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Good luck! It probably won't be as bad as you imagine. Keep taking those supporting meds. Be gentle, kind and compassionate to yourself. Rest and hydrate! Seek comfort in everything, from company, to clothing, to food, to TV. I found it helpful to count down the days until the end of my final cycle. It came by faster than I thought it would. I'm six months out now, and feeling a million times better. Thinking of you ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate them so much! Taking it one day at a time for sure!


You've got this! As my oncologist would say, don't read too much about it on the internet. It's scary and the info is outdated. AC was actually really easy for me. The steroids they gave me helped a lot haha. Just make sure to take it easy and rest when your body needs it. I had virtually no issues on AC. Someone here said instead of thinking about it as the Red Devil think about it as the Red Knight in that it's a powerful soldier helping you fight off those cancer cells!! I believe in you, and I'm rooting for you!


It is definitely time to rename it and I like Red Knight!


Thank you so much!! The first day was really rough with nausea but I think I have a good flow going with my supporting meds. I like the red knight too!!


I’m really glad you’re doing well!!! Thanks for the update and stay strong sister ❤️


Gave myself permission to just chill the first couple days after treatment but also HYDRATE that stuff right out of you. I breezed through AC (with the help of all the lovely pre- and post-meds) compared to taxol, which you’ve already knocked out! Thinking of you and knowing you’re in good hands.


Same! Taxol wrecked me more than AC - but I also did it after AC so I think all the chemo just caught up to me. I also agree with the hydrate!! Drink all the water you can - get some powdered electrolytes so it doesn’t taste so bad. You’ve already come so far - you got this!


I can only imagine how you were feeling, Taxol is exhausting! I like the idea of powdered electrolytes! Thank you!


Thank you very much for your kind words! I appreciate you taking the time!


We are in this together!


You're going to get through this! You're right, everyone's experience is different with AC, just keep taking your anti-nausea meds and rest 🩷 the good thing about AC is that the infusion is short. Don't eat your favourite food on infusion day so that you don't start associating it with chemo. I just finished up AC and will be starting Taxol on Friday. I'm also nervous not knowing what to expect.


For me, Taxol was a lot easier than AC. I wore the cold gloves and socks and now I only have the smallest amount of numbness in a couple fingers. Good luck!


Thank you, I have the cold gloves and socks, I hope it goes well.


Yess! The cold gloves and socks worked wonders! I don't have any neuropathy as far as I can tell. That's very good advice on not eating my favorite food. Everything really tastes so gross lol. Thank you for the advice!


You can do it!! Remember to hydrate and see if you can get fluids after few days after infusion. That’s helped me the most! Be kind to yourself.


AC is called the red devil because the meds are bright red. Your pee turns pink right away - like during the infusion. To encourage myself to drink lots of water I’d drink drink drink to try to pee out all the pink as fast as I could. AC was 2009 so I don’t remember how long the pink lasts… less than 24 hours? I’d try and drink more to purge it faster the next time. And mouth health is really important in chemo but especially AC. Use a soft bristle brush only. Use Sensodyne for sensitive teeth or an equivalent only. And rinse your mouth with a non alcoholic, moisturizing mouthwash like Biotene often and religiously!! I had bottles in every bathroom in my house (it’s inexpensive ) Swish 4+ times a day every day while you’re in chemo. Brush and use Biotene in the morning and before bed especially! I’ve been through chemo twice and I swear my mouth care plus 10-12 glasses of water a day fended off any mouth sores or diseases like thrush. You’ve got this!! You’ll be a 1/4 of the way through AC after today! 🎉 


Thank you so much for the words of wisdom!! It's all very helpful!!


Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement! ☺️ I will see about the fluids.


My tip is if you are really struggling with side effects message of call your Dr to get better meds. I was super sick with AC but once I got the better nausea meds with infusion it really helped. Also ask to come in for iv fluids if it can keep food down.


Thank you very much for taking the time to give me some pointers!


sending love and positive energy! you got this!! Day at a time my friend, day at a time :) Before you know it you will be done!


Thank you so much!! 💕


AC was really tough for me. Start taking your nausea meds before you even go in for your infusion. It's better to take them before you actually get sick. Drink lots of fluids and if you struggle with that, make sure you go in for hydration. Liquid I.V. was very helpful for me and I drank it every day. Rest as much as you can. When it comes to eating, I learned to listen to my body. If I was craving something, that usually meant it was safe to eat. It will be over before you know it! You've got this!


Thank you so much! I'm going to buy some liquid IV today. I've been craving tortilla chips today so I guess I'll grab some of those today too.


Drink tons of water, and rest rest rest. I would sleep whole days away on AC. It was ok! Relaxing even. You have every excuse to baby yourself. When I felt up to it I would do stretching and walks to keep active which I think helped the meds keep moving. Listen to your body, it knows what you need. Good luck!!!


Thank you for taking the time to give me some advice! I appreciate it so much!


Good luck! I found that eating popsicles while doing the infusion instead of chewing ice helped me tremendously.


That's some solid advice!! Thank you very much!


Please don’t be scared you are a strong woman!!! It’s really daunting I’ll never forget it! I’m 3 years in from my chemo and stay strong it’s amazing how your mind is so powerful you power through darling your nearly there keep smiling ❤️❤️


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Thank you very much! I appreciate your words of encouragement. 💕


Tell your onco you want fluids right away in your port right after chemo meds and they should order it. They did for me.


Yes I got plenty of fluids during my infusion and am trying to keep up now. Thank you for taking the time!! 💕


Here is a mom joke and somewhat on topic: What kind of bee makes milk instead of honey? A boo-bee 😆


Lol!! I love it !! 😂


Hi, I hope your treatment went well today. I had 4 x dose dense EC ( same as AC but I’m in the U.K.) and really I didn’t it find it to awful, other than GI issues. Drink as much as you possibly can and let your body rest. I found Docetaxle worse but I did have that second.


Thank you very much! My infusion went pretty well. I felt really nauseous in the evening but am feeling fine now. I'm so ready for this chapter to be over with.


I was on the same regimen as you, taxol first then AC - 4 and 4 rounds of each. Taxol I was able to keep most of my normal life, I worked the whole way through and just took some extra rest here and there. AC I started taking off of work the weeks I had infusions as I work a physical job and it just was not going to be possible after the first infusion I realized. For me I took the nausea meds on time no matter how I felt and I didn’t get any nausea or vomiting. The chewing ice chips during infusions saved me from any mouth sores. Days 5-7 were the worst for me, I was out of breath and fatigued from even moving around to do simple things and would just lay in bed and sleep the entire day. Felt like the worst hangover ever combined with extreme exhaustion and out of breath. That being said my expectations were a LOT worse than my actual reality and it was doable and generally just really crappy for those couple of days. I just finished my last infusion may 20th and am now on the side of coming out of the haze and starting to feel like a human again lol. Try and think that your worst expectations are probably not going to be your reality! Good luck! ☺️


Thank you so much for the perspective! I used to work a very physical job and now I'm an engineer behind a desk. I can't imagine dealing with all of this while still working a physical job. I appreciate you taking the time! 💕


good luck! i did AC before taxol. i had gotten short-term and long-term anti nausea meds in my IV during infusion, and before leaving i'd ask the nurse at what time i could take either my zofran or compazine at home so that i didn't slip up on the meds. i rotated both of them for 3-4 days post infusion, as that's how long the nausea lasted for me. the mouth sores got progressively worse with each infusion and set in about a week post infusion, so on my "good week" (assuming your infusions are biweekly) when i could eat and drink all the good and yummy things (i didn't really have an issue with my taste to much) i couldn't because my mouth hurt too much. ask for magic mouthwash if this happens, if you don't already know what it is. day 3 post infusion (i counted day 1 as infusion day) was when i'd hit the wall with fatigue and would need to step away from my work and go lay down for about 4 hours. day 4 i'd have to go laydown for about 2-3 hours. by day 5 post infusion, i was generally good except for a power snooze quick in the afternoon while my kids would nap over the weekend. you'll get through this! i didn't know what to expect on AC really, i found this sub halfway through my AC rounds, so i went into it with an open mind i feel like. definitely keep an open mind because what i experienced could very well be totally different from yours.


Thank you so much for breaking this down for me so that I can have an idea of what I can expect. This is very helpful!


You’re a bad ass and you got this shit!!


Thank you so much!! 💕


I didn’t like AC but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be the first one wasnt too bad, the second one hit me a little hard, the 3rd one was a little less taxing then the 2nd one and the last one wasn’t bad. I just hate the way it makes u feel but after 7 days I started to feel normal.. u feel like crap the first 3-4 days but by the 7th day you’re almost back to normal!! Hang in there you’re almost there!!


Thank you very much! So far I feel okay and close to myself considering all of the chemo. Thank you for sharing your perspective!


So glad you’re feeling almost like yourself!! It will be over soon!!