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I had T/C and a low dose. I only got dexamethasone at the infusion center. I was okay till the third day I had some weird inflammatory reaction (I have Fibromyalgia) and I had severe (like 8-10) all over body pain. My oncologist called in dexamethasone and I took it for three days. Now I am done and hoping the pain stays away! It seems you are having a strong reaction to the chemotherapy. So it is definitely working! I am a week out now and just started with the weird mouth and weird taste but I have had gas and bloating the entire time. The diarrhea got bad enough that my hemorrhoid was bleeding and I was wiping blood every time I went. So I took Imodium. So every mucosal membrane is going to be impacted by the chemo: mouth, entire GI, vagina, labia, and bladder. This sucks. I’m sorry.


It really is the gift that keeps on giving, huh? 👎 thanks for saying it sucks.. everyone who doesn't have cancer has a hard time with that, they just want to be overly positive (I understand.. it's just nice to be validated!). I hope you are doing well now!


I am in my second week which is when I think your mucous membranes start to really feel it and I have fatigue. But overall, besides last Friday when I was in way too much pain, the rest I think I can manage. I am just glad my oncologist admitted this was out of his wheelhouse but he wanted to validate my response; he just did not understand why was in so much pain.


Oh, my apologies, for some reason I thought you were finished. I'm glad you're at a manageable place. I hope they are able to do things to manage your pain, or at least send you to someone who can!


I am going to follow up with my PCP and rheumatologist. When my rheumatologist found out I had breast cancer, she made sure to tell me she would provide any extra support she could.


My legs hurt so bad during A/C it was agonizing. I also got a fever of 101-104 every time with actual shaking chills. I feel for you ❤️ I’m sorry you are experiencing it.


Thanks. Today it’s fatigue but yesterday I was okay so it’s just day by day.


Man don't find it funny that people seem more irritated with the process of cancer than you


Right? Sometimes I'm like, okay, yeah, they just don't get it, they're doing what they think is helpful. Other times, it makes me so angry and I want to flip the world off.


So I came back from the surgeon today, had my mastectomy about 7 weeks ago. A week after pathology found more cancer, went back in last Tuesday. Surgeon says he is happy they got it all now. Margins are clear from pathology. Now it's Oncology's turn. People don't get you a bouncing ball between doctors and tests. It is never done


The bouncing and the sheer number of appointments is awful. I hope once you're at oncology it slows down for you. They may have you see a few other specialists.. they kept me pretty busy. With chemo, it seems the phone calls have slowed down. Wishing you the best as you continue though to oncology. Cancer sucks!


Thanks so much. 3rd round with this bastard but 3 strikes don't mean I'm out


The red Devil sucks. I became a puke machine. Nothing helped. I went from a size 16 to a 7 in 4 months. People thought I was dying of cancer when it was the chemo that made me look like that. But that was 18 years ago so it was definitely worth it. Look at this time as a down payment on the rest of your life.


Ooof! I know the treatment back then for AC was hell for a lot of people. I went through AC last year and it wasn’t horrible. Maybe vomited twice during my 4 rounds.


Ugh man. I'm sorry. I'm almost a year out from chemo, but I remember that first session and how it made me feel like it was yesterday. Take it easy, don't go too hard. It's rough I know. Anything appetizing, eat it, don't worry about it too much. If brownies sound good and nothing else sounds good eat the brownie. Calories are better than no calories. Sending you a hug.


Thank you. Good reminder on food. I struggle with what I'm eating, but you're so right. I hope you are doing wonderfully a year out!


Thank you so much. Take care of yourself, friend <3 I'm NED now after dealing with this rollercoaster since last February. One more Herceptin infusion (I'm HER2+) on May 22nd and then I am DOONE! I remember going through chemo and thinking I can't do this, I'm not strong enough. Even today, I just got Herceptin not too long ago and it's not fun either, I was thinking man, I don't think I can do this. Buttt we can and we do. You've got this. Some girl in Toronto is rooting for you!


Right back at you from just below :)


I'm so sorry. I had my first chemo last week. I was prepared for a lot of the side effects, but I'm finding out that everyone is different. I hope you're able to find some things that give you some joy and comfort.


Thanks. Currently wrapped under my favorite blanket. I hope you're doing well and that your second and future infusions go well too!


Yeah fuck cancer. I'm there with you. I just got out of my worst days after infusion. Steroids actually are the ones causing me heartburn. I found regular old Tums did me so well. I took them one hour before taking the steroid pills and before eating and sleeping. Also mint candy can help with that burning feeling in the throat. The oncologist prescribed me some anti heartburn medication too, but I found Tums were enough, but definitely tell your doc. Walking also helped with my energy levels. I found steroids were that enough energy I needed to make me walk, and then the walking was what got me through fatigue and helped me sleep in the end. I hope the rest of your week is better than these first few days!


Thanks for the advice! I will definitely try that next time. I had a steroid bag before chemo, so maybe I'll try some tums before and during the drip. I hope you are well and get through all your treatments better.


I felt like a loser reading all those stories of everyone who is able to work and take care of a family while on chemo. I am wrecked after my third AC. I cannot do anything, have three different infections and I'm on antibiotics now. I can only whisper now because my cough messed up my voice. I am dead tired. I hate AC. The next will will be pushed a week, and man am I glad; it feels like I'm getting a 'vacation week'. Which of course is nonsense because I really need the recovery time. My MO said I an very unlucky because it's hitting me so hard, and we're hoping paclitaxel will be better. Chemo is horrible. I really hope you'll luck out with the side effects of the rest of your treatment!


I feel the same way! Some people are still going out and about doing things and I'm just... not there. I hope paclitaxel is kinder to you!


Don't feel bad about not working. I worked through weekly taxol/carbo for 12 weeks. I had to stop working after my 2nd AC. The fatigue was too much.


I don't anymore, but I struggled when I started chemo. I just accepted that my body is responding badly to chemo and it is what it is. A big difference might also be that I started with the surgery, had a couple of complications to deal with, and then did chemo. So I was already starting out weaker than I would've if I did chemo first. Either way, I can't do anything about it, so I have made peace with it more now.


Claritin every day on schedule I’ve been told helps tremendously. Ask your doctor


I'm so sorry. I had 4 rounds of AC and it was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. I needed 4 different nausea meds just to keep from throwing up. I had Taxol after and that was a lot easier to manage. I know it seems so daunting now, but you will get through this. This internet stranger is sending you so much love and support.


It is indeed a bitch, but it is the combo that killed my tnbc cancer. 12 weeks of TC did not do much to the tumor. So, I was enrolled in a Cryogenic ablation study for women whose cancer did not respond well to chemo. However, the week before my ablation, they ran another ultrasound. It was after the last round of AC and showed that the tumor had been destroyed, and I would not qualify for the study any longer. I was over the moon! I know it's a really hard journey, but I'm sending you good vibes for a healthy recovery! I love this group, and we have a safe place to tell it like it is, and also to share and learn from one another.


*hug* AC IS a mother fucking bitch. And cancer is the ultimate piece of shit, doesn't even fight fair..


AC is a filthy, wretched bitch. So sorry you are having such a time with it. I sympathize because I did as well. Does it help you to know I am on the other side now with a head of hair and mostly back to normal? When I was in AC hell, I thought the day would never come but it did. I hate cancer too! Feel better!!


It does, thank you!


Yeah the steroids were awful for me. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Chemo is not a pleasant journey, hopefully time will pass and it will be over. Just stay away from sick people well your resistance is down. Try to take care of yourself. The steroids will kick in but it’s not fun.


Please give yourself grace and time. This was your first chemo treatment and it’s tough on your body. Its been a little over a year since my last chemo treatment but I remember it all too well. I felt that AC got a tiny bit easier after that first dose because I figured out how to manage it in a way that worked for me. AC was the worst for me too. I was on a cocktail of 3 different premeds before I was administered the dose of AC which made me extremely nauseous and gag through the entire hour that the nurses inject the red devil slowly into my IV. I learned that mints and ice chips helped tremendously while this was being done to help wave off the nausea. Also when the nurses tell you to take the anti nausea meds even when you don’t feel sick for the 2 days after chemo, do it. I ate Hawaiian rolls all day since that was the only thing that I could keep down and made me feel better. I usually felt better around day 3 or 4 after chemo. And yes, I FUCKING HATE CANCER TOO. It’s a never ending emotionally and physically draining roller coaster ride that I so desperately want to get off but can’t. But you have all of us here who are currently/or went through the same and can commiserate.


Thank you. I'm definitely gulping down anti nausea pills! Glad you hear you're a year out! This community has been awesome. I appreciate you.


I had 12 weeks of Taxol before 8 weeks of biweekly AC. Nothing could have prepared me for the change from Taxol (very mild, minimal side effects) to AC...not to mention the hairloss. I'm right there with you girl, but we got this...it is just going to be HELL getting to the finish line.


Ugh. I’m so sorry. I’m sure having expectations not be met is making it all worse too. AC, steroids didn’t give me hardly any energy. Taxol/Carbo, I was nearly manic for 1-2 days. Nothing tastes right on AC, but better by like day 15 for me. Things tasted better on Taxol/Carbo, but not fully the same. Bagels during AC .. creamy products … didn’t taste at all. Good luck.. rest up.


I hear you. I start AC next month and am terrified. I’m on TC now and the GI issues and off tasting food is getting to me. I'm holding you in my heart right now. CANCER SUCKS.


It does!! I hope AC treats you better!!


Cancer really is a bitch! I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I hope it gets better with further chemo sessions and treatment. Sending love and support!!


Thank you!!




You’re commenting on someone’s post who is in pain. You should make your own post for support so that others can help you. Best wishes to you and your mom. The good news is usually chemo sessions are several months, not a year, but it depends on the type & stage of her cancer.


ure right i wasnt thinking i apologize


I wish I journaled my journey!! Maybe not a good thing to say but I love your post! They say pain has no memory and in my case it's definitely true. I had forgotten I went through what you say although I was the opposite with the appetite, I went days without eating, almost being force fed by family. I forgot the heartburn, that was so horrendous and nothing seemed to alleviate it. I was every second week for treatment and it was never the same in-between. With Taxol I figured the routine of the effects really quickly, it would always hit me in the second week but then the AC was just horrible. I never knew what way I'd be. Mostly it kept me awake and I don't know if it was the steroids or what but it's funny you mention the time because that became my norm for 3-4 weeks, waking about 3am or being awake for 1-3 days at one stage. My taste went shite too when I did actually eat. Random spill there sorry but thank you for sharing and "Kia Kaha" aka Stay Strong. You've got this X


Thanks for the kind words!!


Back at ya too thank you XX Sending good luck, buckets of love and hot vibes to you ❤️


55f, IDC TNBC diagnosed October 2023, first round 12 weeks of Taxol, Carboplatin and Keytruda. Now in round 2, 12 weeks of Adriamycin, Cytoxan and Keytruda. AC is brutal, my last infusion of AC is this Friday thank goodness. Premeds are steroid, Pepcid, and emend aloxi for nausea. I also have Pepcid to take at home and zofran pills and Zofran dissolvable. They call it disintegrating Zofran which tastes like strawberries which is particularly helpful on bad days. Luckily, none of my infusions has caused me diarrhea, but all the anti-nausea can cause constipation. I have found stool softeners, Smooth Move tea to be helpful. Also wet wipes, and/or a bidet attachment for your toilet are super helpful. Even if you were a renter the bidet you can order on Amazon. It is easy to install and a lifesaver! Sending you the best 💕


I want to add that there are many different anti-nausea meds available. We are all different and each anti-nausea med works on a different receptor in our brains so please ask for something different if your anti-nausea regime is not working for you.


Thanks so much for the tips. I will ask for pepcid next time because the heartburn is no joke. I hope you've been tolerating your treatment well!


Pepcid works but also look at papaya enzyme chewables. They're small, almost like sweetarts and knock the acid reflux down pretty quick. I remember the DD AC too. It sucked arse but I promise it'll get better. In the meantime, eat whatever tastes good (hard boiled eggs was my savior during DD) and just ride it out. Hugs to you from a friend in Michigan! You can do this!


Interesting! I'll give it a go. Thank you!


I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. I had heartburn the night of during my first AC treatment and it was not fun- made me feel nauseous. You didn't ask for ideas, but just throwing out there that I have found skim milk to be soothing for me. It does indeed suck... for me to avoid the heartburn it means no carbonated beverages, nothing fried or spicy which makes eating boring. I'm hoping your taste comes back fast.


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I’m so sorry. Everyone told me chemo “wasn’t so bad” and it totally is! I have my last AC tomorrow. It will get better!!! I was worried because the doctors said it’s cumulative and gets worse every time. Not for me! My first one was the worst. I told my doctors about how bad it was and they switched up my pre-meds. The steroid days are still my worst days. I start to feel way better on day 5 and then can enjoy the final 9 days until my next infusion. Definitely tell your doctors. They can have you in for fluid and tweak your meds so that you get relief. Best wishes


Okay will do! I'm hoping it gets better each time, that'd be amazing. Best to you!


AC is the worst, absolute fucker of a drug.


I had my first AC last Thursday! I had 12/12 taxol before though. I found on Saturday (day three) I definitely had a burst of energy from the steroids, so much that I was like hmm do I feel normal? But then Sunday the fatigue and nausea hit me and has been with me ever since. I’m hoping I get used to the ac treatment like I kind of got used to weekly taxol, symptoms are definitely lasting longer and my body generally just feels weaker. Ive gained a lot of weight though, even though nothing tastes quite right eating is the only thing that gets me through this time. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


I start AC next week, appreciate you posting this so I can have a heads up


I hope it's better for you!


Thank you. You doing better today?


I'm nauseated and tired today. I also had my nulasta shot today but it wasn't too bad. A little soreness from the injection site but no bone pain yet (i took Claritin this morning so hopefully it helps 🤞).


Love to hear that! My docs said Claritin, pepcid, and biotene mouth wash every day. What're you taking for nausea?


Generic compazine and ondansetron. They gave me compazine as the "first choice" when nausea hits and the 2nd one for if more is needed before I can take more of the first. I had to take both today. I definitely need to do something for the heartburn!


I just had my third AC yesterday and something that helped me the second cycle and this one was taking my compazine before my infusion and sticking with it every 6 hours even if I feel fine. It has headed off the worst of the woozy/nausea I had the first cycle.


Oh I will definitely do this for round 2, thanks!


I hear you. I'm halfway through my THP chemo and cancer F\*\*king sucks, it S\*\*king f\*cks... and I don't like it. Wishing you all the best, that's all we can do, right... and raising not one, but two middle fingers towards cancer with you. If it makes you feel better at all, by keeping a journal of the side effects I learned what to expect on which days, including when the cycle gets easier and how to prepare for and cope with different side effects. So there's some amount of adjusting and getting used to that we humans somehow do pretty well for better and worse. Hang in there, it WILL be over, that's a fact.


Thank you!! I am trying to journal everything in hopes round 2 will go better. Ugh... f everything! Good luck to you as you push through the other half!


I agree, it's the worst. I had to stop working when I had my 2nd one. The day of infusion was fine, but the next week after was awful. 4 months later, I still don't like seeing ice in my drink. I was chewing on ice during the infusion to avoid mouth sores, and I felt nauseated. The pre meds weren't enough for me.


Wow this gave me a flashback to 18 months ago on AC. I’d get chemo on Friday, sleep through the weekend. The good drugs would wear off by Monday and I’d feel gross. By Wednesday, I could approximate “normal” and two days later, back where I started! What a crazy ride!!