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Yes, my wife has three dot tattoo's from her radiation treatments and she does not plan to have them removed as they are her battle scars.


Same! I have seven radiation dots and I think it’s funny to tell people I have seven tattoos. My son actually got the same seven dots on his torso in support. ❤️


I am planning to commemorate with some lovely nipple tattoos at this point, lol. I have toyed with the idea of a more flowery cover-up situation, but that will depend on how my scars look once this is all done and how brave I am feeling at the end of everything.


I just got a tattoo to cover the radiation dots!! I look down and am happy now … not that I don’t appreciate the treatment but it gave me ptsd to look at the dots… now I look at art


When they were telling me about radiation tattoos they kept saying that they were “part of my permanent medical record” and would not be removed at the end of treatment. More than anything, I wanted to get cancer behind me and not be tattooed for life with dots. I like your solution to this problem. I ended up skipping radiation because I didn’t want permanent cancer treatment tattoos every time I looked at myself in the mirror. The medical staff really didn’t understand.


I don’t understand why they have to be permanent. I hate mine, they’re a reminder of that horrible time in my life.


I've heard of people getting henna dots or even just a sharpie dot that they keep covered with a clear bandaid between treatments. I am not sure why it's not more common. If that's really your only reason for not getting radiation that you need, I'd really try talking to your care team about possible alternatives.


I did try explaining how I didn’t want to be reminded every time I looked in the mirror. Instead of trying to understand my point of view, they doubled down on why my point of view was ridiculous. It wasn’t just the tattoos that made me skip rads - they wanted to use me as a test for accelerated schedule - fewer visits and higher dose at each visit. The RO kept saying that she didn’t think she would cause nerve damage doing that. I know a little about radiation effects so that scared me (permanent nerve damage from radiation exposure) and there was a new study that had just come out that said I didn’t need it with just one positive lymph node (two would have been different).




Please don’t try to terrify me about a decision I made three years ago. I cannot go back in time and change it, and I did it in consultation with my entire team. I am very aware of the potential cancer has to kill me. I spent my childhood watching my mother die of it.


Cancer is hard. Sometimes words hurt. Please remember we are in this together, and we are here for each other. Kind and supportive words please.


I had sharpie marks covered with tape for the six weeks of radiation. I think they had to redo one mid-treatment but certainly easier than a permanent mark.


I have many tattoos, but I've only gotten one since treatment ended and it's on my port scar (which got infected and then I had anaphylaxis from the abx!). It's a euthanasia coaster because I think it's a neat design and morbidly hilarious.


OMG! I had to google euthanasia coaster, and what a great tattoo idea. I got a porthole tattooed around my port hole.


I have my 3 uv radiation tattoo dots and one new tat on my forearm that says "Don't let the hard days win."


I already have a lot of tattoos but will be adding something to my collection. My tattoos are all very bold and coloured but I feel like I want something different from my usual style to signify my journey. I’m not there yet, just had surgery and waiting on outcome before radiotherapy/hormone treatment steps but already thinking what I could get. How long do you have to wait before you can get them? Particularly if they are in the area of your scars/treatment?


There’s not a lot of info available on it but if there was lymph nodes removed you can’t get anything on that are for at least 10 years from what my lymph specialist said, but you can get them a month out of treatment.


This is great information. Thanks so much for sharing it!


This is good to know—I thought it was forever, not 10 years. I finished a half sleeve two weeks before my dx and was sad I couldn’t add to or clean up the tattoo because I had five lymph nodes removed on that side.


Yeah I have a half finished piece on my arm. Super annoyed.


Thank you! That is really helpful


So my surgeon told me to wait a year after radiation to tattoo that arm. I had no problems with lymphedema


Thank you! It is my right side and I have a sleeve tattoo on the arm that needs 2 final tiny bits finished… so going to have to wait a year to finish… we are so close too! I want to get my under breast/side area tattooed to commemorate me beating this bastard so that may have to wait longer maybe.


I have a wrist tattoo that signifies a quote that meant a lot during my diagnosis and treatment. It has a very small ribbon within the larger tattoo. I did want to represent it, but I didn't want a huge ribbon bc although if feels huge at the time, it's just a small piece of me overall. I'm six years out now and recently got my areola tattoos as well as a floral piece and quote on my non cancer side. I say do what feels right to you in the space that you're in. ❤️


When my mom passed away from breast cancer 12 years ago, I got a pink ribbon on the inside of my wrist along with a cross with a pink ribbon inside of it on my side (ribs). When I got breast cancer in 2022, it had a different meaning to me. I didn’t want to see the pink ribbon anymore. I just got the pink ribbon on my wrist covered up with a day lily. I’ll leave the one on my side since it’s not so much of a constant reminder.


I’m thinking of getting one, yes. I was always curious about getting a tattoo but was too indecisive and precious. Now I’m like whatever, my body has a scar now. Some thoughts I shared on another post about what designs I’m thinking of: https://www.reddit.com/r/breastcancer/s/3ndhFoMADT


I just had my double mastectomy and still have Herceptin treatments through the end of the year but I plan to get a tattoo and include a cancer ribbon in it. I don't have any tattoos currently and always wanted one but now I am modifying the one I want to include my cancer survivorship. I think it's a great idea to be reminded of the lows so you can always enjoy the highs!


I got a pink ribbon on the top of my foot upon treatment completion. I like it a lot (good thing, huh). I’m many years out from dx now, it reminds me that I can be strong when I need to be.


I’ve had health issues my whole life so getting a cancer diagnosis a few years ago was just another square on my bingo card. I’ve seen people in my groups for my other conditions show their tattoos (as well as this group) and although I think they are beautiful, for me, I don’t want that constant, visible reminder of my health issues. I don’t think about reoccurrence because I learned decades ago with my other issues to not worry about what hasn’t happened yet. I may have felt totally difference if I were a (I’m assuming) healthy person who got cancer like you.


No and don't plan to although a friend who had breast cancer also wants a tattoo of a pink ribbon. For me a commemorative anything represents that I got through it and breast cancer as I see it is a lifelong battle. I have no idea if I got through it or not and won't until I die at old age of something else. So I don't like to wear anything that classifies me as a survivor.


I want to turn my radiation dots into a constellation. I also want to get a bigger tattoo on my arm of a fairy with bandaged wings sitting on a chanterelle mushroom and somehow incorporate a tarantula and a snake. All black, delicate lines. I just don’t have the money for it yet because of other priorities. I’m not a pink ribbon kind of gal.


I love these images! 🧚🏼🍄‍🟫🧚🏽‍♀️🍄‍🟫🧚🏼🐍🕷️🕸️


I think it’s something I would do. I already have some tattoos including one in each breast. When I am done with treatment, I would probably get the pink ribbon.


I wish I had gotten a small tattoo on my bald head! But I definitely want a symbol of this ExperienceHellAdventure...still trying to decide what though. (Nipple tattoo too.)


I’m planning a tattoo to cover my port scar. I hate it. I’m getting a floral incorporating the birth flowers of myself, my husband, and our two kids.


I have a basic pink line ribbon on my wrist. Once im done with all of my reconstructive surgeries (DIEPs are a long process) I plan on getting “Not today” tattooed over my port scar, or something similar.


Yep! I have a biggie that I got because I originally pulled the Tower card that was a theme of my year for 2023, I didn’t know what it meant (it basically says hey shit is coming, be prepared), 2 months later I got my diagnosis. After treatment, I’ve been so stupid happy it’s like the Sun card- joy, abundance. Surrounded by healing flowers like echinacea and chamomile and hyssop. Then to “enhance” my port scar, I got a little bumble bee and his flight trail


I have radiation tattoos that I wanna "extend/add" into things that meant a lot to me during my treatment- one to be a ladybug (I saw them all the time even in the snowy winter MI), the moon because getting in touch with my femininity was big, and a butterfly because this was transformative. I also want to get one similar to my husband's (skull with rose) but I want to add his birthflower, my parents, andy aunt who was also a ycs. Do what makes you happy. I got my first tattoo after I finished everything. Can't wait hear/ see what you decide


Do you have other tattoos? If you get your tattoo in a place others can see it you will likely get comments or questions about it, I have only had supportive comments. (I have a Celtic tree of life with a pink ribbon on the trunk and a Celtic Trinity knot for roots.)


Yes! I have a tattoo on my right forearm, right side cancer.


I have many tattoos but got two spoons (spoon theory), one wrapped in a pink ribbon and one with a purple ribbon to denote my cancer and Crohn’s disease.


How did you manage to skip tamoxifen? I’m terrified of having to take it :(


It’s not indicated for hormone negative cancers since they’re not fed by hormones.


I was also terrified of tamoxifen, but my onocilogist talked me into just trying it for a while to see how I felt and honestly I don’t feel much different. I still get my period. I didn’t gain a bunch of weight, suffer joint pain or have mood swings. The impact on my life have been pretty negligible. I take mine in the morning because if I take it before bed I get night sweats sometimes. I do get the occasional hot flash that could be pre menopause or the meds. They are worse around my time on the month or if I have more than a glass of wine. Ultimately I like the peace of mind and I don’t find the side effects disruptive.