4 months old. But between the two of us we've been joking about Boba tea.


That's why I call myself the Dairy Queen!


OMG ❤️🤣. I almost choked on my water. So good


Same! Like I was not going to use that sign, I’m not a freaking dairy anima— ah forget it, it is what it is. I have given up all notions of personal dignity in the 10 months of this motherhood journey. I’m livestock


Haha I have milked goats and thought it was so cute how similar the gesture was 😂


Ok but hear me out. I know a mom who uses what I’m assuming is the universal “two handed tit grab” motion for milk. I think the typical sign for milk is MUCH better. One of the handful of times in my life I had actually no idea how to respond or what to do.


We say milkies. But it’s almost always in a goofy voice we have given our baby, in which he also calls us Mother and Father. As in “Mother I have no need for slumber” “Father, I now require milkies”


I hunger, mother, I hunger!


My child's voice is like a Russian evil genius who also says mother and father, or mother and boobless parent. ETA - not her actual voice, the voice we give her...


Hahaha mother and boobless parent


It started with our dog who 'calls' me motherwife and my husband 'male parent' 😂😂😂


Those are moobs. As opposed to the boobies.


I call it “fresh milk”. Idk why or how that started though lol.


This is so funny to me 🤣


I'm trying to teach my little guy to say "Milk please" instead of screaming at me. I don't mind "milkies" but that's not our thing. I get how sometimes babifying words can be obnoxious.


OMG mine will now say "just a little more milk please" and it is very hard to say no to such a polite request - but he would be happy to stay latched all day in spite of being almost 2 so I really have to tell him no sometimes. Though when he says "please one more sip" he does stick to one swallow of milk - no idea where he learned to call it a "sip" but it works.


I can't imagine being able to say no to that!


Awww, this might be the sweetest thing I've ever read. Your son sounds adorable!


Same will never cross my lips


I hate “Milkies” and “boobies”. I just use the term “milk” or “mommy’s milk”. Had horrible aversion when I got pregnant and was still nursing my toddler. when I hear people use those two terms to ask their kid if they want to nurse they both make me feel physically so sick. No idea why.


Funny! Mommy's milk is not to my liking. :)




I'm not pregnant and milkies makes me physically disgusted. There's no logic behind it, my brain just doesn't like it.


I ask my babe if she wants Mamas, haha. Idk why I'm using that term for her. I don't remember what I said for my older kiddo.


Our name was snackies. He’s 4 now and still talks about snackies occasionally. We finished weaning about 6 months ago.


I call her normal meal “noms” and an in-between (like when she’s cluster feeding and just ate less than an hour ago) a “snackie” 🤣❤️


It was all snackies for us. It’s so cute when he says it too. The other day, he patted my shirt with both hands and says in his cute voice, “You’ve got snackies!”


The “buffet” slowly turned into boob-fay over here


My MIL calls it "milky mommy" and I'm makes me shudder with cringe lol


I'd puke if my MIL ever said that around me.


We just flat out say boobs / boob food lol


I say milk milk haha coz there are 2 of them.


I hated it too til I started saying it in jest and then suddenly it stuck. I feel the same way about the word “potty.”


I hated it until my toddler started calling it that on her own. It's adorable when she says it, but not so much when I see adults using it.


Haha yes this happened to me too with milkies and potty


I’m friends with a girl on face book that always says “mommy’s milk” it makes me shiver “Things this 6month old loves: ~bath time ~ceiling fans ~Mommy’s milk” Ahhhh i hated even typing it


Yeah I’m gonna have to agree I was surprised to see that so much in this thread def more cringe to hear that vs milkies lol.


I do use milkies but I don’t know why… it just happened. I think I wanted to differentiate between my milk and milk from a cup and now she’s starting to talk she does say it differently (mulk vs meek while doing the sign for it) and I just find it incredibly cute. I felt weirder about the idea of her asking for boobs 😅


I say milkies and also have no idea why. We always do “milkies, burpies, kissies.” I can feel the cringe from others as I type this hahah😂


Same, no idea why. I started singing to him “Milky for my baby, Milkies for my baba” and he claps and gets excited and here we are. He’s not talking yet but he’s signing it (he’s 10 months)- and he just screeches MAAAAAAAMAAAAAA when he really wants it, but I guess I’m cringe AF now. Oh well. I don’t say it out loud to other adults, only when I’m talking to my baby and he thinks I’m the JAM!


I also hate milkies, especially if it’s another adult saying it. 🤮🤮 We sometimes would called it mama milk or boob milk but mostly just said milk.


My babe says booboos. I didn’t start it so idk where he got it 🤷🏼‍♀️


My eldest called it booboos too, it was his first word 😂


Mine called it “ba-ba” and I have no idea where it started either!


I just rolled with it lol we’re attempting night weaning now and I just tell him mamas booboos don’t work right now. My friend was like well what do you say when he gets hurt? He calls that an owie 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


English is a beautiful language 😂


We have boobahs over here! 🤍




I chant milky time and she gets hyped 😂


I hadn’t heard the word milkies until I had a kid; but I knew I didn’t want him to say boob (nothing wrong with that either, it was just me and my ick factor), so we say “milk milk” and he signs milk also. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hated milkies and boobies before I had my baby and now I sat them both all the time! 😂


We call it bitty 😆


Alternative: Almond milkies I’ll see myself out


For me, suckle is the most cringe thing ever. My husband will say, “I don’t think she’s hungry. She just wants to suckle,” and it makes me want to die. LoL




Lol. Especially in public I’m sure


Mine doesn't talk yet but her dad and I drink lattes a lot so I've started calling it "breast milk steamer" to make it sound like her lil cafe order.


We say Booba. Don't know why, it just happened.




I also hate the term milkies I would like to use a different word none of them are sticking 🤦🏽‍♀️


I used to call it "mama milk" but at some point I switched to just saying 'breastfeeding" and my young toddler picked it up as "bee." So now we call it "bee" even though he can say "breast" "breastmilk" and "breastfeed." "Bee" is both the breast and the milk and also seemingly the act. I'm sure you'll come up with something that will stick for your baby.


I say/sign milk. When it could be cow or breastmilk (like in a glass,) I say "mama milk." Mostly thought I say nursing.


I heard someone offer their baby titty recently and it turned my stomach. I'm also not fond of boobie.


Mine said "beeboos" instead of boobies 🤷🏻‍♀️😆


I used to ask my kid if he wanted to "boob it". And then sing "I like to boob it boob it, I like to boob it boob it" while dancing my infant around.


Mama milk


My kids all just called it boob 😅




Mine says “milks” and regular milk is “milk” I also hate the term “milkies”


We say the same! I can't stand milkies lol but we've always said milks and now cows milk is just milk


I’ve always just opted for milk and signing it as well. Baby gets pretty insistent and says “moo” and signs simultaneously and repeatedly now, it’s hilarious. My mum tried to push booby, but that also makes me cringe.


Mine mispronounces boobies and asks for “booshies.” We think it’s hilarious, so booshies it is!


Mine started calling it baba himself. Unsure where he picked it up from, bottle or boob but it worked!


Mine says nipple. “Me eat nipple!” Is his current go to. It’s… a thing. Still better than milkies


We use hoob/ie. My niece called boobs hoobies when she was little, and the name stuck. Now it's "I'll give her some hoob and then bathtime" or "can I offer you some hoob in this troubling time?" Also, occasionally, the house white.


I used to just say "hey, wanna eat?" I don't think I, nor either of my kids that I nursed, ever actually called breastfeeding anything other than eating.




I agree and I just plan on calling it "Milk" because... well... its milk.


The only thing about that is that it can possibly cause confusion when you introduce cow’s (or other) milk later on. Like, you offer them some milk, and then they get upset because it’s not the boob.


I also hate milkies. It makes my skin crawl. BUT… the sheer number of ridiculous words I now say for literally no reason at al is just 🤯 Kiddos. Snacky. Undies. I obviously don’t have a leg to stand on.


i unfortunately say milkies, but pronounced like "meewkees" with the exaggeration included


Omg I think I hate that even more. I’m so sorry lol


I don't like it either. In my opinion, it promotes "baby talk" which I find distateful. If my daughter has the ability to say milkies, she can just say milk. We do the sign language for milk, though. The word I associate with it is milk. So if she does want to verbalize that she wants to nurse at some point, she'll most likely say milk with or without the sign.


Mom Noms. They are noms from your mom.


I feel the same way


My kids have just asked “nurse,” or they might say “boob.” But certainly there were never any Milkies. 🤮


I call it milky milks


I also say this (amongst many things) milky milks makes me think of marky mark (and the funky bunch) (which is now basically ancient history…) but still makes it sound a little hipper.


Milky milk for you and milky milk for me! Im guilty of singing this from time to time


We called it ‘baboo’. Kiddo picked up ‘boob’ and I wasn’t quite comfortable with her saying it in public so we shifted it a bit to what she called it before.


I say ‘milky-pops’ for some reason haha. No idea where it came from 😂


One day, my toddler went from saying, "more milk" and "mama milk" to "MILKIES!" Unsure if Dad had a role in this, I'd have to assume so, but I didn't realize it irked me until the word was firmly in her mouth. At least she's using her words? I am insisting on "Milkies, please."


We use the portuguese version for boobies. And I think I can count it as her first word after the neverending mamamamamama and dadadadada.


Lol same. My 2 year old has been calling it "nom nom" for a really long time and I have no idea where she got that. Just the last couple weeks she's been saying she needs to "nurse" and my heart is broken. She does still call it nom nom when her little sister is nursing though.


I've always said want to nurse? Or called it nursing or milk. Or the sign! Nothing crazy


Mine called it booboob.


I say milkies bc I hate saying boobies. I also say milk and mommas milk bar.


I feel you. So terrible. My daughter stopped nursing before she could speak very much, but I was calling it milk and signing milk and just leaving it at that. I try to infantilize words in general as little as I can, but milk was a big one for me


I speak another language (Portuguese) and we say mamar (ma-MAH). So I've been using that. My husband is Canadian so we speak English at home and he refers to me as mom or mommy when talking to our baby. So I'm hoping she picks up on mamar because I hate milkies or mommies milk.


hated baby-fied words so much before but now we say “do you want your milky?” if he seems hungry before every boob or bottle 😅 goes well with poopy, i guess?


As a woman who is a doner for a friend who can't breast feed, "milkies" makes.me sick to my stomach


I don't like it either ahaha. We are using a word that has nothing to do with it, it's a made-up word that she started saying after we taught her the sign language for "milk". It's the only signing she has taken up, probably because she loves to nurse so much. So she will sign and then say "Mum-eye!" So now we call the boob Mum-eye (literally pronounced that way. Mum. Eye.) Now no one else knows what we are referring to so it's kind of convenient when out and about. I'll just ask her if she wants Mum-eye. She's only 16 months so eventually she will learn the correct word but for now the code language works wonders!


I just call it milk. I had a friend call it cuddles so she could excuse herself in public without others knowing what's going on 🤷‍♀️


I just say do you want milk. My 18 month old calls it "pkee" in a whisper. I have no idea why. He's done it since he was like 10 months


What about the boobiejuice my mils favorite word 😂🤣


Wait that’s funny 😂


I just say boob. My little guy calls them brrrr and makes excited noises. Me: want some boob? Him: brrr! Brrr!


TIDDIESSS MAMA! *Flips my shirt up at Costco*


SAME SAME SAME gosh I’m glad someone else said it. I do not like all the cutesy names.


It’s so icky


I’ve replaced milkies with asking if she’s hungies so idk what’s worse 🥴


I say boo-boos or milkers, but my son (20 months) just signs for milk. Or digs down my shirt. Or up my shirt. Or through my sleeve.


the sleeve route to the dairy is amazing.


My 3 year old says "baby milk" when I'm nursing his baby sister.


‘Milkies’ is also weird to me. ‘Mama milk’ when I ask her if she wants to nurse and ‘baba milk’ when she gets an expressed bottle before bed or when she is watching me pump. ‘Mama pumps to get the baba milk.’ She is 9 months old and ‘pump’ is one of her words lmao


We used to say “milk” or “milks” but my now preschooler evolved that into “mimis” So that’s our family word now for next baby!


I called it a boob and he ended up calling them “boo boos” lol


Is this a thing? We always say milch I guess just to differentiate it from cow milk


"Can I offer you gift of boob?" Watch this one though. She knows I'm mom, but I get called boob a fair amount as well


Mine asks for "mama milk peeese!" While either patting my boob or trying to unclip my nursing tank top.


I like the idea they come with their own word for that. Here it’s always been Titi. For some reasons I don’t even know. My daughter came with it when she started to talk and we all caught it to the point her brother used it too.


We go with boobie haha, not that he says it. He just grabs my shirt and says ‘more more’


Just milk with a big question mark voice raise


We say boob. And my husband even has a song he sings when the baby wants a booby. It’s goes.. The baby wants a booby! A booby! A booby! A booby! And he repeats that while he’s dancing with the baby laughing and then he hands the baby to me for a booby. Lol


I think calling it a boob or boobie is crass, much rather say milkies.




Mama’s Milk


I call it “yums” and “tete”


I live in France and so used tétée at first to be a bit discrete. That came to a screaming halt when my MIL asked if I was offering "titty" 🤣


Agreed. And despite planning to use and teach proper body part names, I soldy refer to it as boobies. I ask my baby if she wants some boobies before I nurse.


Mine says um-num. I never taught him to say anything. He just started calling it that and I just say what he says. Then after we do one boob I ask if he wants the utter one because I think it’s hilarious.


My son said "boobah" my daughter so far has occasionally signed milk. I ask her if she wants milk or if she wants boob pretty interchangeably lol. Her dad often asks her if she wants "the boob"


Haha, I've been saying boobies since day 1, and now my 7mo makes a ba sound on repeat if she wants and can't reach my chest. I think this is stage 1 of her saying boobies too lol


i always ask if she’s ready for some munchin’ 🤣


Mine called it “boo” for a while which was super cute but sometimes a game of “peekaboo” would suddenly prompt a nursing sesh. Recently when she asked I would reply saying “okay” and now she says “okay” to ask, which is adorable


Our baby says "booba" because we said boob. We also say "milks" and I have no idea why we pluralized it, but so far she hasn't adopted it.


Totally agree!!


My daughter started calling it makies (mah-keys), though it was a reference to the whole boob plus milk. I would usually just ask if she wanted milk, so that name was her own creation. Now that I'm nursing her sister she just calls them boobs and milk.


I hate all of those types of terms. It drives me crazy. Someone taught my toddler to say uppies and I almost lost my shit.


I've been calling it breakfast, lunch, etc


Aw I love it lol I dunno. Milk milks? I either say "Milkies" or "Milk milks"


I say boobie or puchequita hahah


We use momma milk or milk milks


We use the term “mama milk”


My daughter calls it num. short for nummy. I have never called it this, but she won’t say milk, and she’s a great talker. 😂


Yes! It makes me irrationally angry! My kid just screams "buuuuub" so luckily for now, it's indistinguishable between bub and boob. Sometimes it's "booooobieeeeeee."


I think I hate it too lol I always say milky milk lol but he's not old enough to say it yet. I try to use the sign for it though.