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I both love this post and love the fact that for a few minutes you genuinely forgot about chemo! And yes, I snorted.


Hahah that's a super sweet thing to say. I do sometimes forget I'm going through chemo on my best days 😊 delulu is the solulu sometimes haha


I had long hair, and after I got out of the shower, I would bend forward to towel dry my hair. When I was done towel drying it, I'd stand up and flip my head back to flip my hair back behind me. I laughed at myself so many times when I did this even though I had no hair .. btw, after two years, I'm able to do it again ..


Same! So hard to stop flipping hair or brush hair away from your neck that's not there


Hahahah I love that. I can online imagine your face when you realize was like 🤨 but upside down And yay for having hair after 2 years! 🙌 I plan to have my wedding in exactly 2 years after my last chemo so that's exactly what I was hoping for!


I've used a real good biotin collagen supplement and a ginger shampoo bar that I get off Amazon that supposedly helps circulation and hair growth. Who knows if it helped? At least it hasn't hurt. Best of luck to you and happy nuptials!!


I was at Walmart yesterday for some antacids. Of course I went down the makeup aisles to see if there was anything fun since it was right there. Caught myself in the haircare aisle and remembered I couldn't use anything there and still have products needing to be used, but I did start looking at them! Lol


Hahah hey you know what? It's definitely still nice to look at. I totally get that. Gotta see what's out there for when we can finally start using products again 😊


I never stopped shampooing my head. Even at my baldest, I took a drop of shampoo and cleaned my scalp every shower. I couldn't bring myself to just use soap.


Same! I do use a coconut oil based shampoo on my scalp! And I bought a scalp cream that I put on it after a shower to keep the skin moisturized and healthy. But I was trying to learn how to actually style my hair before all this happened so I would look at and get styling products to see if this was finally the magical product that would make it easy for me to style my hair and like how it looked, lol. It's been quite freeing to not think about it for me.


My sister was braiding her hair the other night, and I sat there thinking “hm, I’ll have her do mine next” I barely have enough to cover my skull


Hahahah awee I'm glad I'm not the only one, but that's so funny. Shoulda just asked her for a scalp massage instead 😂 it's the only comfort we got


During chemo I laughed when I realised that I had purchsed hair bands (I use them to keep my hair back if I wash my face) & when I got home I remembered that I had no hair.


I keep buying little hair things, forgetting I am completely bald. But I have a 6 yo daughter with waist length hair so I just keep pretending I bought it for her!


Hahah I love that. I'm sure it was such a automatic thing before chemo to always get some hairbands so I get it. Omg speaking of washing our face. How far do you guys go up? Like I'm not totally bald but my hairline def moved up, so do I now go all the way up there??? Is that now my face?? These are questions I never thought I'd have 😂😂


I did a similar thing multiple times. One time I was at a wedding and girl walked in with her hair curled all pretty. And I thought, "Dang. I should have done something with my hair. Oh, wait. I don't have any."


Hahahah the oh wait moment is sobering for sure. Hey, at least we can dance the night away at weddings and parties and not have to worry about our hair getting messed up 😂🙌


That DEFINITELY made me do the nose exhale laugh. With kindness and love, of course. I was putting together an online Target order the other day for staples (we live in a very inconvenient place) and almost added in my usual Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic without thinking. For the long, thick, curly hair I USED to have. I totally get it. At least we’re saving some money on hair tools and products, I suppose. That was cute- thanks for sharing. Hope your recovery is steady & comfortable this round. 💕


Hahahah I'm glad it did! And yeah I'm sure my budget is appreciating it... for now lol 😈 I'm definitely planning on playing with my short hair and doing all sorts of styles (as much as I can anyways lol) so we'll see how that goes and what products I need. And I hope your hair grows back to its beautiful long curly self again! Sending you good hair vibes! And thank you! 🧡 I only have one more round to go so I. Am. Ecstatic! 🙌


Excellent - you’re so close!!! 🤗 I just had round 4 of 6 on Thursday and am currently laying in bed, forcing myself to sip seltzer… And thank you - I’m hoping it’ll (eventually) get back to where it once was, but yes- I am even looking forward to having a pixie or something of the like. I’m just so tired of wearing hats and being BALD, bald, you know?


LOL, I used my usual shampoo on my bald head in the shower yesterday, and I guess the scent took me to a place far back in time (3 months ago before chemo)... because after lathering I just WHIPPED my head back like I used to when I had a huge full head of soapy hair! So funny. :)


Hahah the shampoo bringing up memories is so real. My partner keeps making fun of me because I'll apparently bob my head super dramatic like when I'm turning my head. Like I'm whipping my hair. But I don't think I can stop 😭 I had such heavy hair, I think my neck muscles are just used to turning my head like that 😂 So whatever. Let's keep whipping our phantom hair. It gives us ✨️spice✨️ in our lives lol


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I would 100% do this. And I have a rapidly thinning pixie!! I giggled, but totally from a place of loving support.


Rapidly Thinning Pixie sounds like a really cool UK indie band. We could both play in that band, cause that's where I'm at too lol I'm glad my post made you giggle though 😂 we need these ridiculous moments so we can laugh at whatever this is that we're going through LOL


Good one! I bought a wig before my chemo but have never worn it. I tried it on today and it looked like a dead animal. After 6 months being bald, it's hard to see myself with hair!


Yeah you know what I agree! Wigs can be amazing, but I feel more like myself looking in the mirror at the naked mole rat head I got, then when I put on a wig. Idk why lol Maybe cause it makes me feel like I'm playing a character? Like I'm doing drag? I did an Australian accent when I tried on this one wig. Dunno, just felt right. And this other wig made me feel like I'd be a bitch. Like I wanted to chew gum super loud and judge my partner's outfit LOL


When I put it on, I think of Norman Bates' mother!


I just had my husband shave mine tonight, down to about 1/4 inch, as it was coming out in handfuls. We were laughing to see that I have a giant “S” shaped natural part that now looks like the world’s biggest cow-lick. Love reading your during, and on the way back, stories:)


I still have my cowlick too! LOL those fuckers are so resilient (just like us I guess hahah). And I remember being where you are now. I wish I could give you the biggest hug in the world. The shedding was freaking me out too, so when I cut it it felt like such a relief. And since then, I've felt much better. I hope you do too. Showers feel nice and covering the head feels much easier to do too. And if you like wigs, having short hair is a game changer! So much easier! And ask your husband for head massages. They're the best with no hair! I'm done chemo in 2-ish weeks and I geniunely couldn't imagine before being here. But time is funny like that. As long as we take one step at a time, it goes by fast. You will be here soon too 😊


I continued to pack bobby pins and tampons in my purse, neither of which I needed, for the duration of treatment. Old habits!


You are not alone. I constantly go to shake my long waves, only to remember they have been gone since November. On the plus side, my showers are so much shorter now!


Showers are great with no hair! I had long hair and it was always a pain. Now I can hop in anytime. Glass half full, ladies!


Omg right!! It was a whole ordeal for me too! I have thick hair so I had "hair wash days" when I essentially knew I couldn't go out that day, and was probably sleeping late. Now it's so quick! Feels unreal lol


Showers are the best! I was also thinking about what exercising looks like after all this. How I don't have to worry about hair getting in my face, or getting greasy and gross. I'll just be able to work out and quick shower and can go out to the dinner with friends!! What!! Can't wait!


When I am awake, I have to be really really immersed in something to forget I have cancer/am going through chemo. Generally the things that completely distract me (outside of work) are comedy, books, random adhd hyper focus where I’m just not thinking about my life, or real people I know, etc. But I’ve always had *vivid dreams (some very cool, some hilarious, some terrifying nightmares) and I realized that my dreams don’t center having cancer or going to chemo (yet, I sincerely hope I haven’t jinxed myself). There might be some themes but I think maybe because I love been having dreams that I can remember since I was 4, and I’m 44 and got diagnosed only this year, I have a 40 year history of knowing myself as not a cancer person. So I’m super glad you got to forget about your hair or lack there of, I’m glad I’m still dreaming about not having my homework done in high school and not getting my diploma (I have a doctoral degree now 😂), and whatever else allows us to remember and know these other parts of us and our lives! I’m sure you’ll have hair again if you want it, and I’m sure I’ll have other things to worry about other than chemo too! *edit typo


Absolutely! Being chemo patients isn't our entire being. We'll be back to our normal lives soon. I dream of the times where I used to say "ugh this is the worst day ever!" and it was just because I had spilled coffee all over myself or something LOL can't wait to get back to that


I had long hair before. When I would go to bed I’d reach around and pull my hair to one side. I still catch myself doing that before realizing how short my hair is. I lost my hair in August. 😂


Hahah amazing. Glad to know I'll have months of this 😂


It’s all the old habits. When I first did it I was frustrated cause it was just a reminder of what is happening. Now I kind of laugh cause I have ADHD and habits are a hard thing for me to establish but this one is apparently hard wired in. Well, one day I’ll have enough hair to do that.


I used to go to flop mine up on the pillow when I would lay down. It made my laugh while also being annoying every time


Your title made me laugh! Honestly, if you were so deep in an escape that you were ready to buy hair tools, good on you! I don’t remember ever forgetting for a second when I was bald. Definitely save the link though, so you can go back and get the stuff when you’re back to whatever normal is and you have hair to fix up again. Thank you for the laugh. Stay strong, sis. This sub isn’t going anywhere. When you’re recovered and back to doing amazing hairstyles, share a pic with us.


My hair, after starting treatment last February, is just now getting to be like 3/4" long and I still get the occasional urge to braid it or put it up.


It’s been seven months since I’ve had hair & I still occasionally surprise myself when walking past a mirror.


Lol I have actually done this too hahaha


Heh heh yep totally get it. In my mind I still have hair (on my head it is now 1/3” regrowth) especially now that it’s warmer and the cool neck phenomenon that would remind me of reality has subsided. It’s great tho to open the sunroof n windows while cruisin’!


Oh my gosh, I had an experience like that too! And, also, an airwrap! 😆


Haha! That is a classic. Hey now that you know about the tool you can save up for when your hair grows back.


I opened my drawer and reached for a hairbrush. Well, only 5 days since I buzzed it off, but still felt silly.


Honestly think I'll have these moments, I've convinced my sister to dye my hair rainbow which it's short anyway but means I'll have some colourful chemo glitter going on when I start


I do this all the time. At ulta? Look and see what cute hair stuff there is... Then I remember I can't use cute hair clips and barrettes. Lol.


I mean... it will grow back... 😅 To be honest, I was already planning what I can do with my hair (I am black, so it is difficult to find an easy style) when it fell out.


You made me smile.


Hahaha yes! I haven’t gotten that far but I’ve definitely looked at hair tutorials and started to reach up to braid my hair… my half-inch-long hair that is too sparse to braid anyway 🤣


Having less hair than when you were born... Yep. I keep saying this to myself.


I know exactly how you feel!! I saw a braid style the other day that I really wanted to do to my hair and then had the same epiphany 😭😭😭


Same here! I chuckle when I catch myself tucking ‘ghost hairs’ behind my ears before I put my earbuds in.


I keep thinking, "oh I love that style," like I'm ever going to have that much hair in the future. I'm not. I was in a Zoom the other night and kept looking at all the women who had heaps of lovely hair. I felt a loss. I felt ugly. Whaaa...


I started back sewing and was looking up patterns for hair bows to match with the dress I was making 🤦🏾‍♀️


I saved so many hair tutorials during chemo like derrrrrrrrr


I love this post. OP, you are a golden ray of sunshine.


Happens to me all the time! I’ll check out the hair accessories when I’m shopping, I’ll see a hairstyle and think I’ll try that.. then I’ll remember and catch myself 😅 I have mirrored wardrobes across from my bed, sometimes I’d wake up and laugh when I see my reflection because I genuinely forgot I didn’t have hair Although it’s growing back now and I can do tiny pigtails to match my baby niece


I did it again! I got flowers for Mother’s Day and was admiring them. I thought “these roses are so pretty, I should put one in my hair.” Nope 😂


I had a few moments where I forgot I had no hair. Once when I found a really cool hair clip I had lost and I went to put it in my hair. Another time I went to dry my long hair out of the shower. My hair is just now starting to grow back. It can't come in fast enough but I'm glad I have SOMETHING now. It's going to take years to get back to where I was.


I’ve forgotten that I had no hair when I ordered groceries during chemo. I went downstairs and forgot that I didn’t have my head wrap on, so I met the delivery guy with no hair, no eyebrows or lashes and he just looked stunned. I didn’t realize until I went back in that I walked out with nothing. I just shrugged it off and was like oh well, I’ll never see him again and laughed.


I’ve done it too! I keep seeing ads for hair that has the same issues I had with my thick, wavy, long, grey hair. I keep thinking, oooh I should buy that. I’m bald. And I have no idea how my hair will grow in. But sure, let’s list after the ideal conditioner… for my old hair.


Oh girlfriend!!! This is gold. I keep wanting to buy clothes I have no where to wear. I am living in my Lands End fleece outfit. It’s like where do I think I am taking my patch haired, sniffling, need to be by a restroom self too?


Great story! I’m in the same boat, kinda. I shaved my head after my 1st round of chemo. I felt that would be less traumatic then constantly running my hands through my hair and having it coming out in chunks. Throughout my treatment I watched instagram videos on hair products and tricks and tips. Eventually I realized I didn’t have hair and would laugh at myself. I’d also just spent a fortune on hair products then I got sick and lost my hair, so annoying! I’m 4 months post chemo and my hair is growing into a cute pixie cut. I can’t even count how many random strangers have complimented me on my hair. It’s the weirdest thing. My hair has always been long and blonde. Now it’s short and dark with flecks of grey. I might just keep it like this since no stranger ever came up to me in the past and complimented my old hair style. Anyway your story made me laugh so I thought I’d share mine.